Guilty Pleasures

This takes place in the same universe as the A Different Kind of Love stories.

Derek stormed to his room after yet another argument with Cameron about battle tactics. John had wisely stayed out of it, having long since realized Derek was not the most reasonable man in the best of times.

"We must have Sarah speak to Derek," Cameron said. "His behavior is out of control."

"You both have been," John said. "You guys are always arguing."

"He believes I am evil," Cameron observed. "But evil is a human term. I only do as I am programmed."

John barely held back a laugh.

"What is so funny?" Cameron asked.

"Well, you've been acting more human," John explained. "And usually in ways that would make someone a 'bad girl' or 'rebel.'"

Cameron tilted her head. "I do not understand."

John sighed. "Okay, have you heard about the seven deadly sins?"

"Of course."

"Well, usually a bad act can be linked to them. And ever since your emotions were unlocked, you kind of seem to…enjoy abusing them."

"I have not," Cameron said. John swore she sounded indignant."

"Okay, think back. Look at your memories and tell me that you have been a perfect angel."

Cameron decided to play along. She opened her memories file on her HUD and cross-referenced her memories with the sins.


Derek looked inside the fridge for food. "Where's the pizza?"

"I ate it," Cameron said from the living room. "It was going bad."

Derek groaned. "Fine. I'll take chicken."

"I ate it."

Derek looked back at her in shock. "Fine! I'll have a beer!"

"I drank it."

Derek nearly fell over. "Why would you do that?!"

"You are eating unhealthy," Cameron said. "I have removed the deadliest food from our home."

At that moment, John passed by Cameron, giving her a kiss on the head. "I'm heading to get some gas for the car. Thanks for the pizza, babe."

Cameron smiled at John as Derek stared at her with a scowl.


"C'mon Cam, get up," John said.

Cameron lay beside him on their bed, her top half covering his side and pinning him to the sheets.

"Look, last night was incredible, but we need to go to class," John said.

Cameron lay down with her eyes closed.

"I know you're faking it, now get off me!"

Sarah stormed into the room. The sight of the Terminator and man in an intimate position no longer shocked her after walking in on them so often. "What is taking so long?!"

"She won't get up!" John said.

Sarah crossed over to the side and yanked the covers off, exposing the two bodies beneath. She grabbed Cameron by the sides and pulled. "Get up, you fat lazy tractor!"

Cameron still acted asleep, gripping onto John's arm. She was too heavy for Sarah to lift and pulled too hard on her lover's arm. "OW! Stop Mom! She's gonna yank my arm out!"

Sarah threw the girl back and left the room. "Fine! Stay in bed and miss class! But I'm not making you breakfast!"

John smiled at missing his mother's pancakes. And he could swear he saw Cameron smile too.


Morris spoke to John from the living room while John searched the fridge for sodas. "The movie is at least three hours long. I think we should get going soon."

"Sounds good to me," John said.

Cameron appeared beside John. "I think we would benefit more from a night at home, John."

"Why? So you can have me all to yourself?" John joked.

Cameron made no emotional expression, telling him she was most serious.

"Look, Morris is my friend too," John said. "I need time to hang out with him as well."

"Then he may stay with us," Cameron said. "From a distance. Like a good friend."

John laughed. She could be like a cat sometimes, not wanting their people to go. "Morris wants to see the movie, and so do I. I think you're outvoted here."

"Yup!" Morris agreed. "Movie it is!"

Cameron turned on her heel and headed for the living room. Suddenly, John heard Morris scream in pain. He rushed into the room to see Cameron rearranging her boot as Morris lay on the ground, cradling his genitals.

"I changed my mind," Morris wheezed. "Let's stay in tonight."

"Yes," Cameron agreed. "He will need time alone to recover."


She didn't know why she entered the bathroom at that moment, or opened the curtain to see John in the shower. Or why she locked the door after. All she remembered before her programming lost control was staring at John's wet body and hearing his voice.

"C-Cam? Are you…drooling?"


Riley sat next to John and Cameron during lunch at home, talking about her martial arts training. "So, Jesse's been training me in Krav Maga lately. I think it'll make a difference if we get cornered by Grays."

"You should ask Cam to spar with you," John suggested. "She knows how to take down a Terminator without superhuman strength."

Riley's eyes darted from John to Cameron. "I don't know. I don't think she knows any martial arts. I might kick your girlfriend's ass."

Cameron stared at her. "I have downloaded several techniques into my database. I would be willing to impart my wisdom."

Riley shrugged. "Okay, I warned you."

She stood up with Cameron and adopted a fighting stance. Leaping forward, she aimed for Cameron's head, but the Terminator caught her by the throat. Gently, not enough to choke.

"Okay," Riley said. "I left my head open. You can let go now."

Riley felt Cameron's grip tighten and her breath stop. "Cameron? I-I can't breathe."

Cameron's grew a twisted smile and began to squeeze harder. Riley tried to pry off her hands as John pulled on his girlfriend's arm. "Cam! Let go!"

Cameron had no intention of killing the girl. But there was no need to let Riley know that.


Riley waited impatiently with Morris at the theater, her phone in her hands as she called John. "The movie's going to start! Where are you?"

"I'm a little busy!" John grunted from the other side. "Go without me!"

"This is the second time!" Morris said. "C'mon! Don't miss it again!"

Cameron's voice came from the other side. "He said he is unavailable. Do not call again."

The line went dead. Riley and Morris brushed it off and went inside the theater.

Back in his room, John and Cameron lay beside each other. John was covered in sweat and drinking a bottle of water that Cameron retrieved for him.

"I know what you're doing," John said. "But you can't keep me to yourself all night. My body can't take it."

"I know," Cameron said. "The human body cannot keep up with the demands of a Terminator."

"Glad to hear it." John said.

"That is why I put some pills into the water you are drinking."

"Glad to – YOU DID WHAT?!"


Derek pulled his head from under the hood of his truck. He gave his tools to Jesse and grinned. "All finished on the best damn machine in the world."

Unfortunately, Cameron was passing by and overheard his comment. She stopped in her tracks and stared inside the garage.

"The truck is not the best machine," Cameron said.

Jesse glared at her. "Not your business, metal."

"I am more durable than this vehicle," Cameron said. "I possess speech and make my lover happy in bed. A truck cannot do these things."

Jesse gagged at the mention of her with John. Derek just laughed and began wiping the car roof with a rag. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were getting an ego. Worried than John may think the car is prettier than you?"

A loud clang filled his hears. Derek looked to see Cameron removing her fist from a giant dent in the side of the car.

"Not anymore," she said.

Cameron turned around and left Derek to stare at the damage done to his precious car. Jesse stepped back, figuring that neither her boyfriend or enemy were in the mood to talk to her.

Cameron finished reviewing her files and turned back to John. "I see no problem with my behavior."

"Cameron, don't get me wrong, I love you no matter what," John said. "But you really don't think there's any room for improvement?"

Cameron smiled and closed the gap between her and John. "Be honest with yourself: would you rather I was an adorable little angel?"

John let out a nervous giggle. "Well, I mean, no."

He felt Cameron give him a small kiss. "Then do not seek to improve on something that I already perfect."

She left the kitchen with a gentle sway of her hips. John laughed and shook his head.

"Now I know what they say Pride is the worst one."