"I would assume, your greatness, that a young man of your rank would not be so deathly afraid of a woman simply catching your eye."
Days had turned into weeks and weeks quickly turned into a month as Sabina continued her new job as Edmund's personal server. Their banter quickly becoming common place, a secret language shared between the two. If anyone else heard the whispers, they were kind enough to ignore the noise and focus on the delicious meal placed in front of them.
King Peter would be known to smirk occasionally at his younger brother when Sabina landed a particularly good jab. Over the years, with the toll of managing a kingdom weighing down on Edmund, the young King had heardened. But the young new server Sabina seemed to be chipping away at him, piece by piece.
"I am not afraid, fair maiden, I simply see that look so much from women flaunting around my castle these days, that there is nothing new to see in those eyes."
Sabina giggled at the King's remark while pouring him more water. She had learning much about him in the month they had been pestering each other, coming to find that perhaps he was not as horrible to be around as she had originally concluded.
As the main course was presented, Sabina's mind drifted to another world. She pictureed herself as one of the women Edmund so carelessly pushed aside, a souter from a far away land pinning for his majesty's attention. Coming into Cair Paravel with nothing more than the desire to catch the King's eye. She would walk into the dinning hall as if she was gliding on air, hair tucked into a neat braid, as her gown shimmered in the setting sunlight. She would giggle at Queen Susan's jokes, and listen intently as the High King talked about the new laws being discussed in the chambers today, and gossip with Queen Lucy about the rumors the maids had told her that morning.
Instead though, Sabina was a few feet behind, waiting for her time, waiting on the King to finish his glass of water so she may pour another. Not to be confused, Sabina did not mind her currently life, in fact, she was beyond thankful for this new opportunity. Without it, she would simply be six feet under in a land she once called home.
As Sabina wandering mind returned to the rest of her body, King Peter rose to give his nightly address.
"Friends, Guests, Family, another sunset is resting on the land of Narnia. Another day has been blest by Aslan, I have heard from the west patrol that peace is settling over the land after the events of last week-"
A jolly, "Here, here!" followed by a lofty swig was taken by all, a sign of celebration.
"As Susan and her Ladies in waiting are preparing for another spring festival, I have heard from my sister that this should be the best one yet-"
"Here, here!" Rang out again, this time overpowered by the women in the room. Sabina's eyes were drawn to Lucy though, who seemed to struggle to hold her gauntlet about her head, a strange occurrence for such a strong, and strong willed, Queen.
"King Edmund has also informed me that our Spring training for the new recruits coming from the village is now in session and he has hope for the young men coming in. It will be our strongest recruitment yet!"
"Here, here!" This time Sabina could not take her eyes away from the Valiant Queen. Her goblet wobbled in her hand, barley leaving the table, her eyes appeared glossy. Sabina had seen this before, her hand tightened around the pitcher she was holding, praying to Alsan she was wrong.
"The young Queen has also been quite busy, talking with the wonderful doctors of Narnia about the-" Before Peter could finish his final section of the address, a deafening crash was heard down the side of the room. Lucy had hit the floor with a hard thud. Everyone sitting around the young queen jumped and rushed to her side. The usual rosy queen had become as pale as a sheet, taking in breaths as quickly as she was letting them out. She was not thrashing around, but simply laying gasping for air, a face of fear painted across her features. Her face was breaking out in a sweat, the fever had gotten to her small body quickly.
Sabina knew what was happening the second Lucy had hit the floor, the illness. The same one that was sweeping the workers down below, it had made it to the upper class. Havok surrounded the room, as no one knowing how to help the queen. The guests stood horrified as Edmund and Susan rushed to Lucy laying on the ground.
Sabina had seen this illness many times, this was not a kind nor forgiving illness. This illness was out to kill.
Sabina knew though, she had seen it enough, she knew if she could drop the Queen's temperature before a minute had passed, the Valiant young woman had a chance. Sabina knew this illness like the back of her hand, she had always known much more about this sudden plague sweeping Narnia than she had let on. Sabina knew how to stop it, even if it cost her the secrets she held to close to her chest. Sabina could not let the Queen suffer.
Sabina felt everything around her moving in slow motion, the other servers stayed completely still, in their place, but Sabina knew she could not sit and watch the Queen laying helpless on the floor, not when she knew she could help. She felt her feet lift from their assigned spot on the tile and her arm filled with ice cold water she was serving Edmund extend in front of her.
"Step aside! Please, we must eradicate her fever quickly!" Sabina did not know her young voice could ever sound so demanding, "Hurry, grab the ice water, throw it on her body! Bring in cold rags to place on her head and neck!"
Everyone paused, stunned at the servant ordering them around, but sprung into action when the first drop of water hit Queen Lucy in the face. The people of the court and their guests suddenly grabbed the ice water sitting on the table and poured it on the Queen, while others took the napkins that were once gently placed on their laps and dunked them in the cold liquid to lay across her face. Sabina was moving the rags to her pulse points, trying to calm the fever down. When she looked to her side she saw Edmund sitting next to Lucy, gently brushing his hands through her hair, whispering soothing words into her ear.
Sabina took a moment's breathe to take in this side of Edmund she had never seen. The kind, loving brother worried for his younger sister. The soft voice Sabina had never heard, the calloused hands so used to battle, being gentle as a lamb. His features, usually hard and focused, softened and smoothed.
As Sabina started back to replacing the old towels with new, colder ones, everyone came to a sudden halt. The Queen had let out a loud gasp, the queen was going to make it. Every person in the room let out a breathe no one knew they were holding.
While Edmund and Susan along with the other guests helped Queen Lucy sit up and gave her some water to drink as she came back to herself, leaning heavily on Edmund's shoulder to steady herself. The High King charged over the Sabina with a look of gratitude, fear, and fury painted across his face, "You are a servant who knows the secret's of the illness! Who are you?"
Sabina had blown her cover, she was not going to get away with this one as easily.