Welcome to Chapter 2 and basically the ending! Sorry it took so long haha! Like I said, I needed the movie for 'inspiration' and script. The second chapter has much more of the Ragnarok movie in it than the first chapter where things happened in between scenes.

Let's get to it shall we?

"Also...I've got a peace offering."

Brunnhilde was staring at Thor and the strange man who seemed way too familiar, with a slight smirk and slight head cock. The valkyrie had finally found the God of Thunder after tossing Loki off into her room with Luna to keep watch. Everything she was now willing to do with the Prince of Asgard, she hoped would atone for her surviving a lost battle. The woman watched Thor, waiting for it to process before she kept walking.

Thor had no idea what the peace offering was, but if it meant he had an ally, then he will accept it. The valkyrie was going to help him get his home back and that was all Thor needed to know.

As the two were about to take another turn, Brunnhilde decided to tell them about Luna.

"Oh. Right. Another person is coming with us."

"A comrade?" Thor asked in hope. More fighters meant more help to getting back Asgard. Brunnhilde pressed a button once all three of them were inside, letting the elevators close.

"Nope," Brunnhilde stressed the nope with a pop at the 'puh'. "My lover. And she is not going to fight. I will not let her." I'm not going to lose another lover... Brunnhilde looked over at Thor who was eyeballing her tattoo. He understood as soon as she said lover that he would not let the girl come to harms way...to the best of his abilities.

"This will be dangerous-," he mentioned as politely as he could. The elevators opened and the three exited, fast-paced. Brunnhilde was getting close to her room.

"Oh, I know. I gave her the choice to come if she wanted and she said yes. But she isn't a fighter. Hardly one at all for physical combat-", Brunnhilde noticed the shorter male who was almost hiding behind Thor shrink, "but I'm taking her with me because she does not belong here. She can defend herself I'm sure, but she is no physical fighter. At least, not anymore." Thor's eyes widened slightly and his eyebrows raised in question. Unfortunately for him, Brunnhilde didn't say anything more about it as they stopped in front of a door. Brunnhilde pressed in a few numbers on the lock. She began to speak once more. "I am going to protect her and I want you to do the same should anything happen..." Thor, of course, didn't mind protecting someone else even after the valkyrie spoke those words. Though he was very curious at who the valkyrie's lover was. Had he met them? Most likely not. But he was about to. He wondered if Valkyrie had good taste in women. He hasn't met very beautiful women in Sakaar as of late.

Thor was about to say that he will try when Valkyrie took a small step back after she finished pressing buttons.

"...I-" The doors opened and all eyes shifted to see Loki. The grey-haired man behind Brunnhilde nearly jumped.

Sitting behind Loki, apparently making small braids in his hair, was a petite girl wearing a familiar yellow dress and a wand tucked loosely behind her ear. The trio stood in shock, staring straight at Loki and Luna.

Loki gave a smug smirk as he stared at the opened door.


"Brunny-," Luna smiled with a dazed look in her eyes. She stood up straight. Unlike the first night Brunnhilde met her, Luna was barefooted with the yellow dress on. The paint on Luna's biceps was still there, but the dress had replaced her Sakaar clothing. Luna quickly pattered over to the woman who was extremely confused.

"Your guests?" the shorter girl inquired as she glanced behind her girlfriend. Brunnhilde blinked once. She was staring over at Luna, wondering if this really was her girlfriend, before looking past Luna to stare at Loki. The woman's eyes narrowed as she then gently nudged Luna to the side instead of answering.

Thor took this as an opportunity to toss an empty aluminum bottle on Loki, who would have shielded or caught the item, had he not been tied up.

"Ow." The black-haired god said more out of habit than out of pain. Thor shrugged as everyone looked at the God of Thunder.

"Just had to be sure..."

With Luna out of the way of her path, Brunnhilde calmly walked towards Loki herself...Only to slam the man into a wall with a glare. Thor didn't intercede, particularly feeling a little petty and bitter when his brother didn't vouch for him away from the Grandmaster. Thor's blue eyes shifted upwards to the ceiling.

"Okay...," the valkyrie was tense and she felt Loki's back slam against the wall. She would have felt better just beating the hell out of the mischievous god, had she not felt threatened by how close he and Luna were, with Luna acting more...peculiar than she usually was. Brunnhilde, though violent in her actions, felt it was necessary to do all of this after Loki had forced himself into her mind just an hour ago and pulled out her past. Maybe he had done the same to Luna? "What the hell did you do to my girlfriend...?"

