A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry it took a little bit to write up this chapter. I've been busy and s t r e s s e d. I want to thank you all again for reading, favoriting, and following this book. I really, really appreciate it, and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! :)

Eliza had to scurry to the bathroom to catch her breath. She had just been shoved to the ground by one of the cutest guys at the club. Instead of having him help her, she ran off like a coward. She felt so flustered, so helplessly in love.

She walked over to the sink, her heavy breathing echoing throughout the empty bathroom. Her heart was pounding so hard it was ringing through her ears. Eliza couldn't help but smile at how stupid she seemed. She's beautiful, intelligent, young lady. Who cares if he doesn't like her?

She did.

She took deep breaths, and started to count French. She always did this when she got too caught up in the moment. Her mother told her that it made her seem like a weak link. Eliza didn't care.

She checked her phone to see how long she had been in there, "10 minutes?"

She hurriedly shoved her phone into her purse, and sprinted out of the bathroom. Eliza had to stand on her tiptoes to find her sisters. The club less full, but Eliza was pretty short. She also tried listening for the mysterious man's voice.

Finally, her eyes met Angelica's. Angelica's eyes seemed as though she had seen a phantom. Her mouth was opened, like she gave out a heave. All of her color had drained from her face. Eliza appeared to be oblivious to her sister's dilemma when she ran up to her.

"Angelica! I've–oh, you're very sweaty." Eliza giggled, making Angelica smile.

"What can I say? All the boys want to dance with me." Angelica and Eliza chuckled together, and looked her to see Peggy still having the time of her life.

"Where did John go?" Eliza questioned, but Angelica's reaction explained it all. "Oh nevermind."

"Anyways, where have you been?" Angelica cracked a smile. A broken, sad smile.

"Well... this boy walked in the club, and my heart started to race out of my chest. I guess I thought going to bathroom would settle it? Now I'm rambling because every time I speak about him I feel insane." Eliza's face got redder at every word she said, and she couldn't contain herself.

"Who's this lucky man?" Angelica leaned in, so her sister could whisper into her ear.

Eliza bit her lip and pointed to a man by the bar, "Him. That one's mine."

Angelica swallowed the air, hard. Her prediction was right. Eliza's finger pointed to the man who had stole her heart as well. Angelica sighed, sucking in her pride. She then started to stroll towards the bar.

"Angelica!" Eliza yelled, "What are you doing?"

"One of us should get some action before the club ends." Angelica winked back at her sister, and walked towards the bar.

Alexander was too busy listening to the other guy's talking about how many ladies they got that he didn't even see Angelica walk towards him. Lafayette had to turn him around.

"Angelica Schuyler, to what do I own the honor?" Alexander bowed, making the guys chuckle.

"Real funny. Come on." Angelica took his arm, and led him towards his sister. She knew this was the best.

Eliza wasn't exactly the smartest of the Schuyler's. Not that she was stupid, she was actually a genius. However, her father thinks that she's stupid for not wanting to take apart of law. Angelica knew if Eliza had a relationship with a future lawyer, her father would approve of it. Her father would stop disowning Eliza, and ahe deserved Alexander after everything she went through

"Where are you taking me?" Alexander asked, making Angelica tightened her grip.

"I'm about to change your life." Angelica smirked. She led him to smitten Eliza, and they immediately locked eyes. Angelica smiled, she knew her chose was for the best.

"Then by all means, lead the way." Alexander smirked, while Angelica led him to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. He couldn't stop staring.

"Elizabeth Schuyler, it's a pleasure to meet you." Eliza playfully curtsied, and made Alexander chuckle.

"Schuyler?" Alexander cocked his towards Angelica.

"My sister."

"Really? Well, Elizabeth, would you like to dance." Alexander put his hand out for Eliza the take.

Eliza didn't even flinch when Alexander asked her to dance. She was way too out of it. She had never felt anything like this before, even from her previous boyfriends. The connection between the two could be seen from the entire club.

"Eliza." Angelica snapped.

"Oh right, yes. I would love to dance." Eliza took his hand, and Alexander pulled her towards the dance floor.

Angelica put away her fake smile, and sighed, "I'll leave you to it..."

The song was rather slow, which was lucky for Alexander because he could barely even dance. It was even luckier for Eliza, she would finally get to know this mysterious man.

"So, do you study at Columbia University?" Eliza guided Alexander through the dance. Alexander felt as he could breathe with Eliza. She wasn't as graceful as Angelica, or as fast. Both of their hot breathe met before Alexander said anything else.

"King's College? Yes, for law."

Eliza snorted, "King's College? You sound like my father!"

"What? King's College sounds more classy."

There was awkward pause between the two as Eliza stepped on Alexander's feet a few times, "I'm sorry! I'm a bit rusty."

Alexander chuckled, and put a strand of Eliza's chestnut brown hair behind her ear, "It's fine. I haven't danced... ever!"

They laughed, and laughed all night. That is, until it was time to leave. The two could only dance for a short matter of time before the club closed. Eliza was heartbroken when Angelica pulled her away from Alexander. Peggy was complaining that Angelica pulled too hard on her ear.

"Eliza, come on!" Angelica screamed, opening the club door. She had finally got Peggy away from the dance floor, and it was a only a matter of time before Peggy tried running away.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Eliza screamed.

"Your family sure is something else." Alexander chuckled, putting his hands in his jean pocket. He felt so uneasy knowing the guys were watching him from the bar.

"Aren't they?" Eliza chuckled with him, and ran over and kissed him on his cheek, "Thank you for tonight. It was amazing."

"You're welcome." Alexander bowed, and Eliza curtsied. She smiled once again before slipping behind the club's door, and into the pitch darkness.

"I can't believe you just hit it off with a Schuyler!" Hercules came running behind Alexander, making him jump.

"So, how was she?" Laurens screamed, while Lafayette came running after Alexander as well.

"She was... amazing." Alexander rubbed his cheek where Eliza had kissed him.

"You have her number?"
