Previously on Dragon Ball Super Fighterz:

Todd and 21 battled against the Evil 21 in the future timeline. Though the battle was hard fought and there were several close calls, Todd and 21 prevailed using the Evil Containment Wave to trap 21 into a dishwasher. The two of them made the special seal to prevent her from escaping and fired her out to the sky, blasting her away into space for her never to be seen again. After the grueling battle, Todd got on one knee and proposed to Android 21. What will she say? How are the others doing against Zamasu and Goku Black?

Find out on Dragon Ball Super Fighterz!

Todd Proposes to 21!?

Is This The End?

21 stared at Todd, taking a step back as she realized what he had asked her. It settled in and she took a deep breath. She put her hand on her hip and sighed, "Todd, is this really an appropriate time to ask that?" She looked to the direction of the energies that were from Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Goku Black, and Zamasu, "Shouldn't we go help them and-" Her eyes widened, as did Todd's. Goku Black and Zamasu disappeared but a huge amount of power seemed to just explode out of existence from their direction instead. Where was this power coming from!?

Todd quickly stood up, pocketing the ring, "You're right-" The two of them blast into the sky, chasing after the power. The two of them managed to reach the area relatively quickly. Witnessing a merged Zamasu and Goku Black: Merged Zamasu. Although there was something wrong with him, half of him was this melted goopy purple. It seemed that Todd and 21 took a bit to get there, but stilll Todd and 21 landed near the group, Goku and Vegeta were arguing about something, but there was their world's supreme kai- wait, Todd turned to him, "What are you doing here?" He turned to the yellow supreme kai, "And who is that?" He said pointing.

Shin looked to Todd and his face lit up, "Goku, why not fuse with Todd?" Todd blinked, "Wait, what!?" Goku inspected Todd and shrugged, "I dunno," He turned to 21, "Would she be okay with that? Isn't it permanent?" The yellow supreme kai spoke quickly, "The fusion is only permanent if you're merging with a kai. Otherwise it lasts only an hour." Vegeta groaned, "Ugh, fine, gimme that- one hour and that's it!" He swiped the earring. Goku placed his on as well, he smirked at Todd, "Maybe next time-" The two of them slammed into each other and out came a powerful saiyan combination.

"ALRIGHT!" Vegito hopped onto the rubble, "And who are you?" Zamasu asked, his voice echoing. Vegito smirked, "You two doubled up so we did the same. You know just to play fair. We're a merged fighter, a combination between Vegeta and Kakarot. Vegito." Todd turned to 21 and whispered, "How does 'Vegeta' and 'Kakarot' get 'Vegito'?" He asked quietly, 21 shrugged, "I... don't know. Perhaps there was an error in translation or something...?" She pontificated, "And here's something new- Vegito BLUE!" Vegito roared as his hair turned a brilliant blue. Zamasu was taken aback, "You may be more powerful, but you're still not a GOD!" He roared as he threw out a massive orange energy orb. Vegito held up his hand and stopped the energy ball in his hands. He crushed it, causing it to explode, Vegito turned towards the Zamasu, "Okay, whaddaya say we wrap this up?"

Zamasu laughed at him, "Potara earrings? Does the mimicry have no end? You pathetic mortals always trying to emulate the divine? Now why is that? Is that because the gods are so wondrous? Are you coveting our undeniable beauty? I understand, but it's so tragic. Your mimicry is doomed to fail, acts of gods are beautiful because we are inherently pure. While mortal endeavors will inevitably become wicked. Corrupted and marred by si-" Vegito came flying in and punched Zamasu away. He smirked as he shouted at him, "Heh, sorry to be rude- but you left yourself completely open. Now come on, give me your best shot." He gestured for Zamasu to attack him, "I'm tired of listening to you preach. If you want me bowing at your feet, you'll have to do it by force."

Zamasu lurched up before speaking, it looked rather jarring and unnatural, "I don't need your prostrations mortal, I need you dead!" Zamasu charged at Vegito, blasting him through the ruined city. The two battled in the air as they exchanged kicks, punches and throws. A pink energy blast flew from the ground of the city. The two clashed and released a massive burst of white energy. 21, Todd, and Trunks all keeping track of the battle raging on through their energy. Then they suddenly felt Vegito disappear and replaced with... Goku and Vegeta! They didn't even need to look at each other as they blasted off towards the fight.

