Revali sighs, and looks up at the sky smeared with pink, orange, and yellow. He doesn't offer an answer, and she doesn't expect one. What they know to expect is a disaster and a calamity that can - and will - change their lives.
Author's Ideas: Guess who's a huge nerd? Me!
Out of everything I could've chosen to enter this fandom with, I decided to write a character & culture study
Also uhhh I had originally planned to use Urbosa & Revali and also this was only supposed to be one chapter but the more I wrote the more invested I became so now I'm in rarepair hell and this is two chapters long
Join meeeeeee
A Spark, An Arrow, and A Calamity
first, their people
~ / . / . / ~
"Daruk!" Zelda cries, turning to them with a surprised expression after the Sheikah Slate lets out a click, and Purah lowers the Slate. Urbosa manages, through a smile, to reach out a hand, and grabs Revali by the scarf to keep him from falling onto the ground beak-first.
He stumbles backwards before standing upright, and Urbosa lets out a chuckle. Revali turns and glares at Daruk, who just laughs heartily.
"At times, I wonder why I even bother," Revali grumbles.
Urbosa casts a sideways glance at him, and he meets her gaze before sighing and turning away, walking to the pavillion they had been gathered under. He doesn't make an attempt to come back, and after glancing around, she goes after him.
She walks towards him in silence, the only noise her heels against wood. He's standing in front of a railing, holding his hands behind his back as he stares off into the distance.
"...What do you want?" he questions, looking over his shoulder as she approaches him. She walks around him and stands at his side, staring off into the distance.
"There is a disaster coming," Urbosa murmurs suddenly, "and we must be ready for it." She turns to look at him then. "So enjoy times like this."
Revali sighs, and looks up at the sky smeared with pink, orange, and yellow. He doesn't offer an answer, and she doesn't expect one.
What they know to expect is a disaster and a calamity that can - and will - change their lives.
~ / . / . / ~
"Welcome home, Master Revali!" a white-feathered Rito songstress chirps as they approach her at Rito Stable. "Who is that with you?"
"Ah, Yutra," Revali greets. "This is Urbosa. Urbosa, Yutra."
"Lady Urbosa!? As in the Gerudo chieftain and Champion?" Yutra gasps.
"If you would like to refer to me on such formal terms, then yes. That is me," Urbosa smiles gently.
Yutra squawks out in shock before spreading her wings. "Oh, we must go tell everyone else! Revali, you - "
"Yutra!" he says sternly, and she starts. "You're misunderstanding. Urbosa is simply here to visit our village. We are hosting the Champions meeting, after all."
"Oh…" the Rito brushes at her feathers sheepishly. "Well, I hope you enjoy your visit, Lady Urbosa."
"I… will." Urbosa glances over at Revali, frowning. He simply looks away and gestures for her to follow. "It was nice to meet you, Yutra."
"It was nice to meet you too, Lady Urbosa!" Yutra smiles, and then leans in. "Please, watch over Master Revali. He cares too much of his abilities and his training, and so he often overworks himself."
"I - Of course." Urbosa glances over at Revali, and, with a wave, leaves Yutra behind and follows after the Rito Champion.
To be honest, she has never really seen that side of Revali that Yutra had mentioned. All Urbosa has seen is an arrogant Rito with a penchant for the dramatic and a hatred for Link. She supposes it makes sense; after all, he must have some reason for that hatred of Link.
"So what was that all about?" Urbosa questions as they walk along the worn path. Revali sighs.
"As many people do not come to Rito Village, it is customary for Rito… for lack of a better word, grooms to bring their brides of other cultures back to Rito Village on foot."
"Hm." Urbosa purses her lips.
"It must be different for the Gerudo," Revali comments, glancing over at her.
"Yes," Urbosa replies, and doesn't say anything else. She can feel his eyes on her, but he looks away, instead focusing on his hometown.
"Just across this bridge is Rito Village," Revali informs, pointing past the long suspension bridge in front of him. Urbosa's eyes follow the direction he's gesturing, and then starts.
"Your village is built on a staircase?" she questions incredulously. "Around a rock?"
"Of course," Revali replies with an air of egotism as they cross the suspension bridge. It wobbles under their weight, but holds firm until they reach the rocky entrance of Rito Village. "Our village is up high as to help train the little ones in how to fly. Besides, we Rito love flying. It would be - "
"Revali!" A young child's voice cuts him off. "Revali, Revali!"
