Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. If I did, I probably wouldn't be writing fanfic for it.

Note: This story is set in the same continuity as my other sci-fi OC series Power Rangers: Nova Squadron. While this is not technically a sequel to that series, it is set a few hundred years into the future and might make some passing references to it. That said, I hope you enjoy the story.

The doors of the turbolift swished open before Lieutenant Aaron Russo stepped out and made his way onto the bridge of the GSA starship Odyssey. The handsome young Operations officer took a moment to smooth out his short brown hair and make sure his duty uniform with red color coded facings was presentable. He headed over toward the command chair to report in for his shift and saw that the well lit bridge was relatively quiet and calm. Across the way, he could see Lt. Hawa Jakende at her Communications console while the helmsman Ensign Keogh was already busy going over some star charts in preparation for their next warp space jump. As he headed to the chair, Aaron was greeted by the ship's First Officer, Commander Dominic Raines who was presently the officer on watch.

"Reporting for duty Commander," Aaron said standing to attention. He knew he didn't have to be so formal about it, but Aaron had always been one to try and follow protocol to the letter.

"Very good Mr. Russo. Carry on," Dominic replied with a kind nod. "The captain is in his ready room and should be headed out shortly."

Aaron had always liked the Commander and during his service aboard the Odyssey, he grew to admire the senior officer as a bit of an older brother figure too. Raines was a man of about thirty three, eight years senior to Aaron. He was tall with short hair and dark features and despite his average looks and kindly demeanor, he was still a highly competent officer who prided himself on his role as the captain's trusted right hand man.

Aaron took a moment to look out the forward viewport to the dazzling field of stars and wide open space in front of them. "Funny, I didn't know we had already dropped out of warp."

Dominic idly took up a datapad and reviewed a few items on a report, "We're making a slight change in our course heading. Once we reach the next nav point, we're going to make another jump so that we can reach Arcadia a little faster."

Aaron raised an eyebrow, "Is Captain Broca really in that much of a hurry? I mean, I know there's an important treaty negotiation in the works but that little backwater planet is still on the frontier."

"It seems our ambassador has been a bit insistent that we get to Arcadia as fast as possible," Dominic sighed diplomatically, "I imagine the captain just wants to placate the Ambassador to make him stop complaining about the lack of special accommodations on our ship."

"Ah... one of the fussy demanding political types?" Aaron said with a slight wrinkle of his nose.

"Your words. Not mine," Dominic said in a gentle but reproving way to keep the younger Lieutenant in order.

In fairness to the Ambassador, he was usually ferried about in one of the more passenger friendly transports or a ship of the line within the Galactic Space Alliance fleet. By contrast, a Nova class Light Cruiser like the Odyssey was an older warship that was better suited to deep space exploration and patrol duties. It wasn't one of the more glamorous ships in the fleet, but it was still a tough reliable vessel.

Aaron cleared his throat and gave a slightly apologetic nod, "Sorry sir. My family doesn't exactly mix well with the people who run in those circles anymore."

"Then I advise you to put your vigilance toward a more productive end Lieutenant. When we arrive at Arcadia, Captain Broca wanted you to help put together some security teams for our delegation."

Dominic handed his subordinate a datapad with his new orders and continued, "We want the negotiations to go well and that starts with us making a good impression on the Royal Family. Is that understood?"

"Aye Commander," Aaron replied before he heard the doors to the nearby ready room open. The bridge crew looked over and saw Captain Broca emerge to take command. Despite being in his mid fifties, the veteran captain with salt and pepper hair still had a strong build and a powerful aura of charisma about him.


Raines stepped aside allowing the captain to take his place while giving an update, "We've reached Nav Point 4 and are preparing for our final jump, sir."

Broca nodded and spared a quick glance to Aaron, "Mr. Russo, if you may... I'll need you at the Tactical station?"

"Aye Captain," Aaron answered hurriedly while scrambling over to take his post behind his respective console.

Broca eyed the bridge and with a satisfied nod set his eyes forward speaking in his calm commanding tone, "Very good. Ensign Keogh lay in a course for the Arcadian system at best speed. All hands, prepare to go to warp."

With the course set, the engine nacelles of the starship Odyssey flared brightly for a moment with bright blue light before the cruiser initiated a warp speed jump, racing across the galaxy to complete its next mission and face the unknown dangers that would certainly lay ahead.

