Hey everybody. So, this is the first story that I written, but have had this idea for a while. This story will end up being a Greed x OC story...and yeah. Let me know what I can do better and what you think of the story. This will mainly be based on the Brotherhood anime series.
BTW, I do not own the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise or any of the character. I do own my OC.
Chapter 1
"I really hate working for him sometimes," I state as Martel and I walk down the dirty streets of Dublith.
At this, Martel just rolls her eyes at my statement. "Em, you know even if that was true you would still never leave."
"I never said that," I remark, now frustrated with her attitude. "I'm just saying that with my skill level he could give me actually interesting jobs to do," I say while raising my arms. "I mean why do Dolcetto and Roa get to do everything that I would be way better at? And even then, technically, I'm still of higher rank than any of you guys are, so I should just be able to say 'Nope, I'll do that job.' Ya' know!"
Martel, now smirking, decides to bring up the one argument I couldn't respond to. "You are also only 19 and a half, squirt." This earns Martel a glare from me. "I mean, come on Em, you're still a child in all of our eye, regardless of the fact that you were our commanding officer in Ishval." She then stops to look at me, and with her voice dripping with sarcasm says, "Plus, Greed would never send his most prized possession on dangerous missions."
I groan. "Why do you have to bring that up every chance you get? Whatever, were back so just forget I said anything."
With that ending the conversation. I open the door to the Devil's Nest. I smile slightly remembering how my cousin used to say that I was basically a devil as child with how obsessive I was with alchemy and making use of it for pranks before joining the military.
"Hey you two! Welcome back!" remarkes a rather short man wearing a cloak.
"Sup' Bido," I say smiling, seeing the usually cheerful and entertaining chimera.
"Not much, but you might want to go talk to the Boss. I think Dolcetto screwed up, and Mr. Greed seems pretty mad," Bido says with a grin.
I let out a groan as Martel started chucking at my predicament. "If he would have sent me there would have been no issues," I say as I ran my fingers through my dark red, almost black, hair. "Whatever. I'll see what I can do."
"Em, just make sure you don't get distracted by his good looks," Martel says smirking as I starte to go find Greed. "We all know how you just can't get enough of him."
I flip Martel off as I leave the room, knowing that this was going to be a conversation I didn't want to be a part of.