Prologue The Fall of a Reaper...
I do not own anything of MLP or Hasbro or Blazeblue all I have is my OC!
(Within The Boundary)
This was the finale to what could be called the most devastating personal vendetta in any world's history the two men at the center of the fued, they both stood at the end of the world. The place where timelines, dimensions, and reality all meet, the very core of all things the boundary itself. On one side, a white-haired man wearing a large red jacket, on top of a black hakama, with a large sword held by his left hand in a reverse face wearing a hateful, steady glare from his right blood red eye and, left emerald green eye while his body carried the weight of death as an aura, he truly was the personification of damnation the grim reaper in its purest form.
The other man wore a yellow cape that bore a hood he used to cover his light green hair, while casting a shadow over his face making his yellow eyes gleam, glowing with his malicious and sadistic intent in its fullest bloom. His black snake-like slit pupils piercing through his opponents allowing them to feel dread for daring to stare him in his inhuman, cruel eyes. He wore the suit of a businessman under the cape that made him look as sharp as both his unnerving, entertained grin and the silver butterfly knives, he expertly played within his fingers waiting for his opponent, no his prey to make his next move.
It was the reaper who spoke first "It's over Terumi." his voice carried finality, not rage, not vengefulness, there was no point holding onto them for the moment all he needed to worry about was ending this damn nightmare here and now. The caped man known as Terumi laughed before with a twisted voice filled with enjoyment and, mocking disappointment.
"That so Rags hmhmh guess I better pack my bags and, go huh abandon all that good ol' hard work right?" the response he was hoping for never came and Terumi put on a casual grin saying." Oh, my you're serious aren't ya Raggy…"Suddenly a sadistic sharpness filled his voice" good it would be boring if I didn't get to see you struggle before I stomp your head in worthless mutt." Raggy or rather Ragna growled lowly before finally responding to his enemy.
"Shut up you bastard, I'm going to defeat you for myself, for Jin, For Noel, for every person, you dragged into this damn petty revenge of yours and, I'm going to definitely beat the absolute shit out of you for Saya!" Terumi laughed more before dashing towards Ragna, the two's weapons clashed Terumi using a single knife to hold back the blade though, Ragna was able to push Terumi back in the end. Their weapons collided with one another again and, again as Terumi suddenly grinned as they locked weapons once more.
"Me petty? Oh please, that's something coming from the grim reaper himself huh, the man who literally slaughtered entire government branches just to get to me!" Ragna stayed silent as he went to break the lock they were in, Terumi slid into a lunging kick that sent Ragna skidding back Terumi rushed to follow up with a swing with his knife. Ragna countered by doing a lunging punch with his right arm being covered in darkness, with Ragna growling out
"Hell's Fang!" the strike collided with the knife though Ragna was going to follow up with a second strike with his left arm, darkness collecting around it to form a demonic maw of with glaring white eyes as he threw the punch roaring out"I'm gonna kill you!" in response to the attack Terumi countered by hissing out
"Nice try Rags!" swinging his arm upward materializing a spear like stream of green and, black energy that collided with Ragna's attack. Terumi then went into a lunge forward a glowing green chain from Ouroboros sitting in his hand saying "I wanna watch you suffer!" Ragna did a jump backwards barely dodging the attack, countering by doing a sliding kick that managed to knock Terumi's feet out from under him. Ragna dragged him up by his collar before ramming his fist into his gut but, right as Ragna was about to deliver a heavy sword strike against his stomach Terumi did a lunging strike with his knife putting enough force behind it to drag his opponent backwards. He did a second swipe dragging Ragna with him before delivering the final downwards swing with enough force to make Ragna bounce off of the shadow like mist that served as the boundary's floor. "Get back over here!" he dropped to the ground pulling an Ouroboros chain from the ground, that would have sent a snake of dark energy at an arc, however, Ragna defied logic and, gravity by inverting his momentum upwards while announcing his next attack.
