This is a Bright X Shade Fanfic... so please click the X if you don't like yaoi/BL!

Well, I'm back again, this is predicted to be a three-shot, and that's really all I have to say.

Alright, let's go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fushigiboshi no Futagohime. Nor do I own the 'Bride' ship. XD

"Bright, how did it go?"

Shade handed Bright a water bottle as he sat down next to him. They had just finished playing a basketball match, and straight after, a girl went up to Bright and said something that Shade could not hear properly.

Bright took a sip from the bottle, "Well, she confessed to me, but I didn't really know how to respond, so I just said that I wasn't ready for a relationship."

"Oh?" Shade said. "I thought you wanted a girlfriend?"

Bright looked around, then said. "If she was around, Shade you would have got me into so much trouble."

Shade shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Anyways, I think you should look for Milky soon, you might want to talk to her."

"What?" Shade asked. "Why would I look for Milky for no reason?"

"Just talk to her." Bright said, and with that he went to go change back into his uniform.

Shade thought for a while, why Milky? Did something happen to her?

Shade stood up, he'll listen to Bright and look for Milky after he's changed back into his uniform.

Shade walked to the school garden, this was where Milky usually stayed. Soon he stopped. Milky was... with a boy?

The sight hit Shade like lightning. Wait wait wait, this was what Bright was talking about!? What!?

Milky soon noticed him and walked over to Shade, while holding hands with Narlo. "It seems that big brother has already found out." she said, laughing.

Shade rolled his eyes, of course he has! What else did Milky expect to happen? Him walking away like he didn't see anything?

Milky laughed again. "Anyways, this is my boyfriend, Narlo." she said, holding up their hands.

Shade felt like he had just been shot by an arrow. Why? Because it seems like his sister is laughing at him for still being single!

'Life as single person is not easy...' Shade thought. Outside I'm smiling, inside I'm crying. That is the best way to describe what Shade is like right now, except- the fact- that he's... not smiling, he has a pokerface on...

"Anyways, big brother, Narlo and I will leave now!" Milky exclaimed, as she left with Narlo.

Shade stared at them, wait, Bright was the one who told him to talk to Milky. So Bright knew this whole time!? But then why didn't he tell him!? 'Alright.' he thought. 'Time to look for Bright.'

Shade found Bright in the classroom, still taking down notes from the lesson that he missed. Shade frowned, it's just one lesson, and Bright already has good grades, why is he trying so hard?

Well, good grades come with hard work. Nobody just has good grades without work. Unless they can remember things at a glance.

Of course, Shade doesn't know that.

He sat down next to him. "You knew this whole time didn't you?"

Bright looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I meant the fact that you told me to talk to Milky! You-"

"Ohhh, you mean the fact that I knew that Milky has a boyfriend? Yeah, I did."

Shade glared at him in anger. "Why didn't you just tell me right there and then!?"

Bright continued to take down the notes he borrowed from another student. "Well, you didn't tell me when Altezza had a boyfriend."

Shade froze. Oh, yeah... he didn't. Well...

Bright stood up, took the notes with him and left the classroom. Before he went out the door, he glanced at Shade and said, "Revenge, sweet sweet revenge. If you're upset then... that's your problem, not mine." And with that he ran out of the classroom.

Shade had just realized what Bright had said and was quite annoyed. He ran after Bright. He was not going to get away for saying that!

Well... throughout the whole break, shouts and laughter could be heard all around the school building.

When the school day ended, all the students left the school. Shade walked home, as he opened the door he saw... cardboard boxes?

Malia walked out of the living room, carrying a few boxes. Shade quickly took the boxes from his mother and put them down beside the other cardboard boxes.

"Mother, why is there so many cardboard boxes?" Shade asked.

"We are moving Shade," Malia replied. "Which also means you have to transfer schools."



I'm sorry.

Anyways, expect an update in a few days!

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(Do not copy. If your wondering what the cat is saying it says THANKS)