Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Lucifer. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Fox.

It was an average weekday night at Lux and Lucifer Morningstar was bored out of his mind. He and the detective were between cases and there was no one in his club that caught his very particular eye.

While it may not seem to the casual observer, Lucifer was very picky about whom he gave his attention to. They had to be speckle, capture his fancy somehow. He was Lucifer bloody Morningstar after all; he had standards.

He had almost given up his search when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a flash of white. His gaze settled on a young man, in his early to mid twenties, whose hair had caught the eye of the devil himself. The platinum blond man had been sitting under the balcony that Lucifer was observing his domain from, and so the devil had not been able to see him until the blond moved to get another drink from Maize's current replacement—Tony or Tommy or something—; Lucifer couldn't remember the bartender's name.

"Well, hello there." Lucifer looked down at the other man in an almost predatory fashion as if the devil was indeed a hungry wolf and the other an unguarded lamb. Lucifer quickly descended from his throne-like perch so that he might meet the blond morsel that had stepped into his domain.

"Scotch, neat," the blond ordered, his lack of an American accent exaggerated by his unique drawl.

"Make that on the house," Lucifer added, sliding up next to the other man at the bar. When the blond turned around to face Lucifer, the devil stuck out his hand. "Lucifer Morningstar. And your name is?"

The blond gingerly accepted the offered handshake, shaking Lucifer's hand with a sort of cool confidence. "Draco Malfoy."

Lucifer smiles at the name. This young man, Draco, just kept getting more and more interesting. "So tell me, Draco, what brings you to my club?"

Draco scoffed bitterly. "Something this drink is supposed to help me forget about," he answered evasively.

Lucifer raised his impeccably shaped eyebrows and shifted a little closer to the blond man. "You know, there are ways to forget problems besides drinking yourself to death," he said suggestively.

Draco bluntly looked the other man up and down appraisingly. "Are you offering?" he asked, flashing the Devil his signature smirk.

Lucifer chuckled at Draco's forward behaviour. "Of course."

Draco looked down at the counter of the bar, swishing his drink around in his glass. He so wanted to let loose. He was far away from home; no one would know if he accepted the offer that this very attractive muggle was making. An offer that was ever so tempting to Draco. Besides, the muggle was a man, so there was no chance of knocking him up, something Draco had to consider as a Malfoy. But still, what would his father have thought?

Lucifer was Draco's doubt and gently lifted Draco's chin with a finger. "Tell me, Draco, what do you truly desire?" Lucifer had to thought that that would relax the other, but Draco did not let anything slip. Rather Draco's eyes narrowed defensively at the question, and Lucifer quickly changed course. "Let your desire out, just for the night."

Draco met Lucifer's eyes with a burning gaze. "No strings and no attachments?"

"None," Lucifer replied. He quickly led Draco away from and had and up to his private rooms.


"Finally!" Lucifer cried out after he received the call from Chloe about the new case. Apart from Draco the night before, Lucifer's day had been quite boring until the call from the detective while he had been eating his lunch.

Draco had left Lucifer before the devil had even opened his eyes that morning, and even after spending the night with him, Lucifer still knew next to nothing about the enigma that was Draco Malfoy. On top of saying nothing of his desires when pressed to do so by Lucifer, he also had a strange tattoo that he attempted to hide.

However, Lucifer had no time to ponder over the last night's companion, for he had to go join his charming detective at the scene of the crime.


"Oh dear," Lucifer remarked. He looked at the corpse with an expression of disgust. "What on earth happened to the poor soul?" He asked the detective.

"Something was used to sever his head and to rip apart his limbs, but that's not what killed him. It was blood loss. We're still waiting for forensics to identify the weapon that was used to tear him apart," Chloe answered.

"If dismemberment didn't kill him, why tear him apart?" Lucifer mused. "And why put him back together? Chopping someone up is one thing, but reassembling him and propping him up is just creepy. I mean sure, the guy is ugly, but no one deserves that."

Chloe clenched her teeth. "His name was Henry Vernon. He was a teacher at Howard Preschool. Show some respect." Even after she had been working with him for a while, Lucifer's nonchalance towards cadavers was irritating to the detective.

"He took care of those miniature humans all day?" Lucifer exclaimed in disbelief. "I don't know if he was a masochist or just insane."

"Alright, alright, come on. We have to get back to the precinct." Chloe pulled Lucifer back to the car and the team drove away from the crime scene.