"Inferno Divider!" after using the angled upward slash to drag himself high into the air he angled his blade downwards diving downwards at Terumi while saying "Belial's Edge!" Terumi did a quick hop back dodging the attack. Ragna growled while his sword bloodscythe's blade semi-transformed to its scythe form dragging it across the ground to send out a wave of pure darkness. Terumi himself did a grin with a shrug charging dark green power into his leg pushing dragging his foot against the ground before doing an upwards kick sending a wave of his own energy that took the form of a snake. The two powers collided violently creating a blindingly bright light, that once died down revealed both fighters looking at one another in another deadly stare off.
"Well as much as I do love stretching Rags how about we turn this up a bit, I don't have all the time in the world to make you bleed which is a real shame," Terumi spoke first breaking the tense silence though Ragna responded with a low growl in his voice while adjusting his jacket's collar.
"You're the one playing around you damn snake." after that, they lunged at one another from what could be called a fight, turned into a mad war for survival with the contenders going for the other with deadly expertise. Both capitalizing on the smallest openings, ignoring the idea of defense to instead continue the attack and, all the while throwing away any type of strategy. The two ravenously aimed for vital points in the opponent only getting knicks and, scratches off. Blood ran from their wounds as they fought the crimson drips turning into a grey smoke as it touched the boundary's floor.
(An hour of fighting later)
"Seriously R..Rags I love that you want to entertain me all day but, seriously just can you do me a favor and just god damn kill over already." Terumi slightly stuttered while holding on to his left arm blood dripping along with the rest of his body while his opponent wasn't in any better of a state. Ragna spat some blood out of his mouth before growling the annoyance and, anger that wasn't apparent at the beginning of the fight had surfaced from prolonged exposure to Terumi's running mouth.
"S..shut your damn mouth Terumi you're the dead man walking," Ragna growled out as more blood flowed from their wounds, their bodies were already pushed to their limits in both using their powers and how injured they could allow themselves to be without succumbing to fatigue and dying. "It's time to show you.." Ragna switched blood scythe from being a sword completely into a scythe as Terumi manifested dark energy around him into two chains that ended with blades having the look of snakes. Terumi chuckled as Ragna followed up with what he said growling out "The true power of the Azure!" As he finished saying that darkness completely enveloped him only his crimson red right eye gleamed through the shadows.
Terumi himself was covered in a greenish-black aura that accentuated his eyes letting them shine murderously.
They swung at one another at their fullest power the first swing colliding with such force that even the boundary shuddered from it. After that, though every swing either connected or scrapped the opponent from a war it changed to a slaughter. Huffing from being out of breath, blood had scattered filling the entire area with the greyish smoke created by the boundary and this would be the final strike.
Bloodscythe transformed back into its sword form with Ragna doing a forwards stab as Terumi created a black and, green blazing sword that he swung at a downwards angle to slash through Ragna's chest. Both moves connected Terumi's sword slicing completely into Ragna's shoulder down to his lower ribs as Ragna's stab went completely through Terumi's chest sending a beam of pure darkness tearing through him as well. Ragna's healing factor repaired his wound for at least the moment so he could keep standing and, he grumbled with shaky legs.
"Let the darkness devour you….Terumi." As Ragna went to remove blood scythe from Terumi's chest cavity, Terumi grabbed the blade and chuckled he never figured this was how it ends.
"Don't go ge..getting cocky mutt you can kill me now bu..but, you're going down with me hehehe then I can make your life more of a living hell in death hahaha!" Ragna rolled his eyes as Terumi removed himself the rest of the way off the sword, laughing madly even as the darkness in the boundary consumed his body and soul. Ragna fell to a single knee with his breath being shaky, he was going to die here. As he slumped over his sword falling next to him, Ragna felt his ability to breath slip away and, his vision was being overtaken by darkness he thought.
" Jin loo..looks like I won't be able to k... my pro..promise." After that Ragna fell into a deep, deep sleep. Ragna's body began to dissipate into a thick black mist similarly to Terumi, no one could have guessed it would be not his end but, the beginning of an all-new adventure.
(In another world)
There was a crash that alerted a young filly enjoying her time to herself as her friends were busy getting ready for a party that her sister was helping set up, she went to investigate the sudden noise. Her eyes went wide and, with a loud gasp, she suddenly thought"I gotta go get mah big brother!" she bolted off to get help for the wounded stranger she had found.