The two of them turn at the sudden calling of Revali's name from above. Revali grunts as a group of children descend on him from the sky.
"Yay! Revali's back!" A red-feathered chick cries out, pecking relentlessly at Revali's head. The other chicks attach themselves onto him.
"Goddess Hylia!" he yelps, "I left for a week! Can't Tevy keep you guys in line!?"
"We don't want Tevy!" another chick replies. "We want you!"
"Quite the child charmer, aren't you?" Urbosa comments, smiling. Revali swears under his breath, a look of panic in his eyes, and she lets out a short laugh. "No need to be embarrassed."
"Hey, who are you?" A different chick chirps from her place by Revali's feet. "Why are you here? What are you anyways?"
"Settle down, pipsqueak," Revali grumbles. "And stop grabbing onto me." He waits for the young chick to stop. "This is Urbosa. She's here on a visit because she's a Gerudo, alright? Now, get off of me. All of you."
"No!" All of the kids immediately chorus, and Revali groans. A feeling of familiarity courses through her, and she steps forward, trying to hold back a laugh.
"Young ones like them are hard to persuade," she comments, and reaches out a hand to a green-feathered chick perched on Revali's shoulder.
Hesitantly, the young chick flies towards Urbosa, and she cradles the young Rito against her chest.
"I'm sure your parents must be worried about you," she continues, and the young Rito chirps softly. A feeling of motherly love flashes through her,
"I need to show Urbosa around, okay? Go run off and play. I'll be shooting later."
"But Revali - "
"I promise I'll get you guys when I do start shooting, okay? Now shoo."
The children mumble and grumble, but slowly detach themselves from Revali and fly away into Rito Village. He lets out a sigh of relief and exasperation, and Urbosa chuckles, a gentle feeling of nostalgia and something indescribable but identifiable flying through her. It was the feeling she often got when she looked at Zelda, and became immersed in the past and in the memories of her dear friend.
"Now that they're dealt with," Revali speaks up, and she glances over to see him walking away, "we can finally get a move on."
Without another word, he leads her into Rito Village, and she follows closely behind him as he climbs the stairs with nimble feet.
She lets her eyes wander along the open village, built with wood, adorned with colors, and sheltered by the beautiful blue sky and soaring Rito warriors and songstresses.
The sun slowly descends from its peak at noontime as Revali guides her through Rito Village. It truly surprises Urbosa how generous and caring the Rito are. She receives a free pass to spend a night in one of their Rito-down beds, a gifted apple pie from the store owner, Misa, of the Slippery Falcon, and even a free cloak, woven from molten feathers and meant for special guests.
Urbosa truthfully had not considered herself a special guest, but from the way Revali introduced her to every Rito, she supposes there is no other way to see her - at least in a Rito's eyes.
They visit the village elder afterwards, who offers them to take a seat in the lofty building just beside his room. There is already a wonderful fire roaring, and they sit down. Revali cuts her a slice of apple pie they had been offered, and they sit, warming themselves by the fire, for as bright as the sun is, the cold is still there and bites at her mercilessly.
"I've been meaning to ask," Urbosa starts, holding her chin between her fingers, "but I've been wondering about your bow."
"The Great Eagle Bow?" Revali asks as he swallows a bite of his pie. "What of it?"
"Is it an heirloom?"
"No," Revali replies curtly. "It was handcrafted. For me."
The air between them becomes tense again, and a small spark of anxiety begins to stir in Urbosa's gut. It's only cut away by Misa, who sticks her head in and cheerily chirps, "How is it?"
"It's wonderful," Urbosa replies, smiling. "Thank you very much."
"Of course!" Misa laughs, and then turns to Revali. "You don't have to say anything. I know you liked it, Master Revali."
Revali rolls his eyes and hands Misa his plate before turning to Urbosa. After a moment of hesitation, he asks, "Do you want to try out some of our bows?"
She raises her eyebrows. He scowls at the look on her face.
"I'm sure you're not as skilled as I am, but you simply seemed interested." There it was again. That arrogant farce he'd always put on when things weren't going good.
But Urbosa just chuckles and agrees, replying, "Of course."
Revali gestures for her to follow him, and soon they're standing on the Landing - its name is not yet decided, although there are rumors that it's to be named after Revali - and Urbosa is staring down three wooden targets.
