Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu, all rights go to Haruichi Furudate.

I realize that working on two stories at one time may lead to one not being updated in a while, but other authors have done it, so I can do it!

Kudos to one of my most favorite authors, LilweenGalatrass, who literally produces amazing and realllllllllllllllllllly long chapters to multiple stories at once, regularly!

The very first time he saw her was on the first day of school. He was walking with Kindaichi to Aoba Johsai when he saw the girl among the cherry trees. Her long, ebony hair swirled around with the cherry blossom petals, and her school uniform swished in the gentle breeze. Her skin was very pale, she'd look white in the moonlight and delicate silver glasses were perched on her nose.

He found it strange that she was just standing there with her eyes closed, she would be late for school if she stood there any longer.

Yet he couldn't find himself taking his eyes of her. As if he was under a spell she had cast upon him. She was breathtaking. He had never seen here anywhere, maybe she went to another junior high?

"Oi, Kunimi, we're going to be late for class if you keep standing there." Kindaichi broke the enchantment.

Kunimi blinked slowly. "Ah. Sorry for holding you up."

The two continued on their way to Aoba Johsai, but he couldn't help but to take one last glance at the mysterious girl.

She had disappeared, as if she had never been there and was a transparent ghost from his imagination.


The second time he saw her was when he reached class and saw the girl sitting in the very back corner of the classroom, next to the window. She looked like she was snoozing away, without a care in the world.

But he couldn't focus on her. She was just a classmate, and he had more important things to worry about. Like schoolwork and making the regulars for the volleyball team.

So Kunimi ignored her and sat down at his desk.

Like everyone else.

The third time he saw her was on the way to the volleyball gymnasium. She was sleeping on a bench near the gymnasium.

He thought it was an odd place to sleep, much less in the middle of the afternoon.

Even as they passed her, she kept on sleeping. She looked incredibly calm and relaxed, despite sleeping on a hard, school bench without any covering.

Peculiar is what he thought.

The fourth time he saw her was on the way home. He was walking with Kindaichi and he saw her walking down the dark streets. Alone.

It was dangerous, but he guessed she knew what she was doing. Perhaps she had slept too long.

Unfortunately, Kindaichi, also noticing the girl, shouted out to her. "Oi! It's dangerous to be out alone at this time!"

Kunimi sighed, Kindaichi just created more trouble for them.

The girl turned around, and Kunimi saw her eyes for the first time.

They were a shimmering, bright turquoise blue, with deep emerald green swirled together perfectly. It seemed as her eyes were the sparkling stars themselves. The silver glasses framed her eyes perfectly.

"I know it's dangerous." The girl replied simply, her voice echoing like a soft melody.

"Then why go home at this time?" Kindaichi asked, his simple brain confuzzled.

She blinked sleepily. "Because I can. Good night."

With that, she walked away, without another word.

Kunimi snickered, Kindaichi had just been totally dissed by her.

The latter was confused and just a bit dismayed, but the two junior high students continued on their merry way home, mostly without second thoughts. Kunimi found his first day of high school pretty normal, except the girl. She made the day just a tad out of the ordinary. But she was just someone.

No one special or worth remembering. She was just a classmate.

And things would always stay like that.

(Insert imaginary line break, someone want to tell me how to actually insert one? Pretty please?)

Ichijo Eri was, what you could call a normal girl.

She had two loving (and sometimes a bit weird) parents, an older brother, and a good friend.

She baked, cooked, read manga, watched anime, drew, ate healthy and not so healthy foods, wrote, listened to music and occasionally gardened. That's how her life pretty much went.

Also, her favorite hobby was sleeping. She could sleep anywhere, whenever.

She never slept during class, but she never fully paid attention. She was smart enough to get good grades without putting forth the extra work to actually study or pay attention. After once or twice she heard it in class, she could usually remember it.

She was incredibly lazy, never liking to do anything unnecessary. She'll put in hard work when needed, but other than that she didn't like expend extra energy that could be used for naps.

Her first day at Aoba Johsai High School was normal, except for those two boys who yelled at her on the way home. That was annoying. Of course, since she would be getting home so late, her parents would probably be thinking she joined a club or something. Which would be a first. Not that she hated clubs, but they always required her to do extra things. And that was a given NO. Her older brother and his girlfriend (his girlfriend was so nice and amazing) were both in the art club, which is where Eri's talent would best shine. But too much work. So she had never joined a club.

Although she couldn't figure out how she got roped into helping her cousin with his duties in his club. It made her run around, and she absolutely despised running. She'd roller skate and bike leisurely, that was it. And maybe a bit of attempting volleyball every once or a while. Boy was she tired.

