"Two waters and three Cokes, I'll be right back for them once I put in this order with Yoon." Yona said as she placed the tray down on the bar table, smiling at Jae-ha while tearing off the sheet from her notepad to give to their boy genius cook in the back.
Yona had started working at the restaurant the day Hak returned to work, insisting she needed to pull her own weight if she was going to live with him, and after much fighting and arguing he eventually gave in. She was scared to stay in the apartment by herself and this way she could earn money to help them both. She spent a few days training as she never really had a job before but she caught on quickly, and she got along with the other waitresses, Lily, Kaya and Yayoi. It took her some time to get to know how things worked but now she was beginning to adjust. She rushed back and handed the paper to Zeno who was assisting Yoon in the kitchen area. She spotted her brother over by the dish washing station, working so quickly she could see how he earned that nickname 'Lightning Beast' from Yoon.
"You seem to catch on quickly, Yona dear." Jae-ha commented as he had the tray of drinks ready once Yona returned to him at the bar. "One week and you've already charmed most of our regular customers. They ask for you when you're not here." He chuckled. "You must have been popular back in your neighborhood."
"Not really, but father kept me locked up at home a lot." Yona sighed as she grabbed the tray, it still stung thinking about her father that had been murdered in front of her nearly two weeks ago…. But it was getting easier to talk about him now. "And he had me in an all girl's private school most of the time, so I never really knew boys my age outside of my brother's few friends."
Jae-ha looked at her surprised. "Are you seriously telling me that you, a girl as cute as a button, have never been on a date before? Not even a girl's night out?"
Yona shook her head, taking the tray over to the table full of college students that were practically drooling over her as she gave the boys their drinks and returned over to the bar to answer Jae-ha. "Most of the girls in my school were the overly stuck up rich kids… I was considered kind of weird by most other girls and didn't agree with most of them. And like I said I didn't really know that many boys plus the fact father would have never let me go on a date alone… I had trouble just getting permission to go to the library to study late." She made a disturbed face just thinking about it. "At least before Hak moved away I could go a few places with him as father expected him to protect me… It makes me wonder if father thought I'd get kidnapped or something." She then frowned. "…. I guess I just never really knew how many enemies he had made until…"
Jae-ha pet her lightly on the head. "It's ok kiddo, really. He didn't want to worry you, fathers can be like that. My pop was a stubborn one himself and insisted on going to work even when he was a sick man, always wanting to keep from our family that we were struggling." He sighed and looked over to Kija for a moment. "… And he was very protective of us, he once fought off a bear to save Kija over there."
"Really?" Yona's eyes widened in surprise. "How did that happen?"
"Camping trip that went bad really fast." Jae-ha kept the answer short, grabbing a glass and starting to clean it to keep his hands busy so Valerie wouldn't growl at him for slacking off during work. "Even with bear claw marks all over him he still insisted on going to work when-" he caught himself right there. "Anyway, I doubt your father would want you to stay sad forever. You and Hak have to continue on with your lives, and I'm sure he'd want to keep a smile on your pretty face."
Yona giggled a bit at that. "You never miss a chance to be a charmer, do you?"
Jae-ha smirked and bowed dramatically. "When a beautiful lady is involved, my natural instinct is to wrap them up in silk and treat them delicately while reminding them of how lovely they are…." He then twisted his mouth. "Just some take it the wrong way every now and then."
"And then you have to deal with them trying to accuse you of sexual harassment, pervert." A raven haired girl approached the bar with some empty glasses. "Just because you think you're god's gift to women doesn't mean you are, shameless flirt."
"Awwww Lily dear, no need to be so harsh." Jae-ha laughed at the young woman's snarky comment. "And I don't think that way at all, I just appreciate beauty that's all." He winked at her, making Lily gag.
"I find it kind of charming." Yona admitted with a chuckle. "Like when that girl dumped that glass of water all over him and he still tried to sound romantic, even when he's all wet." She smiled as she turned to the bartender. "You don't put up an act or beat around the bush, you just tell it like it is and straight up make it clear what interests you. It's a bit refreshing."
