Now that our journey has reached it's endpoint, I'd like to extend a special thank you to everyone who has stuck through and read all the way. I appreciate everyone who had favorited, followed, left a thoughtful review, and even those who just followed along silently. I also want to extend a special thanks to everyone who helped and was kind enough to submit a character to add to the crew of the Odyssey, be they Rangers or secondary characters. Among those in particular, FallenGrace26, Mistycharming, Bookworm101234, AceKH, xXRocketShark216Xx, ChibiDawn23, Stormasius, and fanasticrhapsody,

Like PR Nova Squadron, I set Odyssey in a different AU and used a military sci-fi theme to explore some ideas and concepts not often touched on in kid-friendly Power Rangers. While I did draw on some ideas from Warhammer 40K from time to time, the main sci-fi inspiration draws heavily from Star Trek. I wondered, what would the conflicts at the edge of the galaxy look like in a PR universe where we already have great spacefaring races established like the GSA, the Eltarians, the Triforians, etc. I wanted some elements of exploration, unknown danger, and diplomacy with new civilizations as we often saw in Next Gen. Through characters like Captain Raines and Princess Sera, I also wanted to explore some ideas of war and the muddier political aspects of it as was shown in Trek series like DS9.

As for the namesake of this story and the starship used, I'm sure many of you know I drew inspiration from Homer's epic story and the journey of the Greek hero Odysseus. For those who are sharp-eyed, you may have also caught many parallels to ancient Greek history such as ideas of a Delian League, grudges and bitterness from a Peloponnesian War, the Persian Empire, and great naval battles like that of Salamis. Hopefully all those ideas were put together in a way to make a halfway entertaining journey for you all and I hope you enjoyed it.

Looking ahead, I will be turning my attention away from science fiction and back to a special project that I've started called Power Rangers Infinity. For those who enjoy stories involving elements of fantasy, magic, and mythology you might be interested. That fic will serve as a tribute and a grand coming together of many OC Ranger series belonging to me and several other great writers who I call my friends on here. I also plan to work on smaller projects and short stories in other fandoms here and there so there will always be something new to see. As always, thanks for reading and joining me on this journey to the edge of the galaxy and the final frontier!