As soon as Chloe and Lucifer walked into the precinct, Dan strode up to them. "Chloe" he said addressing his ex-wife, "Pierce wants to talk to you in his office."

"Really?" Chloe asked, confused. "Is it about the new case because it was given to me. I had every right to be at that crime scene." There had recently been confusion about claiming cases so Pierce's request worried Chloe.

Dan furrowed his eyebrows. "Woah, Chloe, slow down. I have no idea why he wants to see you. Just go and talk to him before you worry about your case. I don't think he looked any more upset than usual, but I really just don't know why he wants to talk to you. For all we know you just forgot to sign a report or something. Don't worry about it."

Chloe sighed at her outburst. "I'm sorry. I just . . . something about my new case has me on edge. Maize is between bounties and she and Trixie are driving me up the wall." She gave a tired smile to her ex-husband. "Oh well, better just go find out what Pierce wants. Oh and, Dan, can you watch Lucifer for me while I go talk to Pierce. You know, just keep him out of trouble."

"Um, sure," agreed Dan, and so leaving Dan and Lucifer. Chloe tried to collect her frayed nerves and then went into the lieutenant's office.

When she entered the lieutenant's office, Chloe was surprised to see that there was another person besides Pierce in the room. Pierce was sitting behind his desk the way he always did while the second man who was young with blond hair and was dressed in an impeccably pressed dark suit. The stranger was standing near the door of the office and seemed to have been in the middle of speaking when he was interrupted by Chloe's arrival in the office of the lieutenant.

"Oh, Chloe, there you are," Pierce greeted her. "Chloe this here is Draco Malfoy. Draco this is detective Chloe Decker."

Draco shook hands with Chloe. "Pleasure to meet you."

Chloe raised her eyebrows at his accent. "It's nice to meet you too," she said slowly as she was very confused about what exactly was going on.

"Draco just passed is detective exam before he was transferred here," Pierce informed Chloe. "I want him to work with you and Lucifer on the next couple of cases. You know . . . get some on the job experience before we assign him a partner and let him ditch the training wheels."

Chloe gaped at the Lieutenant. Even though Pierce was beginning to warm up to her, she had no idea that he trusted her or Lucifer enough to assign them a newb-e. Chloe coughed to clear throat before answering. "Sure, yeah, okay. That's fine, great actually. You know, the more the merrier and all that." She cut herself off before she could embarrass herself anymore with her rambling. "Come on Draco- can I call you Draco? Let's go meet the civilian consultant that I work with."

"Draco is fine," Malfoy assured Chloe as they left Pierce's office. "Thank you for agreeing to let me follow along with you. I know Pierce sort of put you on the spot just now so to speak."

"It's fine. It will be good to have a fresh set of eyes and a new voice around here." Chloe narrowed her eyes as she searched the room for her partner. "Besides, I had a great time shadowing a more experienced detective when I had just passed my detective exam. It's good to pay it forward if you know what I mean." Finally her eyes found Lucifer who was glaring at a stack of paperwork on her desk as if it in some way offended him. "Oh there he is."

As Chloe and Malfoy crossed the room to reach Lucifer, the devil looked up from his staring contest with the papers. When Lucifer saw Draco with Chloe, he grinned. "Well hello again!" he greeted Draco.

"What?" Chloe asked. "Never mind. Lucifer, this is Draco Malfoy. Draco this is Lucifer, my partner." Chloe turned to Lucifer and spoke to him in a serious tone. "Draco is going to be working with us for the next few cases so that he can get some experience under his belt, so please be nice to him."

Lucifer put his hand to his heart in mock offence. "When am I never not nice, detective." Lucifer smirked and continued. "Besides, I wouldn't worry about him, detective. He already has plenty going on under his belt."

Chloe's eyes widened. "Lucifer!" she chided her partner. She was used to his innuendos, but now was really not the time. She turned to Draco who was standing next to her, sort of frozen in place as he stared at the devil. "I'm sorry about him. He's really inappropriate with everyone, but that does not mean that he should not know better!"

"Oh, no. It's fine," Draco responded, Chloe's apology shaking him out of his shock at seeing his very recent one night stand. He was terrified that someone from his world would find out what he slept with, but he tried to calm down, reasoning that no one would find out because he was so far from home and no one knew him here or at least he was trying to convince himself of that.

"You see, Detective. I met Draco last night when he was having some drinks at Lux," Lucifer explained. "We only met in passing, but he made quite the impression."