"Well Lily just can't stand it when he flirts with her." A strawberry blonde stepped up to hand Jae-ha a few more empty glasses to be cleaned, Ao was perched on her shoulder. "Sometimes I swear he's overcompensating for Shin-ah being so shy."
"Well you would know, Yayoi." Jae-ha chuckled. "You're like the only girl he ever talks to since you two practically grew up in the same school together. Even Ao likes you just as much as my little bro." he reached over to pet the squirrel on the head.
"And just what is going on here?" Valerie stepped up with her arms crossed. "I don't recall sending all of you on break at once."
"Sorry Valerie!" Yona gasped, quickly rushing over to take another customer's order.
"Hey I'm just waiting for pervert to get the drinks ready." Lily replied dryly.
"I'm sorry!" Yayoi rushed back to work as well.
"Awwww sis, you didn't have to ruin the moment. I was surrounded by visions of loveliness!" Jae-ha sighed as he handed Lily the drink order and she stuck her tongue out at him before serving it to her customer.
Valerie narrowed her eyes as she tugged a bit on her twin's ear. "You better watch talk like that because one of them has a big brother in the back that would gladly rearrange your spine if he heard you trying to sweet talk his innocent little sister." She reminded him before releasing him.
"Ow ow ow… Point taken. After all the day Yona started working here he told me I better behave or else he'd break both my arms and legs, and then... Well, he would ensure that I can never flirt with a woman again..." Jae-ha chuckled even though he winced from the pain of his ear being tugged. He then grinned slightly while drumming his fingers over his chin. "Though it could be quite the foreplay if he ever decided to take me up on that threesome offer…"
Valerie raised her eyebrow at that. "Do I need to remind you what his answer was?"
The bartender chuckled and shook his head. "No, no, I remember it well – Never suggest that again if I wish to keep my tongue – or something violent like that." He laughed at the memory. "Sis I dunno how you do it, that leash has to get tight at times. I never thought you were the type to settle down, much less have a weakness for cute and romantic things, yet look at you now Val."
"It's a small price to pay… For what Hak gives me in return." Valerie said with a smile, winking at her twin. "Sure it's a heavy chain, but like a golden chain that I locked around myself, like chaining myself to the wall for all the lovely pleasure to come... Now if only Hak would puck up the courage and ask me to marry him, I'd give it all up for him... Because nothing beats when he's with me, and believe it or not Jae-ha it's really worth it. Having sex with random girls or guys feels empty after you've been with one you really do love." she then flushed when she realized she went on a ramble. "Hey I am a girl after all, we love things that get our hearts pounding, I thought you were an expert on women?"
Jae-ha laughed when she teased him about that at the end. "Sounds tempting, but think of what a great shame and a loss it would be for all the ladies of the world, if I were suddenly taken away from them. Maybe I just haven't found that one yet, you know? But who knows, she might be just around the corner, or maybe she's close by and we just didn't get to talk yet? It's possible..."
"It's possible that you're slacking again, Droopy Eyes." Hak was suddenly behind him, having heard just the ending of their conversation.
The bartender chuckled as he looked over his shoulder. "Sneaking up on me Hak? You know I won't complain if you'd like to take me from behind." He said in a teasing tone, knowing how easy it was to rile up his sister's boyfriend.
"If I took you from behind it would be to throw you down the gutter of your dirty mind so you could drown in it, pervert..." Hak growled at him, then turned to Valerie. "Val, we need to finish up the truck order when you're free. Also we should do a quick cleaning supply trip since Zeno overused the supplies cleaning the bathroom again."
"That's my husband for you." Kaya was passing by as she heard them. "At home when he gets around to doing something he overdoes it… But I must say when he does clean he goes all out." She giggled.
"And blows through all the bleach in the process. If you lit a match in there right now the room would explode." Hak commented with a sweatdrop on his head. "I had to put a fan in there to ventilate it."
"Oh well maybe our big brother is just giving you two an excuse to sneak off together for a few hours." Jae-ha teased with a wink. "After all the backseat of your truck must be comfortable for-" he was silenced by Hak smacking him on the head with a clipboard.
