Chapter 6

Loki was a little bored. The gilded seat he was using was a bit hard and uncomfortable, even with the thick, red velvety cushion on it. He was twirling one of his silver ornaments between his fingers but stopped when he realized this was a very childish gesture. One that the mistreated runt prince Loki would have done, not one befitting the Royal Consort of Asgard. Especially while presiding to an official audience, in the absence of his husband...

Loki chuckled internally. He was supposed to attend it with Thor but said Thunderer was currently lying, spread-eagled, on their bed, snoring very loudly and totally fast asleep at almost noon. Not to mention that the beddings had been ransacked and the frame almost broken by their nightly... exercises.

Loki hoped that the palace had not been disturbed by their ruckus and that the servants wouldn't mind the extra work. Wine and food had been spilled everywhere and some pieces of the furniture was upside down. Thor was done for the day. Contrary to Loki who had woken up with not much more than a headache, his beloved husband couldn't hold his liquor, no matter how much he pretended he did... Loki had been surprised to discover he had more endurance if he had less strength.

Loki and Thor had been celebrating their six months of marriage in a very private way... They had even more reasons to celebrate than a simple anniversary.

Loki felt the familiar sting of tears, except that these were of happiness. Thor was now his only family. He had proven it by every way possible. New chambers, new horses, new clothes, new jewelery like this amazing pair of gilded leather sandals adorned with rubies "the same shade as your eyes", Thor had said. Something that no one in Asgard had never seen. They sparkled at the rhythm of Loki's steps. Loki wasn't that much interested in fashion but, as he had never possessed any pretty thing, he had felt he had died and came to Valhalla.

Which might be what had probably happened. In-between groping and kissing, Thor had actually realized that Loki had a mind and it wasn't properly nourished. Loki was introduced to the palace monstrous library, its university and all the scientists, scholars and intellectuals that ruled it. It had been a bit hard at first, because although he was treated with due respect, people in Asgard were still wary of him. But as the Jötunn consort was as different a pupil that the boisterous, impatient (and infuriatingly lazy) Crown prince had ever been, his knowledge, his eagerness and hard work gained him everyone's heartfelt consideration.

For the first time in his life, Loki felt he was actually part of something.

So the last remnants of anti-Jötunn hostility that might come to him were not even acknowledged. Once you had survived the Jötunn royal family, a few insults here or there were meaningless.

What made Loki a little bit uncomfortable was Thor's insatiable sexual appetite...

Some times Loki could hardly get any sleep. Thor was very demanding and avid as if Loki was a fountain and he had the most devouring thirst. Loki's thighs were a little bruised actually and he had telltale dark circles under his eyes. So much that his very kind mother-in-law had sometimes to tell her son to "slow down."

At first, Loki had accepted everything from Thor's nightly attentions. He thought it was his duty so he laid passively under Thor's hand. Then he realized he actually liked what Thor was doing to him, that the pleasure he had felt during their wedding night was a repeated occurrence, he became an active participant, to Thor's great delight.

As for feelings, that was a different situation.

Loki wasn't sure of what he was feeling. He actually had gratitude for Thor's kindness and even a fondness for the big, gentle boar. Who wouldn't ? He was doing his best.

Yet there would always be the issue of actual love. And as Loki had never felt it, even for his own family or anyone, it was hard to guess what it might be.

He had suspected that whatever Thor felt for him, it was deeper than compassion or attachment. Sometimes they didn't understand each other. Thor was making a gesture that was highly significant to him and every time Loki missed the signals or didn't react the way Thor would have liked him to. For example, he had offered Loki a coat made of the skin of a huge horned red bear he had slain. Loki had warmly thanked him but was not impressed as he didn't mind the Asgardian cold and he would have no use of such furs... Thor had looked at him with a strange expression Loki would see many times on his husband. Like scrutiny and expectation and then disappointment for some mysterious reason.

Loki bit his lips every time. Thor wanted something of him and he was not delivering. His worst fear was to make Thor get angry or bored.

Loki didn't like to talk about his past and so avoided any occasion to share about it, while Thor had spread all his childhood secrets on Loki's feet. Loki was sure Thor believed he wouldn't speak because he wasn't trusting his Asgardian husband. Yet, his silence was only not to re-open wounds that were still fresh... Each time Loki shunned the subject came the sad, unsatisfied expression that terrified him.

Loki hoped he would get the issue right as soon as possible. He couldn't stand the idea of failing his marriage, his only protection, his only reason to live.

He was barely admitting that he couldn't bear the idea of losing Thor at all...

At least, he was sure about tonight and the good news he would give Thor. That would change and also settle everything.

