A/N …Hey everyone…been awhile right…ha…ha. Ok in all seriousness I'm sorry this took so long. Real life is a pain and taking summer classes is a mistake. To be honest I've had this chapter done since July but my Beta has gone MIA with real life stuff and I didn't want to post this without Kitty going over it because my grammar kind of sucks.

But its then end of August now so I want to give you guys something to nibble on. I'm going to try to find another beta in the meantime so wish me luck on that. Thank you for all your wonderful words and reviews. It really does give me motivation to get this stuff done. Chapter six is more than half way done so hopefully I'll have a beta by then…and some artwork to. I feel left out without a cool cover picture.

I'd like a second to remember Steve Ditko. A man who has helped shape the world and characters I and millions of others love. Your work will never be forgotten.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, everything belongs to their respective owners Marvel and Lim-Dall Young.



"Past conversation"

"Hey quit changing the stations on the radio! Those are preset. PRESET!" Amazing Spider Man.

March 23, 2064 West Genetics

'I'm pretty sure this is going to be even worse than flash giving me that wedgie in the cafeteria.'

Peter was currently standing outside the girl dorms, looking at the door, deciding on if he should go in or not.

Well...maybe not deciding because he was definitely going to go in, lest he risked the anger of Chiffon.

Why was she so bossy with him anyway? He had watched her dealing with other people, being all polite, cute and modest, but it was always with the pushing around for him.

'Oh well, nothing left to do but go up to her room' he thought as he entered the building.

Like the male dorms the there was a small communal area by the entrance. A notice board, a few couches, and snack and drink machines dotted the place. Further down the hall was a laundry center. Having Pandora equip volt texture uniforms probably cut down on its use though.

It was also filled with Pandora, several of whom were now pointing to him, whispering to each other about his presents here.


He slowly began his march up the steps to her floor, then walking down the hall to her room. Knocking on Chiffon's door, he thought back on what everyone told him to expect, mentality preparing for whatever she would throw at him. He heard the door open and saw her in the door way, with a happy smile on her face. She was wearing a purple camisole top and pink athletic short. Chiffon didn't say anything to him and just took a step back to let him in.

Her room was rather girly he thought to himself, with mostly shades of purple with some pink and blue. Her room was also larger as well. She had more furniture then him and her bed was a queen compared to his twin.

'Maybe it is because she's the president?' He wondered, as he looked at it.

It had light purple sheets and a white blanket along with two pillows and a long tube pillow. Looking around further he noticed that Her TV was the same size as his 'for now at least' till he fixed the one he was working on.

She also had a few stuffed animals on her shelves and bed, but he said nothing, considering his own shelves had models on them. Beside the table in the room she also had a large, comfy looking couch in front of her TV.

He was about to say something until she wrapped him in a hug.

'...wow...she's so warm, and soft, and smells good' he thought as she squeezed him. She held onto him for a few seconds till she looked up to talk to him.

"Thank you Peter for everything you said the other day...it meant a lot to me. When I came here last year...I wished to only fit in and have a fun normal life here. The summer carnival changed things, I traded the normalcy I wanted for respect and fear. I regret going so...wild, but I do not regret why I did so. I think others know that as well, so it's been a while since a person has tried to treat me as just a normal girl."

She let him go and stared at him. "When I started this year I had no expatiations for a limiter. If I did get one, I didn't foresee us being anything more than simple friends, maybe not even close ones at that." She cupped his cheeks "but then I met you. You are many things Peter Parker, nervous, sweet, shy, caring, and honest to name a few. In some ways, you reminded me of a friend I had long ago, and because of those same feeling, you became important to me."

"I know I didn't give you much choice in this but thank you for becoming my limiter Peter Parker. Thank you for not running from me, for not hating me, but for more importantly, becoming my friend." Then, she leaned up and kissed him on his cheek.

'….your Peter is broken, please seek additional support.'

Smiling at the result of her action on her friend, she reached behind her back, and pulled up a device that looked like a mix between a caulk gun and a claw grabber from an arcade. It had the main body of the gun, but at the top, had the claw part. She looked down at it an pressed a button to turn it on.

"Alright now that that's done Peter" she said with a smile, holding the object up to her face.

"Bend over."



"…WHAT?" He exclaimed as he hopped back, Eyes wide.

Chiffon promptly collapsed on her bed, laughing in her heart out. "HAHAHA, you should see your face."

This, this was going to be his partner?

"HAHAHA, I'm dying."

A beacon of strength and power, that was both respected and feared?

"HAHAHA, oh my ribs."

'I'm supposed to be putting my life in her hands...yah no.'

He went to open the door and leave.

"HAHAH…no wait, I'm sorry, don't go."

He paused and looked at her, with flat eyes and mouth in a frown, clearly annoyed with the how things were going. She held her hands up in surrender. "Alright, I'm done, I promise" she assured him, motioning him to sit on the bed. She held the device up for him to see.

"Ok so basically, you will take this, and put it on one of stigmata on my back. When the center screen blinks green that means it's ok to remove it. When you're done, we switch and I use it to put it in your back. It's pretty simple right? Or do you need me to use smaller words?" She mocked him, as he took the device.

He took it into his hands, looking over it as she put her hair into a bun. When he was done he looked up, only to have his vision obstructed as she threw something at his face. Glancing down, he noticed it was a shirt, it was like the same one she had been...!


Looking up slowly he saw her facing away from him, her shirt off, staring over her shoulder at him. He couldn't see it, but he knew, she also had a smile on her face. She had her arms a crossed her chest to cover it since she wasn't wearing a bra. That was most likely a choice on her part, but all of it amounted to one thing.

He was in a room with a girl that had her shirt off.

