Stefan Salvatore has created a chatroom called "Death Sucks"
Damon Salvatore has entered the room
Kol Mikaelson has entered the room
Ezra has entered the room
Enzo has entered the room
Rayna Cruz has entered the room
Matt Donovan has entered the room
Elena Gilbert has entered the room
Bonnie Bennett has entered the room
Jeremy Gilbert has entered the room
Alaric Saltzman has entered the room
Caroline Forbes has entered the room
Matt Donovan: What's with the doom and gloom chat name?
Stefan Salvatore: It does suck
Rayna Cruz: You a vampire you cause death and was born from it
Damon Salvatore: And you're a pain in the arse vampire hunter that just wont die
Elena Gilbert: Right so you're the one he was referring to
Enzo: Still don't regret letting you loose
Bonnie Bennett: I'm curious how you're still alive despite me having the rest of your lives
Rayna Cruz: A bloody trick like what turned me into this
Caroline Forbes: Agree with Stefan death does suck especially when it comes at the hands of your best friends look alike and the Salvatore's crazy ex
Enzo: Nah I'm much better as a vampire although the endless torture bit was annoying
Ezra: Agreed
Jeremy Gilbert: Nah being killed by Damon is way worse
Damon Salvatore: …
Bonnie Bennett: Or by your own decisions that's a bit of bummer
Rayna Cruz: I'm still gonna hunt everyone I have marked
Stefan Salvatore: I'm running
Rayna Cruz: You can run but I'll still find you
Caroline Forbes: I call Freya, maybe she or Hope can help us
Matt Donovan: I don't know this is kind of entertaining
Jeremy Gilbert: Not to bring up the elephant in the room but who's on Ezra's account?
Damon Salvatore: Oh year just noticed its online
Caroline Forbes: That's kind of sad. I feel sorry for Enzo
Kol Mikaelson: Yup, pretty devastated over here too
Enzo: Whomever is on Ezra's account just leave
Ezra has left the chatroom
Enzo: I miss her
Bonnie Bennett: We all do Honey
Alaric Saltzman: We're all here for you buddy
Stefan Salvatore: She's in a better place now, no more pain and suffering
Enzo: You really do suck at comforting people. I just want her back I'm gonna kill that hunter
Matt Donovan: Almost like I wanna kill Damon for causing Tyler's death
Damon Salvatore: Except he doesn't care if he dies doing it
Caroline Forbes: Enzo don't you dare do that
Bonnie Bennett: I will personally kick your arse with magic by accident on purpose
Kol Mikaelson: I would pay to see that
Jeremy Gilbert: You would
Kol Mikaelson: What its right up my alley for entertainment
Damon Salvatore: Right up Ezra's as well
Alaric Saltzman: Was there a memorial to her or something
Enzo: Not that I attended
Matt Donovan: We feel your pain. She was a good but rather psychotic friend
Damon Salvatore: Here's to Ezra, the loveable crazy bitch we would all be lost without and always managed to get us to smile whenever we were down. Her bonkers ways and sarcasm will be missed as she would be. Rest in Peace our psycho friend
Enzo has left the chat
Kol Mikaelson: Feel free to come to New Orleans there's a memorial for everyone here and another wedding
Bonnie Bennett: I'm coming, who's wedding is it?
Caroline Forbes: Me too
Elena Gilbert: Don't forget me
Matt Donovan: I'll be honest I forgot you were in the room
Alaric Saltzman: I'll bring the girls, I'm sure they would love to see Hope again
Jeremy Gilbert: I'm on my way and by the way supernatural vampire hunter is still in here
Kol Mikaelson: She's invited too
Rayna Cruz: Erm thanks I think. Since when do vampires act so nice
Stefan Salvatore: Since we're trying to remember our friend
Damon Salvatore: And you happened to help us a while back
Kol Mikaelson: Just try not to kill anyone Freya would be made if her wedding is ruined
Damon Salvatore: I'm gonna go find Enzo
Stefan Salvatore: ….
Elena Gilbert: What happened Stefan?
Stefan Salvatore: He went to Little Horn
Damon Salvatore: You killed my best friend again
Rayna Cruz: In fairness to Stefan the other guy was asking for it
Kol Mikaelson: I'll give Marcel the bad news
Alaric Saltzman: Who wants a ride on the rainbow bus
Jeremy Gilbert: Oh me
Matt Donovan: And me
Bonnie Bennett: Why not
Caroline Forbes: Sure
Stefan Salvatore: Take Mrs Vampire Hunter with you
Rayna Cruz: I have a name and sure for the ride
Stefan Salvatore: Maybe this is the happy event needed
Elena Gilbert: Uh-huh
Damon Salvatore: What am I going to do without my crazy best friends?
Bonnie Bennett: Keep going. I will allow both to haunt you if you don't
Caroline Forbes: And I will kick your arse all over Mystic Falls and New Orleans
Kol Mikaelson: I'll film it
Jeremy Gilbert: Send me the video
Matt Donovan: And me
Alaric Saltzman: Alright you muppets lets get this show on the road
Rayna Cruz: I feel like I should celebrate
Damon Salvatore: Go ahead would be a nice change
Kol Mikaelson: Wedding is in two days so fun is on us
Stefan Salvatore has closed the chat