Shaggy sighed. "Like at least we don't need to look for any job for a while" he thought.
Scooby and Scrappy were asleep in the back. Shaggy smiled when he thought of all his 2 best pals had gone through for him. Looking ahead He saw a sign for a hotel, and deciding to stop for the night, Shaggy pulled in to the parking lot. Leaving the 2 dogs sleeping, Shaggy walked in and got a room for the 3 of them. He was grateful that he didn't need to use the diamonds yet, as he still had some of the money he had earned at Grimwood's. He locked the truck, and went to sleep in the hotel. However his sleep was disturbed by strange dreams.
Sibella couldn't believe it. Her father was fighting with humans again. "Why can't he just leave them alone?" Sibella had grown to like humans. After her time at the Grimwood School she had taken the time to learn as much about humans as she could. Not all of them were nice. In fact some of them were down right disgusting, however that was no different from some monsters. She sighed, wondering what had happened to her old gym teachers. They had been a lot of fun, and they had saved her and the other girls. It was true that they probably would not have been captured in the first place if coach had not been placed under a spell, but she didn't believe that. After all, if he could had been spellbound while sleeping, who was to say that they couldn't have had the same fate? She sighed again. She really missed him. Her father had forbidden her from seeking out Shaggy. Although she had no idea why.
Sibella was startled when the door to her room was bashed in, and a human stood there. She saw this was a woman, she stood only 5 feet tall, this was not much shorter then Sibella herself. In her hands she held something Sibella had never seen. It seemed to give off sunlight. Sibella bowed and waited to die. "It's not fair" she thought. She had no one to help her, and she was not going to fight back against those whom her father had attacked.
The young vampire hunter watched the girl. Something seemed different with this one. She remembered hearing about one of her ancestors teaming up with a half vampire to help take down Dracula, and wondered if this was another one. "Forgive me, but who are you?"
Sibella looked up at this question. "I am Sibella, the daughter of Dracula" she said in a soft voice.
This confused the young woman. "How that possible?"
Sibella blinked. "I'm not sure what you mean."
"I have only heard of one child of Dracula, and that was a half vampire son."
This confused Sibella. "My father never told me about any other children" she replied.
The young woman smiled, "Somehow that doesn't surprise me. His name was Alucard. He helped my ancestor defeat Dracula in the past."
This explained why she had never heard of her brother. "I understand" Sibella said, but did not move.
The young woman looked at Sibella. "Are you not going to defend yourself?"
Sibella shook her head. "I do not agree with my father's actions, and I will not attack someone who is only trying to end the war. If that means I need to die, then I will die."
The young woman nodded. "Do you have some ware to go?"
Sibella looked up in surprise at these words. "Not really. I have a friend who is human, but I have no idea where he is at now."
The young woman smiled to herself. "Take flight Sibella. When Dracula is defeated this castle will be destroyed. Along with everything, and everyone in it." With that the woman walked out of the room and headed for the throne room.
Sibella waited a few minutes, just in case this was a trap. However when nothing happened after 4 minutes, she quickly gathered her belongings and flew out the window. "I hope I can find Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy" she thought as she flew into the night. Behind her the castle had started to shake, but Sibella didn't look back.
An: And this first chapter is done. This will be a long story, as I hope to give all 5 girls from the Ghoul School their time. I haven't decided if Shaggy will get all 5, or if just some of them. I do plan to have all 5 of them meat Shaggy and the crew though. This story will be updated every other week. As I am also working on my next power rangers story. This or the other story will be updated on Friday. I hope nobody mines the references I made in the second half of the story. Also the timeline is just my personal idea. I thought it was weird that Shaggy had a girlfriend in the Reluctant Werewolf, but not in the Ghoul School, or The Boo Brothers. Also I thought it would be odd that Scrappy would not have reminded Shaggy and Scooby about the brothers they had helped when they got to the school if that mystery had come before Ghoul School. I do realize the same thing applies in reverse, but this is how I see it. Please review. This will be my first romance, and I want to know how I am doing. See you all in a couple of weeks.