It was the wrong question to ask apparently. Because despite the rasped breath Loki had let out the moment his back made contact to wall, he soon felt his teeth click together and his green eyes snapping right at the valkyrie. A vein nearly popped out from his forehead. He was pissed off. Valkyrie noticed this immediately but didn't flinch. She didn't know why he was acting so strange.

"Your girlfriend...?", he almost spat out the word. Brunnhilde felt herself stiffen. Wait...

"You mean my soulmate."

An awkward silence permeated the room.

Luna was padding over as quickly as she could, ready to pull Brunnhilde off, but she was far too late.

Brunnhilde abruptly took off towards the kitchen after letting the male go without answer. She wasn't going to talk about this. Not now. But she looked over her shoulder, noticing Thor's confusion as he stood closer to the kitchen, the grey-haired Midgardian standing next to him, and Luna...Luna was crouching right in front of Loki and checking his neck to make sure he didn't get any bruises from where the valkyrie choke-slammed him.

She watched in horror as the two shared a glance of longing. Love passed between them in silence just with their eyes. She saw Loki whisper that he was fine to Luna who could only nod. Brunnhilde wanted to puke.

"Wa-hut is going on...?" it was surprisingly the Midgardian who spoke up with hesitant laughter despite the mousey appearance. Nobody answered the poor, confused man. However, he knew personal conflict when he sees it. Damn Asgardians and their dramas...

Luna slowly stood up and brushed the skirt portion of her dress down. Loki was watching Luna with admiration on his features.

"Brunnhilde...," the blonde witch started.

The mentioned woman was throwing empty bottles of liquor on the floor, trying to find something strong. She hadn't noticed Luna walk up to the valkyrie and had a hand placed on her padded shoulder. Luna spoke in a tone Valkyrie didn't want to hear at the moment. Because as the strong valkyrie turned around slightly to face Luna, dark brown hair had apparently gotten stuck to her wet cheeks. And Luna quickly released the warrior by the shoulder.

Luna reached up to touch Brunnhilde's cheek, swiping the tears away with the pad of her thumb.

"I was never your soulmate...was I...?" Luna whispered out to Brunnhilde in the same sweet and loving tone she had always given Brunnhilde. Despite the audience the two had, there wasn't anywhere else to talk about this. It was a one room apartment.

Brunnhilde, wanting nothing better than to tell Luna she was her soulmate, quickly tilted her head down and turned her back to Luna...and shook her head 'no'. That was the truth. She wasn't Luna's soulmate. She was a soulmate stealer and it came to bite her in the ass. Now of all things too. Fucking hell... Brunnhilde thought to herself as she bent forward on the counter and covered her face in her folded arms. Her back faced Luna and the rest of the people in the room, but everyone could see the way her body trembled. God fucking hell...

The brunette felt the lithe arms of the woman she had came to love folded against her back, a soft cheek pressed against her spine. Neither said a word as Brunnhilde tried to catch herself.

Brunnhilde, like Luna, had to make a choice. Keep her away from Loki or let her go...

Unfortunately, the silence between the two was a little too long. The men shifted uneasily while the girls sniffled in silence.

Thor pretended to get a stain out of what is left of his cape. Banner picked at the dirt in his nails. Even Loki turned his head to look out the window and acted as if there was something very interesting going on outside.

After the girls had their moment of silence and Brunnhilde got her fighter spirit back in her, neither female said anything about it, to Loki's dismay. The two girls huddled with Thor and Banner- after a brief introduction- to talk about their plans on how to get out of Sakaar.

Brunnhilde seemed to want to make her feelings known still despite not being Luna's soulmate. It caused Loki to want to lash out and just break the chains away.

Luna wouldn't move away every time the valkyrie brushed her hand against her arm or kissed at her cheek. It was irksome for Loki to watch, but he knew his beloved was just being nice. The god had noticed she didn't really react all too much on the affections either; save for a soft smile given Brunnhilde's way. Not that it made it any less better that his soulmate was being flirted with and he couldn't do anything about it.

As the four spoke about ships, Loki spoke up.

"I don't mean to impose-"

A near empty bottle was thrown towards him and he reacted by attempting to turn. However, nothing really hit him or nearby him.

"Arresto momentum!" Luna shouted. The bottle was slowly moving towards Loki with the blonde girl walking hastily towards the bottle and grabbing it by the 'neck'. She walked back to Brunnhilde and gently smacked the tan woman on the arm with the bottle. "I know he isn't your favorite guest, but please don't do that..."

