Waning: MPREG, AU, AMNESIA!KURT, SWEARING, SEX, and any other's will be posted in future chapter

Hello everyone!

Here is an amnesia fanfiction that I have always wanted to write because I've had this idea for months, but never had a good plot of where to start off. I have been working on this fanfiction for a couple of month and have already written down some chapters, but haven't had time to clean and edit them, but once I do, I'll post them for my lovely readers! I don't have time to post periodically, so I'll apologize in advance if I disappear for a few months to post another chapter. Life's been hectic.


My hourglass is cracked

And it's my life

Spilling out, blowing over like sand

Just like the feelings I have grown to love

How quickly they can all fade away


Chapter 1

Year 2025




Kurt looked at all of the pictures in front of him and sighed frustrated, throwing them on top of his keyboard desk in his office.


All of these pictures look like shit.

Fucking shit.

Kurt rubbed his temples to try and rid of his pestering headache that keeps coming every fucking second. Kurt groaned angrily taking all of the pictures on his desk, got up from his comfy chair and stormed out of his office to where all of his subordinates are working. He threw all of the pictures up in the air having every single head pop up like prairie dogs, everyone looking at him with scared, alerted eyes.

"All of these pictures look like fucking shit!" Kurt yelled throwing more of the pictures up in the air, "Shit!"

Everyone in the room lowered their head, feeling the anger from their boss, trying to make themselves invisible as possible. Kurt took another picture and held it up in the air.

"Who drew this?!" He yelled looking at every single person. When no one answered, Kurt slammed his hand on the desk with the picture and yelled again for who drew the picture.

"I-I did, sir." Came a meek voice from one of the desk. Kurt turned his head to see a horribly dressed man. His yellow shirt is wrinkled and looks like vomit and his white pants has a coffee stains, the man's outfit literally looked like a hard-boiled egg. Kurt grabbed the picture and walked up to the man, everyone eyes were on the both of them, just waiting to see who the victim will be today to face the wrath of Chief Executive of Vogue Kurt Hummel.

"What's your name?" Kurt asked.

"I-Ian sir. Ian Bennet." Ian said nervously, his eyes looking anywhere than wasn't his boss. Kurt stopped to face the man and shoved the picture in the man's face.

"Well Ian, where did you go to school?" Kurt asked in a very calm voice.

Ian hesitated to speak, not understanding the question. "Huh?"

"God you're even stupider than I thought. I said where did you go for fashion school?" Kurt clarified.

The man gulped his fear down and said, "I-I went to Rhode Island S-School of Design, sir." Kurt nodded his head and hummed.

"So tell me what do you see in this picture?" Kurt said waving Ian's design in his face.

"Wel-well I see a soft brown fur coat, w-with an orange-"

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked interrupting Ian to look at the picture again.

"Um, yes?" Ian said hesitatingly looking at his co-workers for help, but all of their heads turned ignoring his cry for help.

"Really?" Kurt asked sarcastically, "Well all I see in this picture is shit. I'll ask you again, what do you see in the picture that you drew?"

"S-shit sir. I see shit."

"You're fired." Kurt said coldly, his piecing cold blue eyes, now haunting Ian's mind. Kurt saw Ian's eyes widen in shock and fear.

"W-what?" Ian asked fearfully.

"You. Are. Fired." Kurt said slowly and looking at the rest of his subordinates who all pretended like they didn't watch the whole scene, "Anyone who draws the next shittiest picture is fired too! I except five new deigns when I come back from my lunch break. Anyone who doesn't give me five is also fired."

Kurt looked at Ian who has tears falling out of his eyes. Kurt's empty blue eyes held no sympathy for him, nor did his soul.

"If you are still here when I come back, I will personally have security come and haul you out." Kurt said walking back to his office to get his coat, wallet and phone. When Kurt gathered everything that he needed he looked at his secretary who was typing away.

