So this is jsut a preview you to hold you guys over. I'm sorry I haven't posted more, but life has just been getting in the way of everything I do, and so haven't had the time until recently to just sit down and type stuff up. I hope you enjoy the preview, and give me your thoughts on this.

Chapter Two (Preview)
Siesta had only been working at the academy for three years. It wasn't as long as some of the other servants, but she had still seen a vast majority of familiars being summoned. Yet none of these familiars were even remotely similar to what Miss. Vallière had summoned.

Siesta had been cleaning the hallway when the mage known as the Zero had come to her. She had been shocked, she normally kept her head down to not draw the ire of the nobles. Yet Siesta was still confronted by Miss. Vallière. "You there, maid, whats your name?" She had questioned. Siesta had answered her in a shaky voice, worried that she had actually done something wrong. She was shocked when suddenly something barreled into her. She felt it move around her sniffing her before it latched on to her in a hug.

Siesta could only stare with wide eyes at Louise who nodded her head. "Yes, it seems she likes you." She says, looking back at whatever had latched onto the poor horrified maid. "I have classes, so you'll be taking care of my familiar for me." It was then that Siesta had realized that it was a young looking girl who had latched onto her. It was the strangest familiar that Siesta had ever seen. The familiar looked Human, but it was definitely not Human.

The creature had wolf ears and a wolf tail. Fur came up along its arms and it had claws that looked like they could seriously hurt somebody. "Umm… Miss. Vallière, what is this creature?" Siesta couldn't help but ask. Louise looked Siesta in the eyes.

"Truthfully I'm not sure, I had summoned her as my familiar. But since Canagan seems to like you, I'll leave it up to you to take care of her while I'm in class." Siesta could only blink as Louise quickly made her way to class, leaving her familiar and the maid in the hallways of the academy.

Flashback End
Siesta sighed for the umpteenth time today. The day still wasn't even halfway over. So far the wolf-like familiar had been generally well behaved. She had followed her around while she cleaned, and generally just watched her. Siesta felt like Miss. Vallière was worrying about nothing. Just as Siesta thought about that the familiar lifted her head, sniffing.

Siesta could only watch as she ran off before she suddenly realized what happened. As soon as the maid did, she took off heading over to catch up with the familiar that Miss. Vallière had entrusted her with. Canagan raced through the hallways, dodging past various people heading to classes, with Siesta hot on her heels. The wolf-like familiar was too fast though, and Siesta wouldn't be able to catch her. Though she needn't worry, for Canagan had headed towards the one place that Siesta had hoped she wouldn't head to. That place is the kitchen.

Yes, Canagan burst through the kitchen doors, startling the kitchen staff. She launched herself onto a countertop, grabbing a large piece of meat. When Siesta burst through a few minutes later, it was to a mess in the kitchen. Flour was thrown all over the place, the plates were upturned, and the staff was covered in various food items. The kitchen staff surrounded Canagan, a scowl on their face.

The wolf familiar didn't pay them any attention, instead, munching on another piece of meat that she had somehow gotten her hands on. Her makeshift sundress was splattered with food. Siesta was quick to intervene. "I'm so sorry." She says. She should have been keeping an eye on Canagan, but she hadn't been. So it was partly her fault. The staff of the kitchen began to scold Siesta, while Canagan gleefully ate, ignoring the chaos that she herself had caused. Finally, after being scolded by the kitchen staff, Siesta turned to look back at Canagan. She had by now finished the meat that she had been eating and had curled up in a ball. Siesta could only blink at the wolf-like girl that took a nap. She sighed, wondering what she should do.