Brunnhilde stared at Luna with an unreadable expression before giving a soft smile and lightly palming at the pale girl's cheeks. "...Fine."

"Thank you."

Loki rolled his eyes, containing a growl from coming out of his chest.

"...As I was saying-"

The plans were slowly coming in piece by piece.

The plans had been set into motion, but in a pair he wasn't very happy with. Valkyrie was going to go with Bruce and Luna while Loki was stuck with his brother.

Of course he couldn't bring Luna with him.

Loki was in thought, pushing buttons to open the doors. Thor was next to him. He had wanted to talk, but Loki said no to that too.

He was thinking about how he was going to take Luna back with him. Plans of mischief ran through his mind in files. He didn't want to leave her with the valkyrie and the girl was possibly so used to the warrior that she didn't want to break hearts.

Fortunately for Loki, that didn't apply to him. He would take back what was his even if it meant breaking a heart or two. He will open Luna's eyes alittle more that he was meant for her and she had to leave Brunnhilde behind.

As he lifted up the alien gun the valkyrie lent to both he and Thor, he felt Thor raise a hand to touch one of the braids Luna had made on him. Loki casually slapped his brother's hand, face stoic as soon as the doors where most of the guards opened, and quickly walked in.

In the end, the two brothers spoke anyway.

"Thor, where's Loki...?" Luna asked confused as soon as she jumped in with Bruce into the ship, pulling him off from the ledge. Thor was speeding up out of enemies way, not wanting to focus on Luna's question too much.

"He wanted to stay back. Almost betrayed- I'm sorry Lu-", he swerved slightly causing the two Midgardians to stumble, "-na."

Luna, knowing that something had happened between the brothers, given the broken sentences by Thor, could not say anything. The apology was met with a quiet 'oh'. Despite the chaos that was soon to become worst, Luna attempted to stay calm. She and Bruce quickly went towards the passenger seats. They had to keep going. She had to keep going.

The witch looked over at Thor.

He was covered in the phenomena dusts, the dusts that lead to home. Loki had not been covered in it. It was peculiar and Luna wondered what the dusts even meant. But now wasn't the time to think about that. She had to follow the "Revengers" in order to go home.

Even if she had to leave her soulmate behind.


Chaos. Chaos was in the skies as the foursome were flying towards the Devil's Anus. Luna was clinging on to the ledge of the Grandmaster's orgy ship that Bruce was driving, wand gripped in her hand. She didn't hear Valkyrie scream her name.

Both Thor and Valkyrie were away from the ship Bruce was driving, trying to take down enemy ships before they could go back. Luna kicked her feet at the air to try to propel herself up. She attempted to will her magic to make herself float wandlessly with little luck.

Bruce kept looking behind his shoulder and Luna looked on in horror as he was heading straight towards a trash pillar after he pressed a button singing 'Happy Birthday!' in hopes it had been some sort of missile.


Bruce looked back and swerved causing Luna to let go of her wand, scrape her nails against the floor to stop herself from slipping, and slide further. Behind her, she heard the explosion of the Grandmaster's assistant's vessel after crashing into the pillar that Banner had narrowly missed. The wand that had slipped out of her grasp rolled off the edge. It was going to fall thousands of meters below and Luna wouldn't be able to catch it.

Luna cried out, nearly letting go with one hand to reach for it. She wanted to call out a wandless Accio, but she knew it was too late as they zoomed past her wand. Luna held on tight with both hands, dangling. Below her, she saw Thor and Brunnhilde speeding up. The girl tried her best not to give out another shout even if it was of relief instead of fear this time. Luna looked over to where Banner was driving, noticing his face.

The poor pilot was horror-struck and his heart was racing miles a minute after swerving. When he felt like he had to save Luna from falling, he was ready to run towards Luna after getting in a spot that was safer to soar through. He was stopped from jumping out of his seat before he could, hearing Luna yell. "Don't worry about me! Keep flying!" And he did just that.

The girl was hanging on a ledge and he didn't know what to do. But he trusted Luna. And it was a good thing he did. Because as soon as she said that, two familiar people had jumped in. He felt much better when the Asgardians had finally gotten in and Thor quickly pulled Luna from flying out.

"Damnit Luna! I told you to just sit after you get in!", Valkyrie hissed as she pulled the blonde into her arms, squeezing the life out of her. "You could have been killed!"

Luna could only cling on to Valkyrie with her eyes squeezed shut. She didn't want to mention how she had many opportunities to die back in her first war and she just didn't want Thor and Brunnhilde to fight the ships on their own. But she didn't say anything. She merely kept quiet and felt no remorse for helping. So she didn't apologize. She felt like she had no reason to. Brunnhilde understood and held on tighter.