Finally, she reached her modest home. A two story, with four bedrooms. It was modest, quaint and homey.

Upon entering, she knew she had arrived right after dinner was finished. Bummer.

"Oh, Eri! You're home!" The sound of her mother's voice reached Eri's ears.

Tatsu Ichijo is what you would call an elegant beauty. She had medium length snow white hair and gorgeous violet eyes that shimmered. It was easy to see how Eri's father fell in love with her, along with Tatsu's kind and warm personality. Eri inherited her father's ebony hair and blue-green eyes.

"Hey Mom." Eri answered politely.

Her mother smiled brightly. "I heard from your cousin you were helping him, so I saved you dinner."

Eri almost melted from happiness. Way to go Mom!

"Thanks," Eri replied, heading for the dining room.

Her brother was clearing off the table except for her plate of heavenly food. Yama Ichijo, age 16 and a second year at Aoba Johsai. He got their mother's stunning looks. With his white hair and piercing violet eyes, he was quite popular among the girls. Yet he stayed faithful to his girlfriend, who he had been dating since his third year of junior high. He was just a bit shorter than some of his peers, standing at 179 cm. Eri herself was only 162 cm, a few centimeters below her mother.

His smile widened when he saw his beloved younger sister.

"Eri-chan! There's your dinner." He nodded to the bowl of curry.

Eri sat down, picking up a set of chopsticks. "Thanks."

Immediately, she was tackled by her brother from behind, trapping her in a tightly knitted hug.

"Eri-chan!"H sang while practically choking her. "You should really smile more!"

"I don't smile." She replied bluntly while trying to escape her brother's clutches.

"You never smile!" Yama whined.

Eri finally wriggled out of her brother's arm. "Yama-nii, while I am eating, what's my rule?" A dangerous gleam glinted in her eyes.

Her brother chuckled weakly. "Don't ever disturb you, right, got it. BYE!" He dashed off, probably to the safety of his bedroom.

Eri dined quite happily on her curry, although her face always had this neutral, sleepy look. So most people amused she was never happy or sad, rather having no emotions. Which was totally untrue, just that she didn't like wearing her emotions on her sleeve like a certain third year setter from Seijoh she had heard about from her cousin. Honestly, why did girls idolize and worship him? Oikawa Tooru is just a flirty playboy who would marry the sport of volleyball if it was possible.

After she finished her delicious meal, thanks mom, she washed the few dishes and headed to her room for relaxation before bed.

However, she is also a very indecisive person, so she couldn't choose if she wanted to read manga, watched anime or draw manga. So she spun her delicate, sea blue-green glass bottle. Not exactly that type of method you would normally use for decision making, but it worked.

Sketching it was.

Sitting at her desk, she took out the project she had been working at for a few weeks. A picture of a Japanese girl in a decorative white kimono sitting on a wooden bench among the beautiful Sakura trees of the blooming spring. A small koi fish pond would be nearby with several bonsai trees and bamboo pots decorating the koi pond. It would be her greatest masterpiece to date.

That is, if she could ever finish it. She was stuck on how to make the water look like it was rippling perfectly.

Just about as she was about to begin to draw, her dad entered unexpectedly.

Like his daughter, Ryuu Ichijo had ebony hair and shimmering blue green eyes. Like his wife, he was incredibly kind and understanding, but just a bit more audacious that his wife. He also stood at 182 cm, the tallest member of the household.

"Oh, Eri, are you still working on that Japanese girl?" Her dad asked from the doorway.

She nodded softly. Although she really didn't care much for how her dad came in suddenly, it was HIS house after and he was the parent, not her.

Ryuu smiled softly. "Sorry, I can't help you with that one. Maybe your mother?"

Eri's mother was a famous illustrator who did many of her own paintings as well as being hired to do professional art projects by the public. She had taught her children all the secrets to the skills of art. Eri's father, on the other hand, was a famous novelist who mainly wrote fantastical stories, novels with magic, myths and the supernatural. He taught his children how to tell and write a good story.

Eri shrugged. "She's really busy right now with that project for that company from Yokohama. I don't want to ask her to help when she's already got so much work."
Ryuu sighed and smiled gently at his daughter. "Sweetie, she's your mother and she loves you dearly. She'd put aside a million dollar project to help you solve a grade school problem. But that is very considerate of you."

Eri nodded. "I'm going to bed."

Her father kissed the top of her head softly. "How was your first day of high school?"

"Eh. Boring and normal." Eri responded blankly.

It really was.

"Well, I'm sure it will get better. Oyasumi." Ryuu chuckled then left the room.

Eri sat still for a moment. "Oyasumi," she whispered quietly.

