God's Pity on this Worthless Protagonist!

Volume 1: The Pitiful Chronicles of a Little Girl Lover!


"Fukushima Yuji-san, welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you've died. It might've been short, but your life's now over."

A voice called out to me in this white room.

In front of me was an office desk and a chair.

And sitting on the chair was a beautiful girl.

She had long flowing silver hair and blue eyes.

A beauty that surpassed the standard of mortal beings.

Her unearthly looks made me conclude right away that she was a goddess.

This beauty avoided my gaze after she finished her speech.

I see. She must have witnessed my last moments of life.

I recalled the moments that lead up to my death.

As a man of specific tastes I had a certain kind of hobby.

A certain interest that most of society would condemn.

One day, in the rare moments I left the house, my mother took the chance to snoop around in my room.

She claimed to have been cleaning it, but she was probably looking for suspicious items.

When I got home after purchasing even more of these aforementioned suspicious items, I heard my mother screaming in my room.

Hurrying to my room in a panic, I opened the door and was immediately assaulted by my mother, who was in a rage.

Calling me a mistake she should have swallowed or aborted, she started beating me with her fists.

While a woman would normally have a hard time fighting a man, I am a NEET who has a fragile body structure.

The body that never gets any sunlight and subsists only on instant ramen broke down to the fists of an old woman.

I don't get it. Why would she beat her own son to death?

Treating me like I'm trash.

Lolicon are human beings, too.

Was it because the lolicon videos she found on my PC were mosaic-less, and featured hardcore fetish stuff you could only find in shady deep web locations?

I didn't have a choice. At first I was fine with soft-core stuff, but the guys in the image boards would insult me and call me a cuck and moralfag. I was forced to watch the hardcore stuff they sent me and eventually I came to like it.

Was it because she found out I stole the money she was saving for my brother's school tuition fees?

I didn't have a choice. How else could I purchase the lolicon erotica that was available only for a limited time? And my brother is a dumbass, anyways. He will fail and drop out in a year.

I don't get it. Why was she so angry?

Anyways, that's what happened.

"...I see. May I ask one thing, goddess-sama?"

"What… What is it?"

Is it just me, or is this goddess-sama looking at me as if I'm trash?

"My mother… Even though she beat her own son to death, I would be sad to know that she got into legal trouble over it. What happened to her?"

"Oh, no. She didn't get into any kind of trouble at all. The police took one look at your… 'collection', and concluded that every court would side with your mother..."

She said while still giving me a look as if she were eyeing a pile of garbage.

It stings if such a beautiful girl looks at me like that, so please don't.

"...Putting that aside, there are two options available to you."

It might just be my imagination, but this goddess-sama seemed to be in a hurry to get rid of me.

And she hasn't even told me her name yet.

"The first option is ascension to heaven. It is a beautiful place free of sorrows and worries. You will also be unshackled from the burden of earthly desires…"

"No, thank you."

"...You didn't even let me finish."

I don't need to hear the rest.

That last line must mean that it is impossible to do ecchi things in heaven.

In that case, I'd rather go to hell.

"...The second option available to you is reincarnation. Your soul will be sent back to earth and you will be reborn as a baby. You will lose all of your memories, but at least some part of you will remain in the real world…"

"I see. And what criteria determines if I will live a good life as a reincarnated person?"

If it's something like karma, I'm not very optimistic with my chances.

"...That is up to the discretion of the goddess in charge, actually."

This goddess-sama has been looking at me like I was a pile of dog poop she found on the ground.

She will certainly not give me any special consideration.

And starting over as a baby without any of my memories intact didn't appeal to me.

What's the point of reincarnation if you don't get to keep your previous life experiences?

I'll just make the same mistakes and grow up to be a useless NEET all over again.

"...There is also one more option available to you. Do you like games?"

Goddess-sama explained the third option to me.

So, it goes like this:

A typical setting of a Demon King who is a threat to the land.

A world of sword and magic filled with the creatures and fantasy races you'd associate with it.

In this world, the people live in fear of the Demon King.

Life is hard enough with dangerous monsters stalking about.

Commoners live harsh lives and most die at a young age.

As such, the souls who died refuse to return into such an unforgiving world.

So, in order to balance out the distribution of souls…

...Why not send over people from other worlds who died young and want another shot at life?

This is the premise.

"Fear not. We goddesses will give you support by allowing you to bring either a legendary weapon or a powerful ability to this world. That way, the people of that world will have someone combat ready to help them, and you will also thrive and become successful in that world…"

An enticing deal that seems to target young men who are still influenced by their childhood.

Throwing around terms like 'legendary weapon', 'Demon King' and 'fantasy world' in order to appeal to the dreams of Japanese youth.

But, there's only one thing that I really need to know.

"...What's the age of consent in this world?"

Beyond everything else, this is the one thing I am concerned about.

Goddess-sama didn't even try to hide her contempt this time.


"I'm ready to go to this world, goddess-sama."

What a wonderful world.

Completely unlike the world I had just departed.

In this parallel world, something as trivial as age doesn't get in the way of true love.

"...I-In any case, we also provide a service where we overload your brain with knowledge about the language of this world. But there's a chance your mind might break down from the overload of data…"

"I don't care. I'll take the risk."

"Right… The only thing left to do now is to choose the 'perk' you will bring along to this world..."

Right, there's that.

I got so excited about the prospect of completely legal relations with little girls that I forgot about that.

I wasn't especially good at games when I was alive.

Even though I played a lot of them, I didn't have the focus to be good at anything.

The games I liked the most were those wish fulfillment RPGs that don't take a lot of skill.

Games that give the player the illusion of power and dominance.

But despite my lack of expertise, I knew enough to tell that these perks were O.P.

On the list of perks were things like 'Unnatural Strength', 'Super Magic', 'Holy Sword Arondight' and 'Demon Sword Murasame'...

Since they were all O.P. and I was in a hurry to depart to the parallel world, I only briefly skimmed through the perks.

The powerful abilities still needed some application of skill while the O.P. weapons practically did the work by themselves.

Or so I imagine.

And so I picked the coolest sounding weapon, 'Demon Sword Murasame'.

The name sounded a bit too edgy for my liking, but it had the highest attack rating of those I skimmed over.

When I made my choice, I felt a heavy weight on my back.

Without needing to look, I could tell that a sheathed sword appeared there.

There was also a leather strap around my chest.

I hope that I will have an easy life with this O.P. weapon.

Goddess-sama also gave me a pouch full of coins and instructions to seek out an 'Adventurer's Guild' when I arrive in the other world.

An Adventurer's Guild...

This world was sounding more and more cliche the more I heard about it.

After quickly choosing my perk, goddess-sama raised her arms towards me.

A light then appeared below my feet…!

"Fukushima Yuji-san, you'll be heading to another world now and become one of the hero candidates to defeat the Demon King. You'll receive a gift from the gods the moment you defeat the Demon King. A gift befitting the saviour of the world… You'll be granted a wish; it may be anything you want."

Offering a gift was probably a means to incentivize people from actually focusing on the main quest.

At first I had no desire to challenge something that sounds so dangerous like the Demon King.

But a wish from the gods was too tempting to resist.

I'll put some effort into the main quest, then.

"Hero, may you be victorious among the many hero candidates and be the one to defeat the Demon King… Well then, I bid you farewell…"

Right to the very end, goddess-sama spoke with an overly polite tone.

I could tell she was just putting up with me.

Am I really that despicable?

I am a docile lolicon. I will not do anything towards a loli without their permission.

Somehow I wish to express this to the beautiful goddess-sama.

But, before I had the chance, the light was already surrounding me.

And then I was taken from that white room into an alternate word…!