Todd grabbed Goku and 21 grabbed Vegeta while Trunks slashed his sword into Zamasu. The two clashed as Todd and 21 made their escape. The two groaned as Trunks started to hold his own against Zamasu. Todd looked to Goku, "Wait, why isn't he in the bottle for the evil containment wave!?" Vegeta growled, "Because that blubbering OAF forgot the seal!" Todd blinked, "I... I can make the seal!" He turned quickly to them, "We need paper and ink-" but then Trunks was slammed down in front of them.

Zamasu held up his energy blade, "Must I always show you mortals the arrogance of your ways?" He said grandiosely. Todd rolled his shoulders, readying himself for a fighting stance when 21 held out her hand, "Go, create the seal. I'll hold him off-" Todd blinked at her, "A-are you sure? I can stay and help and-" Vegeta roared at Todd, standing with everything he had left, "Go! We'll hold him off as long as we can!" Trunks and Goku grunted as they powered up to Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Blue, respectively. Todd nodded, flying off to create the seal while the rest remained to fight.

21 looked to her battered companions, they'd be unable to do much in this state. She took a breath as she powered up, the ground shaking around her. Zamasu charged after Todd but 21 blocked him. She looked into his red eyes, he looked into her blue eyes. He smirked, "You remind me of that woman we ran into... Ha, you could be so much greater if you just fed your sins! You could serve a divine purpose!" 21 grunted as she pushed him off, "You've gotta be kidding!" Red energy formed at her finger and she launched it at Zamasu, causing it to explode at him. As he slid across the ground, Trunks and Vegeta both threw up their hands, "Let's do it Trunks!" They both unleashed a mighty galick gun at Zamasu.

Todd arrived at the location Bulma was at, "Bulma, I need some ink and paper!" Bulma blinked, "Alright, let's go!" Todd found paper rather quickly and put it down on the table, Bulma threw him the bottle of ink. Todd slowly began to trace the symbol to conjure the proper evil containment wave. He looked around for something, anything, to put him in. Then he saw what he needed. He grabbed the ink bottle that he had been using, making sure to grab the cork. He ran outside and dumped the bottle as the paper on the ink dried. As soon as it had he gave Bulma a nod, "Thanks- we're gonna go save the future!" He blasted off, paper and inkwell in hand.

Todd arrived at the battle and Zamasu stood triumphantly over the lot of them. A massive purple raven was hovering behind him, "This is divinity! This is justice!" Todd flew in and shoulder checked him. Causing him to be sent flying, The only one left standing was Trunks. Todd flew down to him, "Hey, we can you do the evil containment wave?" He handed Trunks the paper and inkwell. Trunks nodded at him, "Yeah..." Todd powered up, "I'll keep him in place, you just make sure you get him," Trunks grunted in confirmation of the plan, "We got this!"

Todd began to power up, "Let's go Zamasu!" He shouted, Zamasu appeared, "You mortals are persistent I will destroy this world and make it beautiful!" He shouted as he raised his hand, a small orb of destructive energy was tossed down at him. Todd held up his hand, "Sorry Vegeta..." He muttered with a smirk, "Big bang attack!" And off fired a massive energy orb that caused them both to explode. Zamasu roared in anger as he charged down at Todd. Todd began to power up, "Let's go Zamasu!" He shouted, Zamasu appeared, "You mortals are persistent I will destroy this world and make it beautiful!" He shouted as he raised his hand, a small orb of destructive energy was tossed down at him. Todd held up his hand, "Sorry Vegeta..." He muttered with a smirk, "Big bang attack!" And off fired a massive energy orb that caused them both to explode. Zamasu roared in anger as he charged down at Todd. Todd stood waiting, as Zamasu came down at him Todd took a deep breath, grabbing Zamasu, tossing him into the ground. The God slammed into the ground and left a large crater, "HAAAAAAA!" Todd charged into Zamasu, his fists flying as he pounded into him. Todd channeled his energy, all of his focus into these punches, leaving no room for Zamasu to even counter.