"What if I miss the targets?" she questions, looking over her shoulder at Revali, who is plucking a bowstring and stretching it.
"I'll fly down and get the arrow. You keep shooting," he answers with a touch of carelessness in his voice. His attention is purely on the bow he's preparing. He gives it a light flick with his feather, pressing his ear against the wood. With a satisfied noise, he gives her the bow.
She accepts the bow offered to her - a Sparrow Bow, Revali informs as he passes it to her - and then starts. "This is much lighter than I had expected," Urbosa comments as she turns her right shoulder to the target and shifting her right foot forward.
Revali frowns. "Your bows are heavier?"
"We don't use them for aerial combat, and they're metal," she replies, plucking the bowstring. Revali nods.
Revali offers her an arrow, and she notches it along the bowstring. The Rito champion watches her with a critical eye as she hooks one finger above the arrow and two below, pulling back.
"These draw surprisingly quick," Urbosa smiles, and then closes her right eye, aiming straight for the target. She lets go, careful to keep the bowstring from scraping against her arm, and watches the arrow fly through the air.
In a split second, it embeds itself into the yellow circle surrounding the bullseye, and she clicks her tongue, shaking her head.
"I never was quite good at archery."
"Move your feet more apart," Revali commands, walking to her side. She does as he says, and he frowns. "Your shoes aren't supporting you well, making you shake when you handle the bow, and you can't aim as well or load as quickly. Take them off."
She looks at him incredulously. He meets her gaze.
"What?" he snaps.
"It seems the Gerudo handle bows differently." She lowers her bow. "What things do you prioritize when training aerial archery?"
"Speed and precision. We must be able to shoot things from the sky, and be able to shoot things in the sky that may escape us," he explains, his expression turning incredulous as he continues to speak. "Do you not?"
"No. We don't use bows much, and when we do, they are often used for their ability to hit distant targets." She smiles at the shocked look on his face. "We may supply your shock arrows, but we don't care much for them, or the bows that fire them."
"Hm," Revali grumbles, and doesn't say anything else.
"Revali!" a familiar voice rings through the tense silence, and Revali groans. "Urbosa!"
"Daruk," Urbosa greets, waving them over. "You're early."
"I didn't know it'd only take around an hour to walk to Rito Village," Daruk replies. "The Rito sure are nice though. Hard to believe you're from a bunch like them, Revali!"
Revali crosses his wings and scoffs, an angry scowl on his face. Urbosa chuckles.
The rest of the afternoon, Revali watches Urbosa fire arrows at the line of targets, flying after arrows that zip off into the canyon behind them. Every time he comes back, he offers her a snippet of criticism and goes back to standing the corner of the Landing, plucking at the bowstring of his own bow.
That night, right before the Champions are supposed to meet, he disappears, and when Urbosa finds him, he's collapsed in the Flight Range, unconscious with his wing clasped tightly around the Great Eagle Bow and the burnt ends of Bomb Arrows riddled over targets strung up in almost impossible-to-hit places.
She carries him back, and doesn't say a thing when he wakes up beside the fireplace they had sat beside - just offers to get the children so he can shoot for them.
~ / . / . / ~
Urbosa sighs, resting her cheek against her hand as she lays a hand on the Thunder Helm, glancing out of Naboris's balcony on a laid-out blanket piled with cushions, a set up that she had used to help make Zelda comfortable in Naboris when they would rest during reparations. She has no doubt that it will see use again tonight, when the princess and other Champions meet her here.
The Divine Beast was perhaps not the best place to be making herself at home, but Naboris doesn't seem to have objections - after all, Rudania had nearly tossed Daruk into Death Mountain after they had brought one "rock roast", as they had so lovingly called it, on board.
Urbosa smiles. "Sarqso, Naboris."
She doesn't get an answer - after all, only Mipha can hear the voice of her Divine Beast - but Naboris trembles, as if saying, in response, "you're welcome".
Urbosa chuckles, taking her hand from her cheek and affectionately laying it on the floor beside her. Naboris trembles again, but seemingly not out of accepting her gratitude. She hears distant sparking, and Urbosa closes her eyes, surveying the surrounding area with her connection to the Divine Beast.
