It was half past two...

I was total confounded. The previous day's happenings seemed beyond rational explanation. To a certain extent, one would expect Lakeland, Tennessee to be the last place for any sub natural behavior to occur ... or for someone to disappear...

It was a slow, civil town that rarely strayed from its typical schedule. Hard workingmen and women - mainly country folk and working class Joes - resided in the area. But despite the stereotype, the supernatural had not failed to encompass me.

I couldn't believe the pickle I had gotten myself into. I had had close calls with fate before - violent landlords, drunken boyfriends, and conceited roommates. However, this particular event topped the cake for - you shall later agree - it surpassed all human logic.

5 hours ago, I had been in the 21st century. I had been driving my car to the lake. My life had been perfectly normal. Now, however, I was watching the stars from the top of an apartment complex, trying to simultaneously take in and block out the fictional space speeders that were zoning above my eyes. With a sense of mysticism, I starred above at the San Francisco gate. It was still hard to fathom the illuminated wonder before me for it was far more than a hundred years a head of my time.

So how had this happened? Here lies a question that I could not answer, only learn through time and reflection. At the moment, the only thing I knew for sure was that my earlier crash with surrealism had landed me in the remnants of a discontinued television show. And even that, by applying a certain amount of logic, was faulty.

I was practically a hostage in an unfamiliar universe. My captor/savior was from a world beyond my own. He had a distinctly (alien) look. A copper tint encompassed his very flesh. His eyebrows pointed upward like a mad man. And if one looked close enough, there were hints of a set of small, pointed ears, concealed behind his hairline. From the moment I met this particular unorthodox creature, I was struck with the unholy feeling that he could read into the depths of my soul.

He called himself Somal. And on one hand, I was incredibly grateful for his help. He had saved my life prior that very day. But on the other, he had sent a course of fear so deep throughout my body that I could never bring myself to forget it. Somal concerned me: he would not allow me to leave the complex, and his explanation of my arrival left me frazzled.

While on the roof, I couldn't help but think back to my activities earlier that day. School was out for the semester. The grueling finals were complete. And as part of my new years resolution, I had decided to start exercising more. I went for a walk around my local lake. At the time, it seemed like a totally innocent idea. Now, I realize my decision was an utter mistake.

I yearned for an escape. Life was too hard, and I desperately needed a break from insanity. My parents were deceased, and my siblings were living with an assortment of relatives. I was working two jobs to support myself and was studying day and night to get out of my small town and, essentially, acquire a scholarship to university.

So here I was, then, at the lake, taking a relaxing hike. It was nearly nine p.m. The moon could be seen glowing from above the treetops. It beautifully reflected upon the lake water, giving it an almost mystical aura. Briefly, I stopped in my steps and embraced the remnants of my inner child. I picked up a rock from the trail. It wasn't particularly large, but it fit into the grasp of my palm. I rocked my hand up and down, and then glanced past my wilderness surroundings to aim for the lake.

I positioned my feet, and to the best of my ability, I propelled the object forward with all my might. The rock hit the water with a splatter, leaving a group of animals to panic and frolic along the path. I let out a brief chuckle in response.

I was about to continue my walk when a strong, piercing noise filled my ears. My heart jolted in panic, and fear coursed through my veins. Involuntarily, I twisted and turned in the midst of the forest.

In hindsight, I realize my decision was foolish. When my mother was alive, she had always told me it was dangerous for a girl like myself to walk alone at night. After nearly coming face to face with death, I now acknowledge I should have obeyed her.

A large gust of wind forced me to my knees. I was rendered temporarily immobile. For a short while, I wondered if there was a storm brewing over yonder. Then I saw it: a moving object above the trees. It was massive. I had never seen such a thing before. The object - perhaps a comet - radiated with immense heat, and it was difficult to get a concise look for the velocity was incalculable.

My mouth hung open like a lunatic. Then, to my further surprise, the sound of a loud crash and a group of flames erupted in the distance. Such a collision, once again, caused me to tumble backwards. I was shook to the core.

At the time, my head - placed on the earth - was facing toward the sky. Everything was spinning. It was hard to tell, but for a moment I thought perhaps a second flying object had passed above my head.

I got up. Danger signals were running throughout my mind. Through the thick trees and the brush, it was hard to tell where the object had landed. I squinted my eyes, but that made little difference.

I was about to return back to my vehicle when I heard moving in the forest. I initially assumed it was a frightened animal fleeing from the disaster. However, to my surprise, the outline of a man could be made out in the distance. "Hello." I let out a cry, not knowing what to expect. I deeply hoped no one was hurt in the collision.

I saw the man raise his arm forward. I was perplexed. What was he doing? I thought to myself. Then, as he moved closer my eyes widened in horror. He was a sticky looking creature. His skin was dark yellow with numerous hardened bumps. The man almost looked alien.

He had some sort of device in his hand. Then I realized it: he was pointing a gun at me.