"This is why everyone hates you!" Screams Geoffrey Hoytsman in the face of his young captive.

Jake Peralta, being said captive recoils at the outburst "Hoytsman, you are probably the only person on this Earth who hates me, but that aside, you don't have to do this."

Geoffrey stares, his drugged mind racing "Deflect, deflect, deflect! Is that all you know how to do, Peralta?"

Jake sneers, arms twisting to get free of the duct tape "Living in an ice cream truck isn't so bad, and who wants to be some soul sucking lawyer that lets bad guys off?"

"Me! I want to be that guy again!" Declares Geoffrey, hand reaching out to turn the camera back on.

Jake shutters as he's once again placed in the spotlight "What are you filming me for now? More confessions?"

Geoffrey laughs "Oh no, Jake, nothing like that ... This is your suicide note."

"My what? I'm not killing myself!" Attempts Jake, the males body tugging at the bindings keeping him trapped "No ones ever going to believe I took my own life, video or not."

At this Geoffrey halts, Peralta did seem to be the life of the precinct, he'd been tailing the cop for weeks now "You know what, Peralta? You're right, they won't believe it."

Jakes takes in a relieved breath "Great! Now that we've got that settled, can you untie me?"

Geoffrey laughs as the older male walks behind Jake, fingers grabbing hold of the ropes looped around his shoulders and tightens the bindings.

Jake yells in pain and a bit of confusion "Oww! What are you doing? You're plans ruined! No suicide."

Geoffrey leans down to whisper in Jake's ear, eyes never leaving the running camera "Then it'll be a murder."

Jake's eyes widen, all his fight quickly returns as he struggles for freedom, if he didn't get out now, he never would "Hoytsman! This is a really bad idea! It won't change anything!"

Geoffrey moves to Jake's front, smile upon his face as the captor fingers the black gag around Jake's neck "It'll change everything! With you gone, I can finally live in peace with my drugs."

"Really? No fancy job, loving wife and kids, you go straight to the drugs?" Deadpans Jake

"I need the drugs, Jake. They're all I've got left and it's all your fault! I thought having you confess would fix everything! Let's see what murdering you does?"

"No, Hoytsman! Just think about wha-" The black gag is once more stuffed in Jake's mouth "Mmmhm!"

Geoffrey pats the gagged man on his cheek "That's better, now I'm going to do some drugs, sit tight, Peralta."

Jake can only watch as Hoytsman snorts tube after tiny tube of cocaine, the elder passing out on the floor of the ice cream truck within seconds.

Jake's captive mind springs to life, working on a way out.

Ok, let's look at the facts, his legs were now duct tapped to the chair, thighs roped down, another rope confining his shoulders, wrists wrapped tightly behind his back and mouth effectively gagged with whatever prostitutes used.

There was no sliding out the door like before, Hoytsman had also locked that route, no leaning forward to head butt Geoffrey ... But there was still one means of escape left.

Brown eyes stare at the black device, Jake had never once been so happy as to have his cell phone, now, how to reach it?

The phone sat perched a top the freezer, he was tied a few feet away, is his arms had still been bound in front, Jake could reach no problem.

Jake muffled an irritated retort into the gag, head lifting upwards. There had to be a way of getting that phone! The one thing he needed to save his own life was literally right out of his reach.

Oh the irony of the situation, Jake did his job and this is what he gets? Sabotaged, kidnapped and murdered by some psycho druggie? No, not this cop, not happening!

Jake's body stiffens in preparation, mind and heart silently begging this plan worked.

With all the determination Jake Peralta had, the cop of the NYPD attempted to jump. It was extremely difficult and time consuming, not to mention loud, really, really loud.

Jake never lost sight of Hoytsman as he continued along, chair stomping it's way towards his savior, luckily all that coke Geoffrey had in his system was effective at keeping the man out cold.

Tiredly, Jake takes in what breathe his nose allows, this was really a lot more work than he'd expected, who knew jumping without use of your legs was hard?

