"Mate, your sleeve is on fire. Again."

Harry looked down. Ron was right. His sleeve was, in fact, on fire.

"Oh, bloody hell."

He took out his wand and cast a quick Auguamenti. Then a quickly drying spell.

Good as new…?

"Those pre-wedding jitters are a bitch, right? I didn't get them anywhere as much as you are, but I woke up the morning of completely green, from my skin to my hair. Luckily it wore off within the hour."

Harry looked at Ron like he had just sprouted wings and flew away.

"What the hell are you on about?"

Now Ron was looking at him confusedly.

"You know, pre-wedding jitters? Your magic goes all out of wack right before you get married. It's stronger in some more than others. Looks like you're on the stronger side of the spectrum."

Harry blinked at him before bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. This is one of those times Harry really hated the fact that everyone assumed that he knew everything about the magical world.

"Ron. Muggle-raised, remember?"

Ron snapped his fingers in realization, "Right, mate. Sorry. I always forget. It's just that you and Hermione are so knowledgable about the wizarding world I forgot you two weren't born into it."

Harry blushed slightly, not expecting the compliment. His brief anger dissipated.

"Thanks, Ron."

Ron gave him a wide grin before asking, "So, are you ready?"

Harry let out a breath before nodding. Draco and he had agreed that Harry would be the one to walk down the aisle because Draco had been the one to propose first. Harry had a proposal set up for later that week but Draco had beaten him to the punch, the prick.

"Stop smiling like that, you idiot. You look so in love I'm going to barf."

Harry only laughed in response. After straightening his bowtie, he nodded at Ron, who nodded back.

"It's time."

Draco and Harry had both agreed to also have women for 'groomsmen,' as some of their closest friends were girls. Draco's 'groomsmen' consisted of Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Daphne. Harry's included Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Ginny.

Harry could hear the wedding music playing from the organ that Flitwick had conjured to automatically play for the duration of the ceremony. Now, all he had to do was open the doors to the Great Hall. All the 'groomsmen' were already out there. They were all waiting on Harry.

No pressure or anything. Not like Harry hasn't had more stressful situations.

Cough. Voldemort. Cough.

Harry shook his head of the past and instead focussed on his bright future with Draco. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with the man. Just thinking about it made Harry giddy.

Taking a steadying breath, Harry pushed open the doors to the Great Hall.

Standing at the other end of the Hall was Draco, and he looked gorgeous. He was wearing a midnight blue dress robe that complimented his figure very well, in Harry's opinion. Harry started with his usual brisk pace until he remembered this was his fucking wedding and maybe he should slow down. He passes by the few rows of seats lining each side of him and seeing the familiar faces boosted his confidence. It wasn't a big wedding—most of the Hall wasn't filled. But that was okay. He and Draco didn't need something big; they just wanted to be with the people they cared about.

Behind Draco and his friends was Dumbledore's portrait. He would be leading them in the ceremony. Snape's portrait was also there but on a different wall. Harry finally made his way up to Draco, whose eyes were suspiciously shining.

Once they were beside each other, Draco leaned over and whispered, "You look beautiful. But I wish you would've worn the wedding dress robes I picked out."

"Shut your fucking trap and smile for Dumbledore."

Dumbledore, of course, had been listening to them the whole time and was smiling at them amusedly. He coughed once, politely.

"Gentlemen, if you're ready."

Both Draco and Harry nodded enthusiastically. They certainly hadn't been born ready, but there was no time like the present.

Then, Dumbledore projected his voice in a way only he knew how.

"Ladies and gentlemen, witches and wizards, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage ceremony for Harry James Potter and Draco Lucius Malfoy. Both have prepared their own vows, so I will leave it to them. Draco, my boy, will you start?"

Draco nodded and pulled a paper out of his pocket. It looked like it had been folded and unfolded countless times. Harry smiled softly, falling even more in love with every passing second—if that was even possible.

Soon after, Draco started: "Harry, before I fell in love with you, I didn't know what true happiness was. You taught me how to enjoy life. You taught me how to laugh again. But most importantly, you taught me that tattoos only run skin deep but love reaches your heart. I love you, Harry. If I can't be certain of anything in this world, the one thing I know to be true is that I love you."

Of course, Harry had started tearing up during his speech, and he also heard some sniffles coming from the crowd.

"Harry?" Dumbledore prompted softly.

Taking a deep breath, Harry began: "I had a speech prepared as well, of course, but sadly it burst into flames because of pre-wedding jitters. So I guess I'll just speak from the heart. Draco, you complete me. Without you, I don't feel like a full person. We're two halves of a whole and I couldn't be happier with my other half. You're the moon to my sun. I couldn't live without you. I love you so much, Draco."

Draco had a tear running down his cheek but he swiped it away before it could finish its path. Dumbledore was smiling at both of them, looking incredibly proud at how far they've come.

"Now," Dumbledore spoke again, "if Hagrid and Fang could bring out the rings."

The door to the Great Hall cracked open and Hagrid stuck his head out.

"I 'ave a present fer the two lovebirds, actually. Do you mind?"

"Oh Merlin, Hagrid, please don't ruin this day for us," Harry pleaded softly.

His hopes were dashed, however, when Hagrid proceeded to bring a hippogriff into the Great Hall. Specifically, Buckbeak stepped into the Great Hall.

"Look, 'Arry! It's Buckbeak!" Hagrid shouted across the room, not reading the horrifying atmosphere that had overtaken the Hall.

"Um, I see that, Hagrid," Harry replied weakly. Looking over to his right, Harry was startled to see how pale Draco was.

And then he remembered the incident in third year. And now that Harry looked, Buckbeak was looking very avidly at Draco.

Under his breath, Harry whispered to Draco, "On my signal, run for the exit behind the teacher's table. I'll distract Buckbeak."

"Accio Draco and Harry's wedding rings!" Harry yelled. The necklace around Buckbeak's neck broke and the rings came flying into Harry's outstretched hand. Quickly, Harry put the ring on Draco's finger and then his own.

Then, he swooped Draco down into a searing kiss, snogging the life out of him for a second or two. There was whoops and whistles from all around the room.

Harry parted their lips with a loud smack.

"WE'RE MARRIED." Harry proclaimed.

Then he grabbed Draco's hand and ran towards the back door.

"Bahamas?" Harry asked.

"Bahamas." Draco concurred.

They were starting their honeymoon earlier than expected, they guessed. Everyone else could deal with the Hippogriff.

Harry had a marriage to consummate.

A/N: Hello, all! Long time no see, huh? I just had the inspiration for this so I thought why not add it as a bonus chapter for everyone? I hope you guys enjoy!