A/N: Guys, I'm so sad about the show ending and no one is more surprised by that than me.

I hope you like this chapter. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

"This is the mine?" Lucy gushed, pulling her hand free of her father's and running ahead. "Like the actual mine?"

"Yep." Henry said with a smile. "So don't get too close."

The girl stopped midway down the hill, her face glowing with excitement, and smiled back at her family. "I can't believe this is really real!"

Her father chuckled and pulled his wife closer, his arm about her waist. Elena stepped carefully, almost reverently, to join her same-age niece. Emma and Regina hung back, watching with pride as Henry spun the tale of being trapped in the mine with Dr. Hopper. There was as much magic in the telling as either of his mothers possessed within their fingertips.

This is how it had been all day. After meeting for breakfast at Granny's, the six of them had toured around town, acquainting Jacinda and Lucy with their new home. It had taken longer than anticipated however because so many people wanted to welcome them. In every shop, at every landmark, someone wanted to meet Henry's family or welcome their Queen home again.

The last hour or so had been dedicated to visiting anyplace Lucy was curious about from Henry's book that they hadn't already visited. They'd stopped at the well in the woods where Emma and Snow had crawled out from the Enchanted Forest. They'd peered into the water at the place where Henry had disappeared into a portal with Greg and Tamara en route to Neverland. And now, they stood on the hill above the sealed opening to the infamous mine.

Henry led them down the embankment toward the entrance as he talked, but Regina stepped back towards her Mercedes. The six of them had been a mini caravan all day, rotating from car to car. It had been a wise choice so she was always driving her car and Emma always driving the bug and never the two of them alone in a car together.

She had been suitably interested in every place they had visited, enjoying the light in Lucy's eyes as her granddaughter saw her storybook come to life, but with each place they stopped, Regina had to relive her evil days, the near loss of her son and now the place she had nearly snapped when he'd been trapped below ground and she'd been helpless.

Emma looked back at her. "Hey. You ok?"

Regina leaned against the vehicle and nodded. "I'm fine. Go on with them. I'm sure Lucy will enjoy it more with her Gemma."

~ (SQ) ~

At breakfast, Lucy sat close to Emma, endlessly curious about her new grandmother. Opposite them Elena stared up at Regina with a similar curiosity, scooting her seat closer to the dark woman when she thought no one was looking. The girls seemed to be inseparable friends after only one sleepover with their Gram and that delighted Regina in a way she hadn't expected.

Lucy, excited and nearly vibrating with energy, tried out a number of grandmotherly name's on Emma. Each one was rejected with a frown as she enjoyed her blueberry pancakes with entirely too much syrup.

"How about Grammy?" Henry offered.

Elena and Regina both wrinkled their nose at that and shared a look.

"No, dad, I don't think that fits her." Lucy tilted her head to one side and studied Emma.

Emma smiled over at Regina who was studying her as hard as Lucy was. "What?"

Regina motioned to the corner of her own mouth. "You've got a little…"

Emma reached up with her finger and wiped, missing the blueberry smudge entirely. "Did I get it?"

"No, it's—" Regina wiped at her own mouth again. "—right here."

Emma tried again, this time wiping harder and wider. She looked at the brunette, raising her eyebrows in question.

Regina shook her head and half stood. She licked her thumb and rubbed the moistened digit across the corner of Emma's mouth, her fingertips cradling her jaw. Green eyes locked on brown at the touch and for a moment Regina just left her hand there, pretending to still wipe away the smudge.

It had been hard being with Emma before everything that happened last night. Now, knowing what Emma's kisses tasted like, having confessed her attraction if not fully her feelings… well, it was nearly impossible not to touch her, to stare at her, to kiss her again. Henry cleared his throat then and Regina released the blonde and sat down abruptly, definitely avoiding eye contact with their son.

The other three with them seemed oblivious to whatever was happening beside them and Lucy suddenly exclaimed, "Gemma! That's what you are. My Gemma!"

It was a unique name but somehow it worked.

~ (SQ) ~

Emma frowned at that, glanced at the quartet gathered by the mine, and walked over toward the former mayor. She stopped right in front of her, much closer then was appropriate, and Regina felt her heart begin to race for the hundredth time today. Things between them had waffled from unnecessary distance and forced aloofness to much too close standing, deliberately accidental touches and painfully obvious staring.

More than once, Henry had side-eyed them or cleared his throat. Once, he'd even asked what was up with them today. Still, anytime no one was looking their hands would brush, fingers momentarily tangling, and a secret smile would be shared.

Now, Emma stood directly in front of Regina, causing the dark woman to press harder against her car to create a little space. They were really going to need to talk about this… soon. Otherwise Regina wasn't sure what might happen.

"Are you ok?" Emma took one of Regina's hands as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Regina nodded, looking past Emma.


