I wrote this long before I had the idea for the Termination story crossover and never really had intentions of continuing it. But since I had this lying around in my Google Drive, I thought to myself; why not post it?

The story is pretty much a what if scenario for when Barry is trying to get back to his earth and stumbles first into Supergirl's world, then the TSCC world. It has the possibility for future chapters but I'm not entirely focused on this as much as my other two main stories.

If you do enjoy this concept of both Terminator and the Flash, and want to see more, then either PM me or just leave a review. If there is a good enough fan base around this, then I will do my best to continue it.

The Flash: Judgement Day

Central City, August 12, 2015

"Alright guys, I'm here, you got my location?" Barry informed his friends over the radio. He was standing in an secluded abandoned dock near Keystone, holding a device that Harrison Wells had created. A device that is designed to help make him faster.

"You good? You don't need to like stretch or something?" Cisco mockingly asked over the comm channel.

"No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good." Barry sighed in excitement.

"Alright, let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive." Cisco muttered to himself.

Barry took the device and placed it near the lightning bolt on his chest, and felt a surge of energy flow through him. "Wow!" He exclaimed.

"That's the tachyon device powering up the speed force in your cells like a quick charge battery." Caitlin explained. "How do you feel?"

"Different." Barry smirked. He was ready to see what he could do.

"Let's see how long it takes you to get back here." Cisco challenged. Barry turned around, got into position, and ran!

All that could be seen for miles was a blur of yellow lighting, followed by a red blur. Barry was going ten times the speed he normally would, which surprised his friends at Star Labs.

"Dang, this thing got you cruising." Cisco marveled at the great speeds that Barry was running.

"How fast does he normally go?" Iris asked Cisco.

"Not this fast." Caitlin responded instead.

"Not even close." Cisco also added. "Are his vitals okay?" Cisco then asked Caitlin.

Caitlin took a look, and sure enough, they were normal. Beyond normal actually. "Yeah they're perfect."

"Cool," Iris admired. "It's like having a pit stop attached to your chest."

"Guys! I can go faster!" Barry said excitedly over the comm channel.

"Do it." Cisco encouraged. They all watch as Barry sores throughout the city, with Cisco's satellite tracking Barry's incredible speeds. They watched as Barry's signature disappeared. He was gone just like that. A brief moment later, his signature returned.

Not too long after, Barry wooshed back into Star Labs, with two mysterious guests at his side. Two guests who neither of which recognized.

"Uhh, Barry?" Caitlin inquired confusingly. "Who are they?" She motioned at the two strangers with her hands.

The first was a male who looked like he was in his late teens, with light brown hair and green eyes. The second was a woman, who also looked like she was in her late teens with dark brown hair and brown Doe eyes.

"Guys, this is John and Cameron." Barry introduced the two. "They need our help."

Los Angeles California, February 1, 2008

(5 minutes earlier)

10:00 pm

One man wearing dark clothing chased two figures down an alleyway, in the heart of Los Angeles. The man was huge in size, and wore a leather jacket. He was carrying a shotgun, and firing of multiple rounds at the two figures.

The smaller feminine figure was shielding the slightly larger male by blocking the gunfire with her back. She showed no signs of pain from the impacts and continued to run with the male in front of her.

Suddenly the male tripped over a brick and fell onto the ground. The female quickly turned around with her brown hair waving across her face as she rose her handgun and started firing off multiple shots at the large man.

The bullet impacts didn't seem to affect the man as he kept sprinting at the female like a freight train. The man dropped the shotgun onto the ground and grabbed the female by the shoulders, and tossed her at the dumpster.

With the female out of the way, the man focused his attention back on the younger male who was standing in front of him. He then grabbed an extra handgun from the back of his leather pants and took aim at the younger male and fired off a round, with the bullet flying out of the chamber.