"I'm going on my lunch break Emma, cancel all of my meetings until I get back." Kurt said seeing his secretary nod her head as he pressed the button down for the elevator. When Kurt stepped in and looked at everyone, he saw Ian giving him an angry look that didn't faze him. Kurt just smirked as the doors closed.

When the elevator doors opened, Kurt stepped out and walked out of Vogue to see people all pass him by rushing to get to their destination, not paying a single attention to him. Kurt merely just sighed and took his phone out of his jacket.

To: Eric
From: Kurt
Hey, wanna get some lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant? Work is getting boring and I need some entertainment

Kurt walked down the street of 6th Ave, debating with himself if he should get a taxi to Eric's work or just walk. Kurt's phone buzzed in his hand and looked to see Eric replayed his text.

To: Kurt
From: Eric
Sorry babe, would love to, but I'm at the airport heading to Japan for a meeting

To: Eric
From: Kurt
Japan? I thought that meeting was next week?

To: Kurt
From: Eric
Boss moved the meeting date to tomorrow cause they are going to Thailand for vacation next week

Kurt just sighed again and nodded his head. Eating lunch alone then.

To: Eric
From: Kurt
Fine, skip having an amazing lunch with your husband. Have a safe trip

To: Kurt
From: Eric
Stop bitching Kurt, I'll we back as soon as I can

"Fuck you!" Kurt yelled at Eric's text and ignored at the eyes on him. Maybe Rachel will wanna grab lunch. Kurt hailed a taxi and told the driver to go to Chelsea. A surprise visit to Rachel will make her happy since they hardly spend some time alone with their crazy work schedule. Kurt paid the cab driver the money and got out and smelled the delicious food from Chelsea's Market. Kurt looked around and saw many restaurants open because of the perfect weather. The sunny bright light and clear blue sky, it is the perfect time for everyone out to enjoy themselves. Kurt started to walk a few blocks up to get to the wealthy part of apartments in Greenwich Village, when he heard a nostalgic singing voice.

Hey, have you been looking at the latest thing in front of me
I need an answer now for my health
Make me everything I ever said I wanna be
I need to hide to hide from me from myself

But oh what a beautiful way for the summer to start out
I'll do whatever you say while I'm eating my heart out
But I just want you to know

Hey, who cares if we like it
We love it all, we love it
Oh what's it to you if we like it
Cause we like it, we love it all

Can you give me a good reason I should live inside reality
I got my favorite life right here
I just heard there was a timer on mortality
I want a life that won't disappear

But oh what a wonderful time to be losing attention
I will always be fine as long as I get a mention
Then I can let it all go

Hey, who cares if we like it
We love it all, we love it
Oh what's it to you if we like it
Cause we like it, we love it all
We love it

How long can we draw this out
How long will we be allowed
Now I know
Now that I said it I know I won't regret it, no
Now that I said it I know I won't regret it, no
Now that I said it, I, I just want you to know

Hey, who cares if we like it
We love it all, we love it
Oh what's it to you if we like it
Cause we like it, we love it all

A crowd of people applaud for the performance, both in high spirits and glee as they continued to enjoy eating their lunch. Kurt just stood there like a statue. Frozen in time, his mind just processing what he has heard. Across the street, hearing the voice he never thought he will hear again. It has been four years since their breakup. Four years and nothing. No communication, no friends saying anything about him, not even seeing him. Kurt crossed the road; not paying any attention to the cars as they honked at angrily at him to get off the road, just to see that voice. The voice he didn't want to hear, yet drawn to because he has to know if it actually came from him or just his imagination. Kurt looked up at the sign of the Italian restaurant, Corallo Trattoria. Kurt stepped in the restaurant just to have his breath being taken away.

He was there.

Kurt felt his heart skip several beats in his chest, his clear blue eyes glued at the man on the small stage.

Blaine Anderson is smiling, sitting on a stool looking so care free, drinking a glass of water, looking peaceful in life. Kurt studied everything about him. Trying to have his eyes absorb every single detail about his ex-fiancée much as possible.