However, Todd was merely a mortal. This onslaught of power caused him to tire as he dug further and further into the earth with Zamasu. Zamasu smirked as Todd finally slowed down, lifting his hand and blasting Todd back out of the crater, "This is DIVINITY! This is JUSTICE!" Todd was blown back and landed on the ground. Zamasu had thrown an energy blade that had cut into Todd, "I will make you suffer, mortal," He lifted his hand as energy blasts shot into Todd, pounding into him and draggin him across the ground. Red portals surrounded the Zamasu as they launched red blades into Todd, cutting him even further. He finally made his way over to the human. Zamasu held up his hand as an energy ball coalesced into his finger, he laughed, "Pathetic mortal, you think you can beat me? The divine being? You think you have what it takes to defy a god?" Todd groaned into the dirt, Zamasu lowered himself for a moment to grab Todd and hold him by his hair, "Consider yourself honored, mortal, I am granting you the gift of looking at my beauty as you die!" Zamasu slowly pushed the energy ball closer and closer to Todd, ready to kill him before a shout could be heard a few yards away

"EVIL CONTAINMENT WAVE!" Zamasu turned to see where the shout had come from- it was Trunks! Zamasu shouted in defiance as he was slowly dragged into the bottle, "No! Nooooooo!" Trunks directed him into the inkwell and quickly sealed it. Todd threw Trunks a thumbs up as the half-saiyans eyes began to well up with tears. The attack had worked. It was... Over...

Trunks gave the keys and the inkwell to Bulma, "Here you guys go!" Bulma looked over to him and frowned, "You're... not coming back?" Trunks shook his head, "No, I have to stay and help rebuild- but you can come to visit any time!" He said, smiling. Bulma threw her arms around him as Vegeta just stood there and gave his son a solemn nod of approval. Bulma looked over to Goku and spoke very plainly, "Okay, so, when we're back you're going to bring this to Xeno and ask him to do away with this-" and Goku nodded, "Yep! I got it, Bulma!" She shook her head, "I feel like I'll have to give this to Beerus instead of you..." Goku chuckled as she said that, "Yeah, probably!"

Todd and 21 were talking to Riley, "So, that's your girl, huh? You gonna put a ring on it?" Riley said slyly. Todd looked to 21 awkwardly, she blushed before looking away, "I think we'll find out eventually- hopefully you can be the best man!" He said with a hearty laugh, "I'll be sure to come back and grab you!" He lifted up his fist and offered his friend a fist pound, Riley returned it. Riley turned to 21, "Take care of him, I know he can be a knuckle head, but he loves you." He said with a smirk, now Todd and 21 were blushing. The time machine was a little cramped, but suffice it to say they all made it back.

When everyone left the shuttle, and returned to the present, Goku and Vegeta opted to update Beerus as to what had happened. Todd took 21 by the hand and whisked her away to a corner before they could be stolen by anyone else. Todd looked her in the eyes, "So... What's your answer?" He asked, bringing her hand to his face and kissing it lightly.

21 blushed, "Well..." She lowered her hands, "Todd, I want to say yes, but I-" She sighed, "I'm modeled after Gero's wife... Doesn't that feel weird to you?" Todd shrugged, "Not really...? Like, to an extent I guess but you were always 21 to me and I love you for who you are," He wrapped his hands around her's, "I think the best way for me to describe this is I understand that you were based off of her, but you are your own person and you have your own destiny... I hope that you'd tie both of our destinies together, is what I'm saying." 21 nodded, "Okay, well, if that is how you feel," She took a breath, revealing the ring on her finger, "Yes, Todd, I will marry you."

Todd tried to contain his excitement, but it was all for naught. He shouted and ki shot out of his hands accidentally, causing everyone to look over in their direction, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER THERE!?" Beerus shouted, visibly shaken. Probably by the news that Bulma had told him about. Todd lifted 21's hand and revealed it to everybody- "She said 'Yes!'" Everyone paused for a second and several quickly came over to them and began to discuss the ring and the circumstances and details. It was slightly overwhelming for the newly engaged couple, but they had weathered harder before.

Sorry it took so long for this chapter. I've actually been busy grinding actual Fighterz and I have a YouTube channel up! Look me up, Dabuddah453. I posted a Q&A video on my YouTube channel and feel free to ask any questions you have about the series or other general questions. I would love to post a Q&A chapter but FanFiction ToS doesn't allow for those. So please feel free to check out the Q&A video - /rW1N0KiMmQc