Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Lucifer. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Fox and now Netflix.

"Pardon, I didn't mean to interrupt," the man said as he entered.

"You didn't." Pierce said. "I assume you're the British liaison?"

"Yes. I'm agent Potter."

Pierce nodded. "Well, agent Potter, this is the team that you'll be working with while you're here."

Chloe held out her hand. "I'm Detective Chloe Decker." She shook Potter's hand. "And this, is –"

"Lucifer Morningstar, the brains of the team." Lucifer interjected.

Chloe briefly closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Lucifer, please. He's my civilian consultant."

"I was only introducing myself, Detective," Lucifer said. "Well, Draco, aren't you going to introduce yourself."

Before Draco could respond, Harry interrupted with a small chuckle. "Draco and I actually already know one another. We were at school together when we were younger."

Lucifer's face lit up. "Really? What sort of naughty things do you know about him?"

"Erm" Harry looked around the room awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, please ignore him" Chloe interrupted.

Harry nodded. "Okay, well in that case, as long as it's alright, I would like to take a look at the bodies."

"Absolutely. We still have both in our morgue," Chloe said. "I'll ask the CSI on the case, Ella Lopez, to meet us there."

Harry nodded. "That would be great, thank you." He turned to Pierce. "Thank you for your cooperation, lieutenant."

"Of course. I hope you guys get to the bottom of this soon."


As they walked over to the lab, Draco and Harry fell behind the others. Harry smiled warmly at Draco. "So, detective, huh? Never would have guessed."

Draco shrugged. "I enjoy it." He briefly looked ahead at Lucifer and Chloe who were immersed in their own conversation. "Thank you for not engaging Lucifer back there. He's a little too nosy for my taste."

Harry laughed. "I could tell. Besides, I'm not in the habit of gossiping about my coworkers."

"Yeah about that, I know that this probably is not your first choice of assignment, but I hope that we can keep things professional in spite of our history."

Harry stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Is that what you think? That I was forced to be here?"

Draco lifted his shoulders. "I don't know. Am I wrong?"

Harry began to walk again. "Yes. In fact, they gave me this assignment because MACUSA had already approved me to operate in the area." He looked around quickly to make sure no one was around. "If you remember, Hermione had to be taken off your case. I volunteered to take over for her."

"You volunteered?" Draco asked.

"Erm, yeah. I kinda wanted some downtime and I figured you might benefit from having an agent on your case that doesn't think you're the Devil."

"Oh, so you don't think I'm the Devil?" Draco laughed. "Could have fooled me."

"Yeah, now I just think you're mildly irritating."

"Oh well, I'm flattered," Draco said. He looked ahead and saw that Lucifer and Chloe had gone into the morgue. "So, downtime, huh? How's that working out for you?"

Harry smiled and gave a slight nod. "Yeah well, tracking a group of blood purist extremists was not exactly what I was thinking of when I said I wanted downtime."

"I'm trying not to assume that you seek out trouble, but you don't make it very easy."

"Honestly, at this point, I can't really blame you for it."

Chloe poked her head out of the morgue. "We have the bodies here if you would like to take a look at them, agent Potter."

"Thank you, detective Decker. I'll be right in." He turned to Draco and stretched his hand towards the door of the morgue. "After you, Malfoy"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Ever the chivalrous Gryffindor, aren't we, Potter?"

Harry sighed. "Just go inside please." Draco and Harry walked into the morgue where Lucifer, Chloe, and now Ella were waiting for them.

"What took the two of you so long?" Lucifer asked with raised eyebrows.

Harry scratched the back of his neck. "We were just catching up a little." He turned to Ella. "I'm agent Potter, and I'm assuming you're Ella Lopez." He looked down at the two bodies on the tables. "So what am I looking at here?"

"Well, both of these vics are John Does. We found apartment keys on both of them, so it's just a matter of time before unis figure out who they are," Ella said. "Both of them were found in public areas covered in premortem injuries except for one." She carefully peeled away the sheet covering the first victim's body. "This was carved into the chest of both victim's postmortem."

Harry breathed in sharply. "My God." He rubbed his forehead and glanced at Draco with narrowed eyes. Draco spread his hands and raised his eyebrows, and Harry turned back to the marred body. "And the other mark?"

Ella nodded and began to turn over the body. "It's a brand on his back. It's a little hard to tell what it is because it was made postmortem, but I personally think it looks like a worm and a jar."

"Or a snake and a skull" Harry muttered to Draco. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Pierce said these kills resembled some from a British terrorist group. Is that because of these two marks? Or the way that they were positioned in public?" Chloe asked.

Harry sighed. "It's complicated." He quickly glanced at Draco. "The mark on their chests on its own wouldn't be enough to point at this group. It's actually a slur in some small circles or at least that's what we've been able to gather. While this group is known to target people that they deem . . . 'mudbloods,' they usually don't carve it into their bodies and the group has been disbanded for a while now." He pointed at the brand on the man's back. "This mark is what had us concerned."

"Is it some sort of terrorist calling card?" Lucifer asked. "Or some sort of religious symbol? I feel it looks like a mark of one of those misguided groups that think I want to be worshipped by a group of unlikeable, disturbed teenagers led by middle aged predators."

"Sort of," Harry said. "In the past this has been a mark that each member of the group was branded with. I've never seen any of these marks on one of their victims before, but this mark is only ever used by this specific extremist group."