His face has matured handsomely. His jawline is well defined, a sharp edge, yet there's a smoothness to it. His tan skin, still looks the same, maybe even a little darker. His eye brows still looked like two fluffy rectangular caterpillars, but his beautiful hazel eyes held something that Kurt couldn't his finger on. There's just something about his eyes that has changed. Something different.

Kurt eyes moved from his exes face, to his body. Four years is a long time to not see his exe. And from the looks of it, Blaine has gotten more masculine. His short sleeve v-neck black shirt defiantly showed his strong biceps muscle and his broad chest, especially his pecks and his light washed jeans. Kurt looked confusingly and wondered where the polo shirts, colorful khaki pants, bowties and cardigans all went. Kurt continued to stalk his exe, not knowing what to do. Does he just go up and say hi? No, he'll just make a fool of himself and the awkward silence is not something he can deal with right now.

Blaine took another sip of the water, a water drop touched his lips and now ever so slowly started to fall down to his chin. Kurt bit his lip envious at the sight. Shit, his exe just got hotter.

"Hi everyone," Blaine said, his smooth tenor voice sounding like music, "I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for having me preform for you. It is truly an honor to have an audience like you and like always I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't, well then thank you for putting up with me."

Everyone in the audience laughed at Blaine and applaud him again for his performance. Blaine just gave a bright, joyful smile and put his guitar away. Kurt just leaned against the wall watching his exe. It's so weird to see him like this. What in Blaine's life could make him this way? Questions started to pop up in Kurt's head, like what is he doing? Is he still a musician? Is he married like Kurt is now, or dating someone?

Kurt shook his head.


He shouldn't do this. He's a grown ass man, who's married and absolutely should not stalk his exe. But there's a lingering feeling deep inside of Kurt, which just makes him wonder. The reason why Kurt broke up with Blaine was because he left that they're relationship was boring and lacked spark. Sure they joked about being an old married couple, but in reality that's how Kurt really felt. That they were an old married couple doing absolutely nothing exciting. There was nothing challenging to do and Kurt was still so young just waiting for that lift. The relationship that Kurt had with Blaine wasn't the one he wanted because there wasn't anything that Kurt was looking for. With Eric, Kurt felt all those emotions he didn't feel with Blaine. Yes he loved Blaine. Blaine was his best friend, his first love, but every time he saw Blaine he felt like he just wanted to avoid him, like Blaine was this burden on his shoulder he just couldn't get rid of.

When he married Eric it was everything he felt like a relationship should be. It was fun, adventures, sexy, spontaneous, but after the first three years Kurt could see the cracks and the fall they are going to have. Now every time he's with Eric, they can't go one second without having an argument no matter how much Kurt tries to fix it. It was like an hourglass. Kurt is just waiting for the last grain of sand to fall before the divorce papers were going to come in the mail. Kurt briefly thought of his past and how much he has blindly changed without realizing it. What would Kurt be if he has married Blaine? Kurt left him. He ended their relationship. There's nothing left between them.

"James you can't eat dessert before lunch!" Blaine called out in a scolding manner. Kurt thoughts abruptly ended when his exe said another man's name. Kurt's eyes popped open to see Blaine take a piece of biscotti from a child's mouth. Kurt took a step forward trying to get a better picture of the child's face. From the back, all he could see was adorable baby clothes and another set of beautiful chestnut colored curly hair.

Kurt knew instantly on instinct that the child must be Blaine's, but who's the other father? A pit in Kurt's stomach started to appear and instantly grow with each second. Does that mean that Blaine also moved on with some other man and has a family with him?

When Blaine turned around to get something, as James also turned around looking at the people in the room with big eyes. Kurt stopped breathing. Blue eyes. Blue eyes and chestnut curly hair. For three brief second that Eric turned around, Kurt felt his heart strings being tugged to the child. At first glance, Kurt has already fell in love with him. But what happens if Blaine's husband also has blue eyes? If he did, then why would Kurt still be feeling his heart being pulled towards them?