He almost started to overheat, not being ready to deal with that fact, when his science side took over his thought process. He took a look at the five small octahedron shaped stigmata on her back, arranged into a W pattern. It was the first time he had seen stigmata outside of a book.

His brain started to categorize what he was seeing. He spaced out as he started muttering under his breath. Chiffon seemed to not overtly mind as he poked, prodded, and traced her stigmata with his fingers. That was at least till she grew board and talked to get his attention.

"Huh, here I am half-naked and you'd rather stare at my stigmata. I didn't think the five pieces of dead alien on my back would be such turn on for you Peter."

He snapped out of his trance blushing and apologizing, but she waved it off. She liked that part of him after all it was another of his enduring traits.

No longer in his zone, he noticed just how smooth her skin was, almost like a baby. She had no imperfections at all, other than the lines of tissue that connected the stigmata together.

He readied the device, as well as, several medical gauzes for any bleeding. "Ready?" She nodded her head and he activated the device. Seeing a chance to have his own fun for a change, he spoke to her.

"So...which one should I take out of the five?"

"The one in the center please, I would like to keep it looking even."

He laughed to himself. "I don't know Chiffon maybe I'll grab one of the bottom ones. Wouldn't that look kind of funny?"

She didn't laugh. "I don't know Peter maybe I'll snap your arm in two. Wouldn't that look kind of funny?"

"…I'll grab the center one."

"Good boy."

Seeing the light blink green, he pushed the button, and the machine grabbed the stigmata.

"Ouch" she said, as it was pulled out.

He quickly placed a pad on the exposed skin where it had been, using some medical tape he stuck it on. Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a smile. "Ok now turn around, and take off all your shirts."

He slowly, reluctantly, started to take them off. "The bond between Pandora and Limiter isn't some best friend pact. It requires deep trust between the two. They share their five senses true, but the stronger the bond, the more they can feel. Some can communicate through it, and some can even grow to be able to tell what the other is thinking even without activating an Ereinbar set." She said to him as he removed his clothes.

"I'm not helping you cheat on tests" he deadpanned.


He was down to his t-shirt when he asked. "Is this good? I mean, you can just pull down the back a bit right?" He hoped, but it fell flat.

She flicked his ear 'ouch.' "I got half naked for this so you don't get a pass Peter, take it off before I rip it off" she told him.

Slowly he took it off. He always hated showing people his chest, because as soon as they saw it, they always gave the inevitable-

"Oh…my…Peter, w-what happened to you?"

There it was.

On his left shoulder blade, down to the middle of his back, was a long, thick, red, horizontal scar.

He said nothing.



He tensed up as he felt her trace it. Her soft finger moved up his back to the top of his shoulder. She pressed herself up against him, something that at any other time, would cause him to spaz out. He felt her breath on his ear as she finished tracing to underneath his left breast, the clear understanding that something didn't cut over him.

It cut through him.

He didn't say anything as he looked at her face out of the corner of his eye. Over the years he had gotten good at hiding it. When he was at basic, he had to shower and change with his group and he felt their eyes on him. Here, he had always arrived late and volunteered to clean up after gym and PT so no one knew, because they were all finished by the time he went to take his. It was something he had learned to do middle school. Knowing that this was a dead stop for both of them, he finally spoke up.

"If I-I promise to tell you another time, can you please…please let this go for now?" He asked with a sad tone in his voice.

She was silent for a good minute "…ok Peter" she told him. She pulled back, putting the cold device on his back. "…Are you ready?" He wanted to say yes, but a part of him still had to ask.

"Chiffon wait just...wait. You're the number one Pandora in the school. You could have any Limiter you want. There are plenty that are faster, stronger, better looking, more wealthy and popular then me. Are you sure you-" (THWACK)

He felt her smack his head. Then Chiffon gripped his chin as it forced him to turn to her face, for the first time, it had a angry expression on it.

"You are correct Peter Parker" she whispered harshly at him. "As the top ranking Pandora in this school I get to pick whomever I want. It doesn't even matter if they have a partner already, I still would, who could stop me? I don't get to be question by Limiter Parker, over my choice either."

She pushed the device into his back. "With this act you are no longer your own person, for as long as this stigmata remains in you, you are connected to me. You will belong to me ." He heard a high pitched whine, a sign it was ready to activate. He felt a burring in the center of his spine, between the top of his shoulder blades, and man did it hurt a lot. "You are MINE." She finished up by putting a gauze and tape on it.

The she wrapped her arms around him, giving him a backwards hug. This time she spoke warmly and softly while rubbing her hand on his head over where she tapped him.

"You are my property, my comrade, my partner, but most importantly, my friend. You are worth picking I assure you. If anyone else spent more than 15 minutes in a room with you, they'd know that too. It saddens me that you put such little stock in yourself, but don't worry because like I told you, we're going to work on that."

Peter stared at her over his shoulder, before sighing and looking forward. "I think you overestimating yourself a little...but I guess I'm stuck with you. So...what happens now?"

She tilted her head and put a finger up to her chin. "Hmm, well from what I was told, now it's the job of the big sister to take care of the needs of the little brother."

He stared back at her face, his own giving her an incredulous expression. "What the heck does that even mean?" He asked only to quickly look back forward as she stared to raise her body up "W-WAIT STOP. What are you doing, y-you don't have a shirt on" he told her, a blush covering his face as he looked forward.

She stared to giggle "don't you want to feel me up a little?" She made her breast smack together "come on give these puppies a squeeze."


"Aw, you don't like my moo moos? They're pretty nice if I do say so myself, pretty big too."

"Please...Stop. Also, moo moos? Really?"

"Don't like that? How about, knockers? Hoo-has? Sweater muffins? Oh...maybe you want me to squeeze something of yours instead hehehe."

Peter leapt off the bed away from her in embarrassment. "NO. What's wrong with you!"