In the distance, she sees a figure making its way towards Naboris in mid-air - a Rito? There's only one person who would need to reach Naboris at a time like this who was also a Rito. She shuts off the lightning sparkling from the top of Naboris and waits.
As expected, he lands with a splendor and grace of a Rito warrior that has mastered the sky - as he so pridefully called it - wings out and wind blossoming at his feet as he lands just along the window, blocking Urbosa's sun.
"Urbosa - " Revali cuts himself off, blinking before speaking up again. "Goddess Hylia, am I even talking to the right person?"
Urbosa tilts her head, a coy smile on her face. "Is it the headdress?"
"Yes," he replies bluntly.
Urbosa fidgets with her headdress and then looks at him. "Why are you here?"
"Everyone is waiting for you in front of Gerudo Town," Revali informs as he hops down out of the sun and stands in front of her. "They made me come get you and your Divine Beast so they wouldn't have to walk all the way across the desert."
"It makes sense," Urbosa replies, and then closes her eyes. Tapping into the connection in her mind with Naboris, she directs the Divine Beast towards Gerudo Town. After a moment, Naboris trembles and begins to move. She opens her eyes to see Revali glancing at the object in her hands.
"What in the world are you holding?"
"Ah, yes. You've never seen it before." Urbosa pulls off her headdress, shaking her head. "That is the Thunder Helm, a Gerudo heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation since the beginning of the Gerudo."
"Isn't this the sort of thing you should keep in Gerudo Town then?" Revali asks bluntly, sitting down next to her and reaching over to pick up the Thunder Helm.
Urbosa raises an eyebrow at him as she lays her headdress at her feet and ripping two bananas from the nearby bunch of them before offering him one. "What do you mean?"
"Well, wouldn't it be easier to protect something like that in a town surrounded with soldiers?" Revali replies, glancing at her as he peels the banana and takes a small bite.
"Not many people know of the Thunder Helm. I suppose the Yiga Clan is of concern lately… although we haven't had a theft attempt in years. So, no. It is easy to protect on my own." With deft fingers, she peels her own banana and continues. "After all, isn't your Great Eagle Bow much like our Thunder Helm?"
"I suppose." Revali falls silent after that, chewing on his banana. The Thunder Helm rests in his lap. She watches as he picks it up. He doesn't say a word, and doesn't even notice her staring at him - he's too fixated with running his feathers along the helmet and admiring the structure and look of it.
"Does it do anything?" he questions finally, finishing the rest of his fruit.
"Of course it does. Do you think it has been handed down simply for show?" Urbosa smiles at the look of curiosity in his eyes. "It repels lightning, but is only worn by the Chief of the Gerudo."
"Repels lightning?" he frowns in confusion.
"It creates a sphere that will deflect any lightning that strikes against that sphere."
"Hm," Revali says, and sets it down before sighing. Urbosa glances up over the edge of Naboris's balcony. Gerudo Town draws near - she can see it in the distance. She stands, and glances over at him.
"We will be arriving soon." Urbosa looks out again, and squints before laughing. "It seems my people are rather curious about the other Champions."
"Oh goddess Hylia. I have to go back into that heat again?" he groans.
"Yes, you do."
"No," he replies firmly. "No, I'm not leaving."
Urbosa raises an eyebrow at him, a small smile on her face as Naboris walks closer to Gerudo Town. Slowly, the distant figures in front of Gerudo Town begin to come into focus.
Urbosa commands Naboris to a halt, and reaches down, grabbing Revali by the wing before walking to the ramp that drops down to the sands below.
"I said I'm not leaving - "
"And I am saying that you ought to get along with everyone, and so you will leave this Divine Beast and greet my people with your fellow Champions." She glances over her shoulder at him, and sees the scowl in his face. She ignores it, and the pulse of frustration that comes through her, and ushers him down the ramp and into the desert below.
Revali lets out a groan the moment he steps outside, tugging at his scarf as he glances around. Urbosa walks through the sand towards Zelda, who stands nearby surrounded by Gerudo women. Zelda offers them tentative smiles, shifting her feet awkwardly. Link watches stoically, paying no heed to the women that stare and whisper from afar.
"Urbosa! Revali!" Daruk calls, waving them over. The Gerudo women salute to their chief, and she smiles. Zelda turns and then rushes forward, and Urbosa offers her an open arm, which Zelda responds to by leaping forward and hugging her.
