Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to check out my fanfic. This a slightly canon yet very different story at the same time. Some themes from the ending are used so beware of spoilers! Thanks again guys and I hope you enjoy the story. It's my first time writing so please by all means leave any kind of criticism. Anything helps! I love you guys!



"Gramps think you could slow it down a little?!" Rex screamed grabbing on for his life.

"Be quiet Rex and just hold on!" Azurda called back dodging the fallen debris of the now destroyed world tree. Rex and his friends were grabbing onto anything they could find. The world tree was broken. Claus was put to rest and Torna was finally defeated.

"What is that!?" Morag yells across the titan while grabbing Brighid.

"It's…..Elysium!" Rex yells back.

"All along it's been right here...We did it chum!" Zeke yells back with a extravagant pose.

'I give you the last of my gifts Rex...Create a world better than I ever could and live for it…'

Rex hears a voice in his head say this to him. Claus had given this to them. He made the titans find the real Elysium.

'He really was a father to this world…' Rex thought as Azurda slowed down.

Rex stared off into the distance as Zeke put a hand on his shoulder. Rex looked back they both nodded their heads. They had done it. All thanks to Pneuma. If it wasn't for her they would all be dead. Pyra, Mythra, and Pneuma. Rex would never forget them. He held the core crystal in his hand. However, as he clutched it it began to glow. Suddenly a bright light covered the sky and Rex was knocked back.

"What th-!" Rex exclaimed.

Then as Rex sat up he saw them there. Pyra and Mythra. Separated. How? All thanks to Claus. Tears formed in Rex's eyes, but he wiped them away and stood up.

Pyra and Mythra smiled and looked right at Rex. Poppi rushed towards them and hugged them both around their necks. Rex stood up and dusted himself off.

"Well, would ya look at that chap…" Zeke mumbled to himself.

"I'm so glad things turned out this way. Rex has been through so much," Brighid commented.

"He's a strong young man. He can survive the worst when he puts his mind to it," Morag seemingly beamed with pride. Rex was like a second little brother to her. Someone she deeply cared for. All of Rex's companions had a deep bond with him. He proved time and time again that he would never give up and powered through with them.

Zeke put his arm around Pandoria.

"Pandy, thank you for being with me," Zeke said with a prideful smile on his face.

Pandoria leaned into his hug and held his hand. The adults were happy for Rex and the girls.

"Rex-Rex this great!" Tora bumped into Rex yelling.

NIa patted Rex on the back and gave her smug grin once again as Pyra looked at Rex.

"I love you, Rex."

This was all Rex heard as tears started to stream down his face. Rex's body felt heavy and his breathing began to become more and more short.

"I...I-" Rex tried to speak, but it came out as a wheeze. Soon he passed out and hit the ground. The last thing he saw was Nia, Pyra, and Mythra running to his side as his vision blurred.

Black was all Rex saw as his body ached. His back especially was throbbing in pain. He could a sharp burn on his back as he rolled over. Rex slowly opened his eyes and saw complete black with only a little candle burning on his night stand.

"So, I'm back in Leftheria…" Rex mumbles.

Rex got up and walked to the window.'Definitely Leftheria' Rex thought to himself. He walked to the window and looked outside. Although this time his home wasn't in the sky floating. This time it was connect to a large mass of land.

"Wait, how'd I get here anyway? Didn't I pass out…" Rex said to himself looking at the new area before him.

Rex climbed back into bed and tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't pass out. Rex got up and checked the calendar on the wall. His eyes scrolled until he found the marking to signify the day.

'Three days?!' Rex screamed in his mind. He had been for three whole days. What had happened during that time period. Was everyone alright? Hundreds of thoughts appeared in Rex's mind as he tried to calm himself down. Eventually he decided on taking a walk outside.

As Rex walked out of his room he saw multiple rooms that had occupied signs on them. This meant all of his friends were safe. Rex breathed a sigh of relief as he strapped his grappling hook onto his right arm and strapped his metal sword onto his waist. He would've used Roc, but Rex had told him to go to Uraya and help in Garfont. Rex reached the stairs and slowly made his way down being careful not to wake anyone up. As soon as he was about to reach the bottom though he missed a step and tripped falling onto the floor. The injury on his back flared to life again and a sharp pain seared through Rex's body. He winced, but got back up and waited to see if he woke anyone up. Thankfully he didn't yell so it was a lot more quiet. If Rex had woken up Corrine he wouldn't have heard the end of it for being up while injured.