All he heard in return was a mixture of squeaking and laughing. Taking a peek, he saw that her shirt was already back on and that she was just teasing him again.

He want to be annoyed with her, but just looking at the laughter on her face, he relented. He also ignored the flutters in his stomach trying to put a smile on his own face as well.

'It's going to be a long four years.'

March 26, 2064 West Genetics

"Alright class as you leave, put your tests on my desk" Yu-mi tiredly told them. Peter watched as most of the students brought them up, happy that the test was over. Mark seemed pretty confident whereas Morrison looked like he got told he had an hour left to live. Poor guy, despite him and Arnett working with him, he was still having trouble.

Getting ready to leave himself, he looked over to nervously talk to the newest addition of their class.

"H-hey Satellizer, how do you think you did" he asked her.

She glared at him.

'Good talk.'

Satellizer El Bridget had transferred in last week. She was kicked out of East Genetics in Tokyo due to an incident apparently. The rumor mill had it that she almost killed a Limiter who tried to pair with her last year. Although, another rumor said she tried to summon a demon, so the mill didn't have a history of strong reliability.

Whatever the reason, they made her repeat the grade, as well as sent her here instead. When she came to the class, Yu-mi Kim wanting to help her, made her sit in the empty chair next to him. He guessed she hoped he could help her catch up. However, there introduction didn't go so hot.

"H-hi I'm um Peter" he raised his hand to shake hers. She turned to look at him. Her face turned into an ugly glare, as she looked down between his hand and him. Like a flash, he pulled it back. Then, in a very small voice, he told her that they were on page 46.

Yes, the tall blue eyed, short haired, blonde girl wasn't exactly friendly. Still, he knew it couldn't be easy going to a new school, so he tried to be nice as well as respect her space. Both to be polite and to stay in one piece. He wasn't sure, but he thought that the glare she gave him since was slightly less hostel, compared to the one she gave others.

He father was the famous Howard El Bridget. A famous captain of industry and he was rich enough to make even Tony Stark pause. He was also the head of the family that funded Chevalier as well, so he was big shot caller in it. People who tried to get close to her because of that quickly regretted it. Peter on the other hand, tried not to think any less of her for who her father was.

He watched as she walked off, stopping slightly to have a staring contest with Ganesa, who quickly grew to dislike her presence here. He was sure nothing good would come about if they fought each other.

Walking down to the front of the room, he stopped at Yu-mi desk and looked at her. The normally focused older Pandora was slightly haggard, looking dejectedly at the pile of papers.

"Are you alright instructor Kim?" He asked, concerned about her.

She looked up at him, rubbing her eyes, before yawning. "Oh, yes Peter I'm just tired. I've been put in charge of helping to coordinate the spring carnival this year, for all grades. That, along with all the grading I have to do now is killing me." She stretched in her chair, clearly unaware of the effect it would have on her large chest and to him as well.

He felt bad for her, she done a lot to help him even if he didn't ask her to. "Well..., I have a free period now if y-you would like, I could um…help you grade." He told her rocking back on his feet. He had done it before at midtown, it was easy for him.

Sometimes though, it had the side effect of making some of his teachers uncomfortable. Not many adults like being corrected by a thirteen year old kid.

She looked up and snapped her head to him. "W-hat, really, you'd help me? Peter thank you, I'd love some help. Let me grab my stuff and we can head to my office." Happy that she agreed, he followed her.

When she agreed to help in the planning of this year's carnival, she regretted not thinking ahead more, there was so much to do. She had only gotten a few hours of sleep in the last couple days.

'You wanted this remember, more responsibility right, wanting to be able to show you're a real asset' she told herself sarcastically.

On top of everything else now, she had her first set of tests for the year. She taught all four years of physics, which meant that she would even more work to do. She wanted to cry, at least that was, until Peter offered his help.

She had met a lot of Limiters over the years as a Pandora. Never getting one herself, she felt in some ways she really missed out, and envied other Pandora. She and Elise often talked about relationships but the truth was she never really had one.

The few dates she went on didn't go anywhere. The only boy she tried to get as a Limiter, Max Hemliton, had used her and Elise to get to her other friend Shion Nayfield.

Peter Parker was one of the brightest students she had ever met. He was shy and timid but with a certain kindness about him, she had quickly grown to like him and had taken and deep interest in him. They talked a lot about many different things, she even convinced him to run with her, after seeing his physical scores. He didn't fail of course, but he wasn't setting any records with them.

She had brought him to her office, wishing it looked less like a bomb went off, she grabbed him a seat. When he offered to help her, she had tried to act a lot less despite for it then she felt. All she could think about was all the sleep he could save her. She pulled a test out.

"Peter I can't thank you enough for this, but before I let you help however, I need to make sure you can grade a test properly. Here, do this one and I'll go over it." She gave him the test and waited for him to get done, it took her about fifteen minutes each to do one.

It took him about five.

Her lips pouted as she looked at it 'some of his answers are better than mine to."

She cleared her throat and looked away "Well um, good work Mr. Parker I can let you correct your grade, though I will still have to give it a once over for any mistakes" she finished, doubting that last part.

Giving him the papers, trying not to jump with excitement that she didn't have to do them, she watched him work.

His blue eyes scanned each question with blistering speed, as he wrote down corrections. Sometimes he would run a hand through his short brown hair, sticking out his tongue, while figuring out a hard problem. It was rather cute actually.

She felt her face flush as she noticed that she had been staring. Looking back to her desk, she started to go over the dates and times, when she heard a knock. Looking up she saw it was Elise, with two coffee cups, face blank as she looked at the two of them. Yu-mi started to sweat as she saw her best friend begin to smile menacingly.