Perhaps her dad would be right. Maybe life would get more interested. For now though, that bed was desperately calling her name, and she didn't want to make her bed empty for too long.


The next day, Eri got ready as usual, meaning she woke up 15 minutes before it was time to leave. She always slept in her uniform so she wouldn't have to change in the morning. Meaning her uniform was always wrinkled and her mom was never too happy about that.

She ate her breakfast and brushed her teeth and hair. She was ready to go. She stood by the door, waiting for a certain someone who was late.

"Wait! I'm coming!" Yama frantically rushed out from his room and skidded to a halt at the door. "Let's go."

Outside, a 16 year old girl, who was slightly taller than Eri, awaited them. She had long luscious lilac hair and lavender eyes with pale, a true beauty.

"Himi-chan!" Yasumu called out cheerfully.

Himiko Toyosaki smiled gently. "Eri-chan, Yama-kun."

Eri gave Himiko a short, friendly nod, then the trio set off for the second day of high school.

How thrilling.

When they reached the gates, Eri went her separate ways and let her brother and his girlfriend have some alone time before class.

"Let's see, first period is English, I can sleep through that one." She mused thoughtfully, heading for her classroom.

Since their father's work led him sometimes to different places, she and her brother were fluent in Chinese, Korean, and English. English was the hardest to learn.

Sitting down at her desk in the very back corner, she yawned softly and made herself comfy.

Yet she was rudely awakened by the teacher's annoyed calls.

"Ichijo-san, I would ask you to please refrain from sleeping in my class!" The teacher irritably called. "Or if you think these lessons are a waste of time and useless please translate this phrase."

Eri squinted to see the English sentence. It shouldn't be too hard.

"If I may ask politely, please hand me that glass of cool, refreshing water. It is a sweltering summer and I'm about to die of heatstroke." She perfectly said, astounding her teacher and classmates. (The italicized and bold means she spoke in English.)

"Um, well, uh," the teacher stammered. "Well done. I see you are good in this subject."

Eri blinked sleepily and returned back to her slumber.

Most of her classmates were either jealous, annoyed or awestruck, and she sensed this. It was partially why she really never had friends. Also no one wanted a lazy girl as a friend. She didn't mind, her family and Himiko's family was enough.

She had many associates and acquaintances but very few friends, practically none.

Oh well, sometimes life works in ways she could never understand.

To her relief later, lunch time had creeped onto her like a silent, stealthy assassin. Opening her yummy smelling bento, she delicately picked up her chopsticks and began eating. Lunch in her classroom was pretty peaceful, with the occasional squeal from a girl or boy.

Until he arrived.

It was the spiky head boy from last night, the turnip head.

"Oi! Kunimi, want to eat lunch with me!?" The really tall boy asked excitedly.

Eri blinked in muted annoyance at the tall boy. He shattered her placid tranquility.

The boy she guessed was Kunimi, and the other boy from last night, sighed. "Might as well since you're already here."

Kunimi….she recognized him as the boy who sat in the row two away from her, one seat up. He seemed boring, and really lazy, like her. Kindaichi on the other hand, appeared loud, boisterous and hot tempered. Not someone she really wanted to associate herself with. Still, she shouldn't judge so easily. She constantly analyzed people and sometime pegged them on the wrong peg. It was a habit she kind of needed to stop.

Eri returned to her own business, not giving a second thought about those two boys. They're not important in her life.

However, as fate would have it, once again after school her cousin required her help with his club.

'Come to the gym and take these papers to the principal, PLEASEEEEEEEEEE, I can't the boys or they'll go crazy!' her cousin texted her after school.

She sighed in exasperation, already typing her answer. 'Fine.'

Begrudgingly, she shuffled to where her cousin was. Why he couldn't have done it himself she had no idea, but because he was family she helped him out. Even if it made her work, because all she really wanted right now was a nap. After a few minutes hunting down the right building, she sighed, putting down her bag next to the door. Already she could hear the volleyballs smacking the shiny wooden floor inside. She prayed she wouldn't get hit. Because getting hit would mean more work for her.

Sighing again, she slid open the door, making all the heads inside turn and stare at her.

One third year whom she recognized as Iwaizumi Hajime (she had tons of data on practically everyone in the school and people from other schools, even without ever meeting them. Creepy) stepped forward. "If you're one of Oikawa's fangirls, please leave until practice is over or go into the balconies above to wait."

Eri pursed her lips thoughtfully. She would die before being labeled as a fangirl of Oikawa.

"Ehh? That's no way to speak to a lady, Iwa-chan!" There was the annoying Grand King himself.

Lucky her.

