HEY MY LOVES! I'M BACK! I'm so excited right now, you will not believe it. I missed you all so much. Guess now you can see what story I went with. I'm so happy to be writing this story. I have a lot planned, and it's making me antsy. It was a hard decision, but in the end, you all chose this story, so I hope you stick with me for a whole new journey of pain and of course- love. Well, anyway, here's the prologue, and I hope you all enjoy it :D

To those of you new to me and my fantabulous stories (not) hi! You can feel free to call me Kat ((: I treat all my readers like family and love them all so much. I'm happy to welcome you all into this family, and hope you stick with me for the long ride :D

Also! Shout-out to leighismyname for helping me figure out how to do a cover page for my stories. Im quite proud of the way the one I made for this story came out. But seriously, check her stories out- she's a phenomenal writer ((:

Disclaimer: Ah, we meet again. Nope, I don't own PJO. All rights go to Rick Riordan and forever will.


"our fate lies in the hands of the things we love, and sometimes
the things we love are the things that lead us to the
destruction of ourselves"

An Angel.

A Demon.

Both living in completely different worlds. One in a world full of beauty and harmony, the other in a world made up of chaos and destruction. Both living under rules that keep them in line with what they were supposed to be.

And they both hated it.

While Angels were supposed to see the beauty and peace in everything, she saw darkness and havoc. While Angels were supposed to be full of kindness and consideration, she was full of malevolence and hostility.

While Demons were supposed to see the chaos and malice in everything, he saw grace and allure. While Demons were supposed to be full of spite and venom, he was full of tranquility and benevolence.

But that was the part of themselves that they hid.

Because if anyone found out what they really were- who they really were- that would be the death of them.

So they acted like they should. They behaved like an Angel and Demon were expected to, following the rules and living up to everyone's expectations.

Yet that true part of themselves always remained, hidden under the depths of the facade they'd learned to build up over year's time. The ones they'd made so unbreakable.

But that was until they met.

Its right then, that together, they might defy one of the biggest rules in the worlds they lived in, so different, yet so alike.

To forbid Angels and Demons from being together.

By chance, meeting one another could be two things- and only at once.

It could be their love.

And their destruction.

How's it sound? I know its short, but its just the prologue. The chapters themselves I will make longer ((: Hope to hear all your thoughts and see some familiar people :D I missed you all so much, and I love you guys.

And Happy Easter everyone! To those who are on break, or have had break, or don't get spring break at all, I still wish you guys a wonderful time. I'm in California right now, so that's pretty cool. The car ride was hell, though )): suffering with little sisters isn't always the best experience. The next chapter will be uploaded next Friday :D That will be my indefinite schedule. I'll he posting every Friday (:

Love you guys!

~Kat :3