Seth went into his locker room and sighed. He was glad to be surrounded by people again but Akam, Rezar and Buddy could be a lot when you just needed a few minutes of peace and quiet which he did badly. Having his 'followers' helped take the pressure off him at work but he still got lonely and they didn't make him feel like he did.

Still facing the closed door, he turned the lock because he felt kind of raw and just needed to be alone, he was almost tempted to turn the light off and let everyone think that he had already left. He looked down at the garish red title he wore around his waist and he remembered when it looked different, when it was black and bronze and he shared it with him. He was happy then and he hadn't been since he went to Smackdown and they had broken up. He reached behind him and unsnapped the belt and dropped it on the bench before turning around and seeing him sitting casually on his couch and smirking at him.

"Hello Messiah." Roman said, his voice deep and sexy and still having the same effect on Seth that it always did.

He rolled his eyes, trying to look as unaffected as he could even though his heart was racing and he kind of felt faint. He wasn't supposed to be here! He did everything he could to avoid even seeing Roman and now he was alone in a room with him.

Roman got up off the couch and sauntered over to him and he had the knee-jerk reaction to unlock the door and run because he was already feeling vulnerable when he got here and now the man of his dreams was walking over to him and he had to just... stay strong.

That was easier said than done when Roman looked like a literal dream walking towards him. His hair was undone and flowing over his shoulders, slightly curling and soft and perfect for running fingers through. A tight dark grey t-shirt with a v-neck that showed off a bit of his chest and tattoo and god he wanted to put his mouth on those collar bones and suck marks on them to show that Roman was his. His jeans were black and tighter than he had ever remembered seeing Roman wear before and he wanted... so many things. This was not the way Roman normally dressed, this was how he dressed to seduce and damn it if it wasn't working.

Even though his mouth was suddenly dry he managed to actually speak words. "What are you doing here?" That was about all he could manage at the moment.

Roman looked him up and down and he barely managed to stop himself from shivering under the heat of that look. His body was covered except that he was shirtless and his jacket was open but he felt so naked under Roman's gaze. Roman had a habit of making him feel naked, physically and emotionally. When they were together, he never had to hide anything from Roman, they were so in-tune with each other. But that was then. "What? You're not happy to see me?"

He crossed his arms hoping to look stern and Roman grinned. "Not particularly."

"Crossfit Jesus has matured into the Monday Night Messiah and it's a really good look on you." Roman reached up and touched the fur on Seth's collar, brushing his fingers over his cheek as he did so and he flinched as if he had been burned. "I definitely approve of the leather, but you always looked so good in leather."

He took an involuntary step back, needing space from Roman. He couldn't fall again, not while Roman was still the same jealous bastard that he always was. "Get out. I'm not going to play any games, I want you out of my sight."

Roman sighed and took a step back giving him the room he wanted but he just felt cold with him gone. "Sorry, this wasn't the way I planned it."

He dropped his arms to his sides and put his head back against the door. "What do you want?"

"The same thing I've wanted since the day I met you. Us, together." Roman said and he finally looked at Roman and that was the man he recognized. Just Roman being honest, no games.

"We've been down that road before and it didn't work, nothing has changed." He thought back to the brand split, when Roman's career took him one way and his the other. He had been sure that they could handle it just like every other wrestling couple. They were apart for a few days a week and together for a few days, sure they would miss each other but they could call, text, and skype and even get a little sexy that way when the mood struck. (Okay the mood always struck, but could you blame him? His boyfriend was incredibly sexy.)

But as soon as they were apart, Roman turned into this jealous man that Seth didn't even recognize anymore. When they were together Roman questioned him incessantly about who he was spending time with, he analyzed every episode of Raw for interactions with other men. Their relationship just deteriorated from there until they had to call it quits. He couldn't deal with that jealousy anymore.

"I've changed Seth. All this time that we've been apart has given me time to think." Roman looked at him in the eye and every emotion he was feeling flashed over his face. "I was wrong and I treated you badly. I know that you wouldn't cheat on me. You stayed with me through everything, even my illness and gave me all your love."

Seth eyes started to water and he blinked the tears away before they tried to fall. He couldn't interrupt Roman now that he was finally talking about his feelings.

"When I got better I started to wonder if maybe you wanted someone better, or stronger than me and that I was a burden to you and all those other guys looked at you and wanted you and I just panicked." Roman hung his head in shame and it hurt him to see that.

All this time Roman thought that something like that would break them apart. He reached out and grabbed Roman's hand and pulled him closer, not letting go of his hand. "Roman, I loved you more than anything and I thought nothing would ever tear us apart. I wanted forever with you until your jealousy got between us. I didn't care if the whole world looked at me or tried to flirt with me because I had the best person waiting for me and no one could compare to you in my heart."

Roman raised hope-filled eyes. "Really?"

"Of course. You and I... we were like magic." He shook his head fondly. "I don't know if you ever noticed but people constantly flirt with you and I used to get a little jealous in the beginning until I realized that you never even looked at any of them. I never understood why but you only ever had eyes for me and I realized that I didn't have anything to worry about."

Roman shook his head dismissively. "I don't think people really flirt with me, except you of course."

Seth scoffed. "I flirted with you for months before you noticed and you only did that because I flat out told you that you had a great dick one day in the showers."

Roman smiled. "That may be true." For the first time in a long time Seth started to relax. Maybe things would work out between them.

They stood holding hands and looking at each other for a few minutes, just being together when there was a knock at the door.

Roman sat down on the bench while he unlocked the door and opened it to a very excited Buddy Murphy. He had mostly gotten used to how excitable Buddy could get now that they were in the spotlight more and more. It was cute in a way. "Seth my man, we're going to a bar so get your cute ass out the door and into my car."

He looked out the corner of his eye to see if Roman had steam coming out of his ears because of the cute ass comment but he didn't look bothered at all. "Sorry Buddy but I'm hanging out with Roman tonight, have fun with the boys for me."

"You got it boss." Buddy said before grabbing him in a tight hug and throwing a casual wave Roman's way.

He quickly looked at Roman to see his reaction to the hug but he was just waving back at Buddy with a smile on his face. "So are you going to explode and yell about Buddy hugging me?"

"No." Roman got up off the bench. "I don't know if you are dating anyone right now but we are broken up and even though thinking about you with other men hurts, I won't ever make that mistake again."

He walked over to Roman and put his arms around his neck. "I'm single, I haven't been with anyone other than you since we first got together."

Roman smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Same here. But if you want to do something about that pesky being single thing, I would gladly couple up with you again."

"Yeah, I think that could work." He slowly brought their lips together in a chaste kiss and Roman sighed.

"I promise Seth, never again. I trust you with all my heart."

Seth wrapped his arms around Roman tightly. "I know."