"Oh my, what have we here? Hello Yu-mi and...hello Mr. Parker, I have to say I'm surprised to see you here." Peter looked up "H-hello Dr. Schmitz, I'm just helping grade some tests."

"Well that very nice of you. Since you're here, let me ask, how is your stigmata doing, are you feeling ok?"

Yu-mi looked at him in surprise, she had no idea he got picked. "You had your baptism? Who did you pick?"

He turned red "well, it's more like she picked me, but it was with Chiffon Fairchild. I'm fine, Dr. Christine Palmer checked me out." Peter said as Yu-mi frowned at the information.

Like most of the staff, they were all shown the recording of the summer carnival. She had seen many things over her time as a Pandora, but nothing as destructive as that. Even Kazuha Aoi, her fellow teammate, had never been that powerful or vicious.

She was worried about his safety, but he seemed happy about the situation, so for now she would only watch.

The two women talked about the upcoming events, while Peter worked, eventually doing higher grade grading as well. He promised to come tomorrow to help finish up before he left the two to themselves.

Peter opened the door to the council room and saw only his Pandora. It felt strange to call her that now, even though they hadn't activated their set. She waved to him as she was licking a lollypop. He sat next to her and put down his stuff. Looking over at her, he noticed her staring at him, slowly licking her treat.

He always wondered if she found enjoyment in making him uncomfortable. Watching her slowly lick the candy stick, her pink tongue dancing around it making sure he would see it, he would say yes she did. In front of her lay a pile of work she had yet to do.

"I see you'd didn't do any of you work so far, how did you get to be president again?"

She stuck her tongue out at him. "It was put to a vote between me and Elizabeth. I won, it turns out I'm actually pretty popular."

He wondered how much of that was because of her power, but he let it slide, he had something else he wanted to know.

"Hey Chiffon...since were partners now and stuff I was wondering, if I could ask a favor. I wanted to know, if it didn't bother you, could I...maybe see your volt weapon?" He asked, nervously waiting for a response.

Chiffon shrugged her shoulders, clearly not having an issue, raised her right hand. With a slight intake of breath she summoned it.

It was kind of like watching glass break in reverse as it formed a shape. Starting above her elbow, energy flowed down in the shape of a large gauntlet. The top of it was flat, almost like a shield. Mostly it was the color blue with some white and yellow high lights. It was longer then her body and ended in five very sharp, very long, claws. Finishing bringing it forth, she held it at his eye level, still sucking on her snack.

She watched as he slowly spaced out once again muttering to himself, asking himself how things worked, before quickly answering his own questions. It was pretty cute to-

Wait did he just lick it?

Ok that was slightly odd, he was still adorable though. After their "play time" the other night, she had sat down with him and had a real heart to heart conversation with him. They talked about a bunch of different things from their favorite colors, to their hopes and dreams.

She felt bad for lying about her history to him and about her own family but orders were orders. She tried to be upfront about everything else she could. Despite being so smart, at his core, he was surprisingly naïve. She understood what May was talking about; he just didn't understand how things really worked.

Anyway something else had come to her attention, the dance at the spring festival. She had already ordered her dress for it and now only had to secure her partner for it. Looking at him she thought about the best way to bring it up to him.

"So my dress is going to be lavender Peter, for the dance, you know this weekend." He looked at her "Um…ok"

She nodded her head "I want to be there kind of early, I don't have to stay the whole time, but I at least want be there to great everyone." She explained, looking right at him.

He was still lost in his own world. She sighed, dismissing her weapon, before saying "So you can pick me up at 6:30."

That snapped him out of it "what-?"

She smiled "The dance this weekend, the one you're taking me to, please be at my dorm at 6:30."

Peter tried to wrap his head around what she told him "dance what dance? Chiffon I-I don't want to go to a dance, I can't dance, and I'm pretty sure that's like a prerequisite" he tied to explain to her. She was having none of it though.

"That's ok Peter, I'll teach you, it can be our first teamwork exercise as a pair." She clapped her hands together as she told him.

Peter took a deep breath and looked to the ground. She then leaned over and patted his head like a dog, amused at his despair.

She happily thought to herself 'This is going to be-'

March 29, 2064

'-Terrible' Peter thought to himself.

He had made sure he arrived at Chiffons dorm building at the correct time. He wasn't the only one here, there were several other limiters that had shown up, waiting for their partners to come down.

He was wearing a black suit and a light purple tie to match her dress. He had gone to Mark Anthony for advice on what to do. He had given him some gel for his hair that was now spiked in the front. He also explained some basic etiquette for the dance, when he had told him that he'd never been to him before.

He heard a door open and he looked towards it, and then he proceeded to lose his thought processes.

Chiffon had walked out the doors in a stunning lavender dress. Her light brown hair was done up in an elegant knot, with curls coming down the sides, and her to two bangs framing her face. She had a pair of shinny earrings on along with her usual ribbon, and a pair of high heels. Chiffon didn't usually use make up, mostly he believed it was because she knew she was already stunning, but tonight she did.

She stood in front of him and he couldn't even put words together to form a sentence.

Chiffon smiled as she looped her arm in his and proceeded to guide him to where the dance was being held.

"y-you look um really…pretty tonight" he managed to get out. She turned her head "thank you Peter, I have to say you also look rather handsome as well."

He blushed and looked away, sneaking peeks at her while they were walking. None of the girls he had ever met before coming here held a candle to her, not even MJ. She just had a presents of something that was beyond earthly.

The spring festival was one of the biggest early events of the year for Genetics, the other being the set of carnivals. It was geared to helping first year Limiters and second year Pandora meet and pair up. It was a little twisted when you thought about it, but it was nice to let people relax and be kids, if you could forget about big brother Genetics watching over you.