He was getting fidgety hearing the hundredth argument between neighbors to solve. Funny how people could argue for days, months, years about such trivia as cattle, limber, or hedges... None of them had to survive to stronger, more powerful brothers that wanted them dead, so where was the matter ? Loki sighed and gave his judgment. Until now it had been rather easy and even if the incriminated parties were not entirely satisfied, the solution Loki proposed had always been fair. So it was accepted with grunting good grace. Loki hoped it would go on like that. He couldn't entirely get rid of the feeling of walking on thin ice.

He jumped as he heard the trumpets sing. A sign that a highborn was entering the audience hall. That was surprising for no royals showed up at public audiences. They were expected at private councils only. No royal would ever air their dirty laundry in public. Loki straightened his back. He couldn't show any weakness in front of the murmuring crowd. He wished Thor would be here, he was much more experienced in this, even if he had no patience.

And hearing the noise, he saw the familiar tall silhouettes.

Helblindi and Býleistr.

Loki felt a icy hand twisting his guts. Out of reflex, he put a protective hand on his aching belly.

The familiar fear was overwhelming.

What were they doing here ?! They were not expected until next year during the annual embassy of Jötunnheim. An event that Loki dreaded. He had hoped to be rid of them forever after the wedding but to no avail. They were all princes and they all had their diplomatic duties.

It was a trap. It had to be. They were expecting him to fail somehow.

The day Loki had left his wedding seclusion together with Thor, the day he had appeared a new man in front of the whole Asgardian court. Loki had finally understood that his parents were not expecting him abused, dead or anything. Laufey and Farbauti gave a satisfied smile, congratulated the newlyweds and then went back to their usual indifference. It had been a weird relief. His parents might not care about him but they never wanted him dead. They wanted him alive and this alliance to thrive.

Contrary to his brothers... They were making disgusted faces and they slightly looked elsewhere during their parents' compliments. Nothing had gone according their wishes and Thor's happiness had forced them to barely hide their rage. They avoided the couple as mush as they could during the last celebratory days.

Loki then assumed they had lied to scare him to death and make him do a row to ruin the alliance. They had tried to manipulate him. Loki felt offended that they thought him so gullible, so weak.

Or they might have been absolutely certain that Thor would kill Loki.

Either way, they had failed. And they wouldn't forgive Loki for their own assumptions and mistakes.

Helblindi made a nasty smile, as if all of this was a good farce. He had entered the hall as if he was owning it.

"Brother..." He started. " Aren't we looking good ?" And he gave a sarcastic laugh. Loki went back to his usual pattern of self-control. He had been too well trained in that...

- Welcome, brothers... Loki started.

- Nice drum, brother !" Býleistr cut him in a very vulgar, booming voice. "Looks like you made quite a little hole for yourself !

Loki couldn't help but feel his cheeks burn. It was absolutely ridiculous. They wanted to shame him in front of the court like children in school. Absurd.

Yet Loki couldn't fight the years of terror and the hold on his mind they both had.

- Speaking of holes..." Býleistr started with a terribly triumphant smirk. Loki felt the ground disappear under his seat. Býleistr was beginning a long series of double-entendre to ridicule him, as usual. He was losing his mind, unable to stop it.

- Your royal highnesses !

Everyone in the room froze. Býleistr stopped and his smile turned into an infuriated face. Who dared interrupt him ?

Right from behind Loki's back, a horde of Einherjar, noisily marching, started to take position on both sides of the hall. They were not carrying their weapons but their presence only was sufficient to calm the whole crowd. Helblindi looked at them as if they were ghosts. Yet none of them had talked.

Following the Einherjar, the four figures of Thor's companions stood on either side of Loki's seat. Fandral and Sif on his right, Volstagg and Hogun on his left. For some reason, Loki felt the air coming back in his lungs and his panic quietly receded.

He wasn't exactly friends with them. Thor made all the speaking and laughing and drinking with them (which was perfectly normal, weren't they his best and closest friends ?). They were always respectful and gracious. They never let go one tiny hint of despise towards their beloved Thunderer's strange consort. Yet, Loki couldn't make himself be at ease with them. It was hard fitting into this close-knitted group...

He had no idea of their coming here. He guessed that Thor had demanded of them to guard Loki when he wasn't there. He was to be their "All-Mother" and for that, they would always protect him. He settled back into his seat. Sif, the war maiden with black hair, stepped forward, standing boldly in front of his former child beaters.

- Your royal highnesses..." Loki realized she was the one who had spoken out loud. " May I respectfully remind you that during official audiences, there is a different protocol to follow than the one for private councils ?" She gracefully smiled. " Before speaking, the appellant has to bow...