Finally, Jake reached the table ... Uh-Oh, the captive tugged violently at his bindings behind his back, he had no way of picking up the phone!

He's already moved, there's no hiding that from Hoytsman, better to just wing it from here. More small and exhausting jumps land Jake directly in front of the table.

Ok, that's done, now step two of operation ... Ugh! Why wasn't his brain working? He couldn't even come up with a cool name!

This was just getting embarrassing, whatever, he'd work on a name later, right now, there's bigger fish to fry.

Painfully, Jake pushes forwards, ropes tightening as he pulls, he could just barely touch the tip of his nose on the phone key.

Without wasting another second, Jake nose dials the one and only person he knows would never miss his call, Charles Boyle.

The dial tone plays for a few seconds before Charle's booming voice happily echoes "Hey, Jake! I miss you, are you back yet? You'll never believe who solved our case."

Jake screams out his friends name as loud as possible, which wasn't much thanks to the gag, curse you prostitutes! "Chmmrlsss!"

"Jake? Are you alright? Blink once for yes and twice for no ... You k is what never mind, I can't see you, ok just talk for yes and don't for no?"

Jake nods his head "Ymmms" gave wavering towards Hoytsman still sleeping firm "Kimmmdppd!"

On the other end of the line, Jake can hear the hustle and bustle of the precinct, soon Charles returns, along with Terry and Captain Holt.

"Peralta, this had better not be some immature, naive prank you're pulling." Orders Raymond Holt

Jake sighs in relief, if anyone was going to get him out of this, Captain Holt was the guy "Kimmmdpdd, Mmelp eee!"

"I think Jake's in trouble Sir, he'd never pull a prank like this on me." Comes Boyle's voice

"Boyle's right, captain" states Terry "Jake may pull a lot, I mean a lot of pranks, but this right here? Doesn't add up."

Oh thank god for Charles and Terry! Once he gets out of this mess, he'd hug those two to death "Mmelp eee, Aptinnn!"

"Alright, I see your point, are you in any immediate danger, Peralta?" Speaks Holt

Jake turns to still man on the floor, uh that would be a big, fat yes "Eess!"

"I'm going to assume you said yes, do you know your location?" Questions Holt, he can hear typing of a keyboard in the background

Yes Jake knew where he was, ok not so much the area, but wherever Amy and Rosa had kicked him out of the car, he didn't answer.

"I'm tracking your phone now, Peralta ... We've got your location, I'm sending backup to you now." States Holt

"Hang in there, buddy! Charle's is coming to save you!" Beams Boyle

Jake smiles beneath the gag, he was getting out of here! Jake Peralta wasnt to going to die, ha! Take that Hoytsman.

The man doing drugs and knocking himself out had been just what Jake needed, only problem? Hoytsman was waking up.

Panicking, Jake muted the other calls end of the conversation and locked the phone, call still in place.

Hoytsman groggily lifts up his head, eyes wavering over Jake "Oh, hi Jake, what brings you here?"

Jake exhales in anger, but he wasn't making the mistake of telling Hoytsman his forgotten plan again.

Hoytsman rises to his feet, the man clearly coming off the high, taking a deep breath in through his nose "Ah drugs, such silly things, but they make me so happy! Want some, Jake?"

Jake shakes his head no, keeping no eye contact between himself and Geoffrey. The captor now throwing items aside, including Jake's phone in his haste.

"Bet you want that gag off?" Begins Hoytsman, lowering down as he slowly unwraps the tape binding Jake's feet to the chair "To be let go? Free to run amuck of the fine city of New York?"

Jake glares at the sight of Hoytsman's grin, that son of a bitch was enjoying this!

Hoytsman points the black revolver straight at Jake's chest "Get up, Peralta"

Jake rolls his eyes, head motions down at his still tied thighs, you know I can't.