When they arrived they met Ticy, who was in a blue dress and her Limiter. Deciding to be polite, he went and introduced himself. "Hi I'm Peter Parker, you must be…" he paused and remembered that he forgot his name. His panic set in as he tried to put something together "…Fable Motormaster?" He lamely finished.

He heard several face palms and realized that he must have got it wrong. Thankfully his new partner was there to cover for him. "I'm sorry my Limiter is rather bad at these things."

'She's not wrong.'

"He gets rather nervous. I'm Ticy's best friend Chiffon Fairchild it's nice to meet you under better circumstances...Cable Rowercaster."

Peter nodded his head 'so that's what it was.'

The guy began to rub the back of his head nervously, while Ticy grew red with anger "THAT'S NOT RIGHT EITHER" Ticy yelled, losing her temper at them.

All over an honest mistake that anyone could have made too.


The guy put a hand on Ticy and she flushed from the contact "its ok, I guess my last impression wasn't a good one really, my name is Able Rotormaster." Peter shook his hand, hoping he didn't forget again. They stayed there talking for a bit, well the other three did he just kept to the back, till Chiffon wanted to make her rounds.

He let Chiffon lead him along as she said her hellos. He met Elizabeth's Limiter Andrei Francoise from France, Cero's Limiter Goro Itsuki from Japan, and Ingrid Bernstein's Limiter Leo Bernard from the U.K. He had seen some of them around, most of them were rather popular.

They also met up with Attia and Mark, who seem to be enjoying themselves as well. Though Attia had still glared at him from time to time. She wasn't thrilled to find out that Mark knew she was trying to trap him the whole time.

When they were done walking around they stopped to grab something to eat. He had a nice order of steak and fries with a coke, while Chiffon had prime rib with a baked potato. She also had wine with it and asked if he wanted any, he said no though. Alcohol just wasn't his scene.

Eventually, Chiffon dragged him to the dance floor and surprisingly, he ended up not doing to horribly. Looking at the girl he was dancing with, both of them slowly swaying with the music, he came to the conclusion that this wasn't so bad after all. Dancing on and off again for the rest of the night, he was kind of disappointed when it was over. He walked her to her room and said goodnight, after being rewarded with another hug.

Walking back to his room, he went over the whole night in his head. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched throughout the night. It made him rather uneasy but he put it out of his mind. He was much more focused on remembering how his new partner looked.

April 1, 2064 West Genetics

Susan Miller was a rather angry young girl. Born into a rather well connected family, she had two older siblings.

For as long as she could remember she was competing with them, that same spirt of competition came with her to Genetics when she joined. She had been off to a great start, Ranked 9th in the spring carnival and looked up to by her peers, she was one of the big names on campus. Till that monster Fairchild came along and ruined it.

She wasn't the only one that felt this way, Miyabi for instance was also angry, but she gave up. No point in striving to be the best when they had to go up against that thing she said. She remembered the fear she had as that thing gazed at her last summer, the helplessness she felt as it ripped off her legs.

Knowing that she couldn't stand up to her in combat, she had tried other ways to get back at her. The most recent was when she tried to get back at her by robbing her of the Limiter she wanted. To make him fear her and hurt her feelings, but at the dance she had seen Chiffon hanging off of him all night.

That little bastard. He dared to go against her? She told him what would happen if he stayed with her. She'd have to make herself clearer next time she saw him.

Feeling hungry and too lazy to get it herself, she walked in front of a first year Pandora. She then told her to get her something to eat.

The short haired blonde glared at her, blue eyes in slits as she told her "no."

Oh really? Another first year giving her a hard time. No, she wouldn't allow it.

"No? You don't get to tell me no you big breasted bimbo. I'm an upper classmen and when I-Hey, WHERE THE HELL YOU THINK YOUR GOING?" She thundered as the blonde started to walk away from her.

The anger she had felt for so long had boiled over. After everything that happened she was pissed. She was going to put this little blonde bitch in her place. She summoned her volt weapon, a pair of curved sickles, and took aim.

'I'm so done with all of this shit.'

The girl had stopped further down the hall, looked like someone had yelled to her something about her forgetting a book? She didn't really care because she wouldn't forget about what happened next.

"HEY BITCH, NEXT TIME, DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME" she yelled. She threw one of her weapons at her. The hall gave a collective shout of surprise.

She thought it would catch her before she dogged, but the girl had some skill, and moved to the side. This then let her see that she had been talking to a Limiter in the hall, a Limiter who now was her blades intend target.

All Pandora were trained to quickly dismiss their volt weapons so accidents didn't happen. She was about to do so as well, till she looked at his face and noticed it was Fairchild's Limiter.

She was angry and upset and, when she saw him, she lost focus and hesitated in dismissing her weapon.

The blonde girl who had moved out of the way, tried to correct herself and grab it, but it was too late.

It stabbed into his shoulder and he went flying back from the force. He screamed out in shock and surprised as blood splatted on the floor.

She froze.

The hall had gone silent.

She heard Instructor Kim call out as she walked through the crowd "What is all this- PETER!" she ran over to him and looked over is wound. "Roland, take him to the medical wing." A red haired first year quickly ran over and helped him up.

Unthinkingly, she finally un-summoned her weapon, making things worse. Yu-mi snapped to her "NO IDIOT, DAMMIT, Ganesa get him there before he goes into shock." The blood was now pouring out of his wound, her weapon no longer there to plug it up. He pulled his jacket off with a sound of pain, before balling it up and putting it on to of it, applying pressure.

Before he left he handed the now slightly bloodied book to the blonde girl, apologizing, before being escorted to the ward.

She watched him go before Yu-mi walked in front of her. She stepped back, never seeing such anger on her face before. "We're going to the principal's office where you better hope you have a good explanation for what happened or I swear I'll have your head." she seethed at her.

She then dragged her away.

