A/N: I began rewatching some of Naruto & watched most of Boruto and I have always shipped SasuSaru, so i was overjoyed when i saw they were canon! And I love the idea of Sasuke raising young Sarada alongside Sakura. I got this idea thats been itching for some time. It's going to be a collection of sweet moments and some...lemony. Yes, there will be some smut. Later on of course. If you enjoy please leave a review. The more you review, the faster I update! Thank you!

It was a beautiful spring morning in Konoha, peaceful and quiet as the sun peaked shyly through the billowy clouds, casting harshly over the shadowed man who trudged slowly through the sandy trails.

Petals of the very familiar cherry blossom trees sprinkling the warm air, kissing the face of the very strained shinobi who caught the trespassing, lone flower in his palm just in time before it hit it's target.

The soft gradient pink features of the tiny bud reminded him of the silky hair of someone he was very anxious to see. Releasing the flower back into it's traveling waver, watching as the bud picked up in the slight breeze that cooled the skin of his heated cheeks, his eyes followed on as it floated along the bright sky.

Clenching his fists, Sasuke Uchiha continues his route to the home of his wife and small daughter. Bracing for impact. Not quite certain on how they'll react to him. Knowing Sakura, she'd be Overwhelmed. Thrilled with excitement.

What about Sarada? She hadn't seen him in what's nearing close to a year and a half. Would she remember him? Accept him...

Sakura Uchiha had gotten up at the peaks of dawn. Moving around the house quietly as she tidied up. Praying that she wouldn't wake the slumbering toddler in her room.

Though tiny, Sarada left messes around the house that left the lone mother almost shocked. There were wooden toys and dolls strung over the living room and Sakura for the life of her could not find her nurses badge!

Thankfully, Lady Tsunade had given her the day off due to Sarada catching a case of the common cold. The small babe needed rest and monitored medicine when she absolutely had to have it. Which Sakura made sure wasn't often.

"Finally. The house is cleaned."

The pinkette whispered to herself with glee, clutching a small wicker container to the hilt of her right hip that was filled to the brim with an array of teddy bears and baby dolls. In the other hand she wielded a broom as if it were a powerful staff.

A warm smile wore on her face as she carefully shuffled back into the hallway toward Sarada's room to check if she'd gotten up yet. Something catches her rather joyful eyes. Causing them to narrow in a less than happy tone.

A photo of Sasuke when he was younger sat on the decorated desk by the archway leading into the hallway. The rays of sunlight that poured through the cracks of the curtains aimed it's powerful light against the glass frame of the now aging photo.

This causes her gaze to wander over the small assortments of photographs that hung just above the desk.

All of Sarada and Sakura. Ranging from birth to present day. The young mother rests the broom against the side of the desk as she rearranges the photo of her husband so it was beside a photo of baby Sarada and younger Sakura.

A longing smile graces her lips. How she missed him.

Sakura holds back the tears that begged to be released. No, she can't lose it now.

She knew his work. His reasoning behind it. There was no argument against it. It was the way it had to go. She was being incredibly selfish for acting this way…

Still, behind the thankful shield she held for him. There was a growing emotion that was shattering with longing need for him to be here. Beside her. Not just as a lover even.

Sarada needed him just as much as she did.

"Mama…!" A small voice croaks from the room at the end of the hall and Sakura perks up from her trancelike state and drops the wicker container with a soft thud, the components spilling over as the now hurried mother rushes to the aid of her two and a half year old daughter.

"What's wrong?"

Sakura barges in on her small daughter who sat on the hard floor, wrapped in her soft green blanket, her dark locks of hair spiked out in a messy and tangled mess. Tears welling in her large eyes. Small lips quivering as pools of tears rushed down her reddened round cheeks, equally small fists came up to rub away the streams.

"Sarada..did you fall out of bed again?"

The pinkette crosses the short distance and crouches down so she was level with her daughter. Scooping the child into her arms quickly. Sarada clutches onto her mother's apron.

"You've got to be careful…I don't want you bruising yourself again.."

"Sorry mama.."

Sarada casts her gaze downward balling her fists with the fuzzy blanket, her long dark lashes were stuck together with the wetness of her tears. Sakura stands from her now strained position and readjusts Sarada in her arms so the girl was pressed against her chest.

"Don't be..Mama just doesn't want to see you hurt. You know I hate seeing you cry."

A yawn erupts from the little girl who rested her cheek against Sakura's petite shoulder. Causing a smirk to fall over the worried mother's face.