Kurt saw Blaine put his guitar over his shoulder and grab Eric's hand, using his other to wipe off the crumbs from the biscotti.

"Ah you have such an adorable son Blaine!" said a happy woman walking over. Kurt saw Eric look up, fear in his eyes as he stepped behind his father's leg, shielding himself from the woman. The woman laughed at Eric's actions and looked back at Blaine.

"He sure is a cutie. How old is he?"

Blaine smiled adorable at his son. His hazel eyes sparkling.

"Do you wanna tell her, James?"

James looked up at his daddy, big blue eyes darting back to the woman and shook his head. Clutching more of his father's pants as he rubbed his face into his daddy's legs.

"Sorry, he's shy to everyone he meets," Blaine apologized, "He's three years old."

The woman smiled with happiness.

"Well if you ever come here for his birthday, I would love to celebrate it with him."

"Thank you so much for having me play at your restaurant and for looking out for James. He can be a handful sometimes." Blaine said with a laugh.

"No problem! He's a charming little man!" the woman said shaking hands with Blaine.

Blaine just smiled at the woman saying his goodbye and walking out of the restaurant, not even noticing his ex-fiancée's eyes were on him and his son.

Kurt stepped out of his hiding spot, now believing that James is his son. Holy shit, Kurt has a son! A fucking son! He's a fucking father! And has been for the past three years without even knowing it! Kurt saw Blaine and Eric turning the corner of the street to get into a taxi, lunch with Rachel completely forgotten as he raced after them. He has to talk to Blaine. How could he not tell Kurt that they have a child together?!

The blue eyes. James's age fits perfectly as to when Kurt left him. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks, everything now sinking in. Kurt left Blaine. Kurt left Blaine when he was pregnant. That means that Blaine must have been a single father and Kurt is an absolute asshole. Kurt felt the pit in his stomach grow more and more at how much of a mistake it was to leave Blaine. He has to fix this. He has to fix all of his mistakes and become the person he is. Not the person he always wanted to be. If he didn't break up with Kurt, they would have been happily married and with a son? A sudden thought crossed Kurt's mind. Was that the message that Blaine has been trying to tell Kurt the week before the wedding.


Kurt head turned when he saw a car coming full speed at him. His eyes widen in fear as his last thoughts were of how cruel life is for having him find out that he's a father and when he finally found the missing piece of his life. Is this what he gets? Is karma finally getting back at him for all of his mistakes he has made?


Sirens of an ambulance raced down the car packed road to the entrance of the hospital, the back doors immediately opening, nurses and doctors racing to help the victim in their time of need.

"Everybody move! We have a Caucasian, male, late twenties or early thirties, who got in an accident!" yelled a paramedic's man as he ran strolling down a cart with the bloody man down the white hallway of the hospital.

"Excuse me!" yelled a nurse at the man as she joined the race down to the emergency room.

The man slowly opened his blue eyes looking the women he did not recognize. Feeling his head hurt painfully he closed his eyes and groaned, the bright light was shining in his eyes as he tilted his head away.

"Can you tell me your name sir?" she asked opening his eye lids again and using a flashlight to read his pupils.

"B-Blaine." The man breathed out heavily groaning in pain from his hurting body, especially his throbbing head. The man's vision blurred with red and images he's seeing started to fade.

"Okay Blaine, I need you to stay with me okay?" she asked checking his pulse and reading his heartbeat. It is slowly going down which wasn't not good. If she doesn't put him in surgery now, he'll end up dead before they even begin the operation. From the pupils he already has internal bleeding.

"B-Blaine. Where is he?" the man asked tightly gripping the woman's hand and feeling his eyes slowly starting to close as the darkness started to invade him.