'This was an unfortunate turn of events' Peter thought to himself.

When he watched Satellizer walk out of class without her book after having a fight with Ganesa, he thought he would catch up and give it to her. He had never thought he would get stabbed for his troubles and by that Miller girl no less.

'What is uncle Ben always said, "No good deed goes unpunished", sounds about right.'

By the time he got to the med ward he had started to feel really woozy. He was taken to the ER and put in a bed. Dr. Schmitz walked into the room and told Ganesa she could leave. She made him take of his shirts and pants, leaving him in his boxers. She had given his scar a hard look, before ignoring it grabbed her equipment.

She began to treat his wound, a benefit of a volt weapon wound was that if it was dismissed while inside and not pulled, it didn't cause any further damaged, unlike blades or knives with serrated edges that had to be removed carefully to avoid that.

"You're going to need some stitches" she told him. He nodded at it. "I'm going to keep you here for a little bit to make sure you recover from the blood loss and that nothing else was damaged."

"Yes Ma'am"

"You're lucky, any further lower and the curve part could have pierced something more important."

He snorted, ya he felt lucky alright. Looking to her he asked. "Is there any way we can make it so my Pandora doesn't find out about this?" She gave him an amused smile and opened her mouth, before closing it, listening to the commotion that started outside the room.

The doors quickly opened and in a blur Chiffon appeared, her face in an upset expression. Blushing, he quickly pulled a sheet over is underwear.

"Does than answer your question Peter?"


Chiffon walked over to a sink and washed her hands, before walking over to him. She put her hand on his chest before lightly running over his bandage.

She looked him in the face "tell me Peter, what happened?" She asked him, an unusual tone of authority in her voice.

"Well…first off, it was an accident and I wasn't the intended target" making sure to make that part clear. He then told her a brief summary of the events, leaving out any names. By the time he was finished, her face was unusually blank, her mouth in a frown.

"Just to make sure…you're saying you don't know who threw it at you." Chiffon asked him.

Perhaps, if he hadn't lost blood and hadn't been stabbed, he would have notice that the question was less of a question and more of an accusation. But he didn't so "no, I don't" was what he told her.

She looked toward Dr. Schmitz "will he be alright?" Elise nodded "yes, it will be sore for a few days, but he should be ok for the upcoming Nova drill."

"I'm going to be fine Chiffon, although when I get out of here, I'm just going to go back to my room and sleep." He told her, ready to leave the hospital.

She stared at him a few minutes "…alright I'll leave you here then, I have somethings that I need to do, let me know if you need anything." She told him as she walked out the door.

'Maybe if I call Mark he can bring me some pants' his uniform was all bloodied now. What got rid of blood stains again?

Chiffon was walking in the court yards, heading towards the dorms. She had been mulling over something that had come to her attention.

Peter had lied to her.

She had been trained to notice these kinds of things and her senses were sharper than any regular Pandora's. She fully believed that Peter knew who attacked him. He had no skills in lying that was for sure. So if he was worried about her finding out, she could only assume that he was worried about what she would do.

She still didn't know who threw the blade and until she did, she couldn't movie any further in her investigation. Which is why she was heading back to the dorms, if you wanted information in Genetics, everyone knew who to go to. The girl liked her title of the Manipulative Schemer after all. Knocking at her door she waited.

When Attia Simmons answered the door one of the last people she thought it would be was Chiffon Fairchild.

One of the people she wished she never would have to answer the door for was a Chiffon Fairchild with that malicious smile on her face.

"Hello Attia, I was wondering if you and I could have a little chat." It sounded like a question, but after looking at her face, she knew it was an order.

"S-sure Chiffon, come right in" she backed away from the door.

"Thank you Attia, I'm sure you have heard by now what happened…right?" Chiffon drawled as she sat down crossing her legs.

"Yes" Attia answered as she poured herself some tea to calm herself.

"Good. I know who you are and what you spend all your free time doing, so I'm going to be frank. You are going to tell me everything you know, everything you think you know, and not leave anything out about what happened."

"You will also tell me anything else that would pertain to this situation as well. Not doing so would be…ill advisable." She told her, hoping she got her point a crossed.

Attia sat down and gulped. "Ok" she said, hoping she wasn't condemning a fellow Pandora to death. No matter how much she disliked her.

"I'll tell you what I know."

After thanking Attia for her information she excused herself. When she left, she heard Attia collapse against the door in relief.

She now had all the pieces to a rather ugly puzzle.

The first bit she knew was that Susan Miller didn't like her, she blew of most of what she did as pranks. The truth was she didn't really care about the actions of a petty Pandora, she was better than that. If she wanted to whine to her friend about her, why should she care? It's not like they could damage her.

What she did not know was that she had tried other ways to get at her, namely through her Limiter. Attia had told her she was the one who told Peter about last year's events. Not only that, it sounded like she had tried to get him to become her Limiter as well.

Which brought to light another fact, Peter lied to her. He lied to her face when she asked who told him about last year and who attacked him. For the first time, she was angry at Peter. He was her Limiter, how dare he lie to her like that. Who did he think he was?

The final piece was the events of today. Having been painted a rather detailed picture, she understood what had happened. Now having all the pieces, she put together a summary of her own of the events of the past few weeks.

Susan Miller didn't just dislike her, she hated her, and rather deeply it seems like. She had tried for almost a year to get back at her, to no avail. She thought she could take away her Limiter and hurt her that way. Peter however, had foiled her plans and allowed himself to become her Limiter anyway.

This all lead up to today. Miller had gotten into that argument with that first year, and tried to attack her, only for her to dodge it. When she moved it put the blade strait in Peter's path. She knew that Miller was trained to dismiss volt weapons instantly, but she didn't, so the question was why? She had answered that of course.

