The battle had begun. Shuri stepped out from behind Nakia. She spotted T'challa, fighting the vast army supporting Killmonger. He seemed to be doing fine, so Shuri focused on the fighting directly in front of her. She fired her blasters at Killmonger while Nakia attacked him close-up.
"Ahg." Nakia grunted in pain as the man cut her with his half-spear. He then threw her into the fighting. Having no time to check if Nakia was okay, Shuri fired rapidly at Killmonger, knocking him down to his knees.
"I almost have him," Shuri though excitedly, "T'challa is going to be so proud." Suddenly, the man's suit pulsed, throwing the teen on her back. Shuri's whole body ached. Checking her blasters, she saw that the blast had disabled them. She tried to get up to her feet, only to see Killmonger's spear pointed at her heart.
Shuri glared at the man. He smiled back.
"SHURI!" Her brother screamed from the battlefield. He tried to run to her, but was blocked by the crowds of people fighting in front of him. He looked desperately at her.
"Brother!" Shuri said, scared now and cursing her overconfident self.
"This is perfect." Killmonger said with a grin. "Nothin' the great "king" can do to save you now, little girl!"
Shuri spit on his foot. It soaked through his shoe. She was satisfied.
"Ugh." Killmonger grunted in annoyance, hauling Shuri up by the back of her shirt. He pulled the struggling girl to her feet and put his arm around her neck in the position of a chokehold. He placed his spearhead to her back, directly behind her heart.
"Please, don't do this. We can still have a fair fight, just me and you, she doesn't have to be a part of this." T'challa said, near tears.
"As if I'll listen to you. She chose not to work with me, it's only fitting that she be executed in front of the public." Killmonger smiled and raised his voice, yelling across the battlefield. "Let her be an example! Betray me and die!" And with that, he stabbed the spearhead through Shuri's chest.