"I'm not lying. I just…" Regina finally made eye contact and drew in a shuddering breath. Emma was so near the brunette could feel the warmth of her body. She whispered without conviction, "Please don't stand so close to me."

"Can't help it. It's like magnet and steel since… you know." Emma said, moving a nearly imperceptible distance away. "But don't try to change the subject. Is this trip down memory lane too much?"

The brunette smirked. Of course Emma would know. "A little. I guess it is difficult since every place she's wanted to go has been a place where I was horrible to you or our son was in danger—or both."

"I get that. Maybe we can cut this short and get some ice cream. I know how you love a scoop of chocolate mocha." Emma grinned and squeezed the fingers intertwined with her own.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Regina huffed and looked away. Ice cream was a guilty pleasure for her, a secret stash in her freezer, not something anyone but Henry and Emma knew about.

"You shouldn't be upset about revisiting these old places, you know. You're not that person anymore." Emma turned serious again and placed her free hand on the car next to Regina, the action bringing her closer than ever. "Besides, I gained some respect for you that day… when Henry was trapped in there."

"Oh?" Regina tried to seem unaffected by Emma's body so close that barely a hand width separated them.

"Yeah. Before that, I thought you were an A-number-one bitch who didn't give a shit about Henry. But out here, pacing around, barking out orders and folding your arms around your middle, I couldn't deny that you loved him. I did deny it, but deep down I knew. You loved him to distraction. You wanted to be lowered into that whole in your high heels to save him. So yeah, I had to respect that. But I wouldn't have ever admitted it then."

Regina couldn't help the beaming smile that appeared at Emma's words. "I did love him. I still do. And I'd give my life for our son."

"I know." Emma whispered. "You love harder than anyone I know, Regina. And that is a beautiful thing."

Now the brunette blushed. She needed to talk about something else or she was going to say something she'd regret. "I almost kissed you that day, you know."

Emma feigned shock and barely contained her laughter. "What? While our kid was in that mine, you were thinking about making a move on me?"

Regina rolled her eyes good naturedly and nudged Emma's leg with her own. "No. I wasn't thinking of making a move. But when I knew you were going down there… I just felt this overwhelming need to kiss you. And not just to hurt your mother. It was something else entirely." The laughter died and Regina looked serious again. "If I'm honest with myself, I can admit I gained a little respect for you that day too. And the need… to desire to kiss you scared me. It probably made me even more of an evil bitch to you than I was before because I did not want to want you. Period."

"And now?" Emma said softly, the fronts of her thighs now firmly against Regina's.

The other woman's chest was rising and falling with intensity, her eyes darting between Emma's eyes and her ever so inviting lips. "And now… what?"

"Do you want to kiss me? Does it scare you? Because it scares me how much I want to kiss you right now." Emma's voice had taken on a roughness that made Regina's inside quiver.

"Yes, I want to kiss you. But it doesn't scare me."

"It doesn't"

"No," Regina rasped. "But we shouldn't, Emma."

"I know." Emma said, releasing and griping Regina's hand nervously.

"We agreed to… to…" Regina was having a very hard time thinking of a reason not to kiss Emma.

"We certainly did agree." Emma lifted her free hand from the car and on to Regina's small waist.

Regina cast her eye's toward the mine as Emma leaned in closer still. "But Henry and the girls—"

"Can't see us." Emma breathed against Regina's mouth.

Suddenly Regina pushed Emma off her and stumbling back. "No, but your husband might."

Emma followed her gaze to the far side of the sunken mine entrance where she spotted Killian Jones stumbling out of the tree line, waving with his hook hand to the foursome below.

~ (SQ) ~

Regina Mills sat outside the house Emma shared with her husband and daughter, gripping the steering wheel. She knew her family was waiting inside. They had agreed to meet here and later, Snow, David and Neal would join them all for a quiet family dinner since last night had turned into a party.

Last night?

Was it possible just yesterday she had arrived back in Storybrooke? It seemed like so much had happened in twenty-four hours. And now there was one more thing to add to the list.

~ (SQ) ~

"Mom said you like horses too." Elena smiled over at Regina from the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

When Hook appeared at the mine, he said it was to take Elena to her riding lesson. Regina doubted the veracity of his excuse since, even after all these years, the fool didn't know how to drive. How he planned to take the child to her lesson was a mystery.

Maybe she was paranoid after having kissed his wife so passionately in their living room. Maybe she just didn't like him. Either way, she had an itch in the back of her brain—a twitch that said he was up to something. But she kept that to herself and volunteered to drive Elena herself. She and Emma needed some space.

"Indeed I do." Regina said with a smile. Despite her initial concerns about meeting this girl, the two of them had clicked from the beginning and set Regina at ease.

"Me too. I have my own horse now. His name is Chester. Gram says that isn't a very regal name for a princess' horse but I like it. You had a horse, right?" The girl barely too a breath.

