Wow! You guys have been awesome and I am so glad that you all are enjoying the story! So here is the last chapter and I feel like I should warn you… I really put Lucy through the ringer here and as someone who suffers from Claustrophobia I know what the feeling of being trapped does to you, so I tried to covey that the best I could. Hope you enjoy! Thanks :-)

Wyatt could feel his heart pounding in his ears as he ran into the common room of the silo. Agent Christopher came running down the stairs, her gun drawn, "What is going on?" She snapped harshly.

He shook his head not bothering to answer as he frantically pushed past her towards the bathroom. "Someone help me please!" Lucy sobbed loudly again, "Pleeeease, I can't-Oh my god, someone!"

"Lucy," Wyatt bellowed as he pounded the door, "Lucy!"

"Wy-Wy-Wy" was his only answer as she sobbed loudly, his heart racing as he rattled the door, realizing it was stuck. "Lucy are you okay?" He demanded, trying to stay calm but he had never heard her so scared, "Lucy, talk to me, what's wrong?"

"I-I-I can't get out!" She cried finally, "The door won't open. Oh please, Wyatt… I can't- "She broke off as a new set of sobs reached his ears.

"It's all-right," Wyatt said desperately, "I promise. Just give me a second okay."

"Ple-please, hurry," Lucy croaked out.

Wyatt twisted anxiously to Rufus who was staring at him terrified, "Get this door opened now!"

Rufus nodded before sprinting off to the kitchen. Mason and Christopher just looked puzzled once they realized an army of Rittenhouse agents were not bearing down on them. "The door sometimes gets stuck by the steam," Denise said confused, "It will release soon."

"Wyatt!" Lucy shrieked again, he could hear her desperately trying to budge the door, "Oh god, let me out."

"Lucy," He said trying to interject some calm he did not feel into his voice, "Luce, it's okay. I am right here. Rufus went to get some tools to open the door. I didn't go anywhere."

As the words left his mouth, shame crashed down around him. He did go somewhere. He left her for his own black hole of guilt about loving her so he did what he always did, he retreated into himself. Deciding that only he could face his demons and he didn't deserve happiness because of what happened to Jess or his years on the battlefield. He had made a promise to Lucy that she wouldn't lose him and yet the minute he got a little uncomfortable, he bolted.

Never again, Wyatt vowed as he laid his head against the door, her low sobs killing him more than any bullet ever could, she would never doubt his feeling again. She would never doubt that she had him for as long as she wanted him.

"Hey, Babydoll," Wyatt said quietly, "Tell me something."

"Wha-What?" Lucy asked her voice choking out.

"Tell me something I don't know."

"Like what?" Lucy cried but seemed more inclined to focus on his voice which Wyatt desperately took advantage of, "Anything you want," he said with a grateful look to Rufus who had come back with Jiya both carrying an armful of screwdrivers. Wyatt nodded to the hinges as he kept Lucy distracted, "What's your favorite color?"

"Pink," Lucy stuttered out softly.

"Really?" Wyatt asked with a smile, "Who knew. I always took you more for a purple girl."

She didn't answer but he could hear her rattling the door again frantically, "What else, Luce?"

"I can't-can't think," Lucy sobbed, her voice slurring slightly.

Rufus looked up at him worried, Wyatt's could see the pilot's concern etched on his face, she sounded so defeated. Wyatt swallowed hard but forced a smile into his voice, "Come on, Professor. I know you got more info stored up in that giant brain of yours. Tell me a weird history fact."

"Henr-r-r-y Ward Beecher was a preacher," Lucy stammered, "he smuggled guns into the west labeled Beecher bibles to help stop the spread of slavery."

"Huh, well that's badass," Wyatt smirked back at her, his face falling when she let out another moan, "Wyatt please," She cried desperately, "I can't-LET ME OUT!"

"They are too rusted," Jiya whispered frantically, "We can't get the hinges off, "Give me another minute to fin- "

"Screw that," Wyatt muttered backing away from the door, "Luce, scoot back." He waited until he heard her shuffling backwards before raising his leg kicking the door as hard as he could, startling Jiya. Agent Christopher took a step forward with a frown, "I really don't think this is necess- "Catching the murderous look on Wyatt's face, she sighed, "Fine."

