Fuzzy Fluffy Furry Ears - InuKag Week 2018

A/N: This year all my inukag week stories in one place!
I will try to write each day and some a lil longer stuff, but better prepare for under 1k words long storirs akin to those in Barks collection.
I'll do my best to write for all days, but I won't promise I'll post each day.

Day 1: Team / Yellow

From all the stinking, loud places the wench could take him to...

Inuyasha was sitting on a small bench, squeezed between the said wench and her grandfather. He was dressed in the weird modern jeans and shirt, with sandals on his feet and a basketball cap on his ears. He was actually thankful for the damn thing, because it was muffling some of the noise.

And there was a lot of it, with all the humans screaming, playing some odd horns and jumping in their seats. Smells of food, drink and human sweat were mixed together with all the emotions - joy, excitement, some anxiety... And there were more people around this play ground than Inuyasha had seen in one place. At least he wasn't alone here, the Higurashi family were around him and he felt a bit better with their familiar presence.

He looked over the heads of the people in the rows between himself and the grass - they were holding banners, but the view was mostly not obscured. A bunch of kids, including Souta, was running after ball, going here and there between two arcs located on opposite ends of the field. He tried to tune out the cheering around him and focus on the weird game, just hoping to make the time go faster. He couldn't wait to get back to the shrine. Especially because Kagome had promised him rewards for his patience and silent suffering.

Kagome had explained the rules to him, they seemed fairly easy. There were two teams, both trying to guard their respective arcs and to put the ball in the arcs of the other team. Yellow eyes were following the players as they ran from one side of the field to another, kicking the ball to their allies, trying to avoid the other team. Souta waved his hand when he saw his family and hero sitting between other spectators. He was wearing a yellow outfit like his team, the other team was dressed in red.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome passed him a bottle of water, the hanyou was quiet, but seemed to be deep in thought, not being simply annoyed by being there.

"They're like us," he accepted the ball and pointed with his chin to the field.


"Yeah. Those guys in the front are like Sango and I, they prefer close combat, are the first to engage the enemy," he explained when the girl leaned in to hear him better. "Then there are those guys in the middle, they're supporting them, like you and Miroku do with your reiki, stepping in when it's needed."

"Well, what about those guys just before the line?" Kagome pointed to the closer end of the field.

"They're the last line of defense, like Shippou and Kirara. When things get too dangerous it's up to them to save the day, keep the rest out of trouble."

"And the player who guards the goal? Who would it be?"

"The old hag. She's the most stationary, but she knows a lot and we can always come back to her," the hanyou explained. "She not always fights and be left to herself for quit some time. Everyone is necessary if you want to win," he finished his observation with a shrug.

He almost dropped his bottle of water when he felt soft, warm lips brush against his cheek.

"I'm glad you think that, Inuyasha," he heard Kagome's voice, full of warmth and happiness. He waited for her to turn her head to look at Souta running with the ball before he reached up and touched his cheek with his claws.

Silly wench, he'd never understand her.

A/N: I put all my knowledge about soccer here, it's not much :D
I wrote it listening-watching Dragon Ball Z Abridged by TeamFourStar so yeah