"If they didn't mark their victims with either of these marks in the past, why would they start now?" Chloe asked. "Like Lucifer was mentioning, most religious extremists are extremely ritualized in their attacks. It seems odd that their rituals would change but maintain some of the same symbols."

Draco rubbed his arm. "Maybe they're not a religious group. There's nothing here to suggest any sort of religious connection except what looks like a skull on that brand mark."

"Malfoy's right," Harry said. "This group has historically been connected to politically and I guess what could best be described as racially motivated attacks."

"Racially motivated? Well, I guess that explains the violence and the use of words referencing purity." Ella frowned. "But the thing is, I wouldn't think both vics would be targeted by the same racist group. I mean look at them. The first vic we found was darker than the second vic. It doesn't seem like someone with extreme racial prejudices would lump them in together."

"He didn't say it was racial." Draco interjected. "It's just the closest thing to it."

Harry nodded. "It's about some sort of genetic purity, but honestly this group has been a mystery to us for a while now. It seems to us that the members believe they are somehow superior to their victims, but their victims have remained extremely hard to predict. We caught their leader and the major members of the group a while back and since then we haven't heard anything from them. Not until this."

Chloe's phone rang. "Dan?" She paused and listened. "Sounds good. Send me the address." She hung up, and turned back to the others. "They found the address of the first vic. His name is Jordan Garcia, and his roommate is available for questioning." She looked at the first victim. "Do you need more time with the bodies, agent Potter?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm all set for now. Thank you for your help, Ms. Lopez."


Harry looked out the window as Lucifer and Chloe sat in the front of the car bickering. From what he could gather, they seemed to be discussing something about Lucifer's father. Harry really couldn't make heads or tails of the whole conversation. For some reason, Lucifer seemed to be accusing his father of everything imaginable, and Chloe, understandably, was having none of it.

He looked over at Draco who was sitting next to him in silence. He didn't really know what to make of him. Back in school, Draco had been loud and arrogant, but now, he was reserved and watchful. Make no mistake, he still gave off a proud air. However, it no longer felt designed to destroy the self confidence of everyone around him.

Harry started as Draco suddenly took out his mobile. Draco sighed as he looked at his screen, and typed something back. He ran a hand through his platinum hair.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked.

Draco slid his phone back into his pocket. "Just can't help yourself, Potter, can you?"

Lucifer and Chloe had stopped bickering a little while back, and Draco's sharp response caught their attention.

"I'll take that as a no, then." He leaned into Draco. "Seriously, what's wrong? Don't try to tell me that was just a random text."

Draco gritted his teeth and leaned away from Harry. "Please refrain from interrogating me in these circumstances. It's unprofessional."

Harry sighed. "Stop being paranoid. I'm not trying to interrogate you. I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. Hermione said that you've been adjusting weirdly well, but I wasn't sure if she was overselling your progress."

"Well, since you're so concerned, I would like to inform you that my mental state is rapidly deteriorating as this conversation continues."

Lucifer's eyes widened. "Well, well, and the claws come out." He squirmed in his seat and contorted his body to look at Draco and Harry. "You two don't need to be hostile. Just look at the detective. She and detective Douche get along splendidly at work."

Chloe cleared her throat. "Of course Dan and I work well together." She gave Lucifer the side eye. "Even if we hadn't separated on good terms, we would still work well together. We are both professionals that don't allow our personal feelings to affect our work."

Harry shot Draco a questioning look. "I'm glad to hear that, Detective, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand what Lucifer is saying."

Draco rolled his eyes. "You're thick, you know that? He was implying that we were jaded former lovers forced by a cruel world to work with one another."

Harry barked a laugh. "I'm afraid that's very far from the truth, Lucifer. I'm sorry we're not able to be a live telenovela for you."

"I wouldn't worry about it." Chloe said. "Lucifer is perfectly capable of entertaining himself. He really does not need any more help."

"You say that like it's a bad thing, Detective. However, I find that most people enjoy how fascinating I am." His eyes brightened. "Like Carol from HR for example."

Draco shook his head and turned back to his mobile. "So what exactly are we hoping to get out of this roommate?"

"Well, he's probably not a suspect given the nature of the killings, but he might be able to help us establish a connection between the two victims." Chloe sighed. "I'm also hoping that he might let us look at some of Jordan's things."

"You could have done that at the morgue, Detective. He was right there."

Chloe pointedly ignored him. "We're here. Let's go."

As Chloe and Lucifer got out of the car, Harry stopped with his hand on the handle of the car door.

Draco looked at him incredulously. "What the hell are you doing?" He waited a moment for Harry to move, but Harry stayed put. "I don't know if you realize, but in order for both of us to get out, you need to move."

"I will in a moment." He sighed. "I just wanted to make something completely clear. I'm not out to get you, so you can stop being so paranoid."

"Is that all?"

Harry shrugged. "I guess."

"Okay, then move." Draco gestured to the door of the car with his chin. Harry opened the door, and they both got out to join Lucifer and Chloe.

Wow! Now I know that house points really do motivate people. Congrats and of course 20 house points to the people who guessed right about the liaison! On a more serious note, I hope that everyone is safe and healthy, both physically and mentally, right now.

Thank you for all the feedback and support, and thank you so much to everyone who favorited, followed, and gave Kudos.