The action in this one is on and off (not extremely action packed, it does have it's down times). Also, there isn't any shipping in here at all. I rated it "T" because it can be a bit violent so if you don't like blood, you're reading the wrong fanfiction! Also, Yusuke's mouth times can be troublesome. Enjoy!

Koto announced, "Let the demon world unification tournament begin! Who will earn the right to rule the realm this year?"

Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke all drew different lots to be in different groups for the tournament. They all easily won their preliminary matches, but that brought up other issues for later on. In the stands they looked at the groups they were each in. Kuwabara said, "Hey I'm not near any of you guys."

"Speak for yourself," Kurama said, "if Hiei and I win both of our matches we'll be pitted against one another." He looked over at Hiei who's expression didn't change.

Yusuke said, "Just don't kill each other and you guys should be fine."

Hiei said hastily, "I won't go easy on you just because we know each other."

"I'm aware," Kurama replied.

Hiei started walking away. When we fight I'll surely lose to him, he said to himself unnervingly, even with my fire, he's far too clever. He walked away so he wouldn't have to deal with such thoughts. Besides, he had to fight someone else before then.

Kuwabara asked Yusuke, "Hiei vs. Kurama, who would win?"

"Kurama," they both said at the same time. Kurama looked over at them.

"I'm right here," he said to them.

They didn't hear him. Yusuke said, "Hiei has the dragon, think Kurama can handle that?"

"Of course!" Kuwabara replied, "Want to bet on it?"

"I don't have any money," Yusuke replied.

"You cheapskate!" Kuwabara shouted.

Kurama asked, "Would you two knock it off?" He looked over at the pairings. Hiei was fighting next, against a demon named Chikara. A large muscled demon with dark blue skin. He must have been at least 8 feet tall. Kurama couldn't sense his energy from where he was but he knew something wasn't right.

Yusuke asked, "You okay, Kurama?"

"I just have a bad feeling," he replied nervously. Be careful Hiei, he thought to himself.

On the battlefield it was Chikara vs. Hiei. Something's not right, Hiei thought to himself as he drew his sword. His blue outfit blowing in the wind. Even now, being this close, I can't sense his energy and it doesn't feel like he's hiding it. It's almost as if it doesn't exist. He thought.

"Are you ready to feel death?" Chikara taunted.

"No but I hope you are," Hiei replied, he threw his sword's sheath off to the side. Once the fight begun he quickly sliced a gash into Chikara's right arm. His sword could barely pierce his skin and when it did black blood oozed out.

In the stands Kurama asked, "Black blood?"

"A bit racist are we Kurama?" Yusuke joked.

"Black blood in demons means it's been poisoned," he explained, "if Hiei touches it he could get sick, maybe even die."

"You're joking," Yusuke said nervously.

"Hiei!" Kuwabara shouted.

On the battlefield Chikara pierced Hiei's stomach with his arm and injected the blood directly into him. He fell to the ground as his world spun and vision started to blur. He threw up and the blood sludge filled his throat and spilled out onto the ground. He started to shiver as the poison rushed through his system and he blacked out from the pain.

When Hiei opened his eyes he saw white walls and was strapped down to a hospital bed. He had a breathing tube in his throat and an oxygen mask on. It feels like I can't breathe, he thought, even with the oxygen flowing. It felt like his stomach was rejecting itself as he wanted to throw up but couldn't.

Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Koenma in his teenage form entered the small white room. Hiei asked Kurama through telepathy, What the hell happened? Where am I?

Kurama said, "You're awake! Finally. The tournament ended a week ago. You're in intensive care in spirit world."

"He still looks terrible," Kuwabara said.

"No need to be cruel, asshole," Yusuke replied, "that Chikara creep put something in you, Hiei. It's bad."

What's he talking about? Hiei asked Kurama.

"Poison," he answered, "The worst I've ever seen."

Koenma explained, "I finally found a book about it in our library. Black blood attacks and infects all of the organs and muscels in the body. We managed to get you out of there before everything shut down on you permanently." He stopped, not wanting to explain everything else. He looked over at Kurama for reassurance.

"Hiei," he said nervously, "it also acts as a suppressent of your energy. You'll be weaker than a regular human for a while. Even doing mundane tasks will be difficult."

Hiei glared at him for suggesting such a fool idea, but he couldn't be wrong. No. He couldn't even breathe on his own. Of course he was weakened. This was far worse than anything the jagan eye did to him.

Kurama continued, "It's not like the jagan eye, it didn't drain all of your demon energy to an infant. In this case it's locked it down in your body. Right now you barely have enough life energy to live. That's why you're in spirit world, the air in demon world was making you even worse."

Yusuke asked, "It's a good sign he's awake now, right?"

"It's going to take a while for you to even do daily things like eating food since the poison just tricked your body into thinking it was foriegn," Koenma replied. Hiei glared at him. "Kuwabara, can you check on the progress of that portal?"

Kuwabara looked stunned and asked, "Me? Okay." He left the room.

Yusuke said, "We just checked the portal, it's not ready yet."

"I know," Koenma replied, "but listen. It could take a year or more for you to fully recover. I found out that the healing process for this might not take that long with someone that shares your DNA puts their energy into you. It could only take a few months rather than over a year."

Kurama asked, "You're saying if Yukina uses her healing powers on him he should recover faster?"

"Any energy will do since her healing powers won't actually be healing anything," he said, "I've already talked to Genkai about having him live with her and Yukina while he's recovering. You don't have much of a choice in this Hiei, if you go back to the demon world now you're fair worse than a regular human and die almost instantly."

Hiei pointed to his breathing mask.

"Is it safe to take it off yet?" Kurama asked Koenma. He nodded nervously.

They removed the mask while Hiei struggled to retain his breath. He said, "It feels like my stomach's trying to digest itself."

"That's just your body trying to get used to itself again," Koenma replied, "you'll probably be throwing up constantly for about a week, then it'll subside."

Hiei demanded, "What happened to Chikara?"

"I killed him," Kurama replied, "then forfitted the next match to make sure you made it here. Enki won yet again, surprisingly."

Kuwabara reentered the room and said, "The portal's still not done yet."

"How did Enki win again?" Hiei asked between breaths. It was like his lungs forgot how to breathe on their own. He clutched his chest.

"Maybe you should keep wearing the mask," Yusuke said, trying to hand it to him.

Hiei pushed it away and said, "I'm fine!" He sat up all the way. His clothing was torn, like someone had cut holes in it. "What the hell?" he asked.

"We cut out all of the poison so it couldn't sicken you anymore," Kurama explained, "it would be wise to change into something else."

Koenma pulled open a cupboard and pulled out the all black clothing Hiei usually wore. He said, "I found these." Hiei grabbed them from him arms and put them on his bed.