Outside Rex noticed that the floating islands of the Leftherian titan were now surrounding the giant green landmass and the bridges that once connected the islands together are now acting as bridges across the water. That's when Rex realized it. The titans were still floating, just now they were floating on water! 'Amazing!' Rex thought to himself.

Rex walked right past the bridge though and towards the graveyard on the outskirts of town. He reached it and climbed the stairs up to where the graves were. There Rex went straight to his parents graves and crouched down.

"Mom...Dad...I finally did it. I got Pyra and Mythra to Elysium and we even saved the world. I couldn't have done it without my friends, Pyra, Mythra, and everyone. All along the way they helped me out." Rex continued to talk to his parents about all his adventures with everyone and how he feels about Pyra and Mythra.

"I really don't know what I'm going to do...I have to choose one of them, but I don't want to hurt them either. Same with Nia. I know they all think I'm oblivious, but that's the only way I can make sure nobody gets hurt," Rex said.

"Then all you have to do is die…" A voice called out from behind the graves.

"Wha-!" Rex barely managed to dodge the incoming blow and blocked it with his sword. Rex was about to say something else, but a flurry of attacks came from the front as Rex had to block with everything he had in him. The man in a black hood jumped back and showed his choice of weapons. Two swords with the Urayan symbol on it.

"So, two things are clear. One you could be an Urayan and two you want me dead for some reason right?" Rex asked breathing heavily. The back injury was taking a toll on Rex's body as he began to feel more and more lethargic. Probably not the best idea to make conversation with the enemy he thought.

Rex pulled out his trusty sword. Nothing close to Roc or the girls, but it had done good things for him for awhile. The swords collided and the dark figure gave off a strange glow. Slowly his blades seemingly switched to a longer sword that looked very similar to a certain blade Rex knew.

"Wait, is tha-" Rex said as the dark figure looked as if he was charging up an attack.

Rex saw his chance and because of what Vandham had taught him, Rex took it.

"Anchor shot!" Rex yelled as he shot his grappling hook towards the leg of the figure.

The man fell backward as the attack he was charging was set off. Dark light beamed down on Rex as he covered his head with his sword.

"Aarrrgh!" Rex grunted as the weight of the darkness beamed down on him. Soon the onslaught came to an end as Rex slashed through the last bit of remaining light. When he looked up the man was gone. Rex felt the burning feeling on his back simmer down as the pain slowly went away from his body. He fell back down and sat on the ground wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"That was quite the show Rex," A familiar voice said to Rex.

"No thanks to you," Rex smiled as he got up and turned around.

It was Nia in her blade form. The Gormotti girl who has been with Rex since the beginning. Longer than anyone and it was true that she did have feelings for Rex, but Rex didn't want to address it. Not now. Not after Pyra and Mythra got back. He couldn't hurt Nia like that.

"I figured my body couldn't heal that fast!" Rex said as he gave his signature smile.

"Of course, what would you do without me now, eh?" Nia said smiling back.

Rex's wound closed up and he gave Nia a hug.

"Wha...What was that for?" Nia said.

Thanks for sticking around for so long Nia. I don't think I would've made it this far without you. So, thanks for helping me save Pyra and Mythra and helping to defeat Torna and Malos." Rex flashed a smile at her as he said this.

"Well, someone's gotta pick up your slack," Nia said with her usual sarcastic tone, but with a red face.

"Also, you should've spoke up if you were injured you idiot!" Nia said as she punched Rex in the arm.

Rex rubbed the back of his as he apologized like usual.

"Master Rex, it's great to see you up and walking. My lady was very worried about you, as was everyone else." A big white cat said coming out from the shadows.

"Hey Dromarch! Thanks." Rex said as the cat seemed to give a content face back.

Rex and Nia sat on the bench overlooking the newly replaced cloud sea.

"So, does that mean that this water is just a sea now?" Rex asked.

'Well, what else would it be. The water sea?"

"Alright alright no need to get snarky with me.'

The pair laughed as the night sky beamed down on them.

It had been so long since there was peace in there lives. Rex cherished the moment he shared with the Gormotti girl.

The two continued to talk to each other for a while.

"We should head back before morning hits. The others will get the wrong idea." Nia stated looking a little downcast.

Rex didn't respond in fact he had fallen asleep and wouldn't be able to respond. Rex fell over on the bench and started to softly snore. Nia blushed a little and Dromarch got up from laying down.

"Shall I carry our master, my lady?" Dromarch asked.