Elsewhere, the gentle tinkling sound of wind-chimes filled the serene palace gardens as Serafina meandered about enjoying the peaceful day. The beautiful young princess of Arcadia closed her eyes for a moment and smiled at the feeling of the warm sun on her face and light aromas of various flowers that lined the path. She finally came upon a small outdoor fountain with babbling water and she sat down to briefly admire her reflection. The sunlight on the rippling water briefly formed a glittering crown over her golden hair which she wore in a tidy modest updo. She heard some footsteps coming down the garden path and she turned her light blue eyes toward the noise only to see that it was her mother.

Queen Cassiopeia Telesto gave a sigh and ambled over to where her twenty year old daughter reposed. "Sera... there you are. Shouldn't you be inside the palace helping to organize things for the state visit?"

Sera stood up slowly and smoothed out her elegant white skirt, "I'm sorry mother. It was such a nice day out and I needed some air. Besides, I'm sure the servants would only feel like I'm getting in their way more than I'd be helping."

Queen Cassiopeia nodded in understanding, "It's funny. Despite everything going on, I can't help but feel this is only the calm before the storm right now."

"You and father are worried about the negotiations with the people from the Alliance?" Sera asked as she began walking with the queen.

"Of course. A lot of things are potentially riding on this meeting. We just can't be sure how much it would really benefit Arcadia."

Sera wrinkled her features slightly, "The GSA is offering us membership into their alliance. I would think trading a little more quadrium ore with them is a small price to pay for their protection, right?"

Queen Cassiopeia shook her head, "It's not that simple Sera. You'll learn when it's your time to be responsible for the people of this world. If we join this Galactic Space Alliance, then we may risk trading away more than our ore... but part of our sovereignty as well. We can't be sure they wouldn't impose some unfair rules of their own, rules that aren't in our best interest."

They turned a corner and headed back toward a stately patio of the royal palace where two loyal footmen waited. "The GSA is a large powerful federation and to them, we are just a small planet on the edge of their border."

"Then they surely must be concerned with the recent actions of the U'shan Empire on the other side of the border," Sera pointed out, "The U'shan have expanded their territory and they've been very aggressive with our neighbors. Don't you think they might try to threaten us or do harm to Arcadia?"

"That is what we're going to get a feel for in these meetings," Queen Cassiopeia said as she put a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder and brushed away some lint on her feminine white blazer, "Remember, we are not a warlike people any more Sera. We must always try to find a peaceful and diplomatic solution first. Perhaps we can work out a good trade deal with the Alliance and avoid any more hostility with the U'shan, but your father and I are going to need your help and support right now. Are you with us on this?"

Sera relented and nodded, giving the queen a gentle kiss on the cheek, "Of course mother. Always."

Queen Cassiopeia smiled and lovingly touched Sera's cheek, "Consider this as some more good practice for rulership one day. Now come with me, there's much left to do."

Meanwhile on the opposite borderlands of space many lightyears away, a small flotilla of warships from the U'shan Empire made their final preparations and took up a formation. The sleek U'shan vessels resembled a group of stingrays gathering for a hunt. A mixed group of destroyers and cruisers took up the lead position followed by some transports and escort frigates along the flanks of the small fleet. At the bridge of the lead vessel, Captain Cepheus went over his last minute preparations. The blue skinned humanoid fixed his reddish colored eyes on some of the tactical maps as well as the ship diagnostics to make sure they were ready.

As he did, he was joined by Commander Nessus, the leader of the U'shan ground forces. "Captain? Is something the matter? You look troubled."

The older ship captain turned his head to the younger infantry commander. To other races, it was sometimes difficult to discern the more subtle expressions on the faces of the U'shan. The facial features of the blue skinned humanoids were more flat and plain giving them an almost uniform nondescript look save for distinct line patterns on their heads to tell them apart. Like their eyes, some of the U'shan had dark reddish hair that was kept short or shaved off completely among those of their warrior caste.

Captain Cepheus grimaced slightly and shook his head before speaking in a quiet voice, "I just had a few personal concerns. I was wondering if carrying out an attack of this scale is really for the best. Perhaps it is still a bit premature?"

The young ambitious Commander Nessus did not seem to share the reservations of his counterpart from the older generation, "It's not for us to question the ruling caste, Captain. We will trust in the wisdom of our Exarchs to make the empire great and to show others the way. If the Arcadians know what is best for them, they will lay down their arms and join us instead. It's as simple as that."

Cepheus nodded and pushed a button on a nearby console to signal the rest of the fleet. Before long, the ships of the invasion fleet powered their engines and they streaked away one by one to advance the glory and manifest destiny of the U'shan Star Empire.