"Are you still sleepy Sarada?"

"Mhmm.." Sarada hums followed by a heavy cough and a pained moan.

"Here, lay down. Mama will make you some fish broth." Sakura leans over the small bed and lays the child onto the plush mattress gently struggling to detach the girl from her chest, catching her face just in time for the silly face she made in reaction to her mother's words.

"Mama I don't like that. Tastes yucky."

Sarada rasps, with her nose crinkled in disgust as she is reminded of the sour taste of fish soup her mother makes whenever anyone is ill and needs something to soothe their throat. Sarada never liked the taste of it. Or the smell…

"If you eat it. Maybe Mama will take you out today to get a new doll. Would you like that?"

Sakura sits beside the now excited girl who stretches her arms up to the ceiling in vigorous joy, a large wide-mouthed grin cracks the sickly expression she wore.

"New doll!"

"Only if you eat your soup. Now lay down. Mama's gonna rest a bit beforehand. Then fish soup. Then we'll go to town. Okay?" Sakura leans in so she was face to face with the now pouting toddler.

"Yes, Mama."

Sarada nods and smiles again as she flops down onto her back and shuts her eyes tightly. Letting out a fake snore. Sakura giggles and moves in to kiss the side of her daughter's warm cheek. The pinkette frowns at this as she tucks Sarada in and heads out to grab a cool cloth from the kitchen.

When the mother returns Sarada is out cold. Crackled breaths wheezing from her dry lips.

Sakura narrows her soft green eyes and quietly approaches the sleeping girl with caution. Brushing aside the stray hairs of the uneven bangs from her daughter's forehead, Sakura notices how broad it was, much like her own. Never taking it into account before this.

She smiles to herself as she runs her palm over the surface of Sarada's warm forehead, placing the cloth against the skin and watching closely as her daughter's eyes scrunch slightly with the sudden cold contact against her heated temperture.

A cool breeze breaks in through the child's room, between the cracked open window that was shadowed by the thick evergreen curtains that were bright now with the morning sun now freely casting its rays. The sweet and nostalgic smell of spring envelopes the pink haired nurse's senses.

Again a smile tugs at her plush lips as she carefully moves from the slumbering girl to the window, her steps light as a feather. Thankful to Lady Tsusande for the skilled feat.

Sakura peers through the curtains, watching the branches of the cherry blossom trees wave with the wind, almost in a welcoming manner. Konoha had officially taken in the spring season. Sakura gazes into the distance of the woodsy landscape for moment before enclosing the curtains again.

A yawn balled up in her throat as a wash of exhaustion came over her. The pinkette again trailed quietly passed her daughter and into the hallway, towards her room now.

The young woman fell onto the bed head first, her long ponytail releasing long strands of pink hair onto the gray bedding, before she knew it, the sweet creeping lull of sleep came over her in one swift motion...


A familiar voice calls to her. A voice she hadn't heard in so long. Turning around with a quickness, Sakura notices the hollowness of her surroundings. As if she were enclosed in a a white, never ending void. A sense of sadness crashes into her like heavy waves of a current. A sadness that cuts so deep she began to weep heavily, falling to her knees she calls out for the voice in a drawn out, shrill cry.


In the distance, so very far away. Almost a speck in harsh environment, stood the dark figure of her husband.

"Sasuke-kun…" she whispers as the streams of tears quicken their pace. Raising her arm she reaches for him.

Sasuke reaches the destination with ease. Thankfully it was still early. He noticed how quiet it was. Barely anyone out and about. Just…calm. He dismisses the thoughts and is quickly met with the realization that behind this door. His daughter and wife reside. So many memories have taken place here. So many without him…

In hindsight he probably should have knocked. But something in him was far too eager to see them. No matter how badly the strings of his emotions wear down at the thought of seeing his own family again, he had to see them.

The door was unlocked when he reaches his right hand to test the doorknob. Sasuke grumbles lowly at this as he easily enters the home. How dangerous. What if he were an intruder? What if he is?

His heart beat deafens as he takes a silent step inside. Quickly closing the door with a soft click, making certain it's locked this time. He turns his attention to the surroundings of the living room. It was so clean. He expected nothing less though. Sakura was always such a tidy woman...

He narrows his eyes as he takes in the once familiar place that had changed quite a bit since he was last here.

Instantaneously, he notices the shrine-like décor of photos on the wall and the desk underneath. His eyes widen as he takes in the photos of Sarada.

