"Soyo-hime, do you really think this is for the best?" Shinpachi asked the girl who exchanged the pair of scissors in her hand for a drinking glass in her school bag.

"Stop worrying so much. I'm just giving these two stubborn idiots a push." She moved the glass around the door to find the best spot to eavesdrop. "Now, shut it. I don't want to miss anything when things get juicy."

"Then, are you planning to write about Kagura-chan and Okita-san in the gossip column of the school newspaper tomorrow?"

"No. You should know me better than that. I'm doing this for educational purposes."

"Huh. I don't get it."

"Educating me. Duh. Again, zip it four eyes. They just started talking."

Shinpachi couldn't help but shake his head. The once elegant and demure princess of Edo had turned into a crass gossiping teen. Indeed, she had been thoroughly infected by Kagura's dirty ways.

"My eyes! They burn!" Kagura continued to shout, still refusing to look at Sougo's face.

Sougo stopped smiling. He wasn't used to moving around those facial muscles. Then, he answered her previous question.

"Nope, someone beat me to it." And he had a pretty good idea who that culprit is.

Feeling her arms grow heavy, Kagura separated her middle and index fingers slightly to peek at Sadist's face.

"Oh good. You're back to normal." She breathed out a sigh of relief as she put her arms down.

"Sadly, I can't say the same about you."

"Sadist!" Kagura fumed, straightening herself in the process. "Don't think you're forgiven!"

"You took the words from my mouth, China. If you want to earn extra income, I suggest you get a proper after-school job instead of setting up stall after stall on school property to sell your stolen goods."

"Merchandise!" She corrected. "They were NOT stolen! They were just misplaced! I figured if I could help return them AND earn money for myself at the same time, it would be like killing two birds with one stone. Now that we're on the topic, I get that conducting unauthorized business on school grounds isn't allowed-"

"Then, I don't see what you're so angry about." He interrupted her.

"You bulldozed my stalls! Not even a warning letter. I leave the stall for one second and voila, everything I set up is as flat as a pancake. This is an abuse of power! What's that word we learned in History class? Ba-bakaiser!"

"It's just Kaiser and I did send you a warning letter the first time, but it was too much effort to send those since you kept repeating the same offenses regardless."

"And that justifies the bulldozing? How are you gonna make it up to me and my lost income?"

"See that just leads us back to what I mentioned earlier, I think you have too much time on your hands. You should join my council. A position just opened up."

"Huh. What are you talking about? The next election is still one month away."

"I'm the student body president. Whatever I say goes."

"You!" She pointed a finger towards him. "You just want to make me your lackey! Isn't megane enough for that?"

"Ah. How can I say this in a way that even you'd understand, China?" He paused, stood up and walked over to my direction.

Kagura's first instinct was to back away to the door. She made the mistake of looking directly into his eyes. Those deep red irises looked like they could devour her whole any second.

"I-I-" She started to panic again, looking around the room for something she could use to ward the demon off. Unfortunately, her cellphone was in her bag on the table behind Sadist and she wasn't going risk her life to get it. Then, she spotted the telephone on the right of the door. "I can call room service and tell them you were harassing me."

"Oh, really?" Sougo watched her pull off the telephone from its mount. "And how are you gonna do that with a phone that doesn't even have a dial tone?"

"Sh*t." Kagura recalled that Soyo was the last one to use the phone. She guessed that her best friend had also cut the cord afterwards. Since she had no other option left, she could always use her fists. She wasn't used to running like a coward, anyway. "Bring it on, Sadist!"

She sent consecutive punches towards him and surprisingly, he managed to dodge them all while gaining a step closer each time. When she finally felt that her right fist would land on his face, he caught it with his left hand and used his strength to corner her until her back was on the door.

"Ugh." Kagura groaned as she felt his grip on her fist.

"Just chill, China. I'm only addressing your concerns. This is a 'meeting' remember?"

Sougo watched Kagura take a large gulp.

"Then, why do you have to be so close?" She wondered.

"Because I don't want to miss your reaction when I say this." He paused and looked directly into the innocent pair of clear blue eyes in front of him. "China, I'm not interested in megane or other men. I'm only interested in you."

She blinked. Twice. Then, Sougo watched the steam escape out of her ears and the pale skin from her neck upwards turn red.

"Wha-what do you mean, Sadist?" She still held a look of disbelief in spite of all his effort.

He finally let her hand go and turned his back on her, facing the window by the couch.

"You see. After I became the president of this all boys' school, I convinced the school principal to turn the school co-ed. This way we could raise the school funds and save the reputation of a delinquent school. But after being president for three years consecutively, I've already grown bored of the same routine. That is, until a certain first-year female student came along."

Kagura wanted to smack herself on the forehead. He wasn't confessing to her. He only saw her as a worthy rival.

"I see. You think you've finally met your match." She laughed, glad she caught herself before she delved too deep into her own delusions. "Well, I'm flattered, Mr. President and I think you're right. It's about time someone else ruled this school. And you're looking right at the girl who'll take over your position in the next election. Don't come crying to me when you lose, Sadist."

"Did you hear that, Tokugawa-san?" Sougo asked.

Kagura heard the door unlock from the other side and was surprised to see Soyo and Shinpachi right outside of the door. Then, Kagura frowned. She felt like she had been led straight into his trap.

A/N: I wanted to crank another chappie out before I can no longer (I have an exam this wed and a few more scattered throughout the following weeks). Not sure if I can update for awhile (probably will because it helps relieve my stress...by, ironically, adding more stress). And thanks for everyone's reviews! I wasn't expecting any so soon.

I thought about making every ch fluffy but somehow, it didn't turn out that way (maybe, I'm too serious lol). This one is shorter and more long-winded (how did I do that?) than the last ch but it'll make more sense after a few more chapters. No time to edit this but hopefully, it's not too bad.