Into the Darkness

A/N: So I was inspired by both CharlieCo's Soranort drawing and stories, and while re-watching some Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Specifically the Arc with Darth Maul return and his brother in Seasons 3-5). I decided to write out this story, I think after some feedback I'll add a few more chapters, any critics or advice is appreciated on how to improve my writing or the story.

This is a Canon Divergent AU in which Sora becomes the 13th vessel and is corrupted by Xehanort. Scenes are mild-torture, emotional trauma, and lots of ANGST (mostly a suffering Sora).

Xehanort stood before Sora, he examined the boy from head to toe, his hair once chestnut brown was now grey and pale. His eyes from a brilliant ocean blue were now golden and piercing like the old master before him, his expression was nothing a silent rage as he glared intensely at his new master. The youth was donning a black coat like the other organization members, he then made a stance and summoned his Oblivion, Xehanort, in turn, conjured his NO NAME.

Sora snarled at him, gripping his keyblade tightly as he then charged at the old man, swinging his weapon around wildly with Xehanort effortlessly dodging him. The boy kept swinging until their blades finally met clashed, sparks flew as both held their ground, Sora was trying to overpower the man who just narrowed his eyes, looking down at him.

"Hmph. You have no technique." He mocked Sora, who looked shocked for a moment before gritting his teeth while Xehanort grinned pushing Sora back as he fell to the ground.

"Pathetic…" Xehanort further taunted the boy as he quickly got to his feet and rushed at him again, swinging his Oblivion as Xehanort either dodged or countered his attacks.

"Use your darkness, do not hold back." He told Sora who responded with growls and roars as it seemed no matter how much force he put into his swings, Xehanort was able to repel or avoid them.

"DIE!" Sora's body began surrounded in flickers of his dark aura as he charged Xehanort who simply step aside, sticking his leg out to make Sora lose balance and fall once again.

"Sloppy." Xehanort grinned as Sora looked back as he stood up again, gripping his sword tightly as he tried again, but this time Xehanort let him get in close as he grabbed from Sora's wrist, holding it firmly as he then disarmed him, making his keyblade slide away from him.

Sora growled as instead of trying to call back his keyblade tried to tackle Xehanort, the old man was disappointed as he then used his free hand firing a blast of Thunder at the boy, he screamed as he dropped to his knees feeling the electricity surge through him. Xehanort then reached out to where the Oblivion was and summoned it into his other hand, and before Sora could even regain his composure Xehanort stood above, holding both keyblades in a criss-cross manner against Sora's throat.

"With the proper training, you could become more powerful, and more precise." He said as Sora locked eyes with him, Xehanort then dispelled his No Name and then handed back Oblivion to Sora.

"You have a natural ability boy, but we must hone it, perfect it." He said turning his back on Sora, the young man still kneeling before him.

"Are you up for the challenge of putting your hate to better use." Xehanort asked him he just nodded his head, before bowing it.

"Yes, Master." He answered him he slowly got to his feet as Xehanort left the room with Sora following as he then dispelled his keyblade.

Outside on the castle grounds, the eternal night sky overlooked The World That Never Was, the pathway was lined with large rows of stone pillars as Sora and Xehanort stood between them. Xehanort had his arms behind his back as usual, with Sora standing opposite to him when all of sudden a dark corridor appeared beside Xehanort as Ansem steeped out of the darkness.

"You must strengthen your connection to the darkness, draw your strength from it and let it empower you." Xehanort said discussing Sora's next lesson.

"We will start with your mental prowess…" Xehanort said as he nodded to the heartless who nodded as he then turned extending his hands out towards the pillars

Dark aura covered his palms as the large pillars began to move and tremble, as Ansem raised 4 of them off the ground, as they rose higher into the air. Sora's eyes widened as the heartless's expression remained composed, Ansem then lowered his arms swiftly as the pillar fell back down causing a small tremor when landed back down. Xehanort then looked at Sora and then pointed to them.

"Lift them as Ansem did." Xehanort commanded Sora to perform the same task as Sora looked at them before nodding as then motioned his hands, darkness gathered into his palms like sparks as he tried to concentrate with four pillars around him beginning to move.

"Focus…" Xehanort added as Ansem merely crossed his arms as Sora was trying, it was like he was trying to physically lift the pillars, his expression was strained, gritting his teeth like he was biting down a bullet.

The large stone columns were shaking and trembling but they were barely moving from their slots, Sora groaned as he struggled, dropping to a knee, his hands still raised up, sweating running from his forehead, they were slowly rising, almost out of their slots, with Xehanort raising an eyebrow. Suddenly his connection broke as the pillars fell back into place, as he panted, as he looked up to see his master and the other with disappointed looks.

"I can't… What you ask for is impossible for me." Sora said in a defeated manner as Xehanort approached him a somewhat confused expression by his statement.

"Impossible? The task is only impossible becauseyou have deemed it so." Xehanort pointed down at Sora as he turned away from him, a slightly frustrated expression.

"You must connect with your… HATRED!" Xehanort turned back attacking Sora with a blast of lightning as Sora screamed in pain, his body was smoking from the attack with Xehanort circling him.

"Focus on your power building. Do not think of anything or anyone else." He lectured him more shooting another bolt of lightning at him as Sora writhed in agony.

"Yes. That's it, your anger is your strength." Xehanort said seeing the pained and angered expression on Sora's face, as he struggled to rise, his body still static with the attack as he clenched his fists.

"I… I HATE you." Sora harshly said as Xehanort just smiled at his response.

"Good…" Xehanort said hitting him once again a surge of lightning as Sora was forced back to all fours, he shouted and grunted, still tightening his fist as he was enduring it as he glared up at him.

Sora gathered his hate, his darkness even while he was being electrocuted as the pillars around were moving again, rising out of their slots. Ansem uncrossed his arms as he watched Sora lift them, Xehanort's eyes widened, a sinister grin on his face as Sora had surprisingly gotten back up as the boy then roared as Xehanort shut off the lightning as Sora rose the pillars above his head holding them up for a few moments before dropping them down.

He gasped for air, before collapsing to the ground, he had small scars and cuts all over his face, singe marks on his clothes from the lightning, his expression was exhaustion but his yellow eyes remained at his master who was smirking at Sora as he nodded at Ansem who then walked over to Sora, pulling him up to his feet, and helping him stand.

"H-How… How does someone defend against such power?" Sora asked Xehanort who looked at him before once again turning his head back.

"A master does not reveal all his secrets… All in due time my young seeker." Xehanort told him as he slowly walked away as he vanished into a new corridor of darkness leaving Sora with Ansem.

Sora had become the newest vessel for Xehanort's new Organization for the last year now, the darkness had overtaken him, devouring most of his light, replacing it with hate, anger, and the dark. Any trace of the old Sora had been snuffed out by Xehanort, and now his grueling training with the other seekers had begun, with Xehanort showing no mercy to the boy, as he shaped his body and mind into a perfect vessel for his darkness. Brainwashed and corrupted the keyblade's hero had become another pawn in the old master's game.

His skills and abilities needed to be reset for the preferences of Xehanort, getting the boy used to the power of darkness, to make him a perfect warrior and extension of his own will. While his friends worked hard to prepare the next keyblade war, and rescue him, all while his heart was being twisted and damaged, his thoughts and feelings towards his old life, his loved ones and become nothing a painful reminder, and a constant suffering… Which soon turned into hate and disgust, their image was a curse to him now.

They hadn't come to save him, they moved on, an entire year had passed since he was taken, and he had given up hope on Riku and Kairi, Donald, Goofy or the King on coming to save him. There was nothing in him now but hatred…