"Don't sound so jealous, brother dear." Valerie chuckled as she grabbed Hak's arm. "At least one of us is finally gaining our sibling's approval rather than them telling us to be more responsible."
Kaya narrowed her eyes. "I'll stop when you two actually start listening to your elders and stop competing so often at the expense of everyone's embarrassment. Somebody has to put you two in line."
"Yes, sister dear." Valerie chuckled, shaking her head as she led Hak to the storage to make a list of what they needed.
"Oh there they go, they're going to be there for a while." Jae-ha laughed.
"Why because counting takes a long time?" Yona asked as she heard them when she came to drop off some empty glasses.
The bartender chuckled, shaking his head. "Noooo, because they can't resist-" he was cut off once again, this time by his sister-in-law tugging on his ear, much like she'd seen Valerie do. "Ow ow ow ow! Hey Kaya that hurts!" he whimpered.
"There are some things you shouldn't say so bluntly." Kaya huffed, a hint of red on her cheeks just thinking about what he was suggesting.
"Is Kaya having fun pulling brother Jae-ha's ear?" Zeno chuckled as he approached them, hugging his wife from behind. "Time to go home though Kaya, shift is over!"
"Oh of course, and your little brother is up to his usual antics." Kaya said as she released Jae-ha, who was rubbing the sore ear from all the tugging it was getting today. "Good luck with rest of the shift Yona, just tell me if Jae-ha doesn't behave so I can put him back in line!" she giggled.
"Awwww not you too Kaya-chan." Jae-ha pouted. "Usually you don't gang up on me with the others."
"Yona here has been through enough, and I have to watch out for my possible future little sister." Kaya said with a giggle. "After all if Hak ever marries Valerie she'll be part of the family."
Yona flushed a bit just thinking about that, but also touched by the ease with which Valerie's family accepted her. "Thank you Kaya." She bowed to them as the couple left for the day. She then took a seat at the bar as it was time for her break at the moment. "Sorry Jae-ha."
That bartender raised his eyebrow. "Huh? Whatever for kiddo?"
"Because I know they all like to growl at you for saying things they worry will embarrass me or that I'm too innocent to understand." Yona said with a sigh, shaking her head. "… I mean I'm not stupid, I know that Hak and Valerie… Have… Done some things…" she flushed as she tried to banish an image that flashed in her head, from that one time when she accidentally caught the couple in the storage because they forgot to lock the door. "Just I know Hak treats me like I'm made of glass and it's rubbed off on everyone here, which isn't fair." She grumbled.
Jae-ha listened to her while wiping a glass and admiring that cute blushing face she had. "Yeah it's not fair, but on the flip side he was your big brother since the day you were born, that's not gonna change overnight... Unless you do something to show him what a grown up woman you are." he smirked as he threw that idea out there.
"Save your perverted ideas for yourself Droopy Eyes!" Hak called out from inside the storage room, having heard him.
"If I'm Droopy Eyes then what are you, Captain Rabbit Ears?" Jae-ha retorted, shaking his head and setting the clean glass in its place among a neat row of other glasses. "But, you know, it's just an idea."
"He's always had supersonic hearing I swear..." Yona held her head in frustration, her cheeks slightly flushed at Jae-ha's idea. "I was already having a hard time getting father to see me as a woman so I could go to college by myself, and after what happened to him..." she stiffened, it still stung thinking of that night as she lowered her head. "... Hak's just worried about losing me too I think."
"Well, you can't blame him there. It's what we older brothers do, worrying is our job." Jae-ha reached forward to touch Yona's chin and lift her a little higher so their eyes could meet for a second, then he patted her on the shoulder. "Were I in his position, I know that I'd be just as paranoid as he is, so that's why his rage doesn't bother me. When our parents passed away Val and I were really overprotective of Kija and Shin-ah I have to admit, being our little brothers."
"How old were you when it happened?" Yona asked, not minding his touch but still focused on his eyes. "Valerie mentioned it once that your parents died in a car accident…" she recalled one holiday Valerie was over and Yona and Hak's father had asked about her parents, but she didn't go into too many details.
