I don't make this decision easily. I really don't want to do this but it has to be made. As of today, an arc has no limits will no longer be updated and is now up for adoption. If someone wants to continue the story they can. I can provide the outlines and ideas I had for this story which were pretty extensive but I can't do it. I used to really enjoy writing this story wanting to merge two of my favorite shows together, putting my own spin on it adding some things to make some more flair but it all comes back to one thing that I can't stop being spammed with in the reviews. It's the OC bullshit once more and I'm done. I'm done with the toxicity of people constantly complaining about having an OC and people telling me, "Oh you could've used another character!" When I really couldn't for what I needed in this story. In all seriousness for those who said these things, how do you know what I need for a story? You're not writing it, you're not giving up time making it, you're not the one who planned it, you're not the one who created it. To those who liked this story, I am truly truly sorry, but I just can't do it. I made about a thousand words for the next chapter when I just gave up, this story brings me no joy to write anymore and it all comes back to one thing because I had a fucking OC in it. I hope all the flamers are happy, you killed my drive for this story. I'm sorry I let you all down.
Noble4259, signing off