"Sir, please tell me what your name is. Stay with me!" The woman said before she is blocked from entering the surgery room as the surgeons were preparing to save a dying man before he could take his last breathe.

"Blaine." The man hoarsely whispered losing consciousness letting himself be wrapped into a cold room.






"Hi, is Mr. Hummel home?"

"This is him, who is this?"

"My name is Lisa Nunez and I'm calling from the Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan, New York City. We are calling to inform you that your son, Mr. Kurt Hummel, has been in a car accident and is now undergoing surgery. You are listed as Mr. Kurt Hummel's emergency contacts and-"

Burt dropped the phone he held from his ear. Kurt. Kurt is in the hospital. Burt felt his blood grew cold and his heart speed up. All of his worst fears and nightmares starting to come back.


Oh, God please let him be alive!

"Kurt's been in an accident?! Is he okay?! He is alive?!" Burt yelled over the phone his heart racing in his chest.

"Mrs. Hummel please remain calm. Your son is alive, he's currently in surgery so I cannot give you any further information. I'm just calling you to inform you about his condition; however, I'm concerned as to why his husband is not here."

"What?" Burt asked with dreed mixed in with anger as he gripped the phone tighter in his hand.

"When we called Mr. Lee, his phone was turned off and went to voicemail, so had to call you. Mr. Hummel since we were unable to contact the your son's husband, I was wondering if you will come to Bellevue Hospital to fill out the paper work since you are on his next emergency contact list."

"Of course! I'm going there right now!" Burt yelled at her and then hung up the damn phone.

"Fuck! Carole! Pack our bags! We're going to New York! Kurt's been in an accident!" Burt yelled going to his computer to the internet to buy the next plane tickets to New York City.

"Accident? Kurt?! Is he okay?!" Carole yelled from the laundry room with fear as she entered the living room to see her husband buying two plane tickets for New York.

"I don't know. All the woman said was that he's in surgery right now."

Carole nodded and rushed upstairs to their bedroom to pull out the suitcase and stuffed it to the brim with clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste, anything that looked like it could fit in the suitcase. Burt helped carry the suitcase down the stairs and threw it in the trunk and drove all the way to the Columbus airport.

The only question Burt could come up with is where the fucking hell is James?

10 Months Later


"I don't care. You don't get to make the decision, I do. And I say you are absolutely not pulling the plug!"


"Mr. Hummel, please understand. Your son is already presumed dead. He's been in a coma for ten months and has not shown any signs of improvement."


"And he hasn't shown any signs of worsening either. There's still hope Doctor. I know my son. He's a fighter and he'll wake up. Just give him a little more time."


"Of course Mr. Hummel."


Blue eyes fluttered open, the man with a mask who has been sleeping, is finally awakening. He blinked again, this time, much slower. Kurt groaned, feeling something weird in his mouth and moved his head to the side. He blinked again, his eyes looking away from the light and saw tile floors and people with scrubs. Kurt felt is fingers twitch and raised his hand slowly to pull the weird thing out of his mouth and ended up having him coughing.

"Kurt! Carole, get the doctor! Tell him Kurt finally woke up!" Burt yelled trying to help his son who is now looking at everything disorientated.

"Kurt can you hear me?" Burt asked watching his son's eyes open and then close, "Kurt?"

Kurt opened his eyes again, his vision clearing up the images he's seeing and saw his father's worried face.

"Dad." He slurred, his voice cracking and not used to talking. Burt instantly got up to get a cup of water for his son, tears swelling up in his eyes for having Kurt finally wake up and that he didn't lose him like he did with Elizabeth.

Burt went back to his son, see him already sitting up and rubbing his face with his hands. Burt pressed the cup of water to Kurt's lips, having him drink the water.

"He woke up Doctor." Carole said rushing the doctor in Kurt's room.

Kurt looked up at the new sound of voices and saw that it was Carole and some man with a white coat.