The bartender twisted his mouth thinking it over. "It was almost ten years ago, not long after Zeno got married and moved in with Kaya…" his fingers were still drumming on Yona's shoulder as he recalled. "So me and Val were about 15, Kija was only 12 and Shin-ah was 8. Val kind of tried to take over as the mother of our group, with some help from Kaya of course." He smiled at the memory. "Me and Val agreed to get jobs immediately to help out even though our parents' insurance made sure the house was paid for. We eventually invested that money into this restaurant, took every cent we had but it was a major payoff."
"I see… I'm sorry that happened." Yona frowned, looking to the side. "… My mother died when I was really little, I don't even remember much about her…" she whimpered. "I was with her when…." She shivered just recalling the car accident that took her mother's life, and how foul play was suspected… "Father almost lost me too that night so I guess that's part of why he was so… Overprotective."
Jae-ha had a look of sorrow as he realized the meaning of her words, his fingers slowly stroking her chin as he lifted her head once more. "… So you ended up watching both your parents…. That's just… Too cruel Yona dear. Things like that can really break a person, I admire your strength pushing forward despite that." He smiled warmly. "Whenever you need a shoulder to cry on though, I'm always open to service."
That made Yona smile as she giggled. "I'll keep that in mind." She then blinked when she heard several groups of people coming in that Kija was greeting and showing to their tables. "Guess my break is over, I'll see you in a minute with their drink orders!" she hopped back onto her feet off the stool and rushed over to the first table.
Jae-ha smiled as he saw her rush off like that, then he noticed Valerie and Hak leaving the storage to get the supplies… And couldn't help but spot a few hickeys on the Thunder Beast's neck. "… Well at least somebody's having some fun around here." He snorted a laugh. "Have fun in there sis? I mean I expected you two to spend at least an hour in there." he called out.
Valerie though didn't respond at first, telling Hak something before walking over to the bar while her boyfriend headed to his car. She had a rather serious face as she walked up to her twin. "We're heading out to get the supplies Jae-ha, call me if anything is needed."
Her twin raised an eyebrow in suspicion at that serious face of hers. "… What happened Val? You look almost distressed about something."
Valerie looked to the side and noticed Yona was busy taking an order, so she knew she could speak freely. "… Hak got a phone call while we were in there from his father's lawyer." She said, looking at her brother in the eye. "… The man that murdered his and Yona's father committed suicide in prison yesterday, so they never got a confession out of him who his client was."
Jae-ha's eyes widened at that. "… Crap that was their only lead wasn't it?" he then noticed how stiff his sister was still and knew there was more to it. "… What else did they say?"
"That they suspect their cousin had hired the hitman just to take over their family's company." Valerie revealed, then heard a crash as Yona had dropped her tray. "Yona!" she gasped and rushed over to the redhead's side along with Kija who was closest to her.
"Is she ok?" Jae-ha asked, since he had to go around the bar area to come over and check on them.
Yona's eyes were wide and horrified, obviously while she seemed like she hadn't been paying attention she actually was listening. "…. Soo-won… Why would he…?" tears formed in her eyes just thinking about her cousin doing such a thing… But some of it was adding up with how distant he was at the funeral and how odd he was acting… But she didn't want to believe it, not her sweet cousin who… Was very cold to her the last year leading up to… Her mind was going all over the place now.
"Yona come here, I'll take you to my office." Valerie helped the girl stand and lead her away, then asked Shin-ah to help clean up the broken dishes and Yayoi to take over waiting on the customers.
"What upset her so badly?" Lily asked, not having heard anything until Yona dropped the tray.
"I'm not exactly sure." Jae-ha replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "Maybe Yona-chan is still having flashbacks to her trauma." He suggested while turning to one of his brothers. "Kija can you cover for me for a moment? I'm going to go get Hak." He figured if someone could explain this it would be Yona's brother… All he knew was Yona's horrified face worried him, and maybe there was a legitimate reason her family was paranoid after all….