Peter was struck because Miller wanted it to happen. Miller knew she could never inflict pain on her, she was far too strong, so she did the next best thing. She let that blade hit Peter because she knew it would hurt her.

And it did.

When she found out that Peter was sent to the Med bay, her heart dropped, and she used all her speed to get there. Knocking over and going through any who got in her way. When she walked in and saw his bloody clothes and pale skin, she walked over to the sink so they wouldn't see her hands clenched from anger.

This was a level of cruelty she hadn't witness before. Ticy had been hurt yes, but not for knowing her. Her old friend was shot through the heart, but it was not to cause Chiffon pain.

Peter on the other hand, had been punished for being her friend. He had been stabbed because Miller couldn't hurt her any other way. Miller had used Peter to hurt her, and he had been treated as nothing more than a tool.

It worked, it worked better then Miller could have hoped. She was upset and angry and hurt, all over her Limiter. For the first time, she regretted getting as attached as she did with him. She only knew him for a month, was he so like Orelli that it drew her to him?

This presented another problem. If others new that hurting Peter would in turn hurt her, they might also decide to hurt him themselves. Or perhaps they'd go after Ticy again. Or maybe they simply would just kill Peter to-


She slammed her arm through a stone pillar. Her teeth gritted together in anger.


No they will not.

A smile came over her face; it was nothing at all like her usual ones. It was dark and full of malice. Her face began to darken and energy stirred around her. She looked down at her hand, and made a grasping motion.

'Well...if that is the course of action they might wish to take. Then I must simply find a way to…dissuade them.'

She giggled to herself as she remembered that the spring carnival was in a few days.

What better place to teach that lesson.

Yu-mi had brought Miller to the office where the two principles along with input from Chevalier would come to a conclusion on her punishment.

The rules were clear, fighting between Pandora outside of matches was forbidden. To attack a Limiter without cause also was forbidden. To attack one unjustly with a volt weapon however, was even worse.

This is why she was upset when Millers punishment was handed down.

"Pandora Miller you are sentenced to the brig until April forth, when you will be allowed to compete in the carnival. After the carnival, you will be sent back, until a proper punishment can be reached" Sister Margaret finished.

'That's it, that practically a reward' she had to say something. "Sister Margaret, surely an unjustified attack against a Limiter with a volt weapon demands a better punishment?"

Margaret look at Yu-mi with a frown "I understand how you feel Captain however, she is a high ranking Pandora and Genetics feels that her missing a carnival would be detrimental to her training." She finished.

That was worse. Were they saying it didn't matter if Peter got hurt, as long as Miller could fight?

"Are you saying that Genetics feels like a Limiter's life is worth less than a Pandora missing out on training for almost taking it?" She asked them both.

Sister Margaret said nothing, which was telling in and of itself.

Vice Principal Leonard Schweitzer took over "You have heard our ruling Captain. Take Miller to the brig, now."

"Yes sir" she angrily said as she grabbed Miller by the arm. When she was walking out she saw Miller had a smile on her face and she wanted to rip it off, which gave her and an idea as she tossed her in a cell.

"Look as smug as you want. Your punishment makes you fight in the carnival. You can't even begin to plead a case why you shouldn't be in it. You will be stuck for two hours inside a cage. It will be just you, the other seconded year Pandora, and the girl who's Limiter you just attacked."

She took a slight pleasure on Susan's face turning pale and a slight tremor went through her body.

"Last time, Fairchild ripped her way through 50 Pandora for hurting her friend and her feelings, and Ticy was a Pandora. What do you think she'll do to you for potentially killing her defenseless Limiter? Food for though."

She never took pleasure in watching her students hurt each other, but this time, she wouldn't feel as bad as she normally would over it.

April 4, 2063 West Genetics Carnival Grounds

The carnival grounds were located a good distance away from the school. The area was circled off by a large concrete barrier. At several different points the circle had control towers around it to monitor what was going on in the battle ground. On the inside was what remained of a small city. Dozens of structures of different sizes littered the grounds, giving it an urban combat look. While most were still standing, a lot of them had been damaged or destroyed over the years. Pandora battles were rather destructive after all.

It was also where Peter had found himself, the day of the second year spring carnival.

After the incident on the first, he had not seen Chiffon at all. She didn't respond to phone calls, she wasn't at her room, and no one would tell him where she was. He was able to piece together that she didn't want to see him, but he didn't know why, till Attia had found him the other day and told him about her conversation with Chiffon.

This meant, that not only did Chiffon know that the full story about Miller, but that she knew that he had been lying to her.

Maybe if he didn't lie this situation could have been avoided. It didn't matter now because what did matter was trying to calm her down, especially after finding out Miller had to take part in this carnival from Attia. She had told him the Chiffon was furious with him and Miller, but he didn't want anyone hurt because of him. So here he was, looking for Chiffon's entrance into the ground.

Unauthorized personal weren't allowed inside during the carnival so he had to be discreet. He had lucked out in stumbling into Ms. Mably. She was also aware of what had happen, being friends with Attia, and lead him to where Chiffon would be. After helping him sneak in, she left him and went to her own entrance. Deciding against knocking he opened the door and walked inside.

It was a small room. It had a chair, a small TV with information on it, and a water cooler. It also had a door to the elevator that would take the Pandora to the ground entrance. Standing inside looking out into the battle grounds was his Pandora.

He was about to say something, but she spoke first.

"Why are you here?"

'...ok this might not go so well.'

"H-hi, um Chiffon...I j-just wanted to talk is all...you've been ducking me. I-I guess that's ok thought, turnabout's fair play and-"

"Why. Are. You. Here?!"

"...Attia spoke with me about...everything. I wanted to say...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hiding what happened from you and lying about what I knew." He spoke to her but she never evened turned around to look at him.

