The new year had just passed. Dreamland had settled down from the holidays. A thick blanket of fluffy snow was still settled on the ground, and without the holiday cheer, people were not going to go outside. Instead, they stayed inside, where it was nice and warm.

Kirby's house was a tiny dome, limiting the amount of furniture they could put in. A fireplace took up part of the room, but Meta Knight didn't trust Kirby to use it. Instead, a few electric candles were lit. The problem with this is that it got cold in the winter, and Kirby couldn't do anything about it!

One day, Meta Knight came over to see Kirby. He knocked on his door, and when no answer came, entered anyways. He saw Kirby, still in bed.

"What's wrong, Kirby?" He asked. The small puffball was shivering. "Do you have a cold?"

"No, Meta Nai…" Kirby shivered. "I'm just cold…"

"You could come to the Halberd," Meta offered. "It's nice and warm, and we need to train anyways."

Kirby shook his head, but smiled.

"No, Meta. I wanna stay here so I can play. Plus, I can't even get up I'm so cold!"

Meta sighed, and turned around. That's when the idea struck him. Adeleine had mentioned a human invention that was created so you could stay warm while still being productive. If he could get her to create one with the paintbrush…

He looked back at Kirby, who had started to fall asleep. Part of him wanted to make Kirby work for the gift, but the other part of him wanted to give it to him now. After all, he looked pitiful like that. Meta slowly closed the door, and headed off to the one place he could get it.

Adeleine lived in a small cottage outside Whispy Woods. Small clouds of smoke puffed out from the brick chimney, and both windows were lit up, signaling Adeleine's presence.

He knocked on the door. Adeleine called out for him to wait, and various crashes and smashes came from the inside. When she finally opened the door, she was covered in paint.

"Uh… sorry about that. I tripped." She said, scratching her head. "Come on in, it's cold out there." She noticed his lack of winter garb. "How do you deal with cold temperatures anyways?"

Meta strode past her and sat down on a wooden chair.

"Hundreds of years of war and being my father's son toughened me up. Our species is resistant to most weather, too, but I came here because Kirby has been having a hard time with it lately."

"Oh," Adeleine said. She went over to her fridge and got out some milk, and poured it into a
saucepan that was on her stove.

"Poor little guy. When we were on Shiver Star, he seemed fine. Maybe it was his determination to save the world that kept him warm."

Meta nodded. "He's a determined little fellow. I think he picked up some of my personality."

Adeleine poured some cocoa and sugar into the milk. She then stirred the mixture and turned her head.

"I thought you said you weren't related!"

Meta shook his head. "We're not. Puffballs don't reproduce, they're made from wishes and stardust."

Adeleine smiled, and got out two mugs.

"That's so cute! Do you know who wished for you and Kirby?"

Adeleine couldn't see it, but Meta grimaced.

"Usually it has to be a puffball couple. I never met my "parents". As for Kirby, I pleaded for another to be born since our race was dying out."

An awkward silence followed. Adeleine brought the mugs over and plopped a jumbo marshmallow in each.

"Well… I'm sorry about that…" She looked at her drink, spinning her spoon around to create cocoa swirls.

"Adeleine, you don't need to be sorry. It's really my fault. But, I still have trust issues, so please look away while I drink this."


"The mask."


She looked away, and he took his mask off to reveal the adorable face he hid from the world. He gulped his cocoa down, and quickly put it back on.

"You can look back now."

Adeleine looked back at him.

"So… back to Kirby. What did you want?" She smiled.

"That one human invention. I forgot what it's called." Meta said.

"That's not descriptive enough," Adeleine giggled.

"It's the one that's the desk with the heater and the blanket… ko… kot…" Meta placed his hand on his mask. He had the first few sounds, he just couldn't place the rest. Adeleine's face lit up.

"Oh, I know the one! It's a bit big, but if I go over to his house, I could do it!"

Kirby woke up the next morning and noticed two sleepy nerds underneath a brand new polka dotted kotatsu. He woke up earlier than normal, so he snuggled up between them. Sweet dreams for everyone.