"Kurt? Can you hear me? My name is Dr. Knox." Dr. Knox asked stepping closer to Kurt and brining out a flashlight.

Kurt only nodded his head, feeling the Dr. Knox hand lifting his right eye and seeing bright light and repeated with his left eye.

"Well he doesn't seem to be having any internal bleeding." He said getting Kurt's clip board and writing information down.

"Whe-where is my fiancée?" Kurt asked seeing that only his dad, Carole and the doctor is here in the room.

Burt and Carole looked confusingly and looked at the doctor.

"His sense of time probably feels different, he probably means husband."

Burt and Carole nodded their heads.

"He's at work right now." Burt said seeing Kurt look crestfallen.

"Can you get him? I want him here. I want Blaine." Kurt pleaded sounding desperate.

Burt and Carole looked shocked and surprised.

"What's wrong with him?" Burt asked the doctor who looked at the personal information of Kurt and read that Kurt's husband's name is Eric not Blaine.

"Kurt is it okay if I ask you some questions?" Dr. Knox asked examining Kurt's reaction. Kurt nodded his head as the doctor brought a stool next to Kurt's bed to sit.

"Can you tell me your full name?" Dr. Knox started.

"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel."

"Where were you born?"

"Lima General's Hospital Ohio."

"When is your birthday?"

"May 26, 1995."

"How old are you?"


Everyone in the room stayed silent and raised an eyebrow.

"What is the year?"


"Are you married?"


"Are you in a relationship?"

"Yes. I have a fiancée named Blaine Anderson. Why am I here doctor?" Kurt asked.

"You were in a car accident and have been in a coma. Thank you Kurt for answering my questions," Dr. Knox said in a calm voice with a friendly smile, "Why don't you rest and I'll have the nurses make you more comfortable while I talk to your parents outside."

Dr. Knox stood up gesturing to Burt and Carole out of the room as nurses came inside and closed the door.

"What the hell is this Dr.?" Burt demanded.

Dr. Knox sighed and prepared himself on how to tell them what has happened to their son.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hummel, I'm afraid that Kurt suffers from retrograde amnesia."

"Retro what? What is that?" Burt asked.

"Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall past memories. Meaning that any memories beyond the year 2020 doesn't exist in Kurt's brain. From the accident Kurt must have dealt with severe brain trauma for him to get such a big memory loss." Dr. Knox explained.

"Can this be fixed with medicine?" Burt asked.

Dr. Knox, sighed and shook his head. "I'm afraid it cannot be fixed with medicine. What we can try to do is see if he can get his memory back, but I cannot guarantee that all of it will come back or if any."

"What are we supposed to do?" Carole asked tears pouring out of her eyes as the doors opened with a nurse leaving Kurt's room.

"If you really want to try and get Kurt's memory back, you are going to have to pretend like everything is just the way he remembers it. If you lay it all on him right now, he may go into shock and the memories will never come back. For now, try to give him some little bits of information. Do you have any objects from the five years that might help bring back some memories?" Dr. Knox asked.

Burt and Carole thought of the pictures of clothes that Kurt has designed from work and pictures they have of them together.

"Carole can you bring those over? I wanna talk more to Dr. Knox." Burt asked his wife, kissing her cheek as she nodded and went to retrieve the pictures.

"Doc how much of Kurt's memory will he ever regain?" Burt asked.

"I don't know. There's a less than five percent chance that he will ever regain anything."

"Shit!" Burt yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hummel." Dr. Knox said sympathizing to him.

Burt just nodded his head, not knowing what to do. How does he even try to explain anything to Kurt for it to make sense to him?

"How much information are we able to tell him?" Burt asked.

"Honestly I don't know Mr. Hummel. Every person is different on how they are able to handle the sudden shift of reality. Some are good with it, while others go into severe shock. For now, what I'm going to do is keep your son in here for another week to run some tests to see if he is fully capable of leaving or is in need of physical therapy. This way it gives us some time to help Kurt cope." Dr. Knox sighed. Burt opened the door to Kurt's room and entered to see his son looking better than he did when he first woke up. Kurt looked pale with only skin and bones. Burt felt like if he tried to hug Kurt, he'll brake him in half.