Revali lets out a strangled squawk then, and Urbosa turns to look at him before frowning.
"Etra," she says sternly.
The small child looks up innocently from where she's pulling at Revali's feathers. Urbosa sighs.
"Where is your mother?"
Etra just shrugs, so Urbosa lets go of Zelda and squats to pick up the child, resting her against Urbosa's shoulder. There's a soft feeling in her heart as the child squirms before clutching onto Urbosa.
"Etra!" A long-haired Gerudo rushes forward to Urbosa before bowing. "Thank you, Lady Urbosa."
"It is no trouble," Urbosa smiles, placing the child in her mother's arms. "You should thank Revali. It seems Etra was curious about him more so than staying with you."
"Indeed," her mother smiles before glancing at Revali. He stays as stiff as a statue, and Urbosa elbows him in the ribs. He wheezes, doubling over and glaring at her.
The sound and motion of the Rito warrior seems to have entranced many of the Gerudo, who turn their eyes from Zelda or Link or Daruk or Mipha to him. Revali freezes up, and tugs at his scarf before glancing at Urbosa. A sense of amusement runs through her veins, and she tugs at his wing.
"Say sav'aaq, Revali," she says.
"Sav'aaq," he repeats, crossing his wings. "Now stop making me say random words in your language."
Urbosa sighs, shaking her head. "This vure…"
He glances at her strangely.
"Bird," she translates, and he glares at her. She laughs before turning to Zelda. "Shall we go?"
"Yes," Zelda agrees, and Urbosa gestures for the other Champions to follow her onto Naboris. Zelda leads the way, and Link follows close behind. Mipha takes a hesitant step before hurrying after the Hylian knight, and Daruk lumbers on after her. Revali boards before Urbosa, but falls back to her side.
"Do your people always stare at men like that?"
Urbosa throws her head back and laughs as she commands Naboris to raise the ramp behind them. It rumbles as it slowly raises itself. "It has been a long time since voe have been seen by Gerudo in Gerudo Town. It is simply their curiosity."
"I get that, but did they have to stare at me so much?" Revali mumbles back. "What about Link, or Daruk?"
"Gorons are allowed in Gerudo Town, and Link does not look unlike a Hylian vai. Besides, you are a Rito," Urbosa points out. "And Rito do not come to Gerudo often either. I doubt anyone in Gerudo has seen a Rito voe before."
"I can see why," Revali shoots back, brushing sand off his wings. "Goddess Hylia, it's hot."
"Is it really that hot?" Urbosa tilts her head, and then smiles. "Ah, your feathers. They must make the heat insufferable."
"Our feathers are good at trapping heat, not letting it go," Revali explains in agreement before groaning and tugging at his scarf. "How do you stand this?"
"I've lived here my whole life, I'm not trapping as much heat as you are, and the metal we use here doesn't build up heat," Urbosa explains, walking back inside Naboris. Revali tilts his head as he follows after her.
"It doesn't?"
Urbosa stretches out her braceleted arm in response, and he gently lays a wing on the accessory before blinking in surprise.
"It's not hot at all."
"But your wing is," Urbosa replies, and gently removes his wing from her arm. "Death Mountain is even hotter than Gerudo Desert. There's a reason we never hold meetings in Goron City. None of us would be able to stand it there unless we used elixirs. There may be some monsters now as Calamity Ganon's return draws near, but not enough for all of us to have a sufficient amount of elixirs to stay on Death Mountain."
"Well, then I'm thankful," Revali says snarkily. "I don't think I'll ever go to Death Mountain unless I've gone insane."
Urbosa chuckles, and then turns away from him, walking alongside him up the path leading into Naboris. "If you're hot, why don't we take a trip to the Kara Kara Bazaar before we start our meeting? I'm sure we'll be able to buy something that we can use to cook up a nice chilly fruit pie to keep you cool."
"I'm not that hot - " Revali starts, and then stumbles. Urbosa catches him, and touches a hand to his head feathers. They're burning hot, and she pulls away, an amused feeling in her chest.
"You were saying?"
"...You win. Let's go," Revali mutters, and covers a cough with his wing. "Goddess Hylia, there's - sand in - my throat - " he hacks, and then doubles over before standing up.