Thor watched with a small smile and tapped the shorter girl on the shoulder. She looked back.

"I believe this is yours..."

Luna gratefully took back her wand with a relieved smile.

Brunnhilde had a little time before they arrived in Asgard. After waking up from exiting the Devil's Anus, she thought long and hard on what to do with Luna. On one hand, Loki was gone. Maybe she can keep the girl for herself if she lived!

On the other hand...

The Valkyrie looked over her shoulder to see a sad Luna lightly picking at her soulmark in the room where the Grandmaster would usually be surrounded by his groupies (1). Her eyes softened and she felt her heart hurting for her current lover. The way Luna was glancing out the window where they had exited was hurting Valkyrie's heart. She knew she was wondering if Loki was okay.

Maybe she had to let go...

Thor, who had been watching Valkyrie from the passenger seat, decided to speak up.

"My Lady Jane of Midgard and I weren't soulmates either."

Brunnhilde blinked and looked over at Thor. A sad smile was on his face as he tried not to look at the valkyrie. The silence told him to continue.

"Unlike you and my brother, I had no mark to tell me who my soulmate was. I've always been a bit jealous of those who had one. Even in Midgard where apparently all Midgardians had one...

"But as I was banished by my father to Midgard, I had fallen for a Midgardian during my time there. I wasn't her soulmate either, I don't think. I just happened to catch a glimpse of her soulmark and tell her what it was. It was a constellation that meant something to me. I knew so much about it and told her about it that one would have thought, maybe...Maybe I am her soulmate... It was something so simple that she asked if Asgardians had soulmarks. I was so...in love with her. I didn't want to tell her it was rare out of fear she'd leave me at my most vulnerable. I had lied and said...no."

Thor looked over at Brunnhilde with a huge smile on his face. "I thought to myself, maybe not all soulmates have matching marks. Maybe one could be missing one and the other had to find their soulmate themselves...It's a theory I thought upon and kept to myself for fear of being called a soulmate stealer. But as years went by, me and Lady Jane were ignorantly happy at first. I longed for a trustworthy relationship where there were no lies. I feel we grew apart when I finally told her the truth. I had no mark because I was not the rare few who did and I merely told her what her soulmark meant."

Brunnhilde's lips pursed and her eyes were staring straight at Thor. Empathy radiated out of her in droves for the big guy. He had faced a lot before he got in Sakaar, it seemed. Didn't they all... But what Thor said next caused her lips to tighten together and her eyes to film with unshed tears.

"I was unknowingly a soulmate stealer too..."

The two Asgardians looked away, shifting in their seats so they no longer faced each other, but instead faced forward. Brunnhilde's head was tilted down, staring at her tattoo in an angle that did not look comfortable. Her chin pressed against her shoulder. Brown eyes stared longingly at her tattoo. Water kept building up in her eyes. The pressure in her chest keeps building up. Over and over again she saw... her. Her past lover. Her true soulmate.

They sat in silence while listening to Luna hum in the room away from them and Bruce looking for food. Brunnhilde was the first to speak, tilting her head to look at Thor.

"Did she leave you...?"

Thor looked back at Brunnhilde with an unreadable expression. Slowly, he smiled once more. "No. No, we both...We both broke it off." The uneasiness caused the valkyrie to frown and huff.

"She broke up with you."

Thor merely shook his head.

"She may have...but I allowed it."

Thor turned his head to look away from Brunnhilde. His own eyes became half-mast in thought.

"If you love something, but they are hurting, you let them go...," came past his lips.

Unshed tears finally began to fall.

It was time to get Asgard back.

Fighting Hel would have been one hell of a task for the trio. Luna knew that all too well and got dressed back in her Sakaar clothing after Thor left. Her Sakaar outfit is much more flexible to fight in than a dress. As soon as she made her appearance known, Luna had stubbornly insisted she join in the fight despite Valkyrie's refusal. At first, Luna looked to be ready to comply. However, the panic and commotion below was something she was not going to let go.

The witch heard the scared people below when Fenris was going after them. An all too familiar fear of the people was felt. It was similar to the fear of the wizarding community during the battle of Hogwarts. When Bruce had jumped out, Luna decided to waste no time and apperated down below to fight the undead army. Valkyrie, who knew a fighting spirit when she saw one, finally relented and left to fight along.

