
"In the year of our lord of 1790, the small town of Portree, Scotland, suffered a cruel act of fate itself. The town was controlled by a powerful family at the time of this event, the Weiverns. They controlled everything, from the markets to the taxes the town and its people were meant to pay."

"The head of the family was a man by the name of Ban Weiverns, a selfish man, a man that handled things with an iron fist and kept the way of things for many years. The rest of the family was always compliment with his way of life, save for his younger sister who believed him to be too cruel at times."

"Despite the horrible things that this man was capable off, the town respected him and obeyed his wishes regardless."

"As the years went by, Ban new that he needed a son to carry out his work and for that he needed a bride. He tried many times with many young women of the town but none were able to give him what he desired."

"One night a traveling band of gypsies came into town looking to trade for provisions and goods for their journey. Amongst them was a young girl with hair as black as night and beautiful face. Her beauty enchanted the head of the Weiverns. That very night Ban Weiverns ordered his men to capture the girl and take her to him."

"Months later the young girl was found taken from this world by the nearby river. Ban Weiverns had his heir at a grave cost."

"Fearing the words of the public and the superstitious paranoia of the towns folk, Ban Weiverns put a macabre plan into motion. He ordered his most loyal men to burn the crops and kill the cattle making it seem like the gypsies had done it."

"The town rose in anger and rage against the gypsies. They called them plague bringers, and sorcerers. The towns people burned the gypsy camp and killed many of the gypsies. But, before their heinous action was completed an old gypsy woman brought up a pendant with the Weiverns family crest on it. A wolf's head with two swords crossing it. It had been found with the body of the old woman's daughter. The towns people had become murderers to cover up Ban Weiverns' crimes."

"In her rage the gypsy woman cursed the people of the town, for if they were the kind of people that murdered others at the wishes of a mad man then they were no better than beasts that rose with the moon."

"Years later when the treachery of Ban Weiverns was discovered, the people of the town rose up against the Weiverns but not as men but as monsters. And from that night forward the town had been cursed."


Three months after the events of Transylvania and the Vampire School...

The bells of Norresville High were ringing signaling the end of another school year. All the students were walking out of the school celebrating and more than ready to enjoy their summer. Out of all the students two in particular were looking forward to their summer break, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman.

"Oh yeah Cunningham! Summer is here and I've never been happier in my life." said Howard as they walked out of the school

"That makes two plus the whole school Howard. But I got to agree, nothing better than summer to chill and relax." said Randy

Both of the Norresville students walked down the streets of their city with ease and calmness for the first time since the start of their Freshman year.

Suddenly they heard someone or something breaking a glass and quickly assumed a combat stand. Randy held up his fists and bended his knees as he looked around for whatever caused the noise. Howard pulled off his back pack and held it up in defense as a weapon.

They then spotted a cat coming out of the alley next to them before it hissed at them and ran away from them.

Both of the high schoolers let out a sigh of relief. After their adventure in Transylvania three months ago, both Randy and Howard were more than a little preoccupied with what other creatures from the horror classics where skulking around in the darkness.

"Dang it, we really need a vacation." said Randy

"Yeah, no kidding. Ever since we found out that you know who truly exist I've been sleeping with garlic around my neck. *Shivers* The mere thought of one of them coming up from behind me and sinking their fangs on me really terrifies me." said Howard as they continued to walk to their homes.

"Now Howard we already talked about not all vampires being like that." said Randy reminding Howard that they now had vampire friends.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. There's the gang back in Transylvania. Oscar, Leechy, Klot, Ashely, Ox Blood, Cryptina, The Count, Lenny and your blood sucking girl Gothetta." recounted Howard poking at Randy

"Oh come on Howard, you're just ticked off that I came back with a girlfriend and you didn't." said Randy

Yes, Randy and Ghotetta had started a long distance relationship/friendship. It was not easy but they managed to make it work.

"No Cunningham, I'm just saying that she literally 'sucks' blood. And she is always sending you stuff or calling you." said Howard as they got closer to their homes

"Well, she can't send me pictures of herself so yes she sends me texts, and calls me because she's at the other side of the world. And by the way, she only sucked my blood once, but I told her that it was cool to do so and she didn't actually bit me. Besides I spend more time with you than I do her. So yeah, I do like reading her messages and talking to her from time to time." said Randy

"Well, just so you know that I want to spend this summer monster free. Just video games, TV, and movies." said Howard as he entered his house

They soon looked inside the Weinerman household and were silent.

"That's going to be bit hard right now." said Randy surprised

In front of both Randy and Howard was Heidi watching an old vampire movie, surrounded by stacks of other movies and books on monsters. She had a note pad and wrote down some notes that she believed important.

Ever since they returned from their time abroad Heidi had dove into the world of monsters and legends. She was convinced that something had truly happened during the trip to Transylvania and she was looking for answers the only way she knew how. She had been having recurring dreams about those days and she believed that they were something more than just some weird dreams.

Both of the Freshmen stepped inside trying not to disturb her, given how deep in the zone she usually got and that was when she looked for news or gossip. Randy and Howard couldn't really blame Heidi for being so immerse on this especially since everything she dreamt about had actually happened.

"What are you two doing?" asked Heidi turning to see the two friends

"Hey sis." said Howard

"Hi Heidi, we were just gonna grab some stuff and then go to my house to play some video games." said Randy

"Don't worry we won't keep you from your vampire boyfriend for long." said Howard making fun of his sister.

Heidi in response threw her note pad at Howard hitting him in the face.

"Sorry dude but you kinda asked for it." said Randy helping Howard up and gave Heidi her note pad back.

Randy saw how Heidi grabbed the notes pad and began going over all her notes. She had been like this almost every single moment she had free time. It was like there was nothing more important than finding out whether her dreams were something real or not.

"Hey Heidi, don't you think that you should take a break with all this vampire monster thing? I mean we have giant robot and monster attacks here all the time." said Randy with some concern

"Thanks but this isn't the same as what happens in this city. We are talking about two to three weeks of no one knowing what happened. I just can't shake the feeling that there is more going on." said Heidi going back to the movie

"Just saying, its a long summer." said Randy as Howard came back with a bag full of things.

Heidi let out a sigh and then turned off the TV.

"Maybe you're right. Thanks Randy." said Heidi

"Okay Cunningham, you've done your good samaritan act of the day time for video games!" said Howard

Just as the two teens were about to leave the door bell rang. Heidi got up and went to the door and opened it. In front stood the mailman holding up a an important looking letter.

"Weinerman residence? I got a letter for you." said the mailman giving Heidi the letter

Heidi looked at the letter as the mailman went on his way. The letter was enveloped in an old brown paper and had a strong wooden smell to it. There was an old style candle wax seal with a crest on it. Th crest was that of a wolf's head with two swords crossed in an 'x' behind it. The letter was addressed to the Weinerman family.

"Who just got a letter?" asked Howard

"The whole family apparently. Do we know anyone from Portree, Scotland?" asked Heidi before looking from where the letter came from.