"Ma-Master?!" Nia whisper yelled at the cat.

"Well, you are Rex's blade and I am yours. Therefore Rex is technically our master." Dromarch said seeing right through Nia's feelings. Nia hit Dromarch on the head and he went to pick up Rex.

The trio headed back in the night as they walked side by side with a passed out Rex.

"He's been fighting for a long time hasn't he?" Nia accidentally said out loud while staring at Rex.

"Yes, my lady. Yes he has." Dromarch said as he looked up at Nia.

They reached Corrine's house and went to their separate rooms. Everyone had their own rooms, but each shared a room with their blade. Except Rex. Pyra and Mythra had their own room and Rex was in his own room. Dromarch dropped Rex off and Nia shut off the lights.

"Goodnight Rex." Nia said softly as she headed back to her room thinking about the night they had just had.

The next morning Rex woke up later than usual. He opened his eyes yet still felt like he was asleep.

"I feel like a titan hit me…" Rex sighed as he sat up. Then he realized what happened before. "Pyra, Mythra!" Rex yelled as he sprinted out of his room. He hit the stairs a little too fast and tumbled down them.

"Oh sh-!" Rex groaned as he fell before being cut off by the stairs. With his legs over his head he looked up.

"Masterpon look!" A familiar voice said.

"Rex-Rex!" A nopon screamed.

Rex got up, but was immediately felt himself pushed down as a Tora and Poppi tackled him.

"Poppi...Tora ...Hey guys its been awhile, huh?" Rex said smiling.

However, Rex noticed Poppi felt a little heavier than usual. Almost...adult-like.

"Well, would you look at that...Hey, chum! It's been a week already!" Zeke yelled across the room.

Rex got up and saw Zeke, Pandoria, Tora, and Poppi looking happily at him.

"A week!? Really…" Rex said

"Aye chap you had a hard time huh? We decided to let you sleep, but don't be looking at us there's some other girls waiting for you." Zeke said teasingly.

"WHAT?! Poppi...how did you change like that!?" Rex finally noticed Poppi.

"Masterpon made PoppiQTpie as a surprise for Rex-Rex" Poppi said looking prideful.

"Tora made Poppi into Rex's ideal girl!" Tora yelled proudly.

"Wait...what?" Rex looked at Tora with a blush.

"For saving world Rex-Rex needs reward!" Tora said

"Tora remember Rex-Rex talking about Rex-Rex's perfect girl in hot springs!" Tora said without shame.

"Tora shhh!" Rex blushed.

"Nice taste chum!" Zeke yelled with a thumbs up.

"Rex, the girls are training outside go and check on them." Morag sighed with a smile.

Rex headed out and a circle was formed around flashing lights, yelling, and lots of clanging. Rex hurried over and saw Brighid fighting Mythra and Nia fighting Pyra. Rex wasn't used to the pair being split.

"Ah Master Rex! It's great to see you!" Dromarch caught his eye and ran over.

"Hey Dromarch! What's happening?" Rex asked.

"You wouldn't believe it…" Dromarch sighed. "The children got the blades riled up and now they're fighting."

"Over what?"

"Yo-" Dromarch tried to say, but was cut off by a child yelling Rex's name.

A horde of young boys and girls tackled Rex and hugged him all at once.

"Rex! Rex! Rex!" The children screamed.

"Alright alright!" Rex said laughing.

The girls were too enthralled with their battle to notice Rex. The children wanted to go swimming in the new sea so they dragged Rex off. Rex laughed and started to undress to his underwear.

"For a boy his age he's quite muscular huh Zeke?" Pandy asked.

"Very astute Pandy! Rex might one day be as big as me. Abs and all!" Zeke yelled picking up Pandy.

The two looked on as the newly muscular Rex helped the children get ready to swim.

"Are we ready?!" Rex yelled as he finished making sure the water was shallow enough.

Rex and the kids played in the water having a great time. Everyone was nervous to go explore the newly found Elysium, so this took their minds off of it.

Back with the blades, they started to get more and more intense.

"Hellfire!" Brighid yelled backing up Nia. Nia backed up and slashed at Mythra knocking the Aegis back. Pyra threw a fire slash back at the girl and it collided with Brighid's flames.

"You're better than I thought.." Mythra said huffing.

"As I'd expect from two Aegises." Brighid said.

"Pyra let's do it!" Mythra yelled charging in.

"Right!" The flame blade yelled back.