Luna casted spells to protect anyone she could find that was about to get hurt, while also landing a spell against other undead army men. Luna felt a strange deja vu with each offensive spell. She also felt adrenaline rushing through her veins as she slid under a rusted axe that had been swung her way. The wand pointed at her offender as soon as she jumped on her feet and she blasted the soldier up into pieces.

She, a man named Heimdall, Valkyrie, and other brave soldiers were fighting off at the front. Hulk was fighting Fenris farther away.

The commotions of people didn't hinder the shout from a man who brought in a much larger ship to Asgard.

"Your savior is here!"

Luna paused after landing another spell, breathing hard. Was that...? She hadn't realized that she had gone a bit too far away from the citizens, accidentally straying far away from Valkyrie and Heimdall who didn't know she had went too close to the undead.

Luna turned to face Loki who was telling the citizens to get to the Ark, getting distracted from her fight as more undead came. A cry of happiness left her.


Valkyrie's head turned to look at Luna, noticing how far away the girl's voice sounded. Brunnhilde realized the girl was too far away when she heard her shout Loki's name. Fear became evident on the valkyrie woman's face at what she saw. A large soldier is approaching behind Luna who had gotten too distracted in battle. Valkyrie had to stop him. Dark brown eyes widened as she became close to hysterics and anger filled her core. She wasn't going to lose another one.

Not. Again.

The valkyrie charged with an ear-piercing warrior scream, cutting down Hela's army with her Dragon Fang.

"Get away from her!," both Loki and Valkyrie scream, charging towards Luna's offender as soon as she was hit. Valkyrie noticed Loki running next to her and they both had a quick understanding of what to do.

Luna, fortunately, turned around and drew a shield the moment she was hit with her wand. But it didn't stop her from nearly flying and bracing for landing impact. A white blur ran past the witch, only turning into a solid figure in the form of Brunnhilde when they attacked the soldier who dared harm Luna. Luna felt a soft chest hit her side and she peeked up to notice Loki had caught her, crouching low as he skidded back a few feet from the catch. He was breathless, staring down at Luna with wide green eyes compared to her silver.

"What are you thinking, fighting!? Get in the Ark right now...!"

Luna could only stare in a daze before leaning up and giving a soft kiss to the god's cheek. She shook her head. Loki was about to say more but he looked up and Luna knew he wanted to get up quick. With both of them having fighting instincts and teamwork instincts, Luna rolled off Loki from an open side and stood quick. Loki got up just as fast with her. Out his sleeves came his daggers and the male quickly swiped past Luna to kill another undead. Luna shot a spell all the same time behind Loki to protect him from a large soldier.

Two enemies fell down at their feet.

Back to back, the girl looked over at her soulmate and smiled. Loki was glaring menacingly at the oncoming army.

"Maybe later...," she finally said.

Luna followed Loki quickly, holding his hand as they both ran towards the Grandmaster's ship. Loki had a job to cause Ragnarok after she, Loki, Valkyrie, and Thor realized Hela was coming closer from the bridge unscathed. Thor spoke of Asgard not being a place, but of the people. A quote Luna felt she had to tuck in her memory. Thor also spoke of a prophecy that they had to fulfill.

While the other three seemed familiar with it, Luna was not. But she was given a task and she did not want to fail them.

So as Thor and Brunnhilde fought Hela, Luna was rushing to get in the Ark and make sure all the Asgardians were safe, and Loki was in charge of going to the palace's vault by using the ship Valkyrie crashed earlier.

The two stopped halfway between their destinations with Loki turning to face Luna, holding her by the shoulders.

He breathed out with a laugh.

"We have got to stop meeting in weird situations, darling..."

Luna quickly grasped at Loki's wrists, tightening her hold on him as her magic held on to his magic. The two leaned in for a hard kiss.

It was so abrupt. So fast. They only knew each other for a day and a half. And yet this felt so right compared to when it was herself and Brunnhilde. How awful she was to think these things while tight on time. Yet, Luna couldn't help it. They could have kissed after Ragnarok, but here and now, they both knew that there was a chance one of them could die.

And she hoped if that were the case it was her and not Loki.

The two pulled away, Luna's hands touched every bit of his face and Loki doing the same to the girl he had bumped into in Sakaar.

"Go, now." Luna said with an insistent nudge. Loki nodded, not wanting to waste anymore time. Another kiss was made and they departed.

Luna, like everyone else, watched in sadness as the place where Asgardians have lived most of their lives, exploded.

Brunnhilde looked over at Luna, realizing despite the explosion, she was not keeling over in pain. That only meant one thing...He was alive. Loki, God of Mischief, was alive.