Seeing Helblindi and Býleistr's outraged face, Loki almost burst out laughing. No one had dared to talk to them like that.

Sif smirked.

- We do not want to anger the King and Queen of Jötunnheim, now, don't we ?

Helblindi almost choked. Býleistr made a move on his sword, only to remember he had left it at the entrance and he was fondling an empty sheath.

- Not to mention the All-Father and Mother... " She made a wider smile. Her tone was the one of a schoolmistress scolding very dumb children. Loki was barely holding in his laugh. As was the audience.

- Now, shall we ?" She concluded with a significant gesture of invitation to comply.

Helblindi and Býleistr scanned the whole room, looking here and there for someone on their side. For Sif was right. As diplomats, not respecting the palace rules could be tantamount to insult to Odin.

They finally started to kneel and the crowd almost laughed nervously hearing their bones crack. They were not used to this position, obviously. They cast a hateful glance towards a very calm Loki.

- Eyes down, please." Sif reminded them. The want to strangle her and slaughter the rest of the audience was literally oozing from them.

Loki smiled and started to make small talk. The rest of the conversation was rather tedious. Helblindi speaking as if words had to make their way through gritted teeth, Býleistr fuming and answering with grunts. Loki was exhilarating. He would have properly humiliated them more but that simple kneeling position just avenged him of years of hell.

They had come, thinking they would have the occasion to reunite with their usual toy and scapegoat.

They had found a future king.

When it was fairly obvious the brothers had nothing to say to each other and this was a mockery of an audience, Loki bid them good bye. He had let them on their knees and never invited them to rise and seat the whole duration of the interview. That, Queen Frigga might disapprove but at that precise moment, Loki couldn't even care.

They laboriously arose to walk out. As they were about to turn their back on Loki, Sif reminded them that they had to reach the door walking backwards, face towards the throne, as a sign of respect.

"No one turn their back on Asgardian royals..." She sweetly said.

With that single phrase, she made it known that Loki was to be considered Asgardian here and now. All sign of Ice giantness was not to be mentioned ever again. Which is why, Býleistr finally exploded.

- This... This THING !" He bellowed, raising his finger towards Loki. " Is NO ASGARDIAN at all ! He is nothing but SCUM ! A RUNT ! A filthy runt your damn prince is just FUCKING for position !"

Helblindi jumped at him to shut him up but, though he was the second born son, Býleistr had always been the strongest of them all. His mouth was literally foaming with mad rage. His eyes were rolling on every side. Loki was now considering if his brother had all his mind. He always had a doubt... His obsession with Loki had always been weird, to say the least.

- RUNT ! RUNT ! FILTHY WHORE !" Býleistr was shouting at the top of his lungs now. Helblindi and several warriors had to hold him back from throttling Loki. "Good luck with your fucking the damn killer, runt ! Good luck to make an heir ! The MINUTE they realize you are a barren BITCH, a useless SLUT, they will throw you out ! And I will KILL you ! KIIIIIIIIIILL YOOOOUUU !"

The screaming had reverberated through the hall and now Odin's private guard was rushing through the crowd. Býleistr was jumping and yelling, fighting with the soldiers and sending them in all directions.

Ultimately, he was held down, haggard and finally silent... The whole scene, Loki had remained unmoved, his elbow on the armrest, his hand holding his head, looking a bit bored and easygoing while the whole audience was paralyzed.

There were going to be consequences. Odin would not go lightly on Býleistr's attitude.

Loki couldn't care less.

As Helblindi and the insane creature were dragged out by the guards, Loki arose from his seat.

"Wait." He calmly ordered.

Sif held out her hand to help him go down the stairs. A purely show-off gesture, the stairs were not that steep. They royally went down.

I will forget everything that had been said here, brother" He told a stunned Helblindi. " I do not want this day to be darkened by petty misunderstandings... Our poor brother is clearly in need of a physicist..."

Which a diplomatic way to say that the lunatic had to be taken care off, as far of Asgard as possible. Or else.

For it is a day of rejoicing." Loki buoyantly proclaimed. "The coming birth of the future heir of Asgard !" And to illustrate his point, he put his hand on his belly.

While the crowd burst into applause and cheering, the louder he had ever heard, while his brothers, in awe, were dragged out, Loki was both happy and disappointed. He had wanted to tell Thor privately this evening and, because of his brothers, the moment had been ruined.

Yet, now, no one would question Loki's legitimacy on the throne. No one would question their marriage. He thought about the big blonde oaf that was sweetly snoring on their bed, totally and blissfully unaware of the groundbreaking elevation of Loki, and felt a very warm sensation in his innermost heart.

Thor, his husband and the father of his child, was now all he had in his mind.

Loki hoped that meant love.