As soon as she had left, Glim whipped around to Mune. Her cheeks were colored red.

"I am so so so so so sorry! She... She's like that. She was kinda my Mum growing up... We know her outside of work. She would stop by my house every few days."

"It's okay, no need to apologize. She sure does know how to make people blush... But she really is sweet... and funny too."

"Yeah, she is. So, tomorrow must have you pretty excited. A whole festival for you and Sohone!"

"Well... I'm not really... A people person, I guess."

"It'll be okay, Mune. I'll be there beside you the whole time!"

"Yeah, that'll make it fun!"

"... And so will Sohone, I'm sure. I do hope they're not going to make it a formal thing, we aren't even grown up!"

"Well, Sohone is. He's around nineteen from what I've observed."

"Oh. How old are you, then?"

"I'm only sixteen..."

"Woah, you really are a youbg guardian!"


"I'm only fifteen... That isn't that surprising though."

"Um, yes it is!!! You know SO much!!!"

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome. What do you mean that it isn't surprising?"

Amyst sat a vanilla milkshake in between the two. Two straws pointed up to them with extra whipped cream and a cherry on top. She rested one hand on the table and the other on her hip. Sassy.

"Little Ms. Glim here is really self concious about a certain area. She never really focused on it until recently, since she had been so obsessed with books all of 'er life."

"Huh? What area? Everything about you is amazing."

"I'll give you one hint, buster. Boing boing!"

Mune looked at Amyst questioningly. Glim, about to die from embarrassment, immediately excused herself from the table and rushed to the ladies' room. Amyst watched her go. When the door closed, she faced Mune.

"Her chest."

"... O-Oh."

"Don't get so blushy about it, my boy. Every woman has a nice rack on the planet, except Glim. She's flatchested, remember that I say that in a non-offensive way."

"I understand."

"I'd start on that milkshake. She'll gulp it down when she comes back! Have a nice night, Mr. Mune."

"You too."

Amyst walked to her bar. Mune was left staring at the bathroom door. He sipped quietly on the milkshake, and finally, Glim calmly returned.

"Sorry about that. What did she say?"

"Well... After you left, she just laughed and... went back to the bar."

"That's Amyst for you... Do you like the milkshake?"

"Yes, I do!!! It's really good!! Thank you..."

"You're quite welcome. You better be getting back to your temple though... You need sleep."

"So do you."

"I'll walk home.. If you take me home with it, the moon will get off course."

"Can't you sleep in the temple?"

"Well I mean I can but..."

"Just for tonight. Please? Then I won't have to worry about you killing someone on the way home, because they dare make a rude comment."

"You... You really are amazing."


"Alright, but just for tonight!"


Glim giggled as she looked at the milkshake glass. It barely had an eighth left... Mune followed her eyes and started laughing as well.

"You must have really liked it!"

"What can I say, it is a good milkshake."

"WAS a good milkshake!!!"

Mune laughed and watched as Glim sipped the rest of the milkshake. She stood up and stretched.

"Well.. We better get going."

"To the temple!"

Mune smiled at energetic Glim and picked her up once more. He shot out of the cafe and whistled softly. Mune was inside of the temple within minutes.

He carried Glim to his bedroom and sat her on his bed. She yawned and stretched out. After hugging a pillow, she sneezed softly.

"Hey... This doesn't smell like you."

"Oh, I haven't slept in it yet."

Glim sneezed again and got up.

"That scent makes me sneeze!"


Mune ripped the sheets off, along with the pillow cases. He tossed them into a basket before taking new ones and putting them on the bed neatly. Glim still sneezed as she sat on it.

"That didn't work, huh?"

"N-N...N... ACHOO!"

He smiled, then leaped onto the bed and rolled around in it. The sheets and comforter was a mess by the time he finished.

"Try that."

Glim laid down, finally not wanting to sneeze anymore. She nodded peacefully.


"The bed smells like you now."

"Hm? Does it smell bad?"

"No... It smells good."

"What's it smell like?"

"Hmmm... Night."

"I've never smelt that before."

"Dew... A little camp fire-ish... Fresh forest."

"That doesn't sound like it smells good."

"Well... it smells amazing, whether you like it or... n..not."

Mune looked over to see her sound asleep. He smiled before heading out to the main room.