
He leaned backwards in his chair, staring at the ceiling.

"You know, I've been thinking."

"Don't hurt yourself." She shot back from her place on the floor, face buried in a magazine.

He ignored her.

"I think…that fighting and sex have a lot in common."

She looked at him over the pages. "Well don't let me stop you, explain away Ladykiller."

"They're both really…intimate."


He hummed. "It all starts out innocently enough, feeling each other out, fumbling, probing for a reaction."

She smirked a little at that.

"Then, you feel it, the spark. You see the fire in their eyes, the excitement, the challenge. "

She slowly lowered the magazine.

"You're excited, but you don't rush in, you fight to stay in control."

He flexed his hands. "You make that first real contact, and you feel what each of you has to offer."

She was leaning in now.

"You start to lose yourself in it. You're flowing, shifting, pressing, wrestling, fighting for dominance."

He stared into the distance, lost in thought.

"Then you find it…your pace, your rhythm."

She shifted a little bit closer.

"Everything comes together, and it feels…right. Nothing can stop you, and you can feel them starting to lose control."

He nodded to himself, confidence building.

"They start to come undone in front of you, no longer able to hold on."

She found her feet.

"Then, and only then, you can throw your everything into it, searching for that finish, and when it's done…"

He looked to the floor. "You think about how you never thought you could know another person that well."

She strode over to him.

He shook his head. "Ah, don't worry about it. It was just a weird thought."

She placed a hand beneath his chin and tilted his head upwards.

"Hey Jaune?"

"Yeah?" He answered nervously.

She grinned.

"In the mood to go a few rounds?"

Judge Me