Disclaimer: The story I tell here about Harry is my own invention, and it is not purported or believed to be part of J.K. Rowling's story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.


The Atrium in the Ministry was deserted, seeing as it was after midnight. Walking towards the lifts was a tall hooded figure in Unspeakable robes. It wasn't unusual, as the Unspeakables were the only ones who worked after midnight. What was unusual was that this particular figure was going to the Department of Mysteries, not for research, but for something else. Something he had been working on for, for a very long time now.

The hooded figure walked into the Room of Doors, in the DoM, knowing full well how it worked, seeing as he was the Head of the Department. He walked straight to a door to his left, the Time Room. The Time Room had changed since the time when it was trashed by a bunch of fifth years of Hogwarts, during nineteen ninety-five.

Now sixty-five years later, after working through numerous books, travelling all over the universe and after years and age of research later, Harry Potter had achieved what he wanted.

Well, what he had wanted was to get back in time to his younger body with his magic and knowledge, to change the past. A past that still plagued him today, of death and destruction. He knew his magic couldn't travel back in time, he had researched for years without any results for that. But what he did find was that he could send the memories and knowledge of his current life back to his past self.

The seventy-nine-year-old Harry Potter took the air towards the big clock that showed the life cycle of a chick. He tapped his wand against the glass of the clock twice, making it melt for a sleek dark wooden door to appear in its place.

Harry tapped his wand once again on the doorknob, which clicked open. He pressed it open and walked into the dreary room. With a flick of his wrist, the lights came to life, with another flick the door shut behind him.

The chamber was dimly lit and very lowly, that could support only one person barely enough to go about. The only significant thing in the chamber was a wide, shallow bowl made of some kind of stone inlaid with precious stones and engraved all around its rim were complicated runes. It was called a Pensieve.

What was different about this Pensieve was that more or less of the runes were etched by Harry himself after all the research. These runes allowed the user to transfer memories and certain abilities of themselves to their younger self. Harry had enchanted it in such a way that it only worked to his magical signature, for anyone else it was just a normal Pensieve.

Harry took the air towards it, but then wavered, not wanting his younger self to endure what he suffered. But then thinking back to what had taken place after he'd vanquished Voldemort, he nerved himself to manage what he came for.

On the day he defeated the self-styled Lord Voldemort, he lost most of his friends and those he'd considered family. Ron had died from Nagini's deadly bite before she was killed by Neville. Molly had died taking down Bellatrix who had already killed Ginny, Hermione and Luna. Arthur had died at the hands of Voldemort, himself and a lot of others had been killed mercilessly by the Death Eaters who were later, either captured or killed. Those who had been captured were sentenced to the Veil.

Harry forced himself out of his musings and started to chant in a different language, making certain runes glow a sharp golden color. As the chanting grew more regular and deep, more of the runes began to glow, sharper than earlier. As he ceased his chant, Harry puts his wand to his temple and pulled out strands of thick silvery substance and placed it in the modified Pensieve. He put his wand against his temple again, but this time instead of the silvery substance, he pulled out a thick golden strand. This was a copy of most of his abilities. These abilities, mostly dormant when he was younger had started to grow more active once he had reached his majority, after defeating Voldemort, many of which weren't useful after the war. The aim of sending these abilities to his younger self was to wake them when most required.

After the last strand was placed into the Pensieve, there was a flash of red, gold and green light, and then nothing.

Pub: 30 March 2018

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