"...This is a restricted area, you do not belong. Leave, before I report you" Chiffon grinded out.

It seemed like he underestimated how mad she was. He move closer to her and slowly reached his good arm to put his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't blame you for being mad...but I wanted to tell you not to-" He hadn't even put his hand down before it happened. On second his was behind her and the next, he was on the ground looking up at the celling.

Chiffon had smacked him across the face and knocked him back a few feet. The right side of his face blossomed in pain as he reached a hand up to his face. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and the tips came back red from blood.

Chiffon walked over to him and looked down at him. Her normally beautiful face in an ugly glare directed at him. He had been hit before from other people but that was something else. Chiffon grabbed his shirt and yanked him up and tossed him against the wall.

"Tell me? TELL ME? Listen to me Parker. You have no authority to give me any orders about what I can and cannot do. You have no idea of the politics involved with what has happened. You lied and hid information from your Pandora about an incident that involved another Pandora."

"You have no clue of the problems that can come of all this. Get of here now, or I will drag you to the brig myself for trespassing." She finished, turning back away from him, her hand clenched at her side.

Peter hadn't felt so low in such a long time. Chiffon had basically talked to him like he was a bothersome insect, and he had nothing to say back really. Again it looks he messed up.

This whole situation was his entire fault and he felt horrible because of it. He slowly moved to the door and was about to leave before he said one last thing.

"...Please...don't do something you'll regret...not over someone like me...it's not worth it" he told her.


She was very clear with him. So he opened up the door and left. Unaware that someone else was listing in.

The control room for the carnival was full of people monitoring the grounds. There were computer manned all around the room, with a large holographic display in the middle.

"Attention, the 2063 spring carnival has commenced. Weather has been switched to heavy rain and medical choppers are in the air." Spoke an operator to the head staff.

Yu-mi Kim, both the principle and vice principle and several top commanders made up the command staff this year. They would be in charge of overseeing the whole event.

"This should be another interesting event" commented one of the commanders.

Another turned to him "How long do you think it will take for the first-"

"Attention first kill has been made in sector 10G" an operation announced.

The people in the room were rather surprised; it usually took a few minutes before that happened. Sister Margaret looked over to him "who was it and by whom?"

"Number 32 by Number 01, ma'am"

Yu-mi gave him a sharp look "put a tracker on 01 and tell me if she approaches another Pandora."

"Yes ma'am I'll le-...01 has just entered into 102's zone."

Sister Margaret looked up "put it on screen."

Terry Grover wasn't the best Pandora around but she knew she also wasn't the worst.

She had chosen instead of running around looking for a fight, to hide around and ambush people with her saber. Listing close she heard someone running around the building she was behind. She carefully waited till they got closer before leaping around the corner.

As she did, she saw the face of Chiffon Fairchild in front of her. Her face set in an angry expression.

Terry tried to quickly run away as she watched her bring up-

"...102 is now down."

Everyone had watched as 01 effortlessly back handed 102 through a wall.

A few seconds after that an operator said "01 has entered 63 and 59's combat zone."

They waited for an announcement, but none came. "What happened?" Yu-mi asked.

"...nothing, 01 has left their zone."

Sister Margaret brought her hand up to her chin. "Chiffon Fairchild usually avoids fights all together, why has she decided on fighting now?"

Yu-mi looked over to the map. "Put a tracker on 12 as well and let us know if they enter the other's zone."

Margaret looked over to her. "Why, what do they have to do with each other?"

Kim looked at her "Peter Parker is Chiffon Fairchild's Limiter."

Sister Margaret eyes widened. "Why didn't you say that at Susan Miller hearing?" She asked her in a glare to which Kim stared right back at her.

"Why would it matter? We wouldn't want her to miss a carnival right? It might be detrimental to her training" she told her with a straight face.

Margaret's eyes narrowed and she walked over to a console and picked up a radio. "I want an extra set of medical teams on standby, along with additional transports as well." She said into it before hanging it up.

They watched for half an hour as number 01 went all a crossed the map. She would run around, stop in place for a few seconds, and then go back to running. They also noticed that 01 only engaged those who attacked her first.

This kept up till of course the inevitable happened.

"Attention, 01 is approaching 12's zone."

Susan Miller was worried.

She had decided to keep her head down for the duration of the event. She might take a hit in the rankings but it was better than getting torn to shreds.

Most battles happened in the middle of the arena, so she was hiding at the back, hoping to stay safe. She had thought it was going well, up until the wall exploded next to her.

Miller leapt back to put some distance between the debris, but was halted half way while doing it. She looked at what stopped her and paled.

There, looking right at her was Fairchild. Her face darkened and her lips in a snarl, before it went blank.

"You look surprised to see me Susan. I wonder why?" Chiffon slowly spoke.

Miller tried to Accel out but as she shot away, Chiffon got right back in front of her in a burst of energy. It was like she had been there the whole time.

"It looks to me like you wanted me to find you here. Considering everything you have done to ensure it and all."

Miller stopped on the spot, her body wouldn't move, locked from fear.

"You wanted to hurt me."

Chiffon walked to her.

"You wanted to make me angry."

As she walked her head was down.

"I just wanted to congratulate you for doing that."

She stopped in front of her and raised her head. She watched as the snarl had turned into a terrible smile.

"...I hope it's everything you wanted it to be."

Then Chiffon summoned her volt weapon.


A/N Well that wraps up this chapter. Thanks for staying with me and like I said, sorry for the grammar. I just feel bad not posting anything for so long. Things should start picking up for a bit now In the story. Some big event in a short period of time will be happing so that's going to be exciting. Hopefully I'll have something else out in less than 3 months X3. And a beta as well to fix these chapters. I might also do a poll question just to see how that works out. See you next time Delta144.