Time slowed down, as the bullet was frozen in midair. The water in the puddles, around the area, began to rise unnaturally. Suddenly, a blue and white portal opened, with Barry sprinting out of the portal, and catching the bullet in mid air. Barry then grabbed the man by the jacket and threw him into the nearest dumpster. He looked around at the young female and the male who was still on the ground and ran them far away from attacker, until they were in the outskirts of L.A, overlooking the city.

The male was disoriented while the female looked around, trying to get her bearings. Once the female was aware of where she was, she took out a handgun and aimed at Barry with her face displaying zero emotion.

"Who are you?" The female ordered in a commanding yet even tone. Barry looked around at his surroundings, only to see a city fairly familiar to a place he had been in recently.

"Oh no." Barry sighed. He wasn't home yet.

"Answer the question, or I will kill you." The female repeated in a monotone voice.

Barry rose his hands up in the air in surrender. "Where am I?" He asked.

"Cameron, ease off." The male tried reasoning with the female. The young female ignored his pleas and continued to aim the weapon at Barry. "Cameron!" He repeated.

Cameron reluctantly obeyed and lowered the weapon, still having it drawn just in case. "He didn't answer my question, John."

"Yeah? Well neither did you." Barry sarcastically remarked. "Where am I?"

"You're in Los Angeles. Now please answer our question. Who are you and how did we get here?" John asked sternly.

"Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be that easy getting home." Barry muttered and removed his cowl. "My name is Barry Allen. I'm the fastest man alive, and I'm guessing I'm stuck on another earth." Barry explained simply.

"Explains the ridiculous costume." John mockingly said, motioning at the scarlet suit Barry was wearing.

"You ran us out here." Cameron stated. It wasn't a question. "That's impossible."

"I really can't explain what you don't know. I'm sorry but I have to go." Barry sadly informed and was about to run away from the two, until Cameron fires off a bullet at his leg, causing him to fall onto the ground in pain.

"Cameron!" John shouted and took the gun from her grasp. "Why the hell did you do that!?" He snarled at the cyborg.

"He was hiding useful information from us. I don't trust him." Cameron opinionatedly stated.

"Stop acting like a dumb machine for once in your life and actually think about these situations!" John hissed at Cameron in anger.

"I do think about situations." Cameron stubbornly replied. "You just don't agree with how I handle them."

"Shut up." John sighed and went to aid the bleeding man on the ground.

"Ahh! Why did she shoot me!" Barry gritted his teeth as he held his leg in pain. It would heal within hours, but it still hurt.

"I'm sorry, she isn't a people person." John sadly answered. He began to study Barry's leg, using the bit of medical knowledge he had to help with the injury. "It didn't hit anything major, but we need to remove it. But since we are miles away from anywhere, we can't do anything about it."

"Ah crap." Barry heavily breathed and rested his head on the dirt. "Just remove it here." Barry then suggested.

"If we do that, you'll have nothing for the pain, and you'll bleed a lot." John explained. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah, yeah, just get it over with." Barry nodded. He wasn't gonna like this.

"Cameron, I need your belt." John held his hand out.

"Why mine? What about yours?" Cameron tilted her head.

"Maybe it's because I'm not wearing one?" John annoyingly stated. "Will you just give me the damn belt!"

Cameron hesitantly compiled and removed her purple studded belt and handed it to John.

"I like that belt." Cameron whispered.

John ignored her and began to make a tourniquet using the belt. Once the pressure was made on the leg, John took out a small pocket knife and flipped it open. He then proceeded to cut the suit, until there was enough room to dig the bullet out. "Too bad I don't have tweezers because this is gonna hurt like a bitch."

John was about to start digging the bullet out, until Cameron stopped him. "If you do that, you'll hit an artery and he'll bleed out."

John stopped what he was doing and stood up, handing the knife to Cameron. "If you think you can do a better job, then be my guest."

Cameron took the knife and shoved her gun into his hands and pushed him aside. Cameron knelt down and moved the blade a couple of centimeters from where John originally had it. She then proceeded to dig the bullet out, with Barry screaming and gritting his teeth in pain.

After several minutes, the bullet was out which made Barry feel relieved. John helped Barry up onto his feel and the three began to walk down the trail, back to the city.

