Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

The group of three exited the store with Yukazu already downing a bottle of apple juice. Ran sweat drop at the boys love for the drink. They were walking but Yukazu saw something out of the corner of his eye. He looked up the stairs that lead to the shrine. The place they were filming earlier and saw someone standing at the top of the strairs.

"Who's there!?" He shouted.

Ran and Yoko look up the stairs to see the person that Yukazu saw run off into the night.

"Could it be a shrine robber?" Yoko asked.

They all rush up the stairs to the shrine but when they got to the top. It was pitch black and Ran had to bring out a flash light. She scan the area. In mere moments, everyone saw a body on the floor covered in blood. Ran along with Yoko proceeded to scream while Yukazu rush over to the man. He put a finger on the neck to see if it had a pulse. However, there was none.

"Ran get the police, he's dead." Yukazu said.

Lights switched on as the body and the surronding area were lit up like a christmas tree. Officiers filled the area in an instant as Kogoro, Ran and Yukazu including everyone from the cast were part of the investigation.

"Takagi-san." Yukazu said.

"Hey, Kofura-kun."

Megure watch as Yukazu went over to Takagi as the two settled into small talk. They were still trying to get a feel of one another. Megure would focus his attention back on the indiviuals in front of him. Since Kofura became pre-occupied.

"The victim is Morio, Anzai. The murder weapon seems to be a knife. I know several of you were out of the hotel. Taeko-san, what were you doing out so late?" Megure asked.

"I went out browsing for a set of earrings to wear for our wedding." She answered.

"Can anyone confirm this?" Megure asked.

She shock her head.


"I went to get some cigarette's but I don't have anyone to prove that."

"Nachi you were staying at a different hotel, correct?" Megure asked.

"Yes, I couldn't possibly stay at that vulgar hotel."

"Can anyone confirm that you were in the hotel at 10:00-10:30pm?" Megure asked.

"I was at the bar until 10:00pm, there were witnesses." Nachi answered.

"But not after which means you could be a suspect." Megure said.

Yukazu would break away from Takagi as the man said that he had to get back to work. The child would visit the dead body of Anzai as he looked around the crime scene.

'There has to be something we're missing.' Yukazu thought.

The boy found Anzai's finger pointing towards something and he look to see that their was writing on the stone tabs. His eye's narrowed at seeing the drawing as letters.

'That spells Nachi...wait...those letters weren't wrote correctly.'

Yukazu took a longer and more anyaltical look. His eye's widen at seeing that the letters were actually broke. apart and knew that they were written there by someone else. He removed the letters making 'Nachi' and his eyes widen at the true murderer.

'I see it now!' Yukazu thought.

"The Knife doesn't have any finger prints on it." Takagi reported.

Megure gave a sign, this was going to get harder. He just prayed that things would get easier from here on out. It seems that the gods were smiling on him tonight as another officer ran up to him.

"Megure I found these photos in Nachi's-san draw." The Officer said.

Everyone look at the photo's given to Megure. Their eyes widen in shock aside from Nachi's whos went to horror.

"That's Actress, Ritsuko Hagiyama and Shingo Nachi going out together." Ran commented.

"But she is married." Yuji stated.

"It seems you have a motive for murdering Anzai. He was blackmailing you, let's go have some words at the station." Megure stated.

"I didn't kill him! I was already planning to meet him tonight but when I got here, he was already dead!" Nachi shouted.

Yukazu bolted into action and with the attention on Nachi, the boy hide behind the tree. Then proceeded to lean out from it to aim the wrist watch at Kogoro.

'Let's see if this even works.' Yukazu thought.

He press the trigger to fire the dart and to his luck the dart shot out of the wrist watch. Then landed right into Kogoro's neck. The man stiffen at being given a sharp poke, Kogoro felt very sleepy. He stumbled back into the tree Yukazu hid behind. The loud thud of Kogoro hitting the tree got everyone's attention. They saw him leaning up against the tree with his eyes closed. The man was out cold as the dart put him to asleep but no one notice. Yukazu pulled out the bow tie that he kept hidden in his pocket. He turn it on to adjust the knobs before speaking.

"Mouri, whats wrong?" Megure asked.

"You're about to send the wrong person to jail. Nachi didn't commit the murder."

"What do you mean!?" Megure shouted.

"The victim left a dying message idenifiying the killer. However, it has been tampered with after closely inspecting it." Kogoro/Yukazu stated.

Megure rush over to see the dying message they had miss on their initial run on checking the body. He read the message before giving Kogoro a dead pan look.

"It says Shingo Nachi." Megure said.

"Really? Then why is some of it new and the rest dried up?" Kogoro/Yukazu asked.

Megure gave a sign as he looked more closely. The man eye's widen at finally seeing what Kogoro meant and indeed if one look at it close enough. They could see that part of it was dried up while the rest seem too new. Kogoro was actually right.

"Then who could have done it?" Megure asked.

"Remove Shingo Nachi from the name and you should see the real killer." Kogoro instructed.

Megure eye's adjusted to the dried blood and they widen at finidng the killer. He looked right at her.

"Taeko Mamegaki!?" Megure shouted.

Everyone looked at the scriptwriter as she gave a horrified face.

"No! I did it! I killed Anzai!" Yuji quickly shouted.

This got her to snap out of it as she quickly came to take the blame.

"Don't Yuji! You can't take the blame! I was the one who killed him! I haven't told you this grandpa but when I was younger, I hanged out with not so good people. Anzai was apart of that group. The robbery at our shrine was indirectly caused by me. I had casually mention the safe that we had." She explained.

Everyone became stunned at the reveal. As her grandfather, the one in charge of the shrine stepped forward.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.

"Because the supervisor killed himself because he thought the robbery was his fault. I didn't mean to kill him! I had grabbed the knife after paying him off and told him to leave us alone! He just attacked me and the next thing I know I had killed him!" Taeko stated.

Taeko went to her knees with Yuji coming down to her as he embraced his lover.

"Yuji-san, you came by after noticing Taeko irregular abescene and changed the evidence to put the blame on Nachi?" Kogoro/Yukazu asked.

"Yes..." He said.

"Inspector, it seem's that we have the real killer and accomplice here." Kogoro/Yukazu said.

The night wrapped up fairly quickly after the two confessed to their crimes. Mouri woke up to Megure shaking him in happiness.

"That was a brilliant deduction! You caught the criminals!" Megure shouted.

Kogoro didn't know what was happening but if he was getting credit. Then the man would be all too happy to take it, in stride.

"I know! Hahahaha!" Kogoro shouted in laughter.

Yukazu shock his head as a small smile appeared on his face.

'All in all, everything worked out fine.' Yukazu thought.

After that night, Yukazu would continue to solve cases for Kogoro. He would knock the man out with the stun watch while using the bow tie as Kogoro's voice. He didn't mind solving these cases, after all he could get one step closer to his goal. However, the weeks turned to months and it became clear. That he wasn't getting anywhere. The doubts of actually returning to his former life were increasing and Yukazu's will for it was decreasing. Is this a fruitless effort? He didn't know if he should just give up. The whole world thought he was dead and he praticially started a new life. His thoughts were broken as Ran left without saying a word. It was highly uncharatherstic of her. The girl would walk down the stairs.

"Where are you going, Ran?"

The girl stiffen at being caught by Yukazu.