AN: And here it is the last chapter of the story!

It was a miracle really, they found him. They found Steve's body, he was pulled out of the water they found him by the river.

Natasha and I were in the doorway of Steve's hospital room and I looked around, Sam was asleep in a chair next to a hospital bed. In the bed asleep laid Captain Steve Rogers. He was hooked up to several beeping machines and he had needles in his arms. His face was badly bruised, but other than that, he didn't look bad...he looked like someone who was shot and thrown out a helicarrier.

I blinked once to make sure it wasn't a dream. Everything had fallen into place. We were all alive, we saved millions of people, HYDRA was exposed, and now we could rest for a while. I pushed off the door frame and turned around leaving Steve's room with Natasha following behind me, ready to face whatever aftermath faced us and to be honest I don't care. Why?

Because we'd won.


Some politician named Senator Kelly, turned out to be HYDRA, I didn't know who he was but I knew Tony hated. I can only imagine all the jokes Tony is telling at the expense of Senator Kelly. I learned through Zahira that Sharon ended up joining the CIA, she said she couldn't do anything else, and the CIA was a close fit for an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Maria and Zahira started working for my Tony, God bless their poor souls, they're doomed to deal with him on a regular basis now.

A few days later, Natasha and I were in a Congressional hearing at Capitol Hill with the high ranking officials to discuss who was responsible for S.H.I.E.L.D's downfall.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Natasha and I were both asked. I had one hand on the book and answered.

"I do,"

Then we took our seats next to each other in front of the officials and waited for their questions as the press all stand behind us, lights constantly flashing from the cameras.

"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" General Scudder asked, a gaunt-faced, sunken-eyed man sitting stiffly at the head of the ring of representatives

Natasha thought carefully before answering, "I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of Potomac made his point fairly eloquently,"
Natasha sassed.

"Well, he could explain how this country is expected to maintain it's national security now that he, you, and Miss Sinclair have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus," Scudder responded, trying to hide his annoyance.

"HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence," I countered, narrowing my eyes.

"Many of which you two seemed to have a personal hand in telling," He shot back.

"Agents, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service records, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary. Not mouthing off on Capital Hill," Congressman Wenham stated.

"If that was the case, then why haven't you done it yet?" I challenged, cocking my head to the side and the members began to murmur amongst themselves.

"You're not going to put us in a prison," Natasha said confidently. "You're not gonna put any of us in a prison. You know why?"

"Do enlighten us," Scudder replied, his tone patronizing.

"Because you need us," Natasha responded simply. "Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we helped make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it,"

"So, if you want to arrest us, arrest us. You'll know where to find us," I stated calmly.

The members stared at us in shocked silence. Natasha and I then stand up out of our chairs, and walk out of the building, ignoring the camera flashes and questions being shouted at us.


Steve and I stood with Sam and Fury at Fury's headstone. Natasha said she needed to make a call and would meet me in a few minutes at Fury's headstone with the others. I looked down at the grave it read, "The path of the righteous man... -Ezekiel 25:17" There was a garland of flowers set on the ground.

Fury wearing dark sunglasses rather than his signature eyepatch, "So, you've experienced this sort of thing before?" Fury asked directing his question to Steve.

"You get used to it," Steve replied.

"We've been data-mining HYDRA's files," Fury said, turning his gaze from the headstone to me and Steve. "Looks like a lot of rats didn't got down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight. Wanted to ask if you'd come," Fury suggested.

"There's something I gotta do first," Steve answered.

Fury nodded and looked at Sam, "How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your abilities," Fury offered.

Sam looked at Steve for a moment before addressing Fury, "I'm more of a soldier than a spy," Sam replied.

Fury finally looked at me, "Amara?" Fury asked.

"Not this time Fury, I also have something that needs to be taken care of," I answered, looking at him.

"All right, then," Fury said before holding out his hand. Sam shook it first, then Steve, then me. "Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here," Fury stated, nodding his head towards the grave.

Natasha walked up as Fury walked away, "You should be honored. That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you," Natasha said, making Steve and Sam turn towards her voice.

Steve and I walked towards her, "Not going with him?" Steve asked.

"No," Natasha said firmly, smiling.

"Not staying here," Steve guessed.

She glanced at me and then back to Steve, "Nah, I blew all my covers. I got to go figure a new one out,"

"That might take a while," Steve pointed out.

"I'm counting on it," Natasha responded. "That thing you asked for," she pulled out a file from her jacket, "I called in a few favors from Kiev," Steve took the file and stared at it. "Will you do us a favor?" Natasha asked.

"Call that nurse," I finished.

Steve gave us a small, shy smile, "She's not a nurse," He countered.

"And you're not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent," Natasha retorted.

"What was her name again?" Steve asked.

"Sharon," Natasha and I named simultaneously.

"She's nice," Natasha added smiling.

"And pretty," I contributed.

Steve stared at us and Natasha took a step forward and kissed him on the cheek. I wrapped both arms around him and Steve returned my hug before I let him go.

"Be careful, Steve," Natasha said over her shoulder. She stopped and turned back towards him. "You might not want to pull on that thread," She looked at the file in his hands. Then, she walked away.

Steve as he opened up the file and I saw a blue frozen picture of Bucky. Then one of him back from 1943.

"You're going after him?" I asked, looking up at Steve.

"I was hoping you'd come with me," Steve shrugged, a hopeful look on his eye as he smiled. A look of disappointment flashed briefly across his face as I felt my own face fall. "Or not,"

I frowned, letting out a sigh, "Look, Steve, I'd like to, don't get me wrong, but I can't. There's people who I also need to track down as well," I explained, crossing my arms. "Plus, I'm not sure if Bucky will be happy to see me. I don't know if he will forgive me for leaving him the way I did four years ago when I escaped. You have to remember, not only did I mess with his head, but HYDRA punished him even further," I added.

Steve nodded, "Understood," Steve replied, with a small understanding smile.

I smiled in relief, "Thanks Steve, tell Sam I said goodbye. Be careful," I said softly, before walking away.

My phone began ringing and I pulled my phone out my pocket and I looked at the caller ID, it was Zahira.

"Hello," I answered.

"I've come bearing gifts," Zahira started, and I knew she was smiling. "So, I've been researching the information you gave me and I got hits," Zahira explained.

"That's wonderful!" I began grinning. "Who have you found?"

"Everyone," Zahira answered proudly. "Who do you want find first? Gates, Sterling, Fields, Phillip, Heiner," Zahira listed casually.

A smile stretched across my face as another thought crossed my mind, "Ready for another mission?" I asked curiously.

"When does it start?" Zahira asked back.

"Starting..." I paused and glanced at my watch. "Now," I answered with a sly smirk

AN: And that's the end! I hope you guys enjoyed it, because I did! The sequel should be out sometime next month, I want to take sometime and try to finish some of my other works.