"Rufus," Wyatt snapped, as the Pilot nodded, "1,2,3," On three, they simultaneously put all their weight into a kick and he never felt more of a relief when the door splintered from their efforts and flung open.

"Oh, Lucy," Wyatt felt his stomach drop as he took in the broken woman before him. She was naked except for a towel wrapped around her, her wet hair spilling over her shoulders. Lucy's chest was heaving deeply with sobs as she heartbreakingly tried to crawl out of the bathroom. Jiya gasped at the sight while Rufus swore quietly. Wyatt didn't hesitate, he bent down and picked her up into his arms. Her legs wrapping tightly around his waist, her arms hooking around his neck crying loudly into his shoulder.

He threw a furious glare at Agent Christopher and Mason who were mumbling to each other, "I dont care how you do it," Wyatt ordered menacingly, "but get it fixed. That door is never to be stuck like this again." He didn't wait for a reply before moving down the hall to his bunker.

Wyatt felt like his entire soul was being ripped out of his body with each deep sob racking Lucy's tiny frame. He just kept muttering nonsensical words into her hair as he stepped into the room. He kicked the door shut with his foot and hoped the look on his face would be a big enough incentive to keep everyone out.

He adjusted his hold, so he could sit down on the bed with her but as he moved Lucy bucked in fright before locking her legs tighter around him, "hey, hey," Wyatt whispered, "I'm right here. You're safe, Luce." He gave up trying to set her down and settled for just sitting on the edge of the cot, holding her as tight as he could to his chest. He ran his hands up and down her back, slowly counting in her ear. Wyatt knew that eventually her brain would recognize the pattern of numbers and would allow her heart rate to slow down. Pausing every few seconds to press fleeting kisses into her hair or on her temple. Desperately trying to soothe her but also for him. That look he had seen on her face when he broke open the bathroom door would haunt him for the rest of his life. Lucy's body shaking violently, her face white as a sheet, with her brown eyes black in fear.

He had seen PTSD and trauma before but Wyatt felt sick that it was happening to her. She didn't deserve this, Lucy was the good one, he thought furiously. The one who kept them all grounded, she was his compass when he wanted to get lost in the bloodshed of the past. Wyatt buried his nose in her still wet hair, hoping to cover his own fear, he had enough pain to cover three continents, but he would gladly take her pain too. He would be more than happy to bear that cross so long as that horrified look left her eyes forever.

Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice that she had stopped trembling until Lucy started using her fingers to rub circles into his neck, Wyatt looked down at her, although she was still crying in slow hiccups she seemed to be aware of her surroundings.

"Hey, there," Wyatt mumbled softly, "you back with me?"

Lucy looked up at him slowly, her red eyes rimmed with dark circles, "I'm so-rr-rry, I didn't mean- "

"Shhh, Lucy," Wyatt tightened his grip, "trust me, you don't have to apologize for anything to anyone."

She nodded sinking her head back to his shoulder as she took deep breaths. Only then did he become aware of their situation. Lucy was still straddling his lap naked except for a loose towel which had bunched up high on her thighs, and his hand was rubbing her completely bare-back. He leaned back slightly with a warm gaze, "Let's get you some clothes, okay?"

"They are in my room," Lucy said bashfully without looking at him. Sensing that she was about to retreat, he quickly squeezed her arm, "Just rest, I got it."

"You don't have too."

"Hey, Wyatt murmured catching her eyes, "I want too," He smoothed her hair back, tucking the wet strands behind her ears, "I want to take care of you…ma'am," Wyatt added with a smirk, pleased to see a small smile. Lucy held his gaze for a few minutes seemingly searching for something, he held his breath, trying to convey everything he felt for her, mentally begging her to let him do this, to trust him once more. He let out a breath of relief when she finally nodded.

"Thank you," he whispered laying his forehead against hers, Lucy laid her hand on his cheek as though to comfort him. Wyatt had no idea what he had ever done to deserve Lucy but he sure as hell was not going let her go. Not this time. They stayed locked together in that position for a while both breathing together, trying to assure the other one.

