Okay, ending time!

But first...

cherrione: Ummm... this isn't the first? I mean, I requested one before. XD I think DreamingRaine is the first writer who wrote one, the male Rein and Shade one. XD

KingMaverick: ...On second thoughts, should I make one of the endings real?


Just kidding! XD

Enjoy the last chapter!

Shade walked alongside with Bright, crushing orange and brown leaves as they walked. It was quite cold, a lot of things had happened in two year, for example, the birth of Bright's new little brother, Akiro. (Sorry I just had to add that in. Elements has done a lot of things to me. XD)

When they had told their families about their relationship, everyone was quite shocked, but luckily, they had all came to accept it. Shade was quite sure for Bright it was because the fact that Akiro was a boy.

"Shade, guess what Akiro said to me when I went home yesterday?" Bright said suddenly.

Shade smiled. "What did he say?"

"Where's big brother Shade?" Bright said, imitating Akiro's voice, before switching back to his own. "I'm so hurt! I'm his biological brother!"

Shade laughed. "Well, I did know that he liked me more!" He glanced at the bag of groceries in Bright's hand. "You know..."

Bright cut him off. "I know I know, you better catch up to me if you want to be able to eat dinner tonight!"

Before Shade could react, Bright had already started sprinting. He chased after him, remembering the time when he chased after Bright in school. Time passes quite quickly.

When he finally caught up to Bright, he was panting. He really should exercise more with Bright rather than sitting in front of the computer most of the time.

"You finally caught up." Bright said, opening the door of his house. "Now would you exercise with me in the future?"

"Aww, are you jealous of my computer?" Shade teased Bright.

"No." Bright said blushing a little. "I just think you were a bit too slow. I was this close to not letting you eat dinner."

Shade laughed. "You know, you should come to my house one day. My mother loves the food you make."

"That's because your cooking is so bad~" Bright said teasingly. He walked inside and put the groceries on the table.

Shade closed the door and helped Bright put away the groceries. Bright soon started cooking. The aroma of the food spread quickly. Shade was already getting quite hungry.

He walked up to Bright and put his arms around Bright's waist. "When is it going to be ready?"

"Soon." Bright replied.

Both of them laughed. This was the life that they had always wanted, nothing extreme, just a normal life as a couple.

And the story ends here.

I'm so glad I finished this.

My first yaoi fanfic, done!

Thanks to all the people who read this!


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(Do not copy. If your wondering what the cat is saying it says THANKS)