A/N I have rewritten chapter one and added a lot added a little to chapter two.


Alec and Izzy turned to look at Magnus. "What?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Maryse walked over slowly to them.

"Mother, we were just talking about you. Why didn't you tell us we had an aunt?" Izzy glared at her.

"Magnus, get those creatures, and the mundane's away from my children."

"I'm not going anywhere until I find out what is going on," Alec was tired of lies and secrets.

Luke walked over he knew that he had to help sort this out. "Let's go into the restaurant, and I've cleared it out." His eyes flashed green.

Stiles walked over. "I've never seen a werewolf with eyes that colour." He looked over at

a now healing Derek.

"Neither have I." He replied.

"What are you talking about?" Luke stared at them in confusion.

"I'll explain everything," Magnus offered.

"Don't you dare," Maryse screeched.

"Go away, mother," Izzy headed towards the restaurant.

"Call me if you need my help Stiles," Stephen smiled at him.

"I will and thank you, Stephen."

A portal opened, and the sorcerer walked through.

Chris shook his head and laughed. "You know the Sorcerer Supreme."

Once everyone was settled, all eyes landed on Magnus.

"Luke you and your fellow werewolves aren't like all the others. Your kind was created. The Hale's are what you should be like."

"We were created why? By who?"

"Long ago, there were endless attacks on Idris. The Shadowhunters found it difficult to do their duty. There was a meeting, and The Clave decided that they needed some protection. They brought in their best scientists and created their version of a werewolf. At first, everything was fine. They were safe," Magnus sighed.

"So, what went wrong?" Stiles asked it was clear something had.

"Even though the werewolves were human, they weren't treated like that. They elected a man named Barrett to talk on their behalf. The Clave had him killed. The battle that followed was long and bloody. Eventually, the werewolves lost and were forced to leave Idris. Those that knew the true story spread lies about them being demons. These stories were told to those outside of Idris, and it soon became their truth and a part of their history."

"They wanted to be treated as equals, and they were killed for it." Luke couldn't believe all the things he thought he knew were all lies. No matter what happened, whether he was human or a supernatural creature, he was looked on by some as second class and not worthy of respect.

"So what happened with mother and her sister I'm assuming you gave us this history lesson for a reason," Alec asked wondering if he wanted actually to know.

Magnus smiled at him, and it had been a long time someone he'd been this attracted to someone. Unfortunately now was not the lime to explore that. There was no doubt if he wanted any kind of relationship with Alec, it would have to be taken slowly.

"You are quite right, my dear Alec. One of your ancestors met and fell in love with one of the werewolves. They had a child, and they were found out. He was taken and killed, and there had been too many people within the family that had seen this child, so they forced her into an arranged marriage. No one outside knew. Talia and Maryse both found out. It horrified your mother that she had werewolf blood running through her veins." He looked over at Derek and smiled. "Talia didn't care. She wished that the two lovers could've been happy together. She was an amazing woman."

"She was a great alpha, but most of all, she was my mom, a kind and caring one."

"One day, the two sisters were out, and they met Robert Hale. He was good looking, smart and charming. They were both attracted to him. As they all got to know each other Talia and Robert tell in love. Maryse could see this happening, and the jealousy grew. Robert told the woman he loved everything, including the fact he was a werewolf. Talia didn't care this was the man she loved and wanted to be with. One night Maryse snuck out, she was sure that Robert loved her and planned to prove it."

"How was she going to do that?" Allison asked.

"She was going to put herself in a bit of danger. In her mind, Robert would see this and rescue her and realise how much he loved her."

Derek sighed. "It didn't work out like that though."

"No, Talia had followed her, and a car had spun out of control and headed straight for Maryse. Talia pushed her out at the way and got hit. Robert rushed to her side and offered her the bite. He couldn't lose her. Maryse was livid, not only was the man she loved a werewolf but had already told her sister and not her. Talia accepted, but the injury was too much. He gave up his alpha hood so she would live. Then something unexpected happened. Talia not only survived the change but became an alpha."

"Because of the werewolf DNA that ran in her family," Stiles shouted out and then reddened slightly as everyone who knew him looked amused.

"Yes, Maryse got up and ran home. She told their parents that Talia had lied to them. She met, and fallen in love with a werewolf and asked for the bite so she could be with them. Talia comes home to explain things, but they didn't believe her, and they disowned her."

Izzy stared to pace. "You know I always think our mother could not become any more selfish and a bitch than she already is, but somehow I'm always proved wrong. She betrayed her sister and didn't care. I hope we take more after our aunt." She looked at Alec.

"So you're our cousin?" He asked Derek.

"It looks like it."

"Derek, why don't you stay in New York for a little bit and get to know your cousins. It's safer than going back, and we can decide what to do about Scott," Chris suggested.

"Dad and I are staying here, as well. It's too much for me to be there and Scott keeps trying to speak to me." Allison sighed. "I'm just not ready."

Izzy smiled. "You can tell us all about Beacon Hills." The smile fell as she saw the looks on their face. "Okay, what's wrong with this place you live?"

"Where do we start?" Stiles glanced over at Derek, Allison and Chris. "It had a Nemeton–." Stiles explained.

"Wait, what do you mean 'had'?" Magnus jumped in.

"It was cut down long ago." Derek looked down at the ground as he thought of Paige." It's a stump now." The image of her laying on it haunted him. Stiles reached out, placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled.

''Does someone want to explain what that means?" Alec was getting tired of being fed little bits of information.

"The Nemeton is a natural, magical power source. It's good when it's growing, happy and healthy. This one has been damaged. It pulls the more negative things towards it." Magnus hated that someone destroyed something so beautiful.

"Is there any way to fix this Nemeton?" Izzy asked.

"A Sorcerer and Warlock could do it but..." Magnus's voice faded as he turned to look at Stiles.

Derek didn't like the way he was looking at his... friend, "but what?"

"A spark with a link to the area would be more powerful."

"Me? But I'm just learning," Stiles stuttered.

"Looks like you've got a lot of work to do," Chris smiled, but couldn't stop the laugh that erupted at the look Stiles threw him.