It was time.

The valkyrie faced Luna and reached over to touch her arm. The small girl glanced up. Unlike before, she wasn't lost. But she definitely still looked like she was. Brunnhilde could tell the poor girl was torn inside, unsure of what to do. Both of them were staring at each other, but none made a move just yet. After a few minutes, Brunnhilde leaned forward to press a soft and warm kiss to Luna's forehead. Luna would have brushed it off as mere affection for a girlfriend had she not heard the words,

"Thank you..."

In that moment...Luna knew the two were over. She knew they were over when Brunnhilde gave a smile as though saying goodbye, leaned in, and touched foreheads with her like when they first met. When Luna had first been saved from a strange world.

To many outsiders, they would think the warrior meant thankyou for saving the Asgardians to the little Midgardian. But to Thor, and Luna, and to Brunnhilde... and to Loki who heard from a distance while camouflaged, they all knew she meant something else.

Thank you for staying with me for five years... Please go be with him and be happy...

Luna looked up as though silently asking if Brunnhilde would be okay with that. The valkyrie stared back at those silver eyes so wide and mysterious.

And Brunnhilde knew...yeah.


She'll be okay.

After speaking to his brother, he was heading towards Luna's quarters. Loki had heard what Brunnhilde had said to Luna and he had to admit, he thought he'd have to steal Luna away from the other and break Brunnhilde's heart.

But it seems the other was willing to back down.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't upset the two were together for five years and she didn't back down until now, but the warrior had his respect and his gratitude for finally letting Luna go.

Loki realized Luna was possibly right. That Brunnhilde was just lonely and things had escalated to that point. Afterall, the valkyries had died gruesome deaths and she was a lone survivor. The only survivor it sounded.

For Luna, he will let Brunnhilde's misdeeds slide.

A calm knock was about to be made when the door opened themselves. Luna stood there, staring up at Loki in awe and Loki peered down at his own little lover right back.

The door was slow to close, but anyone who passed by would see the shadow of Loki whisking Luna up in his arms in an embrace off the floor.

And a soft sort of laughter resounded, coming out of the room from two united soulmates who were meant to be together.

"Where to?" Heimdall asked Thor. On the strip were Hulk, Loki, Valkyrie, Luna, and Heimdall. Loki was holding Luna's hand and Brunnhilde was laying her own hand on the seat that Thor sat upon. Thor looked thoughtful for a minute. His one good eye glanced at everyone and a friendly smile was plastered on his face. The golden patch over his lost eye glinted in a fashion that reminded Luna of someone else.

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Miek, what's your home planet?"

Korg, who was holding Miek, reacted with just a hint of unease. The alien looked sheepish and Luna couldn't help but think the blue giant looked familiar too.

"Oh, Miek's dead. I accidentally stepped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day..."

As soon as that was said, the thought dead Miek wriggled to life and Korg blinked before grinning.

"Miek, you're alive! He's alive everyone! What was your question?"

Luna smiled and quickly chimed in before anyone could answer.

"If I may, your Majesty..."

Everyone looked over at Luna. Thor allowed Luna to proceed to which she kept her smile of gratitude.

"Midgard would probably be a good place to stay... It would be big enough for this many people, I'm sure."

Luna was happy. Happier than she'd been when she was in her world. Though this wasn't her dimension, she realized home was not where she lived. As Thor had said on the bridge, Asgard was with the people. And to Luna, that meant people were home.

The dust had long since disappeared on Thor when she realized that.

Her fingers were clasped around Loki's slender ones. Luna could feel his thumb graze over her knuckles. Silver eyes glanced up to meet green.

With the people around her who accepted her far more and far faster than anyone ever did in her world, Luna realized what the dust had done. They have beckoned her home.

And her home was with these people.

Yes, she will miss everyone on her Earth. But she knew deep inside that they would support her decision, just as she did theirs. Maybe she will find a way to visit them again. One day.

But she found her home. And home was where she wanted to stay.

Thor could only smile back at his brother's lover, looking back out into space with a fond smile. He was home too.

"Earth it is."


(1) If you watch "Tentacle Party", a deleted scene from Thor: Ragnarok, that was where Luna was sitting and the doors were open.

Wow guys. I finished this story, finaaalllyy. It's been in my head for such a long time. Shoutout to my first reviewer and their sweet dream! LOL! Maybe I'll make a sequel when Infinity Wars comes out. Who knows.

Thanks for reading guys. Love you all very much! Reviews loved, but not obligated. Cheers!