It wasn't until Lucy shivered a little that he realized she still wasn't dressed. "Here," Wyatt muttered gently sitting her down next to him with a quick kiss to her temple before grabbing some sweats and an oversized t-shirt, "They might be a little big but they should fit."

"Thanks," Lucy told him quietly.

Wyatt didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone so he simply turned his back while she got dressed. Keeping his focus on all the peeling paint on the walls of the bunker or going through his old drill sergeant's names, anything to distract himself from the fact that Lucy was naked behind him. A vision kept dancing in his brain which he immediately smacked himself for but it still didn't go away. Of Lucy laying in his bed naked for a whole different reason. Her brown hair spilled over his pillow and the only reason for dark circles under her eyes because they had been up all night wrapped up to-

"You can turn around now," Lucy said interrupting his train of thought thankfully, a few more seconds of thinking along those lines and his body would be revealing exactly where his head was at, which he doubted Lucy would appreciate right now. Although once Wyatt turned around he realized he was still in hot water. Seeing Lucy in his clothes sent a rush of heat through his body, with a weird mix of male pride and animalistic lust.

The t-shirt dwarfed her small frame and his pants were too big so they had slipped down low on her hips. Lucy had tied her hair into a low knot at the base of her neck. If Wyatt had any lasting doubts about how he felt about the historian, they were completely abolished by the sight before him. Gazing at Lucy, fresh-faced from her shower, all tucked up in his clothes with shyness lurking around her mouth, Wyatt knew he was irreversible, irrevocably in love with Lucy Preston.

"Wyatt?" Lucy asked curiously as he stared at her with his jaw open, "are you all right?"

"wh-uh, yeah, sorry," Wyatt stammered rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed, "Just spaced out for a minute." They stared at each other for a few seconds before Lucy sighed heavily, "I'm sorry about freaking out. I don't even really know what happened. I just," She trailed off her voice shaking slightly.

"Lucy," Wyatt said kneeling onto his knees before her, laying his hands on her thighs forcing her to look at him, "The only person who needs to apologize here is me. For disappearing these last few weeks. Which I will, for the rest of my life if you let me, but I will get to the groveling in a second. First, we need to talk about you."

"Wyatt, please," Lucy said clenching her eyes shut, "I don't want- "

"I know," He interrupted quietly, "but this will get worse if you don't talk about. I know what it's like to shed light on the nightmares but I promise you, you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you… Okay?"

Lucy stared at him for a minute before she reached a hand up into his hair, "okay."

He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, "Then I'm ready when you are, Professor."

"You know I hate it when you call me that, Master Sergeant," Lucy laughed causing Wyatt to smirk, grateful to see some of her sass come back. She took a steadying breath before pulling her shoulders back, "the night of the explosion, I went home to tell my mom about everything. I was so excited to get Amy back but I knew that it meant my mom would probably be dying again. I just wanted to get a chance to say good-bye."

Wyatt nodded, rubbing her legs encouragingly, "What happened?"

"She dropped the Rittenhouse bomb on me, how I was destined for greatness and how my lineage would go on in the name of Rittenhouse, blah, blah, blah." Lucy shrugged, "Whatever the hell that means. But I freaked out. I called her every name in the book but she just stared at me. Told me I didn't have a choice. My fate was sealed by my blood. I knew I had to get out so I tried to run, to get to my phone to call you or something but when I turned," Lucy stopped suddenly, looking at him intently, "this is the part you really won't like…"

Wyatt tightened his grip on her leg, "I can handle it," hoping it was true and he wouldn't give away how hard hearing this was for him. Lucy needed him to be strong and not give into the rage coursing through at him. He wouldn't be any good to her if Agent Christopher had to stun gun him so he couldn't go out and kill anyone.

Lucy gave him a doubtful glance but as he gave her an encouraging squeeze she continued, "when I turned around, Noah was there." Wyatt's eyebrows skyrocketed at that piece of news, "Noah, as in your bastard of a fake ex-fiancé, Noah?

"That would be the one."

He took a deep breath regaining his composure, "What did he want?"