"Oh right, I'm gonna untie you ... Don't try any more stunts, I'm still pointing this gun at you."

Jake begrudgingly agrees, help was on the way anyways, soon the tight bonds that cut off blood circulation to his legs are cut.

Hoytsman now stands, gun pointed "Now, get up" Jake struggles to stand, but the ropes over his shoulders had gotten too tight in his jumping.

"My bad" speaks Hoytsman as the man cleanly slices through the bonds, hand pulling Jake up by his dark strands of hair.

Jake's muffled retort of pain eggs Hoytsman on as he drags the man towards the now open freezer "Get inside, Peralta"

Jake stares, he'd just barely fit in that thing and he knew very well from every crime he's solved to never climb into a freezer.

Hoytsman aims the gun at Jake's head, releasing the safety "You can go in alive or dead, take your pick."

Oh how Jake hated this son of a bitch! There really was no choice here, if he chose death, there's Hoytsman's suicide, if he chooses alive ...

"I'm sick of your games, Peralta!" Screams Hoytsman, gun not faltering "Get in!" The cocking sound echoed throughout the tiny, cramped truck.

Jake, dejectedly raises his left and right foot, going from standing, siting to laying down in the harsh frost.

"Was that so hard? Is it really so hard to do as your told?" Speaks Hoytsman, duct tape now in hand "Put your legs together"

Jake shakes his head in annoyance, but moves his feet close, tight layers of duct tape sealing the two together.

Hoytsman throws the tape over his shoulder, the man stands in his drugged triumph over Jake "There, nice and cozy, eh Jake? Wanna make one last bet?"

Jake glares, the betting was from the first night they'd met, the night he'd caught Hoytsman doing drugs in the bathroom.

"I bet I can survive in this freezer longer than you."

Jake halts, didn't that imply he'd be going first? Confused eyes and tilting head prompts Hoytsman to continue.

"What's that? No Geoffrey, I bet I can stay in here the longest ... Well, ok Jake, whatever you say."

Jake tries to contain his fear as the freezer lid is closed and by the sounds of it, padlocked shut.

The cold drastically increases, Jake had no doubts the freezer was now at below zero, he'd freeze to death in a matter of minutes.

Bound feet kick at the lid, little bits of light coming through, muffled yells run beneath the gag.

Thankfully, the sharp ice was enough to cut through the tape binding his wrists. Jake wrenches the disgusting gag from his mouth "Hoytsman!"

The man in question laughs from above, the bastard was now sitting on the lid.

"Hoytsman, this isn't right! I was just doing my job, I did everything in my power to keep you out of jail!" Breathes Jake, cold seeping into his lungs.

"Please, you didn't do any of that for me, you wanted to get into Sofia's pants! You never should have arrested me."

Jake's fists smack against lid, bound feet kicking, he didn't have enough room to reach his legs "Look, yes technically I did it for Sofia, but it helped you in the long run too, all you had was 40 hours of community service."

"Smart, Peralta, use up all your air in one go, feel the burning in your lungs yet?"

Oh Jake felt the burn, his throat felt as though it were on fire, he'd lost feeling in his body sometime ago, his breaths were beginning to falter.

Hoytsman took the pained wheezing and lack of hits to be a yes "I'm going to ruin your life, Peralta. Just like you ruined mine ... Killing you is just a bonus."

Of course his violent and tragic murder was only a mere consolation prize "Any ... Time now ... Guys"

Jake could feel his body giving into the freeze, the tightness of his muscles, but if there was one thing about Jacob Peralta? He never did what he was told.

Frozen fists thump onto the lid, this was all Jake could do, but he'd damn well keep doing it. The hits became more pained as time went on, his arms freeze in place, aggravating Jake even more.

His squad had to show up now, he wouldn't last much longer, watery tears instantly freeze down his cheeks, eye lids close and shuttering breaths slowly stop.

Alright guys! I've officially fallen in love with this show, so much potential, hope you like it :)