Urbosa shakes her head and closes her eyes, directing Naboris in the direction of the Kara Kara Bazaar, a gentle smile on her face. Naboris buzzes with electricity as it stomps forward, its steps as loud as thunder, but not louder than the indignant squawk Revali lets out when he finds out Zelda had taken pictures of him shoveling chilly fruit pie in his mouth.
~ / . / . / ~
She stumbles through the storm, clutching her neck. Blood spills from the gash along it, dribbling through her fingers and down her chest plate only to mix with the rain and stain it red, leaving distorted crimson trails along her body.
The Scimitar of Seven has been tucked away, alongside the Daybreaker Shield. She limps along, her chest heaving. Using her power so much has drained her more than she has ever felt. The metal brace that normally holds her ponytail together has been cut off, and the simple charm tying her ponytail into its usual style slips off in the rain. Her red hair falls around her like a waterfall, already thoroughly soaked.
A figure appears in the distance, and she blinks, brushing her hair out of her eyes. It descends from the sky, and she raises her hand and snaps, not caring if it's friend of foe.
A lightning bolt comes crashing down, although the figure manages to dodge it, and she falls to her knees, gasping for breath. Her skin feels like it's on fire, even more than it ever has felt back in Gerudo. Harsh winds blast her, and she looks up through loose strands of hair.
It's Revali, feathers slicked with rain and braids doused with water as he lands beside her.
"What in the world did you do?" he asks, and he almost sounds like he's worried. She has to hold back a weak chuckle as he uses his feathers to brush her hair away from her forehead before touching a wing to her forehead. "Goddess, you're burning up. What stupid thing did you do now?"
"Fought… monsters…" she breathes. "Horde of… Lynels threatening… Akkala… I had to… help…"
"Why didn't you just stay there, you idiot?" Revali questions with a touch of concern - concern! - and then shakes his head. His braids splash water across her face, but she's too tired to notice. It's not like a few drops of water make a difference in a storm. "Never mind. We have to go to Zora's Domain."
"What…? You can't… carry me… all the way there… That's… too hard… on your body…"
Revali ignores her words and kneels. "Get on. We have to get you to Mipha."
"Revali - "
"Hurry up!" he snaps, and there's something in his voice that makes her unable to refuse. With her muscles aching, she clambers onto his back. Revali pauses for a moment, and then launches himself into the air. A strong gust of wind pushes him forward, and he glides through the air gracefully.
Urbosa rests her head against Revali's scarf, grunting as the wind cuts sharply at the wound on her neck.
"Are you alright?" he asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.
"I am… okay…" she winces. "Don't worry… about me…"
"You're gushing blood all over me. That's not the definition of 'okay'," he replies snarkily before murmuring something under his breath.
"Nothing," he replies, and then flaps his wings, soaring through the air towards Zora's Domain. The world fades in and out, going black and then brightening again. She can swear she hears Revali curse through a gritted beak, but she's not sure if it even happened, and so she doesn't ask him.
"Are… we far…?" she whispers instead.
"No," he replies breathily. With a sharp intake of breath, wind blossoms at his wings, and he pushes himself forward through the forming tornado's eye. Urbosa clenches her jaw, flinching at the sharp wind slashing behind her.
She closes her eyes, and then jolts awake at the sudden feeling of descending. Revali flaps his wings, and she can feel his muscles bunching up against her body. He hisses, and then angles his body downwards.
"Mipha!" Revali yells from the sky above Zora's Domain. "Mipha!"
The Zora Champion rushes out of the throne room, a soldier beside her as she looks upwards. "Revali?" she cries out.
He glides downwards and lands clumsily in front of her. Urbosa tightens her arms around him as she attempts to stand, and he lowers his body until her feet hit the tiled floor of Zora's Domain and Urbosa's knees buckle beneath her. He catches her, his chest heaving, as she drips with water and blood.
"Oh goddess…!" Mipha gasps, turning to the soldier by her side. "Bring Urbosa into the tending room, please. I will tend to her as soon as I can."
The Zora salutes and takes Urbosa from Revali. She allows her eyes to close, and lets the tiredness and sleepiness and aching feel that she's been holding back take her.
Just before the darkness consumes her, she hears Mipha whisper, "Revali - "
He cuts her off with a - there it was again - prideful, "No. Leave me alone."
Then the darkness strikes Urbosa like lightning, and all she can hear is the rolling thunder in the distance, filling her ears with the resounding sounds of the power she holds.