"He told me that we were going to make the next generation of Rittenhouse agents. That our children would be the symbol for the future and then… he grabbed me." Lucy said tears sliding her cheeks, "I tried to fight back, to use the techniques you had shown me but he was too strong, and then he-he-he clubbed me with something on the side of my face, knocking me unconscious."

Wyatt swore softly, his arm frantically reaching up to her head trying to feel for a bump but Lucy caught his hand mid-air and brought it down to her chest, holding it close, "I'm fine, Wyatt. It's healed now although I had a headache for days."

He growled but decided to worry about that later, "Where did he take you?"

"I woke up in a closet," Lucy whispered tears clogging up her throat. Wyatt swallowed hard around the lump in his own throat.

"It was so small, I couldn't even spread my arms fully out, and it was completely dark. I banged on the door, screamed- begged even until I was hoarse but my Mom, she-she-she," Lucy stopped trying to catch her breath, "She just told me that I couldn't come out until I was willing to listen to what they had to say. Finally, Emma opened the door and I was thrust into a bedroom."

Wyatt's stomach clenched and he could feel his body trembling, "Oh my god, Lucy… Was Noah there? Did he," He stopped unable to ask the question but she frantically shook her head, "He wasn't there. It was my mom and Emma. They preached at me for hours shoving Rittenhouse propaganda down my throat. I finally collapsed exhausted and my Mom said they would be back tomorrow."

Lucy wiped at her eyes, her voice a little stronger, "This went on for days but every time I refused to listen, or argue back at them, they would drag me back to that closet."

Wyatt took all this information as abject horror raced through his veins. Carol Preston had to know how terribly claustrophobic Lucy was, locking her in a tiny closet for hours with no light was a new brand of sick parenting, "I'm so sorry, Lucy."

Lucy broke down at the kindness in his voice, "She knew what that would do to me, Wyatt. My mom knew how I felt about small spaces and being trapped but she didn't care! She did it anyway to get me to comply with her will."

Wyatt had no words for her pain and never had he felt so helpless. He hated that she had to endure that for six weeks. He should have gotten to her sooner, hell he should have sent his damn Delta Squad after her, anything to rescue her from that kind of torture.

"I finally remembered what Harry Houdini taught me about escape. So, I started playing along, reciting those damn pamphlets, or whatever else they wanted. I just couldn't go back into the closet, Wyatt." Lucy said with a tearful apology in her voice as though she thought he would be mad at her for giving into their lessons.

"Oh, baby," Wyatt breathed out in alarm, grabbing her face in his hands, "No, Lucy, no. You didn't do anything wrong. You just did what you had to survive."

Lucy clutched at his shirt burying her face into his chest. Wyatt swiftly stood up gathering her back up into him clenching his arms tight around her, trying to stay calm but he could feel his own tears sliding into her hair. He didn't attempt comfort her because he had no words to offer but he made sure she knew he was there, she was protected now. As far as he was concerned, Emma and Carol Preston were now dead women. Wyatt didn't care what Agent Christopher or the government told him what the mission was if he had a shot he was taking it. He was going to send a very loud, global message that Lucy was off limits and anyone who even thought of touching her, would have his face as their final image.

Lucy finally pulled back, her tears subdued but her eyes were bloodshot from all the crying she had done but the weight she had been carrying around since her rescue had lifted, "So today when the bathroom door got stuck, it just took me back into that closet, which took me back to the car accident, and my mind shut down. I couldn't breathe and everything seemed to close in around me."

Wyatt stroked her cheek, "It won't happen again, Luce. I already gave them orders to fix the door, don't worry about it." She smiled but he could see the concern etched on her face "What is it?"

"Do you think Agent Christopher is mad at me? I don't want her to think I am not capable or I need to be pulled from the missions."

"Lucy, if you don't go on the mission, then me and Rufus don't go, simple as that and if Agent Christopher has anything to say to you about what happened this morning, she can say it to me," Wyatt said firmly, a protective edge in his voice that made Lucy blink at him in surprise.

She touched the bristles of his beard lightly, "Why did you shut me out, Wyatt?"

He sighed with a smile, "Are we ready for the groveling now?"

Lucy gave a soft chuckle, "I don't need groveling, I just want to know what happened."

