Hey guys! This story I thought up while writing my previous one. The character is one I created on my own with inspiration through various different sources. This is just a taste of what the story will be, I hope you all like it, I will also be writing another story that's going to be moderately shorter than this one using the same character with a different background. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!




A tall dark figure slowly trudged down the path through the forest toward town. The figure wore a long black leather trench coat with thin black armor plating on the shoulders and chest. Paired with combat boots and black gloves covering his hands. A hood covered his face with a small mask under it stopping just below his sunglasses. A long thin sheathe holding a katana hung from his belt swaying slightly as he walked. His gloves had a small amount of armor covering them leading up around his elbow.

Stopping abruptly, his right hand shot up deflecting a bullet with his armor. Several men came from behind the trees with weapons in hand.

"You lost, friend? Everybody knows you don't take this road unless you want to pay the toll" warned the man who appeared to be in charge. The hooded man lowered his glasses to show his piercing emerald eyes.

"This is everyone you have?" he asked.

"This is it, friend. Unless of course you count our camp back that way" he answered pointing behind him.

"That way?" he asked pointing in the same direction. The group exchanged a look of confusion.

"Yes, that way" the leader answered taking a step forward with his hand outstretched "Now it's time you paid that toll, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Now would we?" he asked in mock concern.

"This will be over quickly" he assured.

The leader pulled a gun on him as the rest of the group prepared to attack "You're gonna want to think twice about fighting all of us-"

"I agree, so why don't you head back to camp before you hurt yourselves" he warned.

"Okay... get him" he ordered. The group charged him.

Stepping forward he pushed his glasses back over his eyes as the first raised his leg to kick, he kicked his leg back with his right foot then ducked under his fist while using his left leg to sweep the thug's leg out from under him, using his fist he slammed him into the ground. Ducking back into a handspring under the next thug's blade, he used his legs to disarm him, returning to his feet in a crouched position he punched the thug's knee staggering him. Twisting back up to a standing position he jumped into the air as the thug attempted to punch him, using his right hand he deflected the punch and kicked him in the chest sending the thug several feet backwards.

Bullets rang around him as he landed on his feet. Placing his arms up in front of his face he blocked the bullets with his armor. Rushing the thug in the back he stepped onto her knee and kick flipped backwards, knocking her down. Landing in front of three others he swept his leg around with a powerful kick throwing them onto their backs. Standing up he shifted his head to the right avoiding a punch from the oncoming thug. Smashing his fist into the back of her head a crack rang out as she collapsed. Being approached from behind he held his right hand up blocking the blade, thrusting his elbow into his gut he then twisted upper-cutting him, throwing the thug onto his back.

Grabbing the leader's gun he pointed it away at the last second when it fired. Slamming his foot down onto his then kneeing him in the face, he sent him flying onto his back. Twisting around he kicked the three thugs behind him in the head, dropping them to the ground. Catching a punch in his hand he flipped the thug onto his back, a bullet rang out. Shifting his head to the left just barely enough to avoid it he glared at the leader struggling to reload his weapon.

Using both his fists he punched the two thugs behind him in the face without turning around then dashed forward, the leader flipped his gun over and swung it for his face. Bending forward and placing his hand onto the ground he pushed off flipping over him. Landing behind him he slammed his fist into his back throwing him into one of his men.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked struggling to get to his knees looking around his men lay unconscious.

"Not a name you'll ever use" he answered turning away.

"It doesn't matter, when our boss finds out what you did, you're a dead man" he threatened.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that" came a voice behind them "Your boss seems to be in a bit of a bind, of the incarceration kind" he continued as they both locked eyes onto the man. He was a tall pale man with silver hair and brown eyes, he wore a black suit with a green scarf and black glasses sitting below his eyes.

"That's impossible-" he began before being knocked out by the mans cane to the back of his head.

"Nothing is impossible, you should've known that after nine of you couldn't take down one man fighting unarmed"

"Who are you?" asked the hooded man.

"My name is Professor Ozpin. I watched your altercation with these fine men with great interest"

"Were you telling the truth when you said you took down their camp?"

"Indeed, in fact, Ms. Goodwitch should join us shortly" he answered as the woman in question came out from behind the trees.

"Who is this, Professor?"" she asked curiously.

"I don't believe I caught your name" Ozpin pointed out.

"I prefer it that way" he replied turning his back on them.

"May I at least ask where you learned to fight like that?"

"If you can't fight out here, you die. I learned from experience" he answered as he continued walking.

"Well you obviously learn quickly Mr. Stroud"

The man stopped midstep at his words. Turning back around he lowered his glasses slightly "I don't believe I told you my name"

"Indeed. I was already aware of your identity before I came here for you"

"What interest do you have in me? I've kept myself off the radar for the past four years"

"Quite a feat considering your age"

"Where're you getting this information?" he asked in surprise.

"Slade Stroud, sixteen years old, emerald eyes and raven hair, claw mark scar across your abdomen and orphaned as of just under five years ago"

"You have a file on me"

"I knew your parents" he answered.

Slade's eyes bulged in shock "How? We lived outside the system for years-"

"Outside the system doesn't mean you're hidden from everyone. I was sorry to hear about their passing, Grimm attack correct?"

"What is it you want with me?" he asked again.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy of Vale" he answered, turning his attention to the woman as he continued "You're Glynda Goodwitch, teacher at Beacon Academy and assistant to Ozpin"


"The boy is certainly well informed"

"I listen. Something the people of Remnant seem to have forgotten how to do"

"Indeed, people could learn a lot from your example. I would like to extend you an offer"

"What kind of offer?"

"Come to my school, you'll have access to the finest teachers and training in the world-"

"Not interested" Slade interrupted turning away, he came face to face with Ozpin once more.

"I'm afraid I must insist you hear me out" Slade's hand gripped the hilt of his blade in surprise. Looking between where he was before and his current position he asked.

"How did you..." he let the question hang in the air.

"You've learned a lot in your short time surviving on your own. I'm here to tell you... you don't know everything"

Slade released his hold on his weapon, relaxing once more "I'm listening"

"Attend my school and I will personally see to your training myself"

"You'll teach me yourself? Like my mentor or something?"

Ozpin nodded "You'll still have to attend classes like everyone else, but you'll have sessions of training one on one with me. I assure you, I don't extend this offer lightly" he explained.

Slade stared at him from behind his glasses looking him over for any sign of deceit. Spotting nothing he sighed, removing his hood and mask to reveal his face.

"I'll attend. But if I even suspect that you've lied to me, I'm gone" he warned removing his glasses to look him in the eye.

"Understood" Slade nodded turning towards town "I'll see you when school starts I suppose" he called back as he walked away.

"You have one week. An airship will be waiting to take you and the other students to Beacon" he called after him as he left.

"Professor?" Glynda asked approaching him from behind "You never teach anyone personally. What's special about this child?"

"His father wasn't the best man in the world, he was largely criminal. His mother on the other hand was the kindest woman I have ever met... I was asked by his father to look after him should anything happen to them. I thought he died along with them until recently"

"How'd you know that it was him?"

"His blade. It's the same one his father had made a few years back for his son... I needed to know if it was really him"

"And now that you do?"

"The boy needs stability, he's been moving around since he was a child keeping his father under the radar. Apparently that didn't stop after their passing during the Grimm attack that took their lives"

"You never answered my question, Professor" she pointed out tapping her foot impatiently.

"We all have to stop running eventually Glynda" he answered cryptically.

Glynda sighed annoyed "Guess I shouldn't expect a straight answer from you" she shook her head.

"Mr. Stroud will be under my care for now. You'll know when the time comes"