The two grabbed each others hands and their swords combined to create Pneuma's blade. The girls charged up an attack and jumped up together.

"Ray of Punishment!" They screamed in unison.

Brighid and Nia blocked and the attack split off from the group towards the crowd.

"What is that?" Rex asked. The kids stared at the bright light.

"It's heading for the villagers!" Rex ran out of the water still in his swimwear and grabbed a blue jacket hanging from the tree around the ocean.. Zeke and Pandy had the same idea.

"Chap I won't make it in time! Catch this!" Zeke yelled as he threw his sword to Pandy as it changed back into a staff. Pandoria threw her staff towards Rex and once Rex caught it it shifted back into a greatsword.

"Use Stratospheric Thunder! It'll absorb the attack!" Pandoria yelled to Rex.

"Alright!" Rex's muscles burned from the weight of the sword, but to protect his family, he'd do anything. He yelled the attack and jumped in the air.

"HYAHHHHH!" He yelled as the two attacks brute force of both attacks were extreme. Rex could see the attack waning, but before it finished he felt himself being pushed back. Rex cocked his sword back and slashed through the air, cutting the light in half.

"Wooahh…" The crowd said in unison. Rex dropped to one knee. His right arm had taken the brunt of the force and blood was trickling down his arm. Pandy and Zeke ran over as Brighid and Mythra continued their fight, however, Pyra and Nia saw what had happened and ran over to Rex.

"Rex! Are you okay!? Pyra said dropping to his side.

"Yeah...I feel bad for all the people we've used that on." He said with a smile.

"Hold on I'll heal ya," Nia said sticking her arms out.

"Ah, thanks, I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Rex said.

Nia grabbed Rex's hand and Pyra pouted quietly.

'Oh boy, this is bad' Rex thought.

Brighid and Mythra continued their battle while the other combatants helped Rex. "We have to stop them before this happens again. Pyra, wi-" Rex remembered what had happened. The pain he felt when she lied and sacrificed herself for them was severe. He saw her hand and imagined her hand waving to him. He was about to reach out towards the fire blade, but recoiled his hand. He wouldn't be able to establish a connection with her. They weren't in tune at all. Seeing the look on Pyra's, and knowing she knew what he was thinking made him act in the spur of the moment. Rex got up and charged towards the fight. He picked up a rusty sword from one of the adults and just ran. All the emotions hit Rex and he saw the clash about to happen. Rex cut through Brighid's blue flames and collided with Mythra sending her back, but making him go flying back. Rex was about to shoot his hook, but realized he never put it back on. He rolled and landed on his feet and slashed towards Brighid's whip swords. Both blades flailed back and yelled.

"What?!" Both girls yelled at the same time.

"Both of you stop it! You'll destroy the village and we just got here!" Rex yelled with a wavering voice. They were still both very frightening to him. Both blades looked confused.

"Oh, crap…" Mythra said apologetically.

"I'm very sorry Rex. We got lost in the fight. Forgive me." Brighid said with a bow.

"Don't worry about! Nothing got broken, but there's a arena right outside the village. Why didn't you go there?" Rex asked.

"Well, Pyra, Mythra, and Nia got in a bit of a tussle over who w-" Brighid tried to say before being glared at by Mythra and Nia.

"I mean we all decided to give the crowd a show, but the fighting got too real." Brighid recovered.

"Aw, man I wish I could've seen. Anywho I'm up now." Rex said as he thought about Pyra. Pyra walked up and looked at Rex.

"Rex, you're bleeding again." Pyra said looking down.

"Aw crap!" Rex said wanting to hug the girl and never let go. He couldn't do it. He hurt her, but she hurt him. He needed to talk to her, but not now.

The group laughed it off and walked back inside. Rex forgot he was in his swimwear until Dromarch mentioned something.

"Master Rex! You're looking quite muscular. Are you finally trying to get a girlfriend?" He teased.

"Oh crap I forgot to change…:" Rex said with a sigh.

"Wow, Rex you've changed a lot since you left! You look completely different!" Corinne said as she set food on the , Mythra, and Nia couldn't keep their eyes off of him. It was true. It was already getting darker and the sun was setting as Rex got his salvager clothes back. He saw everyone eating in the window and decided to go for a walk to figure out his feelings.


"Mom...Dad...It's been a while hasn't it? I don't know where to start…"

Rex told the graves all about his adventures.

From his meeting of the girl he loves all the way to fighting Aion. The family he acquired. The friends he made. The love he learned. Every aspect he recalled and thought about. He started to tear up at the end talking about his feelings with Pyra.