If she didn't know any better, Regina would think she was rambling because she was nervous. She'd done the same at her age. Mother had made sure to eradicate that trait with her special talent for punishment.

"Yes, I had a beautiful horse and I loved him very much. His name was Rocinante."

"Gram said you saved her once on a runaway horse. That's so cool!"

Regina could actually hear the excited glint in green eyes even though she couldn't see them. She had to keep her eyes on the road. "I did. She was just about your age and it certainly changed the course of my life."

"You mean Daniel and the curse and all that?" Elena asked quietly.

"Yes. Did your Gram tell you about all that too?" Regina didn't feel comfortable having a discussion like this with a child.

"No. I read about it in the story books. That's not exactly stuff grown-ups talk about to kids, ya know." The girl's tone was sassy and Regina found she rather enjoyed it.

"With your Gram, anything is possible." Regina smirked and turned down the gravel road to the stables.

Elena was quiet for a long moment and the former Queen wondered if she had upset her with her jab at Snow. She was about to apologize when the girl spoke again. "Are we friends yet?"

"What?" Regina asked, genuinely confused.

"You know, last night you said we weren't friends but you were friends with Gram and mom. Are friends now?"

Regina parked the car near the barn and looked at the clock. They had a few minutes before her lesson was to begin. She turned in her seat to face the child who was watching her with wide, curious eyes.

"Is it important to you that we be friends?" Regina asked turning off the engine.

"Oh yes!" Elena blushed at her own excitement and started again with a softer tone. "I mean, yes. I would very much like to be friends. I don't really have that many friends."

Regina smiled softly. There was something so Emma about this little girl. It was easy to forget she was related to the pirate. "Hmmm, I don't really have that many friends, either. So, if we are going to be friends, we need to get to know each other. So tell me something about yourself."

Green eyes shown with so much innocence… so much joy that it hit Regina like a punch to the gut. Pirate or no pirate, the brunette decided right then and there to protect and love this little girl for as long as she was able.

Elena thought hard, eyebrows drawn down and pouting lips pursed. "Well, I love horses—which you know—and I love to read. My favorite ice cream is chocolate. I do not like broccoli at all. Yuck. My favorite color is purple and…," she tapped a finger on her chin, "and I'm very good at science."

Regina nodded along, amazed at what a child thought was important to know for friendship. "Interesting. I love horses too. We didn't have television in the other realm so reading is also a hobby of mine. My favorite ice cream is chocolate mocha (but don't tell anyone). I do like broccoli though. It's very good for you. My favorite color is purple and I'm very good at math."

Elena's mouth opened in shock. "Hey! We have a lot in common. Maybe we should be best friends."

Regina joined her laughter and checked the clock. It was nearly time for the lesson. "We had better get you into your riding gear, sweetheart. You don't want to be late."

Elena frowned again and hesitated. It was clear she wanted to say something else.

"If we are going to be friends, you will have to trust me. Is there something else on your mind?" Regina tried to keep her voice inviting and soft.

"Why did you leave the party last night? Did I do something wrong?" Tears rimmed green eyes that looked away from Regina's direct gaze.

"Did you… oh, Elena. No, sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong. Why would you think that?" Regina reached out a tentative hand and laid it on the girl's small hand.

Instantly, Regina felt a rush of magic. Elena's skin was dancing with it. It was powerful for someone so young but there wasn't a trace of malice in it anywhere. Pure, untainted magic seemed to push and pull with Regina's own. It was foreign and familiar all at once and it startled her so that she barely heard what the girl was saying.

"… then you just ran out. I thought I had done something. And mom seemed so upset when she came back in. Daddy was so mad he left right after you. I thought… I thought it was my fault." Elena was crying with earnest now and her magic only grew stronger, long tendrils winding up Regina's arm.

Releasing her arm, Regina placed a hand on the girl's chin and lifted her eyes to look into her own. "Listen to me, dear one. You did nothing wrong. I was tired and overwhelmed after a long day and hadn't expected such a crowd for dinner. Your mother and you… daddy were not mad with you either. Sometimes… sometimes grown-ups are weird. But I promise, it is never, ever your fault."

Elena's tears slowed and she smiled. "It isn't?"

"No. It isn't. I have only known you a short time but I know your mother better than anyone and she could never be upset with you. So, dry your eyes and let's get you ready for your lesson." Elena wiped a hand down her face and reached for the door handle. Regina touched her hand again, feeling the same surge of magic, though now it was much smaller. "If you even need me, I will be there. I promise."

And she meant it. Just like that, her heart made room for one more.

~ (SQ) ~

Regina made her way to the door and knocked lightly. Emma pulled it open an instant later with a smile.


Regina smiled involuntarily at the sight of the blonde. "Hi."

She could hear Henry and company chatting away in the living room, so she pulled Emma onto the porch. "Why didn't you tell me Elena has magic?"

Green eyes went wide with shock. "She has what?!"