I apologize for not up dating until now. School has been really hectic with assignments and exams. I also apologize, as this chapter isn't all that great. I'll try and up date soon with a better chapter. Thanks for bearing with me.

Chapter 5

Title: Swinging it up!

Author: HM

Rating: PG

Summary: The JAG crew have a day at the local Golf course!

Disclaimer: I do not own JAG or any of the characters. This is for pure fun.

Thoughts in ' '

Conversations in " "

Inner self * *


Saturday 7:10am (EST)

Golf Course

Strolling towards hole 9, the JAG team discuss the other law firms from around the D.C. area.

"I wonder if there are any attractive guys from the other firms?" Mac muses to Harriet, all the while thinking of Harm and his reactions to her question.

"I don't know Sarah," Harriet says trying not to say anything to disturb the peace between Harm and Mac.

Still musing to herself, Mac walks over to Harm and smiles sweetly up at him.

"So Harm, have you thought of what you will be doing for me if I win?" Mac asks him.

"I didn't know that we were playing for anything," Harm says looking confused.

"Well, we are now."

"Fine, but I think that you should be the one to think of something to do for me," Harm says back in a smug tone.

"We'll see. If you haven't noticed I am beating you."

"We are only on the second hole Mac," Harm exclaims.

"Shouldn't you be saying - One hole too many, that I'm in front?" Mac asks intrigued, wondering what his answer would be.

"Mac, this golf game isn't really a competition."

"Harm, didn't you hear the word competition when the admiral said that we were going to play against other firms from around the D.C. area in a golf COMPETION?" Mac asks.

"Okay, so it is a competition but it is supposed to be a friendly, fun game of golf to raise money for the hospital that burnt down and the whole purpose of this was to compete against the other law firms not amongst your firm." Harm points out to her.

"Well, why can't we? It doesn't say anything about not competing against your own firm in the rules," Mac says.

"Mac, can we please just drop this and focus on the game," Harm says getting bored with arguing over such a little thing.

"Alright, but don't say that I didn't warn you when I win."

With that, Mac quickens her pace to catch up with Harriet.

"So have you thought of any ideas of what I should do?" Mac asks Harriet.

"Well, I have been thinking and I have come up with an idea but not the idea for what to do," Harriet explains, all the while trying to make sure nobody especially Harm and the guys, weren't listening.

"Yeah. So what is it?"

"See what I was thinking was that not only you but me and the other girls, can spice it all up by distracting Harm, therefore it wouldn't be as obvious to the other men." Harriet says, awaiting Mac's response.

"Hey, that's a good idea Harriet. If we split up and you go and tell Loren and Tracy and I'll go and tell Tess and Carr." Mac says, enthusiasm showing through.

"Cool, after I've told them I'll come back and tell you," Harriet says happily and then goes off in search of Loren.

"Hey Guys," Mac greets Tess and Carr, with a cheeky smile plastered on her face all the while thinking her lucky stars that she only had to tell the plan once instead of twice.

"Hey Mac. What's with the smile? And don't say nothing" Tess asks curiousity getting the best of her.

"I wasn't going to say nothing and before you ask another question the smile on my face is part of the reason I came over here." Mac tells her, making Tess even more curious.

"So come on tell me the reason," Tess prods her.

"Well did you notice before I disrupted Harm twice?" Mac asks waiting for her answer.

"Yea, now that you mention it, I do remember."

"Well, earlier I came up with this little plan to have more fun today and the plan was to disrupt Harms game by either misplacing his putter or distracting him when he goes to putt or swing. Then just before Harriet came up with another idea that is similar to mine but it involves us girls. Instead of just me distracting him, you guys and Tracy and Loren would join in so that it wouldn't be obvious to the other guys. Do you get my drift guys?" Mac asks.

After 30 seconds, which felt more like a couple of minutes to Mac, Carolyn is the first to reply.

"I like it."


"What about you Tess?"

"Well if all you guys are willing too go along with it, then so am I."

"Great, Here comes Harriet now," Mac says as a happy Harriet approaches the trio.

"The other girls have agreed. What about you guys?" Harriet looks expectantly at the 2 women then to Mac.

"Yeah, we're all in."

"Cool," Harriet manages she enthusiastically jumps up and down.

"It looks like we are all set then ladies." Mac smiles at them.

"Let's get to it then and good luck ladies," Harriet says before walking off to tell the other ladies.

End of Chapter 2.

What will the ladies do to Harm?

Find out in the next chapter of swinging it up!