"Rex? Is that you?" A familiar voice said.

"Pyra?!" Rex exclaimed as he shot around to look behind him.

"Uh what're you doing here?" Rex said as he blushed.

"I thought we should talk...about what happened. And...and u-us" Pyra said shyly.

"Oh! Uh, um okay! Well, why don't we go to a better place?" Rex said as he pointed to a nearby cliff overlooking the ocean. Pyra nodded as she began to walk towards the steps.

'Alright come on Rex! Now's the time!' Rex thought.

"It's beautiful...Reminds me of that night by the campfire right Rex?" Pyra said looking out over the ocean.

"Yeah...it's amazing with all that's happened. Who would've thought Elysium was here of all places." Rex said trying to get to the point.

"Listen, Pyr-" Rex said being cut off by the girl hugging him.

"Rex! Rex! I'm so sorry for what I did! I just couldn't let you and the others die. I didn't know I'd come back otherwise I would've told you. Please believe me…" Pyra said with tears in her eyes still holding on to the boy.

"I was afraid. I was mad and afraid. I just felt so...powerless. When you did that it felt like my heart had been torn out of my body. I was confused and the when the core crystal came out i realized what it really meant. You didn't need me anymore. It felt like our bond and…our...l-love had been broken. But then you came back and realized how happy I was to see you back and with me. But with the core crystal gone...I thought you would've left. You didn't need me anymore you were free to make your own path. I guess I was just scared to lose you yknow?" Rex said with a wavering voice. But...but now I know Pyra. I-I love you more than anything and I want to be with you forever. So please...don't cry." Rex finished his monologue and Pyra just stared at him with her hands covering her mouth.

"Py...ra?" Rex said with a questionable look.

Pyra jumped into Rex and locked her lips with his.

The two stood there for a second and and took in the moment. The kiss felt like it took 20 minutes to finish, but the couple parted. Pyra looked at Rex with a beautiful smile. She kissed him on the cheek and walked past him.

"I really do love you Rex…" Pyra called back walking back to the house swaying her hips with a new found confidence.

"W-w-w-w-WHAT!?" Rex yelled in excitement. "This has gotta be a joke. No way…"

Rex jumped for joy. There's no way this is happening. Pyra...loves me?! What about Mythra and Nia? What do I do for them? There's no way. I have to figure out something to do…

Rex touched his parents gravestones and continued to tell them his feelings about every girl.

"I know Mom would kill me if I didn't choose, but it's really hard to figure this out. I love all of them. How do I choose?! They're all my close friends and blades. I've told Mythra I love her and Pyra. I've told Nia that I love her separately. What do I do?" Rex sighed as he stood up and finished talking to his parents.

"Mom...Dad...thanks for everything. I'll make you guys proud I promise!" Rex yelled as he ran down the stairs with a new feeling of confidence from the kiss with Pyra. He was jumping down the stairs when all of a sudden a flash of light shined from the the land in front of him. Right outside of the Fonsett titan was a large grassy plain with a forest behind it and through that forest a light was shining towards Rex.

'Come child…' A voice called out in his mind.

"Wha...what is this?" Rex said aloud as he continued walking. He noticed a flash of red shine near him. Pyra's blade with a note on it.

It read:


Thank you for everything you've done for me, Mythra, and everyone else. We all really appreciate it and we haven't shown that to you at all. Without you the world would have crumbled and we all would've died. Without you I would've died. You held our group together and made me realize what love really is. Mythra was in love with Addam and now I think I'm in love with you and she is as well. You're courageous, brave, strong, kind, and sometimes a little dense and naive, but that's what makes you so cute. I love you Rex. Mythra loves you, although she won't show it. Other girls probably do too, but I don't wanna think about that. Mythra did hear about how PoppiQTpi was your ideal woman though, so you are gonna have to face her. Thanks for everything Rex you're our hero!

"Well, that was nice. Alright let's get going!" Rex said picking up his sword and continuing on to the newly found forest.


Once Rex reached the edge of Fonsett the light grew brighter and called out to him more. He cut the vines in order to get through the forest.

"Child, this is the last gift I give to you. The one thing I can offer was the last resort for humanity. Rex, please continue to save this world and grow with each other." A voice said.

"That voice...Claus?!" Rex exclaimed. "Wait, I have to ask you something!"

No response. Rex sighed and walked towards the light. A temple appeared in front of Rex.