Sitting in the park brought back many old memories, ones I hoped could be re-created. The spot where I was sitting was the last place me and Jessie Prescott had talked. The same spot where she had broken up with me. That memory I didn't want to re-live.

"You said you loved me!" I had said in that one heart wrenching day.

"And I do, Teddy. In do. It's just, this is such a big opportunity for me."

"Fine." I said angrily, grabbing my purse and standing up.

"Teddy…" She reached out to me, but I was already gone.

When I had heard she was going to be making a visit to New York, I sprung for the chance. I checked the time; 9:30. She should be arriving in the park sooner or later. I had seen a news report yesterday that Jessie was coming to do a photo shoot.

But clearly, I wasn't the only one who heard the news. The park was crowded with teenage girls. When they began to scream, I knew she must be here. A security guard ushered Jessie through the crowd, who was smiling and waving at the adorning crowd.

"Jessie!" I called, once she was close enough to me. Her dark red locks bounced as she turned her head around. I waved at her, and she tilted her head. Finally, she smiled and walked over to me. I was bouncing with anticipation, "Jessie!"

I pulled her into a hug, inhaling the scent of peaches from her red locks, "It's so great to see you again."

And when I pulled away, I saw nothing on her eyes. Jessie tucked away stand or her hair behind her left ear, "… Okay?"

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happier to see me." I said, "But your kind of acting like you don't remember me at all."

She crossed her arms, "Should I know you?"

My heart broke in half, "You, you must be joking Jessie, its me. Its Teddy Duncan."

"Did I take a photo with you someday?"

I started to cry, "No. Oh my God, this can't be happening. I didn't take any photos with you, or bump into you somewhere, or go to one of your stupid events." I said, counting off on my fingers.

"First of all, they're not stupid. Second, if you never did all that stuff than why do you insist that we know each other?"

"Beca-Because Jessie, I'm your ex-girlfriend."

"Um, no. That's impossible, I would never date a girl."

"Um, yes you would." I imitated, "C'mon, we dated for three years! You only broke up with me because of your stupid movie career."

Jessie looked at me like I was insane.

"I flew all the way to New York just to see you."

"So? A lot of fans do that."

"I-I'm not a fan, Jessie! I didn't fly here to be some crazy fangirl. I came here to ask you to be my girlfriend again!" I shouted.

"Well, you must be delusional, because I don't date girls." She said, patting my shoulder before walking away.

I can't believe this.

"Don't take it personally, Teddy."

I jumped on surprise. I hadn't even noticed that Emma Ross had taken a seat beside me.


The blonde teenager smiled at me, "I know. Jessie's just not the same since she went off to Hollywood." She explained.

"She didn't forget you though, did she?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her. She's coming over tonight for dinner to talk about her next movie. You want to come eat with us?"

I smiled, "Sure. I really don't have any other place I need to be. "

At eight- 'O-clock that night, I arrived in the Ross house wearing a light blue dress. I heard chartering from the kitchen, and nervously walked in. Jessie was talking to Martin and Christina Ross about the movie deal. The kids weren't in the room yet, so I backed out.

"Teddy!" A little girl voice shouted. Her loud voice made heads turn. The redhead seemed curious and a little frightened to see me there. Zuri Ross jumped onto my back, and I carried her into the kitchen. After I sat her down on her chair, the other Ross kids ran on and gave me hugs.

"What are you doing here?" Jessie asked.

I cleared my throat, "Um… Emma invited me. "

She raised her eyebrow, "Did she?"

Emma moved closer to me, "I did."

The redheaded celebrity walked closer to me. She seemed skeptical, as if she didn't believe I was telling the truth.

"Jessie." I said, offering a kind smile.


"I can't always leave, if you want."

"Why would you? Oh my Gosh, are you two breaking up again?" Zuri asked.

I blushed, "Sweetie, we never got back together. Jessie doesn't remember a thing about me. "

The girl looked at her former Nanny, "Really? Nothin'?"

"No. Should I?"

"Yes!" All the Ross kids shouted.

Jessie stared at the kids in awe. They seemed offended that she didn't remember me. But not as upset as I was.

"Maybe this wasn't such an innovative idea after all."

The kids frowned at the sight of me. Tears were dripping down my face like an endless waterfall. I walked away, my boots echoing against the tile floor. But then I paused and opened my wallet. I took a poloried out of the plastic pocket and offered it to her, "Here. Keep it."

The photograph was the two of us on our second to last date. We were standing on top of a table holding milkshakes. She had her left arm around my waist and was kissing me on the cheek. I had my right arm up in the air, as if I was making a toast. With my left hand, I held my index finger against my lips as if I was telling someone to keep quiet.

We had been so in love back then. Or maybe it was just me, maybe I was the fool who thought a girl like her could be in love with me. Jessie had told me multiple times how much she loved me. But if that was true, she wouldn't have forgotten me.

Had I been nothing to her all along?

I turned my back to her before she could say anything. I doubted she wanted to, because she was too freaked out by the photograph to form any words. Someone yanked on the end of my shirt and I turned around. Zuri was standing there holding her arms wide. I smiled at her through my tears and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry, Teddy." She said, "I know its not the same, but if it makes any difference I love you." She squeezed me tighter.

"I love you too, Zuri."

I waved goodbye to the kids and exited the apartment, trying to hide my tears that just wouldn't stop.