"Oh, okay then. Glad you two have already met then," Chloe replied slowly, not entirely sure how to respond to Lucifer. Everything he had said was completely PG, but there was this Lucifer hint in his tone that made it sound like there was more to his and Draco's meeting than Lucifer was letting on.

Draco shot Lucifer a grateful look behind Chloe's back. He was not by any means repressed, but Lucifer's status as a muggle made sleeping with him something to be ashamed of. Plus, Draco was a private person. He did not want everyone knowing whom he shagged. The only problem that the pureblood community had with homosexuality was that same sex pureblood couple could not produce a suitable pureblood heir, so as long a Draco had an heir, his bisexuality was pretty much a non issue.

"Oh, Chloe! You will never believe what I found traces of on our vic during the preliminary examination of the corpse!" Ella yelled, running up to the trio. "Oh hey, you're the new guy," Ella noticed upon seeing Draco. "Draco Malfoy, right? A detective? I am Ella Lopez. I'm working forensics on this case. Anyway, It is nice to meet you." Ella gave the blond one of her signature hugs. Draco, caught by surprise, simply stood awkwardly with his hands pinned to his sides by Ella's monster hug.

Chloe cleared her throat. "Um, Ella, You wanted to tell me something interesting you found on out vic's body." Since everyone at the precinct had gotten used to Ella's monster hugs, Draco's expression of surprise and confusion was really quite entertaining to Chloe, and she was trying very very hard to maintain a straight face.

"Yeah, it is complete gold. Believe me guys," Ella answered, finishing her greeting hug and then completely changing gears in her brain. "It's kind of hard to explain. Come to the lab and I will show you what I mean when I say pure gold."

As the group followed Ella to her lab, Draco leaned towards Chloe and whispered, "Is she always so . . ." He trailed off as he struggled to find the right word.

Chloe laughed quietly at his question. "Happy? Friendly? Morbidly excited by the case?" she supplied. "She's complicated, but she has a great heart, and you will get used to the random hugs. She is a self named hugging person. Plus, she is amazing at her job."

In her lab, Ella buzzed around like a dragonfly who had too much caffeine. She pulled up the results of the preliminary tests on the cadover to show the two detectives and civilian consultant.

"So, Ella, what did you find?" Chloe asked once Ella had ceased her bee like movements.

"Okay, so when we were examining the body, we saw some bruising on the left arm in one of the places that was still intact that looked like someone had forcefully stabbed our guy with a needle of some kind, but had trouble finding a vein so he had to stab multiple times, causing a lot of bruising in the area. We tested his blood and found a lot of this certain kind of sedative in the remaining blood after you know, the killer bled him out." Ella clasped her hands in excitement.

Chloe furrowed her eyebrows. "So whoever chopped this guy up used a sedative to knock him out and make is easier to tear him apart. That makes sense." She looked at Ella hopefully. "Was this by any chance a rare super traceable sedative?"

Ella made a face. "Not exactly." Seeing the disappointed looks of the others, Ella elaborated. "It is sort of a homegrown version of a super popular sedative. That's why our tests picked it up so quickly. Even though some of the ingredients are different, the sedative we found in this guy's blood seems to behave very similarly to this commonly used medical sedative that we usually test for first when we are looking into possible injections."

Lucifer's mouth spread into a wide toothy grin. "So what you are saying, Ms. Lopez is that our killer cooked up his own drugs and then used some of them to incapacitate the poor sop we saw earlier." Ella nodded and Lucifer began to wistfully think out loud. "I wonder if our killer makes any other drugs from scratch. Do you think he makes some good meth. It would be great if he did. I'm running kind of low and I would love to kill two bird with one stone, catch a killer, and get some more meth."

Ella gigled and Draco stared at Lucifer in confusion. He could not figure out whether Lucifer was making a joke or if he was just stupid enough to discuss the purchase of illegal drugs in front of a detective. That was like arranging to meet a girl in the great hall at night while standing directly in front of Filch and Ms. Norris.

Chloe sighed defeatedly. "I am going to pretend like I did not just hear that. Ella, can you keep chasing down this sedative lead?"

Ella nodded. "Of course. I will try to hunt down all the different ingredients."

"Thanks, Ella." She turned to Lucifer and Malfoy. "We need to go talk to his family members and try to find out about any previous grudges or threats. Oh, and, Lucifer, I'm driving today."

An: So this was just a fun little story that has been buzzing around my head and I just wanted to get it down. Let me know what you think and if I should continue this. Thanks so much for reading!