"Dad." Kurt said with tears in his eyes as he opened his thin arms. Burt walked over to his son and bear hugged him, feeling so thankful for having Kurt wake up when Carole came back into the room with some pictures in a folder. Carole put the folder down and rant to Kurt to give him a warm, motherly hug with Burt.

"Kurt, I need to tell you something." Burt said breaking up the hug. Kurt looked at his dad with confused eyes and listened.

"It's not 2020."

Kurt furrowed his eyebrow and tilted his head.

"Is it 2021 then? The nurse said that I've been in a coma for ten months."

Burt opened his mouth and closed it. Preparing himself to tell his son the news that might give Kurt a heart attack.

"It's 2025 and you're not twenty-five years old. You're thirty."

Kurt's eyes popped open and his mouth dropped.

"W-what do you mean it's 2025? How can that be?! I've only been in a coma for ten months! Not five years! And I'm not that old!" Kurt yelled in disbelief.

"Kurt. Kurt," Burt said trying to calming Kurt down, "I know this is confusing and shocking and I'm sure you're scared, but believe me that it's 2025. The Doc said that you probably hit your head during the accident and had severe brain damage. I don't know why your brain decided to think its 2020, but there's a possibility that you may get your memories back. The Doc said that he's going to keep you here for a week to run some tests and to see if you need any physical therapy."

Kurt breathing became uneven as he tried to wrap his mind around the fact that he has no memoires of the last five years. All he remember is it was only one week after Blaine proposed. Blaine.

"Is Blaine here yet?" Kurt asked desperately as he clutched his father's arm in fear. He really needed his fiancée or husband if they got married and doesn't remember it, right now. He needed Blaine to help him cope with the fact that he's been in a coma for ten months and doesn't remember five years of his life. Burt felt awkward and torn not knowing if he should tell Kurt the truth or not.

"Oh my God! Kurt! You're really awake!" came a new voice and everyone turned around to see Eric out of breath with a shocked expression and rushed into the room. Eric passed the doctor, Burt and Carole and came straight to Kurt and engulfed in his a tight hug. Eric looked at Kurt and brought his face right in front of Kurt with a sudden kiss to the lips. Kurt's eyes widen in shock at the touch of his lips and shoved the stranger away from him with all of his might, to wipe off the kiss from his lips.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Kurt yelled angrily looking at Eric with fierce blue eyes. Kurt wiped his lips again, trying to get rid of the feeling of the stranger's lips.

Everyone in the room had to have a second to process what just happened. Eric is here and doesn't know that Kurt doesn't remember him.

"Kurt what are you talking about? I'm your husband." Eric said annoyed form being shoved away. Kurt looked fearful at him and looked at his dad for help. Burt saw the fear in Kurt's eyes and never in his life did he want to strangle James more than now.

"Dad who is he? And why is he claiming that he's my husband?" Kurt asked keeping a wary eye on Eric.


"Why is Kurt asking these stupid question Burt?" Eric interrupted, "Why doesn't he not know who I am?"

"Why should I remember who you are? You asshole!" Kurt yelled.

"Kurt, he is your husband." Burt said slowly seeing his sons face looked absolutely confused.

"What? That can't be true! What about Blaine! Where is Blaine?!" Kurt yelled tears now falling out of his eyes.

Burt bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck hating to see such sadness, pain and confusion in his son's eyes.

"You broke up with him."

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! The song that Blaine sang is an actual song from Darren Criss and his EP Computer Games called 'We Like It' and I thought it went great with the song. Anyways, I hope you all like this fanfiction because I had this first chapter completed for about four months so… anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter!
Please review because they give me the inspiration to write!