Wyatt swallowed hard, he prayed what he was about to say wouldn't hurt her more,"I am sorry, Lucy. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you or cause you harm."

"I know that, Wyatt."

"Please don't comfort me here, Luce," Wyatt asked her quietly, "I don't deserve it."

"That's your problem, Soldier. You have no idea how much you deserve. I would be dead ten times over without you."

He buried his face into her chest seeking comfort from her now. Lucy sank her fingers into his hair and pressed her face down onto his, "Just talk to me, Wyatt."

"When we were locked in that trunk together, I felt something, Lucy," Wyatt began shakily, "I saw what you were going through and I wanted to swoop you away. I couldn't bear seeing you so upset or afraid, it made me sick to my stomach seeing you like that."

"Shhh," Lucy said, tugging his head up to meet her gaze, "It's okay. You have always protected us and I know how big your heart is… even if you don't."

"No, Luce," Wyatt told her desperately trying to get this right,"I knew I loved you. Not like a friend, or like a colleague but deeply, over the moon in love with you. I love you in a way that I have never loved anyone not even Jess."

"Wyatt," Lucy gasped grabbing his face but he simply kissed her fingers, "It scared me, Lucy. I felt so dishonorable to Jess and to my marriage. I convinced myself that her death was my fault. That's why I retreated so badly. I couldn't be in the same room with you without wanting to take you in my arms and kiss you senseless."

She gave a startled chuckle and a slow blush crept onto her cheeks which delighted Wyatt. He leaned forward nuzzling her nose with his, "trust me, I will get to that in a second."

"Promise?" Lucy whispered shyly causing him to groan low with desire but he knew he needed to get the rest of this out, "Rufus sat me down and made me talk it out. See, the night Jess died, I was planning on telling her I wanted a divorce."

Lucy stared at him in shock, her lips trembling, "We were over, Luce and we both knew it. We hadn't been right for a while but then she was killed and I thought it was my fault because I wanted out. So, I decided that it was my punishment for not loving her enough. But the truth is we did love each other but we couldn't love each other the right way. The way to make the other person whole as Rufus put it. It's not wrong to admit that and it wasn't my fault. No more than it would have been Jess's fault if I had died on that road."

"Don't say that," Lucy said with quiet authority, "I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you."

"Back atcha babydoll," Wyatt replied, "I love you, Lucy. I am so sorry I didn't tell you before and I know I hurt you when I froze you out. But if you give me a chance, I swear I will make it up to you."

"There is nothing to make up, Wyatt." Lucy told him happiness leaking out of her, "I know you loved Jess and how hard it must be to tell me the truth about your marriage. I am just grateful you finally talked about. What a horrible burden to carry alone and I hate that you felt guilty about something that wasn't your fault," Lucy paused before meeting his gaze, her brown eyes fierce with adoration, "I love you too more than I can put into words."

Wyatt didn't give her a chance to try before claiming her lips with his, their lips moving together gently, finding their rhythm, memorizing every curve and dip of her lips before he brushed her bottom lip with his tongue. Lucy gasped into his mouth creating the opportunity to swoop in, their tongues sliding and stroking together slowly, neither in a hurry as they tried to make up for lost time. Lucy pulled his lower lip into her mouth with a slow suck, causing the blood in his body to go south. His hands crept up the back of her shirt, desperate to feel skin under him. When air finally became a problem, Wyatt pulled back with a gasp, as she buried her face into his neck to catch her breath.

They stayed huddled up together whispering words of love into the other's skin relishing in their new confession. Wyatt finally pulled back, his blue eyes twinkling at her, "We should probably go back at there and let Rufus know you're okay."

Lucy nodded but she ran her fingers over his shirt, "Do you think Rufus would mind a roommate switch?" She asked cheekily, "I would really like to try that "whole kiss me senseless thing" again. What do you think, Master Sergeant?"

Wyatt smirked and leaned in close, "I think that can be arranged, ma'am," grabbing her waist and throwing her gently down onto the bed, smothering her giggles until they became low moans. He decided that checking in with Rufus could wait… until tomorrow.

FINISHED! Thanks, everyone for following the Trunk Ride and I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. Let me know what you think and I may post a new Lyatt story soon