Oikawa Tooru stepped forward with a charming (and totally fake) smile and an outstretched hand. "Pleased to meet another fan, but please wait until prac-"

Eri interrupted his royal highness with a bored gleam in her eyes. "You disgust me. Please refrain from calling me one of your fans." She stated neutrally and bluntly, but the message slapped Oikawa right in the face.

Another third year with pink-brown hair, Hanamaki Takahiro, burst out laughing along with Iwaizumi and the last third year, Matsukawa Issei. Several of the second years snickered quietly while the first years were appalled at Eri's statement, most of them idolizing their precious captain.

Mizoguchi Sadayuki, the assistant coach stepped forward to speak with Eri.

Most of the volleyball members believed Mizoguchi was going to scold the strange girl that abruptly interrupted their practice. They were also curious why Irihata Nobuteru, their head coach didn't yell at the girl either.

To their immense surprise and to Eri's annoyance, Mizoguchi tightly hugged Eri, stars shining in his eyes.

"Oh dear little Eri, how I've missed you!" Mizoguchi trilled cheerfully, the complete opposite of what he was in during practices and matches.

Eri gasped softly, precious air leaving her lungs. "Sada-kun, don't hug me." She said bluntly and calmly.

Mizoguchi released her, a broad smile on his lips. "Sorry, but I've missed you!"

Eri sighed and raised an eyebrow, as did Irihata. "You literally saw me yesterday and had me running around, which you KNOW I hate, to do your errands."

Mizoguchi grinned sheepishly. "Details, details." His smile grew just a bit more serious. "The papers are in my bag on the bench. Just deliver them and that would be great!"

Eri mentally groaned the principal's office was on the other side of the school grounds. "Sada-kun, you owe me ramen tomorrow afternoon." She walked towards the bench, where Irihata and the bag were. "Good afternoon Irihata-sama," she said politely.

Irihata smiled warmly, often viewing Eri as family. "Eri-san, how delightful to see you. I hope you'll stop by more often."

Eri deadpanned. "Knowing Sadayuki, I probably will be."

Irihata laughed good-naturedly. She was probably right. Eri quickly fished the papers of the official VBC documents for Mizoguchi and headed out. She noticed Kunimi and Kindaichi's shocked faces and now knew the two were in the volleyball club. Which meant she would most likely see them more often now.


She sighed while walking towards the Principal's office…..all the way on the other side of the school ground. Sadayuki better be getting her some nice, yummy, high quality ramen tomorrow.

(To help a fellow author, want to tell me how to insert those fancy line breaks you see in other stories?)

Kunimi was pretty dumbfounded, though he didn't show it like most of his club mates did. Oikawa was a dying mess in particular.

"Hey, did you see how she totally dissed Oikawa!"

"Coach Mizoguchi was really weird, don't you think?"

"That was strange, but cool."

"Coach Irihata was also pretty strange there too thought."

"Is she a first year, I've never seen her. Or seen Coach Mizoguchi act so happy and familiar with someone before."

"Man, for a first year, she was pretty hot."

The rumors and whispers flew around the gym like wildfire. Kunimi heard Kindaichi sputtering in confusion. The girl left a chaotic mess in her wake. He remembered her as the girl who always was sleeping in the back corner of the classroom yet answered that really tough English question flawlessly. Already knowing her last name was Ichijo, Kunimi now knew her first name.


Blessed prize. Quite fitting for her.

Kunimi lightly smirked. Maybe life would get more interesting now. From what he heard, Mizoguchi was usually strict and stern, not like the bubbly man he was with the girl.

"Coach! Who was she?!" Oikawa shrieked in desperation, his pride and ego quite wounded.

Mizoguchi opened his mouth to speak but Yahaba beat him to it.

"She's Mizoguchi's cousin, I remember when she came in last year to give Mizoguchi his forgotten lunch during practice." Yahaba answered smartly.

Hanamaki squinted suspiciously at his kouhai. "Are you sure? Because I sure don't remember her."

"Because Yahaba was the one who told me she was at the door but didn't open it to disturb us." Mizoguchi said with the slight undertone of irritation. Regular Mizoguchi was back. "Yahaba's the only one who has probably seen her besides these past two days."

That made sense.

"Now back to practice!" Mizoguchi barked and the volleyball players hastily resumed their practice.

All Kunimi knew was the game was now more intriguing with the newest player addition, Ichijo Eri.

All right, chapter one done! Seriously, anyone want to help me? I'd prefer if you'd PM me, but leave to review to help me with these stupid line breaks that I have absolutely no idea how to do. That was probably a run on sentence, sorry to all the grammar people out there!

Anyway, enough with this rambling, hoped you enjoyed this!