The last time he saw her she was barely walking, but here…there were photos of her in swimming suits, photos of her standing dressed in girlish attire that he knew was Sakura's bidding, photos of her in the garden helping Sakura with the plants.

His eyes follow the captured moments between his wife and daughter. They look..so happy.

Sasuke then for a moment feels as if he were intruding after all…maybe he shouldn't be here. They seemed to be well off. They didn't-

"Mama..I'm hungr-"

Need him.

Sarada halts mid sentence as she is met with a man who stood by the photos her mother cherished so near and dear to her heart, showcasing them to the small girl always so she wouldn't forget her 'Papa'. The small girl stares quietly, glancing both at him and the boy in the photograph he was standing by...slowly a shocked expression breaks onto her face and she sucks in a large breath.

Sasuke on the other hand braces himself for a horrified cry.


The small girl runs through the archway and darts straight to his legs, clutching onto the fabric of his pants. Her eyes were wide with tears as she remembers his face only because of her mother's constant reminding of him. The young girl hadn't a clue what happened to him. She was only told that he'd come home again.


"Sarada.." Sasuke felt a pang of guilt as he watched the tears flow down his daughter's face, she was so excited to see him that she was crying. Rubbing her drenched face onto the material of his pants. He crouches down to accept the eager hug, she flings herself into his opened arm. She hugs his waist and shouts gibberish into his chest, the vibrations of her voice tickled his skin. Sarada leans back to look up at him, he wraps his right arm around her small form. She raises a brow.

"Papa? arm?"

She points to his right bicep. Noticing the missing forearm. A smirk breaks his stoic lips and he leans in to envelope her in a tight, one armed hug.

"I've missed you…Sarada."


Sasuke swoops the girl onto the length of his arm and she giggles loudly, followed by harsh coughing that she tried to hide by screaming with joy.

"Are you sick, Sarada?"

The shinobi stands quickly as he examines his daughter's half-lidded eyes and runny nose. Her fair skin had undertones of red especially around the cheeks…she grins widely again, her large dark eyes crinkle in the joy of a child seeing her father for the first time. Her first time.

"Where is your mother?"

Sasuke asks, completely hiding the nervousness in his voice. Which was easy as he spoke to his young daughter. Somewhat easy...

"Down, papa. Down."

She points to the ground and Sasuke crouches again so she can fumble out of his grasp and spin around the corner of the archway. Disappearing fast.

"Come, Papa!"

Sasuke sighs and slowly turns around the corner in the direction his daughter went, he can see her jumping for the doorknob of a door he hadn't seen in some time, she puffs her cheeks out and begins to knock loudly.

"Mama..!..Mama! Open!"

She shouts, her raspy voice echoing throughout the small home, Sasuke stands behind her and again swoops her in with his right arm, causing her to yelp in shock. The only sound the waking mother registered. The sound of Sarada…in danger.


Immediately Sakura bounces from the bed and practically breaks the door off as she swings it open, for a moment her face is immersed in fighting mode. Her right fist ready for impact, which she lowers in realization that Sarada wasn't in danger. No, she'd never be in danger again.

The pinkette stared with wide eyes as the eyes of her husband meets hers. The sound of Sarada giggling became distant to the mother, as her eyes were set on the man before her. Her muscles began to shake and those damned tears…


He begins but his cut off by the suffocating hug his wife offers, squeezing the little girl against her father.

"Mama! Tight!"

Sakura backs away quickly, her face red and eyes already wet.

"I'm sorry Sarada. Here, come to mama. You're sick. I don't want you to get your papa sick too."

Sakura takes the girl into her arms and hugs her tightly, her green eyes meeting the dark ones before her once again. He was quiet as he stared at her relentlessly. His gaze was full of bewilderment, seeing his wife with their daughter in hand.

"Mama, is papa going to stay here now?"

Sarada looks up in her mother's eyes, unaware that her question held so much weight. So much..

Sakura fought the struggled need to cry. Opening her mouth only to be cut off by words that caused the tears to escape and overflow.

"Yes, Sarada. I'm staying."

Sasuke answers the girl who smiles again and reaches to him, wanting him to hold her again. Sakura wasn't going to stop a child from being held by their father…

"Papa…I miss you when you were away."

Sasuke adjusts her on his chest, she rests her cheek on his broad shoulder, he peeks down at her through his outgrown bangs. Her eyes were so full of excitement. He feels that tugging in his face muscles. Another smile coming…coiling his lips.

"You don't have to anymore, I'm here."