After walking for several miles, the three come across a bench where John eased Barry onto it. He then plops down onto the bench, exhausted.

"I think my leg is getting better." Barry spoke up and began to slowly move it.

"It will take several days before your leg can function normally." Cameron stoically stated.

"She does have a point. It takes a while for the wound to heal." John nodded in agreement. Suddenly, Barry stood up and began to walk around a bit. "Okay, never mind."

"How's that possible? The bullet hit the muscle. You should still be sitting down." Cameron responded in awe.

"I heal quickly." Barry simply answered and began to jog around in circles. "Still sore though."

"Can you tell us who you are?" John repeated Cameron's earlier question.

"My name is Barry Allen. I was struck by a lightning bolt the night a particle accelerator melted down. I woke up and found that I was hit with dark matter. In turn, I now have super speed." Barry went into a deep explanation.

"That's impossible. It defies the laws of physics and dark matter's properties are just theories." Cameron unconvincingly argued. "You should be dead with how fast you ran here, and your bones should be shattered. All of ours should be shattered."

"It's hard to explain." Barry repeated.

"What do you mean it's hard to explain?" John persisted. "So far I know that you have ran us miles away from the city, and the bullet wound that you literally just got minutes before, miraculously healed."

Barry didn't speak, instead he just kicked the dirt from under him in a childish manner. John and Cameron patiently sat on the bench, waiting for him to say something.

"Look, all you have to know is that I'm faster than almost anything in my world and this one. I'm not the type of guy to give you the answer you want." Barry truthfully admitted.

"How fast can you run?" Cameron asked Barry.

"I don't know for sure." Barry answered. "So far, I've only ever ran just over mach six."

Both John and Cameron look at each other with amazement in their faces. Never before did they ever hear of a human being that was capable of such speed.

"You mentioned that you're from a different world." John reminded. "You ran here, can you run back?"

"I'm not entirely sure." Barry doubted. He was surprised that he even ended up in this world.

"This violates so many laws of physics that I can't even comprehend anything." Cameron murmured. John had to admit he was also confused as to what this man was, but not to the point that Cameron seemed like she was going to have the cyborg equivalent to a mental breakdown.

This man, this mysterious man had an ability that seemed like he came straight off the pages of a comic book. Even though he had been drilled by his mother to never reveal the secret of J-Day to anyone, he knew that this new face could be a potential ally.

"Look, Barry." John spoke in an even tone. "You clearly come from a time and world that has the reality of what is mostly just fictional here."

"What's your point?" Barry inquired. He had a feeling that this John person was going to ask him something big.

"Can you help us."

Bingo! Barry mentally remarked. "What is it that you need help with?" He then asked.

"In a few years, this whole world, all of this," John motioned his arms at the night skyline of LA. "Will be gone."

"What do you mean?" Barry asked perplexed.

John knew he wouldn't immediately catch on to what he was implying. "In a few years-"

"The world will be engulfed in a nuclear holocaust. Everything you see right now, will be destroyed." Cameron clarified instead of John.

Barry turned to take a look at the city for a brief moment. He already helped save an entire city in one world, plus his own world just a few months ago. But was this foreign world that he knew next to nothing about really worth it? Zoom was still out and about and that should be the main priority. There was also the possibility that these two were just crazies that were paranoid about the world ending.

Either way, would it he what he wanted? He would be no better than Eobard or Zoom if he just let this world and it's people die.

Barry put his mask back on, and turned around to see both John and Cameron standing there, patiently awaiting his reply.

"I will help you." Barry announced. "But there is only one condition. If you're just screwing around with me, then I'm gone. But if you're telling the truth, then my friends will be able to provide you the support that you need."

John and Cameron looked at eachother again. There seemed to be some doubt in both of their eyes which Barry immediately noticed but they turned serious again and looked back at him.

"We agree to your terms." Cameron answered.

"Good." Barry nodded before he began to hastily look around. "Before we go, I need a large stretch of land."

"Why?" John inquired confusingly.

"I need to gain speed." Barry simply explained. "If I can run just fast enough, then I can reopen the portal and get back to my world."

"The only long stretch of acres that you are looking for is located near Palmdale. It should have the right distance by the measurements of your velocity." Cameron informed.

"Then let's go." Barry said. Before any of the two could respond, Barry had already grabbed them and ran them over thirty miles to the location where they needed to be.

As soon as they arrived, John immediately threw up.

"Sorry about that." Barry apologized. "Running on a full stomach does that sometimes."

"It's alright." John breathed heavily and wiped his mouth clean of any traces. "Let's get this over with before mom and Derek begin to worry."

Barry turned around and studied the landscape. It was perfect for gaining just the right amount of speed, but there was one problem. He had two guests that he was taking with him. He needed a plan.

What would Caitlin and Cisco do?

An idea immediately popped into Barry's mind.

"I won't have enough speed to open the breach if I'm carrying you two." Barry explained to the two. "This is the point that I'm going to try and open the portal," He made a line in the dirt with his feet. "And when it's open, you will have a split few seconds to get inside before it closes."

"So jump inside when a giant wormhole opens?" John asked. Barry gave a nod even though John used the wrong term, but knew what he meant. "Just when my day was starting out to be normal."

"Your life never was normal." Cameron said.

Barry ran a few miles out from where John and Cameron were and got into position. Without a the aid of his friends, Barry just placed the tachyon enhancer back on his chest and got ready. He counted from three and ran.

Dirt flew past him as he ran across the night time desert. He pushed for more and more speed as he neared closer and closer to where John and Cameron were. He closed his eyes and focused on where he wanted to go.


"Here he comes!" John shouted. The wind began to pick up erratically and in the distance they saw the red blur that was Barry.

Cameron placed her arm around John's waist and began a timer in her HUD that was based off of the calculations that she had made by studying Barry's speed.

Barry closed the distance, and at just the right mark where the line in the dirt was, the breach opened.

Cameron jumped inside, with John and tow, just as the portal closed at the last second. They were gone. The desert was once again, quiet.

Central City, August 12, 2015

"Oh. My. God." Cisco uttered in complete surprise. He walked around the computer console and stood right in front of the two new arrivals. "You are. Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening!"

"Cisco? You alright?" Barry asked concerned. He was acting more strange than normal and would take his eyes off the two.

"Alright!? Do you know who they are?" Cisco asked Barry, which he shook his head in response. "Don't any of you know who they are?" Cisco then asked everyone else in the room. The too shook their heads in response.

"Cisco, do you know them?" Iris asked confused. The teenage girl standing before her was staring at her specifically which made her feel uneasy.

"Of course I do!" Cisco exclaimed and ran to shake the man's hand, only to be blocked by the female who had her gun pointed at his forehead. "Uhh right, I forgot." Cisco said sadly.

"Tell us how you know who we are." The female said in a demanding tone. Her face displayed no ounce of emotion as she kept her Glock trained on the Cisco's head.

"You two are from the Sarah Connor TV show!" Cisco explained with his arms raised in surrender. Everybody, including the two arrivals looked at Cisco confusingly.

"The what now?" Barry asked perplexed.

"Okay, what's this ruckus, and has anybody seen my glass-" Harrison Wells asked as he entered the lab. He stopped mid sentence when two complete strangers standing in the middle of the lab, next to Barry and Cisco, and how one had a gun drawn on Cisco specifically. "Who are they?"

"Cisco says they are from-"

"- They are from a TV show!" Cisco cut Barry off.

"TV show?" Everyone said in unison.

"Do you guys live in a cave or what?" Cisco looked around the room, only to find everyone looking at him like he was crazy. The girl still had her weapon trained on him and showed zero signs of easing off.

"Of course you do. Here's the rundown. The show takes place in an alternate Terminator universe and follows John Connor and his mother. They eventually are saved from a Terminator attack by mua," Cisco motioned at Cameron. "Then go into the future. Well only a couple of years to stop the artificial intelligence; Skynet from ever being created. It is later revealed that the turk: some chess computer, was something that was designed to stop Skynet. Cameron and John had some relationship development I would have loved to see if the stupid showrunners didn't decide to cancel it on the most epic cliffhanger in the history of cliffhangers!"

Everyone stood there with their mouths agape. Cameron even was surprised and lowered her weapon to her side.

"W-we are a… TV show?" John asked very confused and even scared. He didn't know how much this Cisco character knew about him. He already knew too much.

"Well here it's a TV show. You are played by some guy, and you." He pointed at Cameron. "Are played by Summer Glau; the most beautiful creature in all of existence." Cisco trailed off.

"Cisco!" Caitlin rose her voice, breaking him from his thoughts.

"Who's Summer Glau?" John chuckled, looking at Cameron. He's always wondered what a human version of her looked like.

"Like I said, human actress who plays a robot." Cisco simply clarified.

"Cyborg." Cameron corrected.

"Wait what!?" Barry's eyes widened. "You're a-"

"Yes, I'm a." Cameron nodded.

"I just brought back an actual cyborg from a fictional universe into our world." Barry started pacing back and forth. He was trying not to display the same level of geekness that Cisco was displaying just moments ago. "That definitely explains why you shot me."

"Wait, she shot you!?" Iris said worryingly. She now had a new found fear for this cyborg.

"As much as I would love to appreciate your two's nerdgasm, would someone please tell me what's going on?" Harry asked confused. He was the only one who didn't know exactly who the two were. Well he didn't have a idea on who and what they were.


Barry, Iris, Harry, Caitlin, and Cisco took John and Cameron to Jitters where Cisco gave a crash course on everything that they needed to know about the Terminator universe, and the Sarah Connor TV show directly.

"So yeah. The show ends with John traveling into the future where not even his uncle nor his father knows who he is. He meets some girl who looked just like Cameron, but we never got to see what happened after." Cisco explained.

"But that hasn't happened. Yet." Cameron glared. She held a cup of coffee like everyone else did but didn't drink after she decided to take a full swig of the hot beverage beforehand, which would have burnt someone's throat badly. Now because of that, everyone that didn't know who she was, thought she was out of her mind.

"What has happened so far?" Harry asked. Setting down his coffee. He was interested in the idea of artificial intelligence taking over the world and sending machines back in time.

"Sarah is still trying to find the three dots and John's friend: Riley, tried killing herself." Cameron responded simply. Ever since they found out she was a machine, they kept staring at her with complete amazement.

"John?" Cameron then turned her attention to John. She noticed he hadn't said anything since finding out that they were in a different universe, that just so happened to have them as a TV show.

"Yeah Cameron?" John asked, breaking from his thoughts. Just a couple of hours ago, he was doing his best to ignore her and push her away from his life. But now, with everything going on, he had to put away his feeling for his cyborg protector and focus on the situation at hand.

"What do think about all of this?" Cameron asked

John just shrugged. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing."

"Anyway, right to business." Barry coughed, gaining everyone's attention. "So back on your earth, you asked me and my friends for help. What is the mission exactly?"

"To stop Skynet." John spoke up.

"Your abilities are impossible. They are illogical and defy the laws of physics. But since you can do the impossible, your abilities would help in finding, and stopping the end of our world." Cameron continued.

"You could help save the billions of lives that are on our earth, and even this one if someone is stupid enough to create something similar to that nature." John finished.

"Well it is already 2015, and your apocalypse happened in what? The 90's?" Harry asked confused. He was definitely gonna educate himself on this universe's history later.

"The Skynet missile defense system is scheduled to come online on April 21, 2011. If we don't do anything to stop it, Judgement Day will arrive, and billions of lives will be lost." Cameron explained once more. Every was silent, some couldn't even think of something that wanted to destroy humanity so badly.

"You're a machine, no offense," Barry said. "Why do you care so much about stopping your kind from taking over the world?"

Cameron glanced to her left where John was sitting, while he looked down at his coffee. She then looked back at Barry. "I would be alone if the ones I cared about died." Cameron answered softly. John looked up at Cameron flabbergasted at the words she actually uttered. Those words made it harder to believe that she was just some mindless machine that was only following her programming.

"There we go!" Cisco exclaimed happily, and turned his IPhone around for John and Cameron to see. "This is your actor." Cisco showed John the man who looked just like him, if not older. "And here's yours." He then showed Cameron the actress. The picture looked just like Cameron; with the birthmark on her left eyebrow and everything. The actress was smiling, and posing for a photo, which made Cameron try to copy her smile.

Again, John was surprised. He had never really seen her smile before, except for the smirks she would give him every now and then.

"Yes. We will help you." Barry then spoke again, after remaining silent for a brief moment. "But if we are gonna do this. Then we are gonna need more help."

"You don't mean?" Cisco asked with astonishment.

"Oh yeah, if we are going to another earth, then we need the best hacker, and the best fighter by our side." Barry smiled mischievously.

"Oh my god!" A voice exclaimed from across the café. Everyone jolted their heads to see several geeky teenagers rush up to them, with some even jumping up and down. "It's River Tam!"

"And that's our cue to leave!" Cisco announced. The three set down their mugs and rush out of the coffee shop, just as a mob of fans began to follow them outside.

Starling City, August 12, 2015

It was a quiet night. The ocean lapping over rocks and vehicles driving in the streets were the only distinct sounds. A lone figure stood on a rooftop, overlooking an abandoned dock. There were several armed men, loading large crates onto a truck, while more men stood guard.

"Overwatch, what's exactly in those crates?" The man asked into his comm channel. The hooded man had a voice changer which deepened his voice and made it more intimidating.

"Uhh, hold on one Second." A female voice responded over the radio. "Okay, so there is several imported munitions from Afghanistan, and Russia in those crates. And I'm assuming that the large man carrying the biggest one is the leader." The woman explained.

"Good. This is the right place. "Spartan, what's your position, over?" The man then asked over the comm channel.

"I'm in position Oliver. Just waiting on your cue." A male voice said over the radio.

"Canary, what's your position?" He then asks.

"In position Ollie. Just waiting on you." Another female voice said over the radio.

Oliver got up from his kneeling position, and took aim with his bow and arrow and fired at the opposite building. The arrow created a zip line, enabling him to zip across without the men below noticing.

"Now!" He shouted.

Oliver dropped from the zipline, and landed in the middle of the group of men. Canary and Spartan came out of their hiding places, with Canary firing off a blast from her canary cry. Sending some men flying backwards.

Oliver and Spartan easily take out the armed thugs, by either shooting them in the leg, or knocking them unconscious.

"He's getting away!" Spartan shouted at Oliver, while dodging gunfire from some men. Oliver jolted his head at the leader who was sprinting away from the area, firing off his heavy machine gun in the process.

Once clear, Oliver broke out into a sprint, chasing the man through the docks, while trying to avoid the gunfire. After much running, the man came to a dead end. He was trapped.

Oliver aimed another arrow at the man, threatening to fire if he tried anything. "It's over! There is nowhere else to run Castle!" Oliver snarled, using his voice synthesizer.

"There is always somewhere to run, Green Arrow." The man smiled and opened his coat, revealing a vest of explosives. There was a timer present that displayed ten seconds left. He wasn't gonna run fast enough to escape the explosion.

Suddenly, a flash of yellow lighting shot across, near the man and the vest was gone. The ocean overlapping the city, went off with with a massive explosion, keeping the dock from bursting into flames.

Oliver looked back at the man; Castle and saw that he was lying unconscious on the ground with with a familiar someone standing in front of him.

"Good to see you Barry." Oliver couldn't help but smile. Maybe it was the fact that he was saved yet again from being killed.

"Good to see you Oliver." Barry smiled back.

"So what do you want? You never visit unless you need help." Oliver assumed.

"We need to leave right now!" Canary said worryingly to Oliver as she and Spartan ran up to the two. "Oh, hey Barry, long time no see."

"Let's talk somewhere else." Oliver ordered. If they stayed in the area, the police would surely involve them in the incident.


"Wow. New Arrow cave." Barry looked around the underground bunker in amazement.

"So what exactly did you want?" Oliver then asked as he returned, wearing his normal attire. Barry, Felicity, Diggle, and Laurel were the only ones standing inside of the bunker.

"Well, I accidentally ran into another reality where I found out that the people there need our help." Barry explained simply.

"Another what?" Diggle asked confused. He still wasn't used to the idea of the Flash, let alone another universe.

"Another Earth, much like ours, except there is two differences." Barry started. "The first is that heroes don't exist, and the second is that the world is gonna be taken over by machines in four years." Barry finished.

"And why do you want us to help?" Oliver asked. "You have super speed. Can't you do this on your own?"

"I need one of the best fighters and the best hacker with me and I just so happen to know you two have those skills." Barry persisted. "Please Oliver, these people need our help or their world will end."

"Where are these people now?" Felicity asked curiously.

"They should be down right now." Barry perked up and walked to the elevator. Oliver and the rest of everyone followed him to the elevator, where they waited. The doors opened up, revealing Caitlin, Cisco, John and Cameron.

Oliver eyes widened as he turned and grabbed an assault rifle and took aim at Cameron. "Why did you bring her here!?" Oliver snarled. Cameron tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Oliver, calm down!" Barry tried reasoning.

"I thought she died during Slades mirakuru attack on the city?" Diggle asked perplexed. He remembered the woman who had almost killed him.

"Isabel Rochev." Oliver gritted his teeth. Because of her, he lost his father's company, and because of the man she worked for, his mother was killed.

"That gun won't hurt me." Cameron glared at Oliver who still had the rifle pointed at her.

"Oh yeah? What makes you think it won't?" Oliver chuckled.

Cameron responded by making her eyes glow blue, which in turn, made Oliver, Felicity, Laurel, and Diggle take a step back.

"What are you?" Oliver asked, lowering the rifle.

"Like I said Oliver. Machines will take over their world if we don't help." Barry repeated.

"Alright. I'm listening." Oliver nodded. He was prepared to listen to what Barry and this woman, who looked like one of his greatest foes, had to say.


"Skynet? Alternate universe that in our world, exists as a television show?" Oliver tried processing what Barry and Cisco explained.

"And movie." Cisco added.

"I need a drink." Diggle rubbed his eyes tiredly. He couldn't understand the idea of alternate realities and machines taking over the world. Even the Flash was still impossible through his eyes.

"Why does she look like Isabel then?" Felicity asked. "Last I checked, she died years ago."

"Well actually the two look like Summer Glau." Cisco corrected. "But Cameron here is a reprogrammed cyborg from the future."

"Summer who?" Oliver rose his eyebrow in confusion. "Okay let's back this up." Oliver shook his head. He too couldn't understand this whole dilemma that they were dealing with. "This earth has actual machines that are sent back through time to kill you?" Oliver motioned at John, who nodded in agreement. "She is fixed by your future self and sent back to protect you because you're the future leader of mankind?" John nodded again. "Look, Barry, I would love to help save a whole world as much as the next guy, but I have responsibilities here in Starling City. I can't just leave that and come on an adventure across the multiverse." Oliver truthfully admitted.

"We'll watch over everything here Ollie. I say if another world needs help, then the Green Arrow should be running into danger like he always does." Laurel reassured.

"I can't leave you guys here without any backup." Oliver persisted. "With Damien Darhk still out there, he needs to be stopped."

"We can handle our own Oliver." Diggle spoke up after much silence. "You've taught us well. Hell, even before this band we've assembled, it was just me and you doing the nitty gritty."

"It would be cool to see what another world is like." Felicity opinionatedly stated.

"We all agree with this, Ollie." Laurel pointed out. "I think this is an opportunity that you really should consider."

Oliver gave Laurel a warm smile and looked at John and Cameron. Two people that were from a world that was similar yet different in every way. A chance to save an entire world from annihilation? It would be a step up from always saving Star City.

"Fine. Guess we're gonna save the world." Oliver agreed. "Let me grab my gear."

Central City, August 12, 2015 (Star Labs)

"How exactly do we create a portal to our world?" Cameron asked Cisco. The two were standing in the breach room that they had used to travel to earth two, in pursuit of Zoom. He was still out there but he could wait.

"I have Harry working on that. First we need to calibrate the rings in order to open the portal." Cisco explained.

"In my world, this is impossible." Cameron said, staring at the rings.

"How impossible is time travel?" Cisco pointed out. Cameron smirked and went up to the platform and grabbed one of the rings. "Oh, don't worry about that, you wouldn't want to throw out your-" Cisco trailed off when he saw her pick it up with ease and rotate it with ease. "Right, your a cyborg."

Cameron stepped off the platform and walked up to Cisco tilting her head to the side. "Can I ask you you a question?" Cameron asked innocently.

"Sure! Anything!" Cisco blurted.

"Why did John go into the future after me?" Cameron asked. Ever since she found out that she was part of a television show, she had wondered what Cisco knew.

Cisco scoffed. "Isn't it obvious?"

Cameron responded by tilting her head to the side again.

"Right, you don't understand relationship stuff that well." Cisco corrected himself. "John went into the future because he cares about you. I mean when I was watching the show, I was always rooting for you two to get together." Cisco explained.

"But I'm a machine." Cameron looked at the ground sadly. "I can't care about him the same way he does about me."

"Really? Then why are you pouting?" Cisco pointed out. He then placed his hand on Cameron's shoulder and started to guide her out of the room. "Well fear not young cyborg! Doctor Cisco has all the answers in the Cisco cave!" He exclaimed.

"Cisco cave?" Cameron tilted her head yet again.

"It's a movie room and I have the full series of the show on dvd." Cisco sighed defeated.

"Oh. Thank you for explaining." Cameron returned her head it's upright position.

"You know you're a buzzkill right? I have been waiting to use that line forever." Cisco continued to converse with Cameron as he led her to the movie room.


Everything was set up. The rings were in place and Harrison Wells had the breach ready. Iris, Joe, and Harry were gonna stay behind to look after the city while they were gone and ensure that they open the breach for when it was time to return.

"I can't believe you're going to another world to save it too." Iris chuckled and gave Barry a tight hug.

"Hey, I can't pass up the chance to battle a Terminator can I?" Barry smiled and returned the tight embrace.

"You better be careful." Joe warned in his typical overprotective, father like manner.

"I will Joe." Barry then gave the man a hug, before letting go a moment later. "Take care of the city while I'm gone."

Joe nodded and gave Barry a pat on the shoulder. "Goodluck."

"Never been to another earth before." Oliver said worryingly, looking at the breach platform with concern.

"Ahh, don't worry." Cisco tried reassuring Oliver. "If anything it tickles."

"Okay, so once the portal opens and you're on the other side, you will have one week to stop this before I open the portal again to bring you guys back." Harry went into a deep explanation.

"What if it takes longer to stop this computer system from coming online?" Felicity asked. She had concerns for what if scenarios where they couldn't return to their earth.

"This is the longest i've figured out on how to keep the breach to this world and that world linked. If you're not back here by then... then the breach closes and you're trapped on the other side forever." Harry truthfully yet sadly answered. His answer made Felicity gulped in worry.

"Well, it's now or never, right?" Barry asked no one in particular. "Alright Harry, activate the portal." Barry gave the man a thumbs up.

Harry followed Barry's command and started typing rapidly into the computer. A second later, a blue and white breach appears over the platform. Cameron bravely stepped through the portal first, With John, Cisco, Barry, Caitlin, Oliver and Felicity entering after. Once everyone was through, the portal closed. They were gone. Team Flash